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Balkan Medical Journal

ISSN: 2146-3123eISSN: 2146-3131
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Balneo Research Journal

ISSN: 2069-7597eISSN: 2069-7619
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Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science

ISSN: 2223-4721eISSN: 2076-0299
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Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin

ISSN: 0377-9238eISSN: 2224-7238
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Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care

ISSN: 2168-023XeISSN: 2168-0248
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Basal Ganglia

ISSN: 2210-5336

Basal Ganglia focuses on all scientific aspects related to diseases of basal ganglia, especially movement disorders. It aims to connect medical researchers and clinicians in the field of neurology as well as other related fields. The journal will be an international platform for researchers and clinicians, publishing articles in English language after a thorough peer-review process.Submissions covering the following research areas are welcome for publication: basic research such as anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnostics and therapy, as well as all clinical aspects dealing with movement disorders or diseases of basal ganglia.Basal Ganglia focuses primarily on original research articles. These may cover randomized controlled studies, other clinical studies, observational and epidemiological studies and outcome research studies. In addition, the journal will feature state-of-the-art reviews, current opinion pieces and case reports.

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Basic Research in Cardiology

ISSN: 0300-8428eISSN: 1435-1803

Basic Research in Cardiology is an international journal for cardiovascular research. It provides a forum for original and review articles related to experimental cardiology that meet its stringent scientific standards. Thus, it comprises all aspects related to the physiology and pathology of the structure and function of the heart and the cardiovascular system, including their regulation by neuronal and humoral mechanisms. The journal regularly receives articles from the fields of - Molecular and Cellular Biology - Biochemistry - Biophysics - Pharmacology - Physiology and Pathology - Clinical Cardiology Fields of interest: Cardiology, Physiology, Pathology

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Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

ISSN: 2008-126XeISSN: 2228-7442
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Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

ISSN: 1742-7835eISSN: 1742-7843

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is an independent journal, publishing original scientific research in all fields of toxicology, basic and clinical pharmacology. This includes experimental animal pharmacology and toxicology and molecular (-genetic), biochemical and cellular pharmacology and toxicology. It also includes all aspects of clinical pharmacology: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, therapeutic drug monitoring, drug/drug interactions, pharmacogenetics/-genomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, randomized controlled clinical trials and rational pharmacotherapy. For all compounds used in the studies, the chemical constitution and composition should be known, also for natural compounds.

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Behavior Genetics

ISSN: 0001-8244eISSN: 1573-3297

Behavior Genetics - the leading journal concerned with the genetic analysis of complex traits - is published in cooperation with the Behavior Genetics Association. This timely journal disseminates the most current original research on the inheritance and evolution of behavioral characteristics in humans and other species. Contributions from eminent international researchers focus on both the application of various genetic perspectives to the study of behavioral characteristics and the influence of behavioral differences on the genetic structure of populations.

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Behavioral Healthcare

ISSN: 1931-7093
Publisher: Vendome

Behavioral Interventions

ISSN: 1072-0847eISSN: 1099-078X

Behavioral Interventions aims to report research and practice involving the utilization of behavioral techniques in the treatment, education, assessment and training of students, clients or patients, as well as training techniques used with staff. Behavioral Interventions publishes: (1) research articles, (2) brief reports (a short report of an innovative technique or intervention that may be less rigorous than a research report), (3) topical literature reviews and discussion articles, (4) book reviews. Manuscripts consistent with the aims and scope of Behavioral Interventions are invited for review. Manuscripts should be submitted to Professor Richard M. Foxx, Editor, Penn State Harrisburg, 777 W. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898, U.S.A.

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Behavioral Medicine

ISSN: 0896-4289eISSN: 1940-4026

Behavioral Medicine: Relating Behavior and Health is an interdisciplinary journal of research and practice that deals with psychosocial influences on heatlh and behavior. It publishes original research studies, both experimental and clinical; evaluation studies; review articles; case reports; and book reviews. In addition, the journal welcomes three-part, coordinated submissions on a theme topic that deals in depth with (1) a review of the literature on a health problem that can be treated through the use of psychological or behavioral intervention; (2) the evidence from research for the value of the behavioral intervention; (3) an analysis of the policy implications of the therapy and means of introducing it into mainstream training and health practice. The economic impact of new or evolving therapies may be included in the discussion.

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Behavioral Sciences & the Law

ISSN: 0735-3936eISSN: 1099-0798

Behavioral Sciences & the Law is a peer reviewed journal which provides current and comprehensive information from throughout the world on topics at the interface of the law and the behavioral sciences. The journal balances theoretical, mental health, legal, and research writings to provide a broad perspective on pertinent psycho-legal topics. Most issues are devoted primarily to one special topic, often presented from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. One special issue per year is specifically targeted toward 'International Perspectives' on the selected topic. In addition, one issue each year is devoted to miscellaneous research articles, special perspectives, book review/essays, adversarial forums, and articles of special concern to practitioners; such offerings are also published in other issues as space permits. The journal also appeals to clinicians, academics, researchers, and policy makers. Five issues are published per year, and articles are published in English.

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Behavioral Sleep Medicine

ISSN: 1540-2002eISSN: 1540-2010

Behavioral Sleep Medicine addresses behavioral dimensions of normal and abnormal sleep mechanisms and the prevention, assessment, and treatment of sleep disorders and associated behavioral and emotional problems. Standards for interventions acceptable to this journal are guided by established principles of behavior change. Intending to serve as the intellectual home for the application of behavioral/cognitive science to the study of normal and disordered sleep, the journal paints a broad stroke across the behavioral sleep medicine landscape. Its content includes scholarly investigation of such areas as normal sleep experience, insomnia, the relation of daytime functioning to sleep, parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, treatment adherence, pediatrics, and geriatrics. Multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. The journal' domain encompasses human basic, applied, and clinical outcome research. Behavioral Sleep Medicine also embraces methodological diversity, spanning innovative case studies, quasi-experimentation, randomized trials, epidemiology, and critical reviews. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review , based on initial editor screening and refereeing by three anonymous reviewers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Behavioral and Brain Functions

eISSN: 1744-9081

Behavioral and Brain Functions publishes manuscripts on all aspects of neurobiology and behavior, giving priority to those that combine both. 

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Behaviour Research and Therapy

ISSN: 0005-7967eISSN: 1873-622X

Behaviour Research and Therapy encompasses all of what is commonly referred to as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). The focus is on the following: theoretical and experimental analyses of psychopathological processes with direct implications for prevention and treatment; the development and evaluation of empirically-supported interventions; predictors, moderators and mechanisms of behaviour change; and dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments to general clinical practice. In addition to traditional clinical disorders, the scope of the journal also includes behavioural medicine. The journal will not consider manuscripts dealing primarily with measurement, psychometric analyses, and personality assessment.The Editor and Associate Editors will make an initial determination of whether or not submissions fall within the scope of the journal and/or are of sufficient merit and importance to warrant full review.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Behavioural Neurology

ISSN: 0953-4180eISSN: 1875-8584

Behavioural Neurology publishes original experimental papers and case reports dealing with disordered human behaviour and exceptional animal studies that have direct implications for understanding human behaviour or neural mechanisms of cognition. These embrace the field of cognitive neurology, biological psychiatry, neuropsychology, rehabilitation, and cognitive neuroscience. The emphasis of the approach is on lesion and imaging studies that explore abnormal human cognition and behaviour. The journal embraces matters of interest to clinicians, such as behavioural neurologists and neuropsychiatrists, and cognitive neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, neuropathologists, neurochemists, therapists, psychopharmacologists and metabolic scientists with a special interest in human neurological disorders. All papers are refereed. Reviews of an area of the literature, and commentaries in areas of current interest, will also be considered for publication. Reviews and commentaries in areas outside behavioural neurology, but of interest and importance to behavioural neurologists, will also be considered. A Clinical Notes section has been added for brief reports of clinical observations that may have important implications for understanding cognitive disorders. Behavioural Neurology also publishes Book Reviews and Short Communications.

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Behavioural Pharmacology

ISSN: 0955-8810eISSN: 1473-5849

Behavioural Pharmacology publishes original research which studies the ways in which behaviour is affected by any aspect of pharmacology. Topics include drug, chemical and hormonal effects on behaviour and resultant behaviour methods for the study of drug action. Speed of publication is a major feature of the journal!Published 8 times per yearWebsite:

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Behavioural Processes

ISSN: 0376-6357eISSN: 1872-8308

Behavioural Processes is dedicated to the publication of high-quality original research on animal behaviour from any theoretical perspective. It welcomes contributions that consider animal behaviour from behavioural analytic, cognitive, ethological, ecological and evolutionary points of view. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and papers that integrate theory and methodology across disciplines are particularly welcome.The quality of research and focus on behavioural processes are the sole criteria for acceptance. Behavioural Processes considers both papers investigating basic behavioural phenomena and behavioural studies of more applied significance. Papers reporting solely on human behaviour may be considered for publication if they relate closely to non-human research within the journal's remit. Authors of papers reporting research on human subjects are invited to contact the editors for advice prior to submission, as they are for papers of all kinds.Behavioural Processes publishes three categories of paper. First, regular Research Papers presenting the results of original experiments or outlining novel theoretical positions. Second, Reviews which summarize the state of knowledge in an area of animal behavioural research. Third, Short Reports which are short communications reporting the outcome of a single experiment in no more than 2000 words and a total of two tables or figures.

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