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Der Diabetologe

eISSN: 1860-9724

Dermatologic Therapy

ISSN: 1396-0296eISSN: 1529-8019

Dermatologic Therapy has been created to fill an important void in the dermatologic literature: the lack of a readily available source of up-to-date information on the treatment of specific cutaneous diseases and the practical application of specific treatment modalities. Each issue of the journal consists of a series of scholarly review articles written by leaders in dermatology in which they describe, in very specific terms, how they treat particular cutaneous diseases and how they use specific therapeutic agents. The information contained in each issue is so practical and detailed that the reader should be able to directly apply various treatment approaches to daily clinical situations. Because of the specific and practical nature of this publication, Dermatologic Therapy not only serves as a readily available resource for the day-to-day treatment of patients, but also as an evolving therapeutic textbook for the treatment of dermatologic diseases.

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Dermatological Reviews

eISSN: 2637-7489

Developing World Bioethics

ISSN: 1471-8731eISSN: 1471-8847

Developing World Bioethics provides long needed case studies, teaching materials, news in brief, and legal backgrounds to bioethics scholars and students in developing and developed countries alike. This companion journal to Bioethics also features high-quality peer reviewed original articles. It is edited by well-known bioethicists who are working in developing countries, yet it will also be open to contributions and commentary from developed countries' authors. Developing World Bioethics is the only journal in the field dedicated exclusively to developing countries' bioethics issues. The journal is an essential resource for all those concerned about bioethical issues in the developing world. Members of Ethics Committees in developing countries will highly value a special section dedicated to their work. For information about Blackwell Publication Ethics, click here.

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Development Policy Review

ISSN: 0950-6764eISSN: 1467-7679

Development Policy Review is the refereed journal that makes the crucial links between research and policy in international development. Edited by staff of the Overseas Development Institute, the London-based think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues, it publishes single articles and theme issues on topics at the forefront of current development policy debate. Coverage includes the latest thinking and research on poverty-reduction strategies, inequality and social exclusion, property rights and sustainable livelihoods, globalisation in trade and finance, and the reform of global governance. Informed, rigorous, multi-disciplinary and up-to-the-minute, DPR is an indispensable tool for development researchers and practitioners alike.

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Development and Change

ISSN: 0012-155XeISSN: 1467-7660

Now in its fourth decade of publication, and appearing six times a year, Development and Change is one of the leading international journals in the field of development studies and social change. It is truly interdisciplinary in character, covering a broad range of topics and publishing articles from all the social sciences and all intellectual persuasions concerned with development. It is known for publishing unconventional analyses and challenging viewpoints. With a mix of regular and special theme issues, and the newly-launched Forum issue, Development and Change is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of the complete spectrum of development issues. Essential Reading.

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Development, Growth & Differentiation

ISSN: 0012-1592eISSN: 1440-169X

Development Growth & Differentiation publishes original papers dealing with all aspects of developmental phenomena in all kinds of organisms, including plants and microorganisms. Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: developmental genetics, growth, differentiation, morphogenesis, cellular kinetics, fertilization, cell division, dormancy, germination, metamorphosis, regeneration and pathogenesis, at the molecular biological, biochemical, biophysical and analytically morphological levels. Reports on techniques applicable to the above fields are also considered. Occasional reviews on subjects selected by the Editors will be published.

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Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews

ISSN: 1940-5510eISSN: 1940-5529

The journal provides a focus for communication among neuroscientists, geneticists, neurodevelopmental pediatricians, and behavioral scientists interested in clinical or basic science research in aspects of brain development and function. The journal is an international forum for the exchange of novel and significant information on broad aspects of developmental disabilties. The journal offers timely publication of scientific reviews, as well as editorial commentaries and other items of general interest to its readers. As the field of developmental disabilities represents a multi-disciplinary research arena, the reviews, commentaries, and other editorial text must be written in clear, authoritative, yet accessible and jargon-free prose. The journal is intended for scientists and clinical practitioners in such areas as clinical, developmental, and rehabilitation psychology; developmental neurobiology; human, medical, and molecular genetics; molecular biology; neurology; pediatrics; pharmacology; physical medicine and rehabilitation; and psychiatry. Each issue is topic­oriented. Future topics are listed in sufficient time to permit letters of inquiry about proposed articles. Although most articles are invited research reviews by leaders in the field, unsolicited proposals will be considered.

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Developmental Dynamics

ISSN: 1058-8388eISSN: 1097-0177

DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS provides a focus for communication among developmental biologists who study the progressive and dynamic emergence of form and function during embryonic development. The journal is an international forum for the exchange of novel and substantive information on mechanisms that control development. We seek manuscripts presenting work done at all levels of biological organization, ranging from the molecular to the organismal, using both animal and plant model systems, and we welcome studies that advance our understanding of the developmental basis of human disease. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS is fully compliant with current open access policies of major funding agencies including those of the NIH, HHMI, and Wellcome Trust. In addition, all of our content is open access one year after publication, and more than 30% of our content - including all reviews, special issues, primers, and highlights - is open access immediately upon publication. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS reviews and publishes rapidly: averaging 3 weeks from submission to decision, 4-6 weeks to online publication after acceptance, and 90 days to print publication. There are no page or color charges, and the length of the articles (and the number of figures and references included) are limited only by what is required to tell a novel and significant scientific story. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Dev Dynam.' Punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal.

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Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology

ISSN: 0012-1622eISSN: 1469-8749

For over 50 years, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (DMCN) has defined the field of paediatric neurology and neurodisability and is one of the world's leading journals in the whole field of paediatrics. DMCN disseminates a range of information worldwide to improve the lives of disabled children and their families. DMCN aims to enhance the care of children by worldwide dissemination of clinical research into the wide range of neurological conditions and disabilities that affect children. The breadth of DMCN includes:

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Developmental Neurobiology

ISSN: 1932-8451eISSN: 1932-846X

Developmental Neurobiology (previously the Journal of Neurobiology ) publishes original research articles on development, regeneration, repair and plasticity of the nervous system and on the ontogeny of behavior. High quality contributions in these areas are solicited, with an emphasis on experimental as opposed to purely descriptive work. The Journal also will consider manuscripts reporting novel approaches and techniques for the study of the development of the nervous system as well as occasional special issues on topics of significant current interest. We welcome suggestions on possible topics from our readers. Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication in Developmental Neurobiology will be returned immediately without detailed review in order to avoid unnecessary delay in submission elsewhere.

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Developmental Psychobiology

ISSN: 0012-1630eISSN: 1098-2302

Developmental Psychobiology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers from the disciplines of psychology, biology, neuroscience, and medicine that contribute to an understanding of behavior development. Research that focuses on development in the embryo/fetus, neonate, juvenile, or adult animal and multidisciplinary research that relates behavioral development to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, or evolution is appropriate. The journal represents a broad phylogenetic perspective on behavior development by publishing studies of invertebrates, fish, birds, humans, and other animals. The journal publishes experimental and descriptive studies whether carried out in the laboratory or field. The journal also publishes review articles and theoretical papers that make important conceptual contributions. Special dedicated issues of Developmental Psychobiology , consisting of invited papers on a topic of general interest, may be arranged with the Editor-in-Chief. Developmental Psychobiology also publishes Letters to the Editor, which discuss issues of general interest or material published in the journal. Letters discussing published material may correct errors, provide clarification, or offer a different point of view. Authors should consult the editors on the preparation of these contributions. Overall scholarship including soundness of experimental design, appropriate controls and procedures, and importance and significance are the major criteria for publication. Developmental Psychobiology is the official publication of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Membership in the Society is not a prerequisite for submission or publication.

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Developmental Science

ISSN: 1363-755XeISSN: 1467-7687

Aims and Scope Journal scope Developmental Scienceaims to represent the very best of contemporary scientific developmental psychology and developmental cognitive neuroscience. both in the presentation of theory and in reporting new data.Developmental Scienceincludes: comparative and biological perspectives. connectionist and computational perspectives. and developmental disorders.Developmental Sciencepublishes work that bridges levels of explanation. such as from brain development to cognitive or social change. or work that specifically attempts to elucidate mechanisms of developmental change at one level. Manuscripts judged to fall outside this remit may be rejected without full refereeing. Developmental science in other languages This section. edited by Juan-Carlos Gomez (University of St Andrews) contains summaries and reviews of the very best material in the area of developmental science not published in English.

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Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

ISSN: 1462-8902eISSN: 1463-1326

Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism is primarily a journal of clinical and experimental pharmacology and therapeutics covering the interrelated areas of diabetes, obesity and metabolism. The journal prioritises high-quality original research that reports on the effects of new or existing therapies, including dietary, exercise and lifestyle (non-pharmacological) interventions, in any aspect of metabolic and endocrine disease, either in humans or animal and cellular systems. 'Metabolism' may relate to lipids, bone and drug metabolism, or broader aspects of endocrine dysfunction. Preclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetic studies, meta-analyses and those addressing drug safety and tolerability are also highly suitable for publication in this journal. Original research may be published as a main paper or as a research letter.

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Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews

ISSN: 1520-7552eISSN: 1520-7560

Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews is an indispensable resource for clinicians and researchers working in the fields of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism and obesity. Our reviews section provides the latest updates on clinical and basic scientific advances in key areas of diabetes, obesity and metabolism, important historical overviews, discussion of controversial issues and opinions from prominent researchers and clinicians. Original articles describing clinical studies, translational and basic research related to diabetes, obesity, metabolism, or closely related metabolic disorders are welcome, as are articles concerned with treatment and management issues related to patient care.Please note that Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews is an online-only journal.Benefits for our authors:* No charges for colour figures* Accepted article PDFs are published within days of acceptance* Faster issue publication times for full final articles* Better integration of online supporting information for articlesDiabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews publishes supplements. If you are interested in publishing a supplement, please visit our Contact page and select your region in the Advertising and Corporate Sales section.

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Diabetic Medicine

ISSN: 0742-3071eISSN: 1464-5491

Diabetic Medicine, one of the leading clinical diabetes journals in the world, publishes comprehensive reviews and original articles on clinical research and practice in diabetes. Issues also regularly include case reports, editorials, comment, news and correspondence. All material is peer-reviewed as the journal seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of information between clinicians and researchers worldwide and all health professionals responsible for the care of people with diabetes.

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Diagnostic Cytopathology

ISSN: 8755-1039eISSN: 1097-0339

Diagnostic Cytopathology is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of information in the field of cytopathology, with special emphasis on the practical, clinical aspects of the discipline. The editors invite original scientific articles, as well as special review articles, feature articles, and letters to the editor, from laboratory professionals engaged in the practice of cytopathology. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the basis of scientific merit, practical significance, and suitability for publication in a journal dedicated to this discipline. Original articles can be considered only with the understanding that they have never been published before and that they have not been submitted for simultaneous review to another publication.

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Dialog: A Journal of Theology

ISSN: 0012-2033eISSN: 1540-6385

Dialog publishes quality scholarship investigating the intersections between contemporary social issues and the mission of the Lutheran church. The journal addresses the frontiers of theological discussion, using contemporary as well as classical scriptural, confessional, and catholic resources. Dialog appeals to those who appreciate theological scholarship, including academic theologians and church leaders.

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Die Unterrichtspraxis/teaching German

ISSN: 0042-062XeISSN: 1756-1221
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Digestive Endoscopy

ISSN: 0915-5635eISSN: 1443-1661

Digestive Endoscopy is published four times per year by Wiley-Blackwell Asia on behalf of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, the Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy and the World Endoscopy Organization. Digestive Endoscopy is a journal for both gastrointestinal and surgical endoscopists focusing on new developments in gastrointestinal endoscopy through the publication of invited reviews from around the world. This will be supplemented by original articles and case reports of exceptional or unique interests. All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the field of the submitted paper.

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