The International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics publishes articles on all aspects of basic and clinical research in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology and related subjects, with emphasis on matters of worldwide interest.
Announcement Starting in 2010, the International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology will be focusing on the field of Neuroscience in a broad sense, including relevant algorithmic research and hardware and software development. Accordingly, the title will be changed to International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology -Neuroimaging and Brain Mapping.
The International Journal of Immunogenetics (formerly European Journal of Immunogenetics) publishes original contributions on the genetic control of components of the immune system and their interactions in both humans and experimental animals. The term 'genetic' is taken in its broadest sense to include studies at the evolutionary, molecular, chromosomal functional and population levels in both health and disease. Examples are:
The International Journal of Intelligent Systems serves as a forum for individuals interested in tapping into the vast theories based on intelligent systems construction. With its peer-reviewed format, the journal explores several fascinating editorials written by today's experts in the field. Because new developments are being introduced each day, there's much to be learned ? examination, analysis creation, information retrieval, man?computer interactions, and more. The International Journal of Intelligent Systems uses charts and illustrations to demonstrate these ground-breaking issues, and encourages readers to share their thoughts and experiences.
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology is an international journal providing a forum for the communication of new developments, research topics and the practice of clinical and laboratory haematology. The journal publishes: invited reviews; full length original articles; case reports; technical reports; regular book reviews; notices and correspondence In addition, the Journal publishes Synoptics, an occasional review series presenting a written summary of meetings which readers might have missed. An active and positive editorial policy ensures that work of the highest scientific standard is reported, promoting effective communication amongst practising haematologists.
The International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders (IJLCD) is the official journal of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists. The Journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of speech, language, communication disorders and speech and language therapy. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of issues of clinical or theoretical relevance in the above areas. The Journal, established in 1966, publishes a range of articles, including research reports, reviews, discussions and clinical fora, as well as editorials or commentaries commissioned by the editors. Research reports from both quantitative and qualitative frameworks are encouraged but must have appropriate and clear methodology and thoroughly analysed and interpreted results.
As the first reviews journal in the field of business and management, the International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) is an essential reference tool for business academics and doctoral students alike. The journal covers all the main management sub-disciplines including, for example, HRM, OB, International & Strategic Management, Operations Management, Management Sciences, Information Systems & Technology Management, Accounting & Finance, and Marketing. Each issue includes state-of-the-art literature review articles/surveys which examine the relevant literature published on a specific aspect of the sub-discipline, for example, HRM: Appraisal Systems. The IJMR complements the other publications produced by the British Academy of Management and is deliberately targeted at a wide readership interested in business and management. The journal publishes authoritative literature surveys and reviews. These will address the intellectual and academic needs of the broad academic management community on a global scale. Such papers are targeted at several key audiences or readerships:Members of the academic community who will expect to be kept abreast of disciplinary areas outside of their own specific domains of expertise.
The International Journal of Mental Health Nursing is the official journal of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc. It is a fully refereed journal that examines current trends and developments in mental health practice and research. The International Journal of Mental Health Nursing provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on all issues of relevance to mental health nursing. The Journal informs you of developments in mental health nursing practice and research, directions in education and training, professional issues, management approaches, policy development, ethical questions, theoretical inquiry, and clinical issues. The Journal publishes feature articles, review articles, clinical notes, research notes, first person accounts, conference reports, book reviews and abstracts in all of these areas. Contributions on any aspect of mental health nursing are welcomed. Statements and opinions expressed in the journal reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.
Modern computer networks and communication systems are increasing in size, scope, and heterogeneity. The promise of a single end-to-end technology has not been realized and likely never will occur. The decreasing cost of bandwidth is increasing the possible applications of computer networks and communication systems to entirely new domains. Problems in integrating heterogeneous wired and wireless technologies, ensuring security and quality of service, and reliably operating large-scale systems including the inclusion of cloud computing have all emerged as important topics. The one constant is the need for network management. Challenges in network management have never been greater than they are today. The International Journal of Network Management is the forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners in network management to present their work to an international audience. The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of information, which will enable improved management, operation, and maintenance of computer networks and communication systems. The journal is peer reviewed and publishes original papers (both theoretical and experimental) by leading researchers, practitioners, and consultants from universities, research laboratories, and companies around the world. Issues with thematic or guest-edited special topics typically occur several times per year. Topic areas for the journal are largely defined by the taxonomy for network and service management developed by IFIP WG6.6, together with IEEE-CNOM, the IRTF-NMRG and the Emanics Network of Excellence. The taxonomy is available here.
Prediction through modelling forms the basis of engineering design. The computational power at the fingertips of the professional engineer is increasing enormously and techniques for computer simulation are changing rapidly. Engineers need models which relate to their design area and which are adaptable to new design concepts. They also need efficient and friendly ways of presenting, viewing and transmitting the data associated with their models. The International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields provides a communication vehicle for numerical modelling methods and data preparation methods associated with electrical and electronic circuits and fields. It concentrates on numerical modelling rather than abstract numerical mathematics. Contributions on numerical modelling will cover the entire subject of electrical and electronic engineering. They will range from electrical distribution networks to integrated circuits on VLSI design, and from static electric and magnetic fields through microwaves to optical design. They will also include the use of electrical networks as a modelling medium. PRINCIPAL TOPICS.
International Journal of Nursing Practice is a fully refereed journal that publishes original scholarly work that advances the international understanding and development of nursing, both as a profession and as an academic discipline. The Journal focuses on research papers and professional discussion papers that have a sound scientific, theoretical or philosophical base. Preference is given to high-quality papers written in a way that renders them accessible to a wide audience without compromising quality. The primary criteria for acceptance are excellence, relevance and clarity. All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper.
The aim of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology is to provide a forum for the publication of papers dealing with all aspects of the study of human and animal bones from archaeological contexts. The journal will publish original papers dealing with human or animal bone research from any area of the world. It will also publish short papers which give important preliminary observations from work in progress and it will publish book reviews. All papers will be subject to peer review. Papers from any of the following principal areas of work would be considered for publication. Palaeopathology: Human and animal diseases as found in actual human and animal remains, including radiographic, histological and serological and immunological studies. Physical anthropology: Ageing, sexing, metric and morphological analysis of human and animal bone. The application of demographic analyses to both. Epidemiology: Prevalence and aetiology of disease and the factors influencing these in human and animal populations. Secular trends. Chemical analysis: Exposure of past populations to toxic substances; reconstruction of the diet and other nutritional studies of human and animal bones. Exploitation of animal resources: Studies of the means of procuring and managing animal food sources including hunting, butchery and domestication. Taphonomy: Processes, both natural and man-made, which affect the preservation and survival of bone. The journal will be aimed principally towards all those with a professional interest in the study of human and animal bones. This includes archaeologists, anthropologists, human and animal bone specialists, palaeopathologists and medical historians. We also hope to attract and encourage students and others for whom this field is of serious but peripheral interest.
The International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry was formed in 1991 by the merger of the Journals of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry and the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry and is published bi-monthly. It has true international scope and aims to promote the highest standard of education, practice and research in paediatric dentistry world-wide. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry publishes papers on all aspects of paediatric dentistry including: growth and development, behaviour management, prevention, restorative treatment and issue relating to medically compromised children or those with disabilities. This peer-reviewed journal features scientific articles, reviews, case reports, clinical techniques, short communications and abstracts of current paediatric dental research. Analytical studies with a scientific novelty value are preferred to descriptive studies. Case reports illustrating unusual conditions and clinically relevant observations are acceptable but must be of sufficiently high quality to be considered for publication; particularly the illustrative material must be of the highest quality.
XXIX International Congress of Psychology 2008: Abstracts Special Issue availableThe International Journal of Psychology (IJP) is the journal of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) and is published under the auspices of the Union. IJP seeks to support the IUPsyS in fostering the development of international psychological science. It aims to strengthen the dialog within psychology around the world and to facilitate communication among different areas of psychology and among psychologists from different cultural backgrounds. IJP is the outlet for empirical basic and applied studies and for reviews that either (a) incorporate perspectives from different areas or domains within psychology or across different disciplines, (b) test the culture-dependent validity of psychological theories, or (c) integrate literature from different regions in the world. IJP does not publish technical articles, validations of questionnaires and tests, or clinical case studies. Regular issues include two types of articles: empirical articles and review articles. Empirical articles report data from single or multiple studies in one of the major fields of scientific psychology. Review articles provide overviews of the international literature on a particular topic; authors are especially encouraged to include in their review relevant publications from regions of the world not typically cited and/or not published in English. Special topical issues or sections are also published two or three times a year. All articles include a detailed abstract in English, French and Spanish. Peer Review Integrity All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editorscreening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.The International Platform for PsychologistsAssociate Editors: M. Bullock (USA) and P.L.-J. Ritchie (Canada)Many of IJP's issues include a second section, the International Platform for Psychologists, which provides an opportunity to exchange news and opinions on psychology as an academic and applied profession. This section also contains information about the IUPsyS, about major international meetings, and about the activities of the National Psychological Societies. Finally it offers an opportunity to express opinions and to discuss internationally significant psychological issues. There is also a United Nations section with the International Platform for Psychologists. Related WebsiteInternational Union of Psychological ScienceIJP Special Section issuesIn an ongoing initiative from 2007, certain issues of IJP are now designated as Special Section issues, where a number of articles concentrate on a single topic. These issues are sent to subscribers as usual, and are also available to buy individually from the IJP website. Special Section issues have been published on a wide variety of topics, representing some of the leading thought in their respective fields. Please click on the titles below to find out more:Special Section - Volume 45 (2010) issue 5 - Working Together to Reduce Poverty: Speaking Truth to Power about Expatriate-Local PaySpecial Section - Volume 44 (2009) issue 1 - Expressions of 'New' Racism Special Section - Volume 43 (2008) issue 5 - Insights from Research on Asian Students' Achievement MotivationSpecial Section - Volume 43 (2008) issue 2 - Culture and Human Development Special Section - Volume 43 (2008) issue 1 - New Research on Acculturation among Diaspora Migrants Special Section - Volume 42 (2007) issue 4 - Psychological Research in Berlin, the Host City of ICP 2008 (This issue is available for free online download.)Special Section - Volume 42 (2007) issue 3 - Implicit Representations and Personality Special Section - Volume 42 (2007) issue 2 - Agency and Human Development in Times of Social Change Special IssuesIssues devoted to a single topic are regularly published in this journal. These are sent free to subscribers in that year, but are also available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Click on the titles below for more information and to order.XXIX International Congress of Psychology: AbstractsVolume 43, Issue 3/4 (July 2008)Paperback: 888pp: 978-1-84169-860-1Behaviour Analysis Around the WorldGuest Editor: Rub233;n Ardila Volume 41, Issue 6 (December 2006) Paperback: 156pp: 978-1-84169-820-5Neuropsychological Functions Across the World Guest Editors: Feggy Ostrosky-Solis and Gunilla Oberg Volume 41, Issue 5 (October 2006) Paperback: 112pp: 978-1-84169-807-6Special Issue on Indigenous Psychologies Guest Editors: Carl Martin Allwood and John W. Berry Volume 41, Issue 4 (June 2006) Paperback: 80pp: 978-1-84169-996-7Counselling in Australia Guest Editor: Nadine PellingVolume 41, Issue 3 (June 2006) Paperback: 72pp: 978-1-84169-801-4International Practices in the Teaching of Psychology Guest Editors: Sherri McCarthy and Victor Karandashev Volume 41, Issue 1 (May 2006) Paperback: 72pp: 978-1-84169-995-0 Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY A journal devoted to theory and computation in molecular chemistry, physics and biology The International Journal of Quantum Chemistry is concerned with the quantum mechanical description of the structure, properties, and dynamics of atoms, molecules, condensed matter, and biomolecular systems. In addition to formal development of theory and related mathematical and numerical applications, the Journal is interested in publishing applications where quantum mechanical concepts interact with molecular and phenomenological modeling. The scope of the Journal includes papers dealing with such diverse topics as formal developments in theory, simulations of dynamical processes, calculation of molecular properties, and phenomenological modeling.