Helicobacter is edited by Professor David Y Graham. The editorial and peer review process is an independent process. Whenever there is a conflict of interest, the editor and editorial board will declare their interests and affiliations. Helicobacter recognises the critical role that has been established for Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma, and primary gastric lymphoma. As new helicobacter species are now regularly being discovered, Helicobacter covers the entire range of helicobacter research, increasing communication among the fields of.
Aims and Scope Download Flyer Founded by the Swiss Chemical Society in 1917.Helvetica Chimica Actais a monthly multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in all areas of chemistry and to the timely publication of original full-paper contributions from all over the world. With emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of the journal. progress in subdisciplines including but not limited to organic. inorganic. physical. technical. and analytical chemistry is reported. Outstanding professionals referee all contributions. and papers are published. on average. within 3 months of receipt. The journal publishes more than 250 papers per year. and each monthly issue contains an average of more than 200 pages. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or the scope of the chemistry presented. Preliminary communications and review papers are considered as well. If you would like to receive an e-mail as soon as a new issue has been published. simply click on “Get New Content Alerts” above. Registration is easy. fast and free. Volume 94. 12 Issues in 2011. How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Helv. Chim.
Effective with the 2011 volume, this journal will be published in an online-only format Hematological Oncology considers for publication articles dealing with experimental and clinical aspects of neoplastic diseases of the hemopoietic and lymphoid systems and relevant related matters. Translational studies applying basic science to clinical issues are particularly welcomed. Manuscripts dealing with the following areas are encouraged:
Hemodialysis International was originally an annual publication containing the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hemodialysis held in conjunction with the Annual Dialysis Conference. Since 2003, Hemodialysis International is published quarterly and contains original papers on clinical and experimental topics related to dialysis in addition to the Annual Dialysis Conference supplement. This journal is a must-have for nephrologists, nurses, and technicians worldwide. Quarterly issues of Hemodialysis International are included with your membership to the International Society for Hemodialysis. The journal contains original articles, review articles, and commentary to keep readers completely updated in the field of hemodialysis. Edited by international and multidisciplinary experts, Hemodialysis International disseminates critical information in the field.
Hepatology Research (formerly International Hepatology Communications) is the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology, and publishes original articles, reviews and short comunications dealing with hepatology. Reviews or mini-reviews are especially welcomed from those areas within hepatology undergoing rapid changes. Short communications should contain concise definitive information.
Higher Education Quarterly publishes articles concerned with policy, strategic management and ideas in higher education. A substantial part of its contents is concerned with reporting research findings in ways that bring out their relevance to senior managers and policy makers at institutional and national levels, and to academics who are not necessarily specialists in the academic study of higher education.
Hippocampus provides a forum for the exchange of current information between investigators interested in the neurobiology of the hippocampal formation and related structures. While the relationships of submitted papers to the hippocampal formation will be evaluated liberally, the substance of appropriate papers should deal with the hippocampal formation per se or with the interaction between the hippocampal formation and other brain regions. The scope of the journal is wide: single and multidisciplinary experimental studies from all fields of basic science, theoretical papers, papers dealing with hippocampal preparations as models for understanding the central nervous system, and clinical studies will be considered for publication. The Editor especially encourages the submission of papers that contribute to a functional understanding of the hippocampal formation.
Leading international journal of diagnostic, research and surgical pathology Histopathology is an international journal intended to be of practical value to surgical and diagnostic histopathologists, and to investigators of human disease who employ histopathological methods. Our primary purpose is to publish advances in pathology, in particular those applicable to clinical practice and contributing to the better understanding of human disease. A subscription to Histopathology will give you access to:
First published in 1912, History has been a leader in its field ever since. It is unique in its range and variety, packing its pages with stimulating articles and extensive book reviews. History balances its broad chronological coverage with a wide geographical spread of articles featuring contributions from social, political, cultural, economic and ecclesiastical historians. Accessible: History seeks to publish articles on broad, challenging themes, which not only display sound scholarship, but are also attractively written and present their conclusions to a wide range of teachers and students in further and higher education as well as those interested in keeping up to date with current developments. Reviews: An integral part of each issue is the review section giving critical analysis of the latest scholarship across an extensive chronological and geographical range.
History and Theory leads the way in exploring the nature of history. Prominent international thinkers contribute their reflections in the following areas: critical philosophy of history, speculative philosophy of history, historiography, history of historiography, historical methodology, critical theory, and time and culture. Related disciplines are also covered within the journal, including interactions between history and the natural and social sciences, the humanities, and psychology.
The purpose of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries is to facilitate discovery, integration, and application of scientific knowledge about human aspects of manufacturing, and to provide a forum for worldwide dissemination of such knowledge for its application and benefit to manufacturing industries. The journal covers a broad spectrum of ergonomics and human factors issues with a focus on the design, operation and management of contemporary manufacturing systems, both in the shop floor and office environments, in the quest for manufacturing agility, i.e. enhancement and integration of human skills with hardware performance for improved market competitiveness, management of change, product and process quality, and human-system reliability. The inter- and cross-disciplinary nature of the journal allows for a wide scope of issues relevant to manufacturing system design and engineering, human resource management, social, organizational, safety, and health issues. Examples of specific subject areas of interest include: implementation of advanced manufacturing technology, human aspects of computer-aided design and engineering, work design, compensation and appraisal, selection training and education, labor-management relations, agile manufacturing and virtual companies, human factors in total quality management, prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomics of workplace, equipment and tool design, ergonomics programs, guides and standards for industry, automation safety and robot systems, human skills development and knowledge enhancing technologies, reliability, and safety and worker health issues.
Human Mutation is a peer-reviewed journal that offers publication of original Research Articles, Methods, Mutation Updates, Reviews, Database Articles, Mutations in Brief (MIBs), Rapid Communications, and Letters on broad aspects of mutation research in humans. Reports of novel DNA variations and their phenotypic consequences, reports of SNPs demonstrated as valuable for genomic analysis, descriptions of new molecular detection methods, and novel approaches to clinical diagnosis are welcomed. Novel reports of gene organization at the genomic level, reported in the context of mutation investigation, may be considered. The journal provides a unique forum for the exchange of ideas, methods, and applications of interest to molecular, human, and medical geneticists in academic, industrial, and clinical research settings worldwide.
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental provides a forum for the evaluation of clinical and experimental research on both new and established psychotropic medicines. Experimental studies of other centrally active drugs, including herbal products, in clinical, social and psychological contexts, as well as clinical/scientific papers on drugs of abuse and drug dependency will also be considered. While the primary purpose of the Journal is to publish the results of clinical research, the results of animal studies relevant to human psychopharmacology are welcome. The following topics are of special interest to the editors and readers of the Journal:
Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ) is the first scholarly journal focused directly on the evolving field of human resource development (HRD). It provides a central focus for research on human resource development issues as well as the means for disseminating such research. HRDQ recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of the HRD field and brings together relevant research from the related fields, such as economics, education, management, sociology, and psychology. It provides an important link in the application of theory and research to HRD practice. HRDQ publishes scholarly work that addresses the theoretical foundations of HRD, HRD research, and evaluation of HRD interventions and contexts.
Covering the broad spectrum of contemporary human resource management, this journal provides practicing managers and academics with the latest concepts, tools, and information for effective problem solving and decision making in this field. Broad in scope, it explores issues of societal, organizational, and individual relevance. Journal articles discuss new theories, new techniques, case studies, models, and research trends of particular significance to practicing managers.
Hydrological Processes is an international journal devoted to the publication of original scientific and technical papers in hydrology. The objective of these communications is to improve our understanding of hydrological processes. The scope of the journal encompasses disciplines focussing on the physical, biogeochemical, mathematical and methodological aspects of hydrological processes together with research on instrumentation and techniques. The journal also publishes several issues annually, which relate to themes emergent from conferences, hydrological science societies and key research topics identified by editorial board members. Comments on previously published papers may be submitted to HP. The authors of the original work will be given the opportunity to submit a reply for simultaneous publication with the Comment. Comments and Replies will be subject to the normal journal review process. For publication of a Comment or a Reply, they must be judged by the referees to be scientifically significant. Comments should preferably be in the form of a short paper not exceeding the length of two printed journal pages. Publication will take place only when all parties have had an opportunity to respond appropriately. All papers for HP should be prepared in accordance with the notes for contributors . Submit papers to the Editor-in-Chief of HP or one of the Associate Editors HPToday is devoted to research and sources of information which are considered to be deserving of rapid dissemination to hydrologists. As such, it should be seen as a forum for rapid scientific communication and as a vehicle for up-to-date dialogues in hydrological sciences. HPToday includes invited commentaries, letters to the editor, and refereed scientific briefings. All papers for HPToday should be prepared in accordance with the notes for contributors . The journal to which you are submitting your manuscript employs a plagiarism detection system. By submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works is devoted to research and sources of information. Please note: Effective from the start of the 2011 volume, this journal will be published online-only.