The objective of the American Journal of Primatology is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and findings among primatologists and to convey our increasing understanding of this order of animals to specialists and interested readers alike. Primatology is an unusual science in that its practitioners work in a wide variety of departments and institutions, live in countries throughout the world, and carry out a vast range of research procedures. Whether we are anthropologists, psychologists, biologists, or medical researchers, whether we live in Japan, Kenya, Brazil, or the United States, whether we conduct naturalistic observations in the field or experiments in the lab, we are united in our goal of better understanding primates. Our studies of nonhuman primates are of interest to scientists in many other disciplines ranging from entomology to sociology. The American Journal of Primatology welcomes for consideration manuscripts from all areas of primatology. This includes but is not limited to the behavioral ecology, conservation, evolutionary biology, life history, demography, paleontology, physiology, endocrinology, genetics, molecular genetics, and psychobiology of the nonhuman primates. As well as publishing in established areas, we seek submissions on new and developing types of primate studies. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews and commentaries. Proposals for special issues on a particular theme are also welcomed, and may be guest edited. The American Journal of Primatology is the official journal of the American Society of Primatologists. The journal is published monthly in three quarterly volumes. In addition, a supplemental issue presents the scientific program of the annual meetings of the American Society of Primatologists.
The American Journal of Reproductive Immunology is an international journal devoted to the presentation of current information in all areas relating to Reproductive Immunology. The journal is directed toward both the basic scientist and the clinician, covering the whole process of reproduction as affected by immunological processes. The journal covers a variety of subspecialty topics, including fertility immunology, pregnancy immunology, immunogenetics, mucosal immunology, immunocontraception, endometriosis, abortion, tumor immunology of the reproductive tract, autoantibodies, infectious disease of the reproductive tract, and technical news.
Visit the Anaesthesia online correspondence website, where you can post and read article-related correspondence. Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research on equipment. Review articles up to 10,000 words, special articles, case reports and historical notes are welcome. Also published are editorials, book reviews and obituaries of eminent anaesthetists; there is an active correspondence section in each issue.
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia is a premier international forum for the latest research on descriptive, applied and clinical anatomy, histology, embryology, and related fields. Special emphasis is placed on the links between animal morphology and veterinary and experimental medicine, consequently studies on clinically relevant species will be given priority. The editors welcome papers on medical imaging and anatomical techniques. The journal is of vital interest to clinicians, zoologists, obstetricians, and researchers working in biotechnology. Contributions include reviews, original research articles, short communications and book reviews.
The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists, publishes new discoveries in the morphological aspects of molecular, cellular, systems, and evolutionary biology. The journal focuses on major new findings in the anatomical consequences of gene disruption, activation, or over expression upon cell, tissue, or organ architecture and also recognizes the importance of descriptive studies in contemporary research, particularly when framed in the context of experimental models or questions. Another important priority will be those discoveries and new advances made through the use of imaging modalities ranging from those that image real-time signaling processes to ones that image protein or gene expression in individual cells, tissues, or whole organisms. Papers are accepted dealing with functional morphology of any vertebrate organ system including those with a developmental, comparative, or evolutionary theme. The area of coverage is directed primarily to the organ or system level, where descriptive studies of normal and abnormal development become an important consideration in characterizing phenotypes. In addition, timely reviews of important topics related to Anatomy and its subdisciplines are regularly included. The criteria of acceptance of all papers are the quality of the research, its originality and significance to our readership. The abstracts and proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Association of Anatomists is also published in The Anatomical Record. No paper that has appeared previously will be accepted nor will simultaneous publication elsewhere be allowed.
Anatomical Sciences Education is the journal of the American Association of Anatomists, published in cooperation with the American Association of Clinical Anatomists and the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society. The aim of this journal is to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas, opinions, innovations and research on topics related to education in the anatomical sciences of gross anatomy, embryology, histology, and neurosciences at all levels of anatomical sciences education including, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, allied health, medical (both allopathic and osteopathic), and dental. The journal will feature: Descriptive articles, Review articles, Research reports, and Invited viewpoints and commentaries. All submitted articles will be peer reviewed. As a benefit of membership, AAA, AACA, HAPS, BACA, and ASGBI members have complimentary electronic access to Anatomical Sciences Education in 2010. Institutions that already have a license to The Anatomical Record and/or Clinical Anatomy will automatically have complimentary access to the journal. Institutions that do not have a license to The Anatomical Record or Clinical Anatomy can opt to receive free online access to the journal. To request complimentary online access, go to the New Journal Opt-in Form.
Andrologia provides an international forum for original papers on the current clinical, morphological, biochemical, and experimental status of organic male infertility and sexual disorders in men. The articles inform on the whole process of advances in andrology (including the aging male), from fundamental research to therapeutic developments worldwide. First published in 1969 and the first international journal of andrology, it is a well established journal in this expanding area of reproductive medicine. And in addition, Andrologia provides articles on anatomy, endocrinology, physiology, and veterinary medicine. Andrologia is essential reading for scientists in fundamental andrological research, laboratory diagnosticians, veterinarians and clinicians in many fields (most importantly - dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, oncologists, and urologists.).
Animal Conservation provides a forum for rapid publication of novel, peer-reviewed research into the conservation of animal species and their habitats. The focus is on rigorous quantitative studies of an empirical or theoretical nature, which may relate to populations, species or communities and their conservation. The journal publishes single-species papers only when they have clear broader implications for conservation of other species or systems or when the species is of exceptional conservation concern and the study presents new and essential information. A central theme is to publish important new ideas and findings that have general implications for the scientific basis of conservation. Subjects covered include population biology, epidemiology, evolutionary ecology, population genetics, biodiversity, biogeography, palaeobiology and conservation economics. The journal is essential reading for conservation biologists, policy-makers and students. Animal Conservation is published quarterly. A principal objective is to ensure rapid publication of new and original research (ideally within 6 months of submission) following a rigorous review process. Articles should be written in a style that can be understood by the general reader. Papers should have a broad interest and specific or single-species studies will only be considered if the findings have general implications. Cross-disciplinary papers, suggesting new approaches, are particularly encouraged. Proposals for reviews and forum papers intended to promote discussion are particularly welcomed by the Editors. Animal Conservation is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Please note that Appendices are no longer published in the printed version of Animal Conservation. Supplementary material may be published in electronic form.
Animal Genetics reports frontline research on immunogenetics, molecular genetics and functional genomics of economically important and domesticated animals. Publications include the study of variability at gene and protein levels, mapping of genes, traits and QTLs, associations between genes and traits, genetic diversity, and characterization of gene or protein expression and control related to phenotypic or genetic variation.
Animal Science Journal (a continuation of Animal Science and Technology) is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Animal Science (JSAS) and publishes Original Research Articles (full papers and rapid communications) in English in all fi elds of animal and poultry science: genetics and breeding, genetic engineering, reproduction, embryo manipulation, nutrition, feeds and feeding, physiology, anatomy, environment and behavior, animal products (milk, meat, eggs and their by-products) and their processing, and livestock economics. Animal Science Journal will invite Review Articles in consultations with Editors. Submission to the Journal is open to those who are interested in animal science.
The Annals of Human Genetics is an international journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research. The principal aim of the Annals is to increase understanding of the biology of human variation, both in disease and in health. In recent years it has become apparent that the study of population genetics is extremely relevant to molecular pathology. The interaction of these fields can greatly increase our understanding of the generation and maintenance of variation in the human genome. The major topics covered in the Annals include:- Human genome variation - its evolution and implications for human biology. Interpretations of the current or future state of the human genome sequence are also welcomed. Human population genetics - including studies which elucidate human history, our understanding of chromosome evolution, and the geographic distribution of particular diseases, worldwide. The journal will also consider studies on primate populations. Statistical genetics - the application and improvement of mathematical approaches for analysis of genetic data, including linkage and association mapping of genes and QTLs. The journal also welcomes papers focussing on more general bioinformatic approaches. Genetics of common multifactorial diseases and other complex traits and QTLs - in general we expect these to be human but relevant animal models will also be considered. Mendelian disorders and their molecular pathology - the emphasis will again be on human disease but animal models or in vitro work may also be considered. In each of these areas we welcome high quality articles providing original data and/or analysis, and also methodological papers, preferably including application to real data. Large datasets and additional material can be stored and made easily available through the journal web site. An absolute requirement of all papers will be that a general reader of the journal can understand from the summary of the paper what problem the authors are trying to solve. Most articles published will be full-length research papers, and in each issue we aim to have at least one review article. Reviews are generally invited, but suggestions are very welcome and preliminary enquiries should be directed to the Reviews Editor, Steve Humphries. Short communications will also be considered if of sufficient interest.
Annals of Neurology publishes articles of broad interest with potential for high impact in understanding the mechanisms and treatment of diseases of the human nervous system. All areas of clinical and basic neuroscience, including new technologies, cellular and molecular neurobiology, population sciences, and studies of behavior, addiction, and psychiatric diseases are of interest to the journal. Topics covered include: • ALS • Ataxia • Atrophy • Autism • Basic Neuroscience • Brain Development and Child Neurology • Demyelinating Diseases • Epilepsy • Genetics • Lysosomal Storage Disease • Mitochondrial Dysfunction • Molecular Medicine • Movement Disorders • Multiple Sclerosis • Myopathy • Neurodegenerative Diseases (including Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Motor Neuron Disease, and Dementia) • Neuroimmunology • Pain • Sleep Disorders • Seizures • Stroke • Translational Research, and more… Three new sections, NerveCenter, Discoveries in Neuroscience, and Open Forum and one new feature, Medical Hypotheses debuted in Annals of Neurology in 2006. NerveCenter is a lively and topical forum covering a wide variety of timely and important issues in the clinical neurosciences of interest to the clinical and academic audiences of Annals. Topics featured include: • NIH or government news • Changes in academic neurology around the country • New medically important discoveries • Biographies • Interviews • Coverage of educational issues Discoveries in Neuroscience highlights recent and important discoveries in basic neuroscience, and the implications of these findings for the Annals readership. The section will provide a brief synopsis of important publications selected by the editors from the general neuroscience literature. Advances in the understanding of genes, molecules, pathways, and systems that control fundamental nervous system functions will be highlighted, with an emphasis on those that are particularly significant, novel, or relevant to human disease. Open Forum provides a home for letters that respond to published articles in Annals (or elsewhere). Medical Hypotheses, the new feature, provides a forum for novel hypotheses. The editors encourage authors who wish to submit reviews or hypotheses to contact the editorial office in advance of submission. Reviews, currently published as Neurological Progress, have been extremely well received by the readership in the past. The editors plan to increase the number of Neurological Progress articles by striving for at least one overview article of this type each month.
Published on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences, Annals provide multidisciplinary perspectives on research of current scientific interest with far-reaching implications for the wider scientific community and society at large. Scope, although concentrated on biological and medical sciences, extends into fields as diverse as astronomy, psychology, anthropology and philosophy. Each publication assembles the best thinking of key contributors to a field of investigation at a time when emerging developments offer the promise of new insight. These volumes stimulate new ways to think about science by providing a neutral forum for discourse - within and across many institutions and fields.