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Disability Compliance for Higher Education

eISSN: 1943-8001
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ISSN: 0361-3666eISSN: 1467-7717

Disasters is a major, peer-reviewed quarterly journal reporting on all aspects of disaster studies, policy and management. It provides a forum for academics, policymakers and practitioners to publish high-quality research and practice concerning natural catastrophes, anthropogenic disasters, complex political emergencies and protracted crises around the world. The journal promotes the interchange of ideas and experience, maintaining a balance between field reports, case study articles of general interest and academic papers. Disasters:

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Diversity and Distributions

eISSN: 1472-4642
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Drug Development Research

ISSN: 0272-4391eISSN: 1098-2299
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Drug Testing and Analysis

ISSN: 1942-7603eISSN: 1942-7611

As the incidence of drugs escalates in 21st century living, their detection and analysis have become increasingly important. Sport, the workplace, crime investigation, homeland security, the pharmaceutical industry and the environment are just some of the high profile arenas in which analytical testing has provided an important investigative tool for uncovering the presence of extraneous substances. In addition to the usual publishing fare of primary research articles, case reports and letters, Drug Testing and Analysis offers a unique combination of; 'How to' material such as 'Tutorials' and 'Reviews', Speculative pieces ('Commentaries' and 'Perspectives', providing a broader scientific and social context to the aspects of analytical testing), 'Annual banned substance reviews' (delivering a critical evaluation of the methods used in the characterization of established and newly outlawed compounds). Rather than focus on the application of a single technique, Drug Testing and Analysis employs a unique multidisciplinary approach to the field of controversial compound determination. Papers discussing chromatography, mass spectrometry, immunological approaches, 1D/2D gel electrophoresis, to name just a few select methods, are welcomed where their application is related to any of the six key topics listed below. Features and Coverage The journal will focus on six key topics.

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Drug and Alcohol Review

ISSN: 0959-5236eISSN: 1465-3362

Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in studying alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. Contributors to the Journal examine and report on alcohol and drug use from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review particularly encourages the submission of papers which have a harm reduction perspective. However, all philosophies will find a place in the Journal: the principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality.

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Dyslexia: An International Journal of Research and Practice

eISSN: 1099-0909

DYSLEXIA provides reviews and reports of research, assessment and intervention practice. In many fields of enquiry theoretical advances often occur in response to practical needs; and a central aim of the journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of dyslexia, so that each can learn from the other. Interesting developments, both theoretical and practical, are being reported in many different countries: DYSLEXIA is a forum in which a knowledge of these developments can be shared by readers in all parts of the world. The scope of the journal includes relevant aspects of.

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ISSN: 0173-0835eISSN: 1522-2683

ELECTROPHORESIS is an international journal that publishes original manuscripts on all aspects of electrophoresis. Topics include new or improved analytical and preparative methods, development of theory, and innovative applications of electrophoretic methods in the study of nucleic acids, proteins, and other compounds. Papers describing the application of standard electrophoretic methods will not be considered. Microfluidics and proteomics, which have been an integral part of the Journal since 2000 or earlier, have been added as subtitles in 2008 to make them more visible to the readers and authors (Papers in the areas of microfluidics and proteomics, which are not limited to electrophoresis-based methods will also be accepted for publication). As a natural expansion of the scope of the Journal, we now add Nanoanalysis as another subtitle. Nanoanalysis is a broad term, and therefore papers that will be accepted for publications in nanoanalysis must be focused on one or more of the following: (i) nanoscale electrokinetics and phenomena related to electric double layer and/or confinement in nano-sized geometry, (ii) single cell and sub- cellular analysis, (iii) nano-sensors and ultra-sensitive detection aspects (e.g., involving quantum dots, 'nano-electrodes' or nano-spray MS), (iv) nano-scale/nanopore DNA sequencing (next generation sequencing), (v) micro- and nano-scale sample preparation, (vi) nanoparticles and cells analyses by dielectrophoresis, (vii) separation-based analysis using nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanowires. Contributions will be allocated to one of the six subject categories: (i) general, (ii) nucleic acids, (iii) capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography (CE and CEC), (iv) microfluidics and miniaturization, (v) proteomics and two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), and (vi) nanoanalysis. On submission authors are requested to indicate the preferred subject category. ELECTROPHORESIS will continue to serve as an indispensable vehicle for the dissemination of efficacious advances by covering all operative approaches from gels through capillaries to chips. Upcoming Special Issues:

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EPPO Bulletin

ISSN: 0250-8052eISSN: 1365-2338

As the official publication of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization, the EPPO Bulletin publishes research findings on all aspects of plant protection, but particularly those of immediate concern to government plant protection services. Papers are published in English and French, with summaries also in Russian.

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ETRI Journal

ISSN: 1225-6463eISSN: 2233-7326

ETRI Journal publishes research papers in English on information and telecommunications (IT). With an international editorial committee and experts from around the world as reviewers, ETRI Journal publishes high-quality results on the latest and best developments from the global community. By attracting top researchers, ETRI Journal will continue to improve the quality of its published papers and assure its position alongside prestigious international journals in the IT field.

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ETS Research Report Series

eISSN: 2330-8516
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Early Intervention in Psychiatry

ISSN: 1751-7885eISSN: 1751-7893

Early Intervention in Psychiatry publishes original research articles and reviews dealing with the early recognition, diagnosis and treatment across the full range of mental and substance use disorders, as well as the underlying epidemiological, biological, psychological and social mechanisms that influence the onset and early course of these disorders. The journal provides comprehensive coverage of early intervention for the full range of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems, including schizophrenia and other psychoses, mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders and personality disorders. Papers in any of the following fields are considered: diagnostic issues, psychopathology, clinical epidemiology, biological mechanisms, treatments and other forms of intervention, clinical trials, health services and economic research and mental health policy. Special features are also published, including hypotheses, controversies and snapshots of innovative service models. In contrast with mainstream healthcare, early diagnosis and intervention has come late to the field of psychiatry. Early Intervention in Psychiatry creates a common forum for researchers and clinicians with an interest in the early phases of a wide range of disorders to share ideas, experience and data. This journal not only fills a gap, but also creates a new frontier in academic and clinical psychiatry.

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Early Medieval Europe

ISSN: 0963-9462eISSN: 1468-0254
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Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

ISSN: 0197-9337eISSN: 1096-9837

The Journal of the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) , formerly the British Geomorphological Research Group (BGRG), is a professional organisation that promotes the field of geomorphology, encouraging interests in: earth surface process, and the erosion, deposition and formation of landforms and sediments. Foci include the physical geography of our river, valley, glacier, mountain, hill, slope, coast, desert and estuary environments; alongside responses to Holocene, Pleistocene or Quaternary environmental change. The BSG webpages outline the societies activities, and includes details of: forthcoming meetings, conferences and field excursions; publications (the Geophemera newsletter and this journal); research funding; educational resources for schools; and membership details.

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Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

ISSN: 0098-8847eISSN: 1096-9845

Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics provides a forum for the publication of papers on all aspects of engineering related to earthquakes. The Editorial policy is to maintain a reasonable balance between papers from researchers and from design engineers so that the Journal will be useful to both groups. The problems in this field, and their solutions, are international in character and require knowledge of several traditional disciplines; the Journal will reflect this. The main subject of the Journal is earthquake engineering in all its varied aspects, including seismology, tsunamis, ground motion characteristics, soil and foundation dynamics, wave propagation, probabilistic and deterministic methods of dynamic analysis, experimental behaviour of structures, and methods for earthquake resistant design and retrofit of structures that are germane to practicing engineers. It includes seismic code requirements and system identification, as well as supplemental energy dissipation, base isolation, and structural control emphasizing earthquake engineering. Papers on structural dynamics, which are concerned with other forms of dynamic loading but have relevance to earthquake engineering, will be welcome.

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ISSN: 0742-2822eISSN: 1540-8175

Echocardiography: A Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques is the official publication of the International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound. Widely recognized for its comprehensive peer-reviewed articles, case studies, original research, and reviews by international authors. Echocardiography keeps its readership of echocardiographers, ultrasound specialists, and cardiologists well informed of the latest developments in the field.

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ISSN: 1936-0584eISSN: 1936-0592

Ecohydrology is an international journal publishing original scientific and review papers that aim to improve understanding of processes at the interface between ecology and hydrology and associated applications related to environmental management. Ecohydrology seeks to increase interdisciplinary insights by placing particular emphasis on interactions and associated feedbacks in both space and time between ecological systems and the hydrological cycle. Research contributions are solicited from disciplines focusing on the physical, ecological, biological, biogeochemical, geomorphological, drainage basin, mathematical and methodological aspects of ecohydrology. Research in both terrestrial and aquatic systems is of interest provided it explicitly links ecological systems and the hydrologic cycle; research such as aquatic ecological, channel engineering, or ecological or hydrological modelling is less appropriate for the journal unless it specifically addresses the criteria above. Manuscripts describing individual case studies are of interest in cases where broader insights are discussed beyond site- and species-specific results. The Journal also publishes research on new instrumentation and techniques if they describe truly new and significant advances in methodology that can be broadly applied to the ecohydrological understanding and management of environmental systems. Occasional special issues will be published that cover themes emergent from conferences, ecological and hydrological science societies and key research topics. Ecohydrology welcomes the submission of comment/reply on previously published papers. Such submissions should preferably be in the form of a short paper not exceeding 2000 words and relate to papers previously published in the Journal. All papers for Ecohydrology should be prepared in accordance with the notes for contributors.

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Ecological Management & Restoration

ISSN: 1442-7001eISSN: 1442-8903

This innovative journal answers the need among land managers for reliable, relevant information about the science and practice of ecosystem restoration and management. It acknowledges the need for two -way communication between researchers and practitioners in devising new hypotheses, sound experimentation, effective treatments and reliable monitoring. Published on behalf of the Ecological Society of Australia, original contributions are encouraged on a wide range of geographic and subject areas applicable to Australasia. All articles and papers are peer reviewed. Topic areas.

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Ecological Monographs

eISSN: 1557-7015

Ecological Research

ISSN: 0912-3814eISSN: 1440-1703

Ecological Research has been published in English by the Ecological Society of Japan since 1986. Ecological Research publishes original research papers, reviews, technical reports, notes and comments, and data papers covering all aspects of ecology and ecological sciences.

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