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International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 0306-7319eISSN: 1029-0397

The scope of the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry comprises such subjects as original research on all aspects of analytical work related to environmental problems such as analysis of organic, inorganic and radioactive pollutants in air, water, sediments and biota; and determination of harmful substances, including analytical methods for the investigation of chemical or metabolic breakdown patterns in the environment and in biological samples.The journal also covers the development of new analytical methods or improvement of existing ones useful for the control and investigation of pollutants or trace amounts of naturally occurring active chemicals in all environmental compartments. Development, modification and automation of instruments and techniques with potential in environment sciences are also part of the journal.Case studies are also considered, particularly for areas where information is scarce or lacking, providing that reported data is significant and representative, either spatially or temporally, and quality assured. Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of this journal, it will also include certain topics in the fields of medical science (health sciences), toxicology, forensic sciences, oceanography, food sciences, biological sciences and other fields that in one way or another contribute to the knowledge of our environment and for this purpose have to make use of analytical chemistry.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Environmental Health Research

ISSN: 0960-3123eISSN: 1369-1619

International Journal of Environmental Health Research (IJEHR) is devoted to rapid publication of research in environmental health, acting as a link between the diverse research communities and practitioners in environmental health. Original research papers, technical notes and review articles, both invited and submitted, will be included. The International Editorial Board and strict refereeing procedures ensure that the Journal maintains high scientific standards and international coverage. IJEHR publishes articles on all aspects of the interaction of the environment with human health. This interaction can broadly be divided into three areas: 1. The natural environment and health (health implications and monitoring of air, water and soil pollutants and pollution and health improvements and air, water and soil quality standards); 2. The built environment and health (occupational health and safety, exposure limits, monitoring and control of pollutants in the workplace, and standards of health); and 3. Communicable diseases (disease spread, control and prevention, food hygiene and control, and health aspects of rodents and insects).IJEHR is published in association with the International Federation of Environmental Health and includes news from the Federation of international meetings, courses and environmental health issues. The Journal is available to members of the IFEH for personal use at a special reduced rate. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Food Properties

ISSN: 1094-2912eISSN: 1532-2386

The International Journal of Food Properties publishes original research papers devoted to all scientific and applied aspects of food properties. The emphasis is on measurement methods, development of standards, and data on food properties, predictions, and applications. The International Journal of Food Properties brings together the widely scattered research in the area of food properties and provides an international forum for scientists and technologists for rapid dissemination of their research results, ideas, and knowledge. Other features include review articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, conference papers, news, and commercial advertisements. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition

ISSN: 0963-7486eISSN: 1465-3478
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International Journal of Forest Engineering

ISSN: 1494-2119

The International Journal of Forest Engineering (IJFE) is dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly writings in all aspects of forest operations, both empirical and theoretical. Most published articles are original research, but review articles are also welcome.

An important role of the IJFE is to report on existing practices and innovations in forest operations by scientists and professionals from around the world to promote environmentally sound forestry practices and contribute to sustainable forest management.

The scope applies to all kinds of forest management (e.g. short and long rotation; uneven-aged and even-aged) and all uses of the forest biomass (e.g. lumber, pulp and paper, energy and other uses). The journal will include articles related to production and supply of forest biomass to industry or other users, but excludes typically the industrial manufacturing processes (e.g. sawmilling and combustion).

Examples of topics typically covered by the IJFE are:
  • tree harvesting, processing and transportation
  • stand establishment, protection and tending
  • operations planning, management and control
  • machine design, management and evaluation
  • forest access planning and construction
  • human factors engineering
  • education and training

Due to the booming interest in using forest biomass for energy purposes, the IJFE especially welcomes papers addressing such issues.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

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International Journal of Fruit Science

ISSN: 1553-8362eISSN: 1553-8621

The International Journal of Fruit Science disseminates results of current research that are immediately applicable to the grower, extension agent, and educator in a useful, legitimate, and scientific format. The focus of the journal is on new technologies and innovative approaches to the management and marketing of all types of fruits. It provides practical and fundamental information necessary for the superior growth and quality of fruit crops.This journal examines fruit growing from a wide range of aspects, including: genetics and breeding pruning and training entomology, plant pathology, and weed science physiology and cultural practices marketing and economics fruit production, harvesting, and postharvest Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of General Systems

ISSN: 0308-1079eISSN: 1563-5104

International Journal of General Systems is a cross-disciplinary periodical devoted primarily to the publication of original research contributions to system science, basic as well as applied. However, relevant tutorial and survey articles, invited autobiographical articles, book reviews, bibliographies, and letters to the editor are also published. The principal aim of the journal is to promote original systems ideas (concepts, principles, methods, insightful theoretical or experimental results, etc.) that transcend the boundaries between traditional academic disciplines. The term 'general system' in the name of the journal is intended to indicate this aim - the orientation to systems ideas that have a general applicability. Some typical subject areas covered by the journal include: natural language as a systemic or holistic concept, systems modelling, simulation and design; systems complexity and simplification; cross-disciplinary problem solving; and theoretical as well as experimental knowledge regarding various categories of systems, such as adaptive, anticipatory, autopoietic, cellular, chaotic, dynamic, fuzzy, hierarchical, immune-like, learning, neural, quantum, self-organization, self-producing, self-referential, etc. The journal also contains a special area section devoted to intelligent systems. Manuscripts submitted to the journal that the editors do not consider compatible with these Aims and Scope are routinely rejected. All other manuscripts are subject to peer review at the discretion of the Editorial Office. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Geographical Information Science

ISSN: 1365-8816eISSN: 1365-8824

From 2011 the journal will be offering free colour pages to all its authors. IJGIS in the New Scientist! Read Professor Fisher's Valediction here Papers sought for a Special Issue on GIS and Spatial Ecology Editorial free to view: Special Issue in Honour of the Contribution of Peter Burrough to Geographical Information Science The aim of this interdisciplinary and international journal is to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, techniques, approaches and experiences in the rapidly growing fields of geographical information science (GISc) and geocomputation. It is intended to interest those who design, implement and use systems for monitoring, modeling, planning and policy-making. Published research covers innovative applications of geographic information in natural resources, social systems and the built environment, and developments in computer science, cartography, surveying, geography and engineering in both developed and developing countries. Average processing time from submission to decision is 8 weeks! From 2011 the journal will be offering free colour pages to all its authors. Readership The journal is directed at those with skills in designing and using GIS, database management, computer graphics and analysis of spatial data, as well as those in planning and decision-making using GIS. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN: 1938-6362eISSN: 1939-7879
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International Journal of Green Energy

ISSN: 1543-5075eISSN: 1543-5083

The International Journal of Green Energy focuses on the forms and utilizations of energy that have no, minimal, or reduced impact on environment and society. Emphasis is placed on energy diversity, energy localization, energy security, and sustainable development. The International Journal of Green Energy provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of the latest high-quality research results in the fields of energy research, management, and conservation, especially the advanced environmentally friendly energy technologies. It provides a medium for the free exchange and discussion of ideas and information, and a record of knowledge generated and technology know-how. The journal publishes a wide range of original, peer-reviewed, qualified research papers and critical reviews of recent research that deal with the analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations of all aspects of energy and energy technologies, ranging from fundamentals to practical applications, from energy resources to energy consumption and the consequences of energy use. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Green Nanotechnology

ISSN: 1943-0892eISSN: 1943-0906

The International Journal of Green Nanotechnology is a unique open access journal addressing important challenges and latest advances in the chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and other scientific aspects of green nanotechnology as well as on their societal impact and the policies that have been or should be developed to address them. It has three primary foci: biomedicine, materials science and engineering, and physics and chemistry. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1943-0841eISSN: 1943-0833
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International Journal of Healthcare Management

ISSN: 2047-9700eISSN: 2047-9719
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International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

ISSN: 1044-7318eISSN: 1532-7590

The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction addresses the cognitive, social, health, and ergonomic aspects of interactive computing. It emphasizes the human element in relation to the systems in which humans function, operate, network, and communicate, including software, hardware, and their various contexts of use. The journal publishes original articles including reviews and reappraisals of the literature, empirical studies, and quantitative and qualitative contributions to the theories of HCI. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Hyperthermia

ISSN: 0265-6736eISSN: 1464-5157
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International Journal of Image and Data Fusion

ISSN: 1947-9832eISSN: 1947-9824

Free online access: Inaugural issue Taylor & Francis to launch International Journal of Image and Data Fusion from January 2010 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion provides a single source of information for all aspects of image and data fusion methodologies, developments, techniques and applications. Image and data fusion techniques are important for combining the many sources of satellite, airborne and ground based imaging systems, and integrating these with other related data sets for enhanced information extraction and decision making.Image and data fusion aims at the integration of multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-platform image data, together with geospatial data, GIS, in-situ, and other statistical data sets for improved information extraction, as well as to increase the reliability of the information. This leads to more accurate information that provides for robust operational performance, i.e. increased confidence, reduced ambiguity and improved classification enabling evidence based management.This journal focuses on the theory, methodology and applications of image and data fusion, and encourages submission on a broad range of topics such as concept studies, new fusion techniques at different processing level, image and data fusion architectures, algorithms, and novel applications. Papers addressing fusion needs for data from new or planned platforms and sensors are specifically invited.The journal welcomes original research papers, review papers, shorter letters and technical articles in all areas of image and data fusion including, but not limited to, the following aspects and topics: Automatic registration/geometric aspects of fusing images with different spatial, spectral, temporal resolutions; phase information; or acquired in different modes;Pixel, feature and decision level fusion algorithms and methodologiesData Assimilation: fusing data with modelsMulti-source classification and information extractionIntegration of satellite, airborne and terrestrial sensor systemsFusing temporal data sets for change detection studies (e.g. for Global Change studies)Data fusion applications in fields such as mapping, natural hazard monitoring, environmental security, etc. Image and data mining from multi-platform, multi-source, multi-scale, multi-temporal data sets (e.g. geometric information, topological information, statistical information, etc.) All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

ISSN: 1745-7300eISSN: 1745-7319

International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (formerly Injury Control and Safety Promotion) publishes articles concerning all phases of injury control, including prevention, acute care and rehabilitation. Specifically, this journal will publish articles that for each type of injury: * describe the problem * analyse the causes and risk factors * discuss the design and evaluation of solutions * describe the implementation of effective programs and policies The journal encompasses all causes of fatal and non-fatal injury, including injuries related to: * transport * school and work * home and leisure activities * sport * violence and assault International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion publishes original full-length articles, reviews, short communications and a news section. All papers are subject to rigorous peer review prior to publication.

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International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences & Image Processing

ISSN: 1931-308XeISSN: 2326-0068
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International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications

ISSN: 1367-5567eISSN: 1469-848X

International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications publishes original and challenging work that has a clear applicability to the business world. As a result the journal concentrates on papers of an academic journal standard but aimed at the practitioner as much as the academic. High quality contributions are therefore welcomed from both academics and professionals working in the field of logistics and supply chain management. Papers should further our understanding of logistics and supply chain management and make a significant original contribution to knowledge. In this context the term 'logistics' is taken in its broadest context as "the management of processes, flow of materials and associated information along the entire supply chain, from raw materials through to the final user of the product". The journal covers all aspects of logistics and supply chain management including, but not limited to, the topics and areas listed below:Inbound and outbound logistics including distribution, transport, warehousing, 3PL and 4PLMaterials Management MRP, DRP, ERP and Vendor or Co-Managed Inventories (VMI)Modelling and simulation of logistics and supply systems and processesDecision support tools, methods and systems such as Value Stream MappingIntra and inter enterprise communication tools and methods such as EDI, Internet, Extranet, RFID etc.Approaches and methods for Collaborative, Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR)Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)Procurement, e-Commerce, e-auctionsMass Customisation, Order Postponement, ResponsivenessSupplier DevelopmentSupply chain performance managementCollaboration and relationship management approaches in the extended supply chains including supplier networksEnvironmental and sustainability issues in logistics and supply chain including Reverse LogisticsManaging international logistical operations including outsourcingTraining and Education issues in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementResearch MethodologiesCase studiesAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.

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International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management

ISSN: 1750-9653eISSN: 1750-9661

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (IJMSEM) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners of management science and engineering management. The journal focuses on identifying problems in the field, and using innovative management theories and new management methods to provide solutions.

IJMSEM is committed to providing a platform for researchers and practitioners of management science and engineering management to share experiences and communicate ideas. Articles published in IJMSEM contain fresh information and approaches. They provide key information that will contribute to new scientific inquiries and improve competency, efficiency, and productivity in the field.

IJMSEM focuses on the following:

1.       identifying Management Science problems in engineering;

2.       using management theory and methods to solve above problems innovatively and effectively;

3.       developing new management theory and method to the newly emerged management issues in engineering;

IJMSEM prefers papers with practical background, clear problem description, understandable physical and mathematical model, physical model with practical significance and theoretical framework, operable algorithm and successful practical applications. IJMSEM also takes into account management papers of original contributions in one or several aspects of these elements. 

The Journal covers a wide range of areas and welcomes manuscripts on:

  • Optimization
  • Information Management and Information Technology
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Transportation
  • Industrial Management and Industrial Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Ecological Engineering
  • DSS (decision support system)
  • System Analysis
  • Scheduling and Control
  • Mathematical Programming
  • Uncertain Decision Theory
  • Engineering design
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Material Engineering
  • Low Carbon Engineering


Taylor & Francis are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month’s free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website.

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