Anthropology & Medicine is an interdisciplinary journal which expands upon the growing theory and research linking anthropology with medicine. It publishes original papers and reviews within the broad framework of medical anthropology, for a world-wide readership. Whilst biomedicine continues to grow in its technological sophistication and a proliferation of disease categories, anthropology has extended its boundaries to embrace newer frameworks. The globalisation and politics of biomedicine, narrative approaches to illness, new reproductive technologies, indigenous African and Asian medicines, local critiques of professional healing systems, modern and post-modern identities of individual states and their impact on sickness, together with developments that link ethology and population genetics to medicine are examples of topics addressed by the Journal. Anthropology & Medicine seeks to establish a critical platform for this diversity and promotes a cross-fertilisation of concepts at the borderland of culture and medicine. The journal solicits original contributions that advance the field. These could include bold innovations in methods or significant newer findings. Original and critical review commentaries are also welcome. The journal does not accept routine ethnographies and standard health services research unless authors can argue otherwise.
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design for the discovery of anti-cancer agents.
Anti-Cancer Drugs reports both clinical and experimental results related to anti-cancer drugs, and welcomes contributions on anti-cancer drug design, drug delivery, pharmacology, hormonal and biological modalities and chemotherapy evaluation. An internationally refereed journal devoted to the fast publication of innovative investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer, Anti-Cancer Drugs aims to stimulate and report research on both toxic and non-toxic anti-cancer agents. Consequently, the scope on the journal will cover both conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonal or biological response modalities such as interleukins and immunotherapy.
Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design for the discovery of new anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents.
The aim of the International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR) is to provide an independent platform for international cooperation in the fight against cancer. The IIAR will advance, protect and support throughout the world the ideals of freedom, peace, health, scientific knowledge, equality, welfare and mutual respect among communities in science and life.This site provides information on the aims and activities of the IIAR, including current cancer research projects and invitations for cooperation.The IIAR is supported by the three international peer-reviewed journals ANTICANCER RESEARCH, IN VIVO and CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS which are also available online through the Stanford University HighWire Press.
This is a Subscribe to Open journal. The below estimate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are $0.00 but additional page charges will apply. More information here.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy® features interdisciplinary studies that build our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic applications of antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents and chemotherapy. The journal also publishes studies involving animal models, pharmacological characterization, and clinical trials.
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control is a global forum for reports encompassing all aspects of resistance development and prevention of health-care associated infections in all health-care settings Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control aims to be a global forum for all those working on the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of health-care associated infections and antimicrobial resistance development in all health-care settings. Infection Control wishes to cover a broad spectrum of 'preeminent practices' and 'best available data' to the 'best interventional and translational research' and innovative (technical) developments in the field of infection control.Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control believes that a better understanding of the factors contributing to the development and spread of multi-drug resistance pathogens, possibilities to prevent transmission and infections and insight into the difference between developed countries and countries with limited resources are key-factors to find future solutions. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control needs to combine best practices, experience and latest research results from around the globe to overcome the challenge posed by healthcare-associated infections. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control welcomes all manuscripts related to the filed of HAI prevention and infection control. Some examples are listed below: Prevention of health-care associated infection in hospitals.Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in high-risk settings (e.g. ICUs).HAI prevention and antimicrobial-resistance in special settings e.g. long-term care facilities.Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in community settings.Special problems with Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in resource-limited countries.
Antiviral Therapy (an official publication of the International Society of Antiviral Research) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing articles on the clinical development and use of antiviral agents and vaccines, and the treatment of all viral diseases. Antiviral Therapy is one of the leading journals in virology and infectious diseases (2009 ISI impact factor: 4.32).The journal is comprehensive, and publishes articles concerning all clinical aspects of antiviral therapy. It features editorials, original research papers, specially commissioned review articles, letters and book reviews. The journal is aimed at physicians and specialists interested in clinical and basic research.
This journal publishes papers on fundamental and applied aspects of microbiology. Topics of particular interest include: structure & development; biochemistry & molecular biology; taxonomy, physiology & metabolic studies; genetics; ecological studies; especially molecular ecology; marine microbiology; medical microbiology; molecular biological aspects of microbial pathogenesis and bioinformatics.Details Concerning the Submission and Publication Procedures:
- No Page Charges
-Â No Fees for Online Color Images
- Optional Color Images in Print – Euro 950,-
- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-
iOpenAccess option now availableClick here to read the interview with the Editors of ASC. This journal provides a forum for scientific, theoretically important, and clinically significant research reports and conceptual contributions. It deals with experimental and field studies on anxiety dimensions and stress and coping processes, but also with related topics such as the antecedents and consequences of stress and emotion. We also encourage submissions contributing to the understanding of the relationship between psychological and physiological processes, specific for stress and anxiety. Manuscripts should report novel findings that are of interest to an international readership. While the journal is open to a diversity of articles, it is primarily interested in well-designed, methodologically sound research reports, theoretical papers, and interpretative literature reviews or meta-analyses. Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Die zunehmende Alterung der Gesellschaft stellt die Medizin vor etliche Probleme. Eines davon ist die steigende Zahl an Patienten mit akutem Herzversagen sowie terminaler Herzinsuffizienz. Bei deren Therapie nimmt die mechanische Kreislaufunterstützung mittlerweile eine bedeutende Stellung ein. Doch trotz immenser Fortschritte ist die Implantation der Kunstherzsysteme noch immer mit erheblicher Morbidität und Letalität verbunden. So zeigen Krabatsch und Kollegen im ersten Topthemabeitrag die technischen Möglichkeiten aber auch die Grenzen der mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützung auf. Trotz kontinuierlich weiterentwickelter und verbesserter Geräte ist noch immer der rechtzeitige Implantationszeitpunkt entscheidend. Im zweiten Topthemabeitrag erläutert Steffen Rex Strategien zur Einschätzung des perioperativen Risikos sowie zur Prävention und Therapie typischer postoperativer Komplikationen. Dabei ist vor allem das Rechtsherzversagen zu nennen. Abschließend gibt Ares Menon einen Überblick zu aktuellen Erfolgen und Risiken der mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützung. Seite 412.
Aphasiology is concerned with all aspects of language impairment and disability and related disorders resulting from brain damage. It provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of current research and expertise in all aspects of aphasia and related topics, from all disciplinary perspectives. Aphasiology includes papers on clinical, psychological, linguistic, social and neurological perspectives of aphasia. Studies using a wide range of empirical methods, including experimental, clinical and single case studies, surveys and physical investigations are published in addition to regular features including major reviews, clinical fora, case studies, and book reviews.
Apoptosis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the rapid publication of innovative basic and clinically-oriented investigations into programmed cell death. It aims to stimulate research on the basis of mechanisms of apoptosis and on its role in various human disease processes including: cancer, autoimmune disease, viral infection, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, osteoporosis and ageing. The editors intend to encourage the development of clinical therapies against apoptosis-related diseases.
This journal is devoted to publishing the highest quality innovative papers in the fields of biochemistry and biotechnology. The typical focus of the journal is to report applications of novel scientific and technological breakthroughs, as well as technological subjects that are still in the proof-of-concept stage. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology provides a forum for case studies and practical concepts of biotechnology, utilization, including controls, statistical data analysis, problem descriptions unique to a particular application, and bioprocess economic analyses. The journal publishes reviews deemed of interest to readers, as well as book reviews, meeting and symposia notices, and news items relating to biotechnology in both the industrial and academic communities. In addition, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology often publishes lists of patents and publications of special interest to readers.