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Applied Biosafety

ISSN: 1535-6760eISSN: 2470-1246
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Applied Clinical Informatics

eISSN: 1869-0327

ACI is the third Schattauer journal dealing with biomedical and health informatics. As the Official eJournal of AMIA and IMIA, the online journal ACI publishes approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles per year. It aims to establish a platform that allows sharing knowledge between clinical medicine and health IT specialists as well as bridging gaps between visionary design and successful and pragmatic deployment. The core editorial subject matters of ACI are: clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. The target group of ACI is an international and potentially very influential readership, e.g.: chief information officers, chief executive officers, chief financial officers, medical informatics researchers, nurse informaticians, consultants, public health officials, vendors, IT safety healthcare providers, informatics trainees, health information management and health informatics practitioners, as well as organizations such as IMIA, AMDIS, AMIA, AHIMA, HIMSS or the equivalent.

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Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs

ISSN: 2213-476XeISSN: 2213-4778

Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs is an international journal with market leadership in readership and contributions that are scientific, original, relevant, innovative and statistically validated. The journal aims to further bridge the gap in the publication of clinical drug development and regulatory affairs between high growth and potentially growing regions.

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Applied Health Economics and Health Policy

ISSN: 1175-5652eISSN: 1179-1896

Applied Health Economics and Health Policy is an international peer-reviewed journal designed to communicate the latest applied information in health economics and health policy.
Areas of interest include:  
• Economic analysis of all aspects of healthcare interventions.
• Economic analysis of health policy initiatives.
• Cost of illness studies.
• Evaluation of methodologies.
• Analysis of pricing and reimbursement systems.  

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Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology

ISSN: 1541-2016eISSN: 1533-4058

This journal provides complete coverage of the diagnostic and prognostic applications of immunohistochemistry (IHC), its contributions to the understanding of the biology of tumors and other lesions, and the technical aspects of setting up a laboratory and interpreting results. Each issue features original, peer-reviewed articles, discussions of difficult diagnostic cases, rapidly published notes on new or improved technologies, and a technical question-and-answer section. Comprehensive review articles discuss different classes of antibodies and markers and aspects of the basic science of IHC. Superb full-color illustrations are included in each issue. For more information, visit

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Applied Medical Informatics

ISSN: 1224-5593eISSN: 2067-7855

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

ISSN: 0175-7598eISSN: 1432-0614

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology addresses a range of topics, presenting full-length papers and mini-reviews of new and emerging products, processes and technologies. Coverage includes prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, relevant enzymes and proteins; applied genetics and molecular biotechnology; genomics and proteomics; applied microbial and cell physiology; environmental biotechnology; process and products and more.5-Year Impact Factor 3.613 (2011)*

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Applied Neuropsychology: Adult

ISSN: 2327-9095eISSN: 2327-9109
Impact Factor now 0.646
© 2014 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports® for 2014 ranks Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 178/192 in Clinical Neurology and 67/76 in Pyschology.

Applied Neuropsychology-Adult publishes clinical neuropsychological articles concerning assessment, brain functioning and neuroimaging, neuropsychological treatment, and rehabilitation in adults.  Full-length articles and brief communications are included.  Case studies of adult patients carefully assessing the nature, course, or treatment of clinical neuropsychological dysfunctions in the context of scientific literature, are suitable. Review manuscripts addressing critical issues are encouraged. Preference is given to papers of clinical relevance to others in the field. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further considerations are peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single-blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

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Peer Review Policy: All papers published in this journal have undergone rigorous editorial screening and anonymous peer review.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc.,  530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

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Applied Neuropsychology: Child

ISSN: 2162-2965eISSN: 2162-2973
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Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism

ISSN: 1715-5312eISSN: 1715-5320

This bimonthly journal has a 30-year history of publishing, first as the Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences, and later as the Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. It publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries, focussing on the application of physiology, nutrition, and metabolism to the study of human health, physical activity, and fitness. The published research, reviews, and symposia will be of interest to exercise physiologists, physical fitness and exercise rehabilitation specialists, public health and health care professionals, as well as basic and applied physiologists, nutritionists, and biochemists.

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Applied Radiology

ISSN: 0160-9963

Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research

ISSN: 1985-9899eISSN: 2536-0051

Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences

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Arab Journal of Gastroenterology

ISSN: 1687-1979eISSN: 2090-2387

Arab Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) publishes different studies related to the digestive system. It aims to be the foremost scientific peer reviewed journal encompassing diverse studies related to the digestive system and its disorders, and serving the Pan-Arab and wider community working on gastrointestinal disorders.

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Arab Journal of Urology: An International Journal

eISSN: 2090-598X

The Arab Journal of Urology (known as Arab J Urol) is a peer-reviewed journal that strives to provide a high standard of research and clinical material to the widest possible urological community worldwide. The journal encompasses all aspects of urology including: urological oncology, urological reconstructive surgery, urodynamics, female urology, pediatric urology, endourology, transplantation, erectile dysfunction, and urinary infections and inflammations. The journal provides reviews, original articles, editorials, surgical techniques, cases reports and correspondence. Urologists, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists and scientists are invited to submit their contributions to make the Arab Journal of Urology a viable international forum for the practical, timely and state-of-the-art clinical urology and basic urological research.

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Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin

ISSN: 0944-6052

Architectural Record

ISSN: 0003-858X
Publisher: Mcgraw Hill

Archive of Oncology

ISSN: 0354-7310eISSN: 1450-9520
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Archives Italiennes de Biologie

ISSN: 0003-9829

Archives de Pédiatrie

ISSN: 0929-693XeISSN: 1769-664X

Les Archives de pédiatrie publient mensuellement des mémoires originaux, des mises au point, des faits cliniques et des lettres à la rédaction rédigés en langue française. Les éditoriaux de la revue comportent tant des analyses de sujets d'actualité que des travaux de recherches plus pointues, ou encore des interviews de spécialistes confrontés à divers problématiques dans leur pratique quotidienne.Grâce à leurs procédures de traitement rapide des articles soumis, les Archives de pédiatrie mettent l'accent sur les développements les plus récents en pratique clinique et l'amélioration des techniques.Pour une formation continue adaptée, la revue propose également une rubrique 'Pédiatrie au quotidien', cahier mensuel élaboré avec le concours des pédiatres libéraux et hospitaliers.

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Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique

ISSN: 1261-694XeISSN: 2405-4313

Les Archives des Maladies du Cœur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique, organe d'expression de la Société Française de Cardiologie et première revue de FMC en cardiologie francophone publie mensuellement des flashs pratiques, des mises au point, des revues de presse.

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