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Bulletin of The Korean Chemical Society(electronic)

ISSN: 0253-2964eISSN: 1229-5949

Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility

eISSN: 2694-6424

Business Ethics: A European Review is a quarterly scholarly journal, which aims to advance knowledge and understanding at every level on all issues relating to ethics in business. Its focus is primarily, though not exclusively, European. Its objectives are:

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Business Ethics: A European Review

eISSN: 1467-8608

Business Strategy Review

ISSN: 0955-6419eISSN: 1467-8616
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Business Strategy and Development

eISSN: 2572-3170
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Business Strategy and the Environment

ISSN: 0964-4733eISSN: 1099-0836

Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE) is the leading academic journal in its field with peer-reviewed contributions of a high quality. It seeks to provide original contributions that add to the understanding of business responses to improving environmental performance. It seeks to examine links between competitive strategy and environmental management as well as providing results of research into systems and standards, corporate environmental management tools, organisations and management, particular industry sectors and responses of business to contemporary environmental issues. It examines the role of regulation and policy in the business sector and encourages cross-country analysis. Contributions are encouraged which extend the scope of activity from environmental management to sustainable development in business. The journal should be of interest to a broad interdisciplinary audience including academics, practitioners, business managers and consultants.

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Business and Society Review

ISSN: 0045-3609eISSN: 1467-8594
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ISSN: 2573-8046eISSN: 2163-0097

CSAS Bulletin

ISSN: 0577-0963eISSN: 1548-7431
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Campus Legal Advisor

eISSN: 1945-6239
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Campus Security Report

eISSN: 1945-6247
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Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

ISSN: 0825-0383eISSN: 1936-4490

The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (CJAS) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, international quarterly that publishes manuscripts with a strong theoretical foundation. The journal welcomes literature reviews, quantitative and qualitative studies as well as conceptual pieces. CJAS is an ISI-listed journal that publishes papers in all key disciplines of business. CJAS is a particularly suitable home for manuscripts of a crossdisciplinary nature. All papers must state in an explicit and compelling way their unique contribution to advancing theory and/or practice in the administrative sciences.

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Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics

ISSN: 0008-3976eISSN: 1744-7976

This Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics is an international peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. The Journal provides a forum for scholarship in agricultural economics and farm management including agri-food-related topics concerning agribusiness, the environment and resource use. Theoretical, applied and policy-related submissions are encouraged.

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Canadian Journal of Economics

ISSN: 0008-4085eISSN: 1540-5982

The Canadian Journal of Economics (CJE) is the journal of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) and is the primary academic economics journal based in Canada. The editors seek to maintain and enhance the position of the CJE as a major, internationally recognized journal and are very receptive to high-quality papers on any economics topic from any source. In addition, the editors recognize the Journal's role as an important outlet for high-quality empirical papers about the Canadian economy and about Canadian policy issues.

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Canadian Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 0319-5724eISSN: 1708-945X

Aims and Scope The Canadian Journal of Statistics is the official journal of the Statistical Society of Canada. It has a reputation internationally as an excellent journal. The editorial board is comprised of statistical scientists with applied, computational, methodological, theoretical and probabilistic interests. Their role is to ensure that the journal continues to provide an international forum for the discipline of Statistics. The journal seeks papers making broad points of interest to many readers, whereas papers making important points of more specific interest are better placed in more specialized journals. The levels of innovation and impact are key in the evaluation of submitted manuscripts. Papers should have an introduction which is accessible to a broad audience and makes a compelling case that an important problem is being tackled. Papers developing new methods should typically include real-data examples, as a route to establishing relevance and applicability. Appendices should be used for technical arguments, so that the main body of the paper is easy to follow. More details of the journal's current editorial policies appear in an Editorial in the March 2007 issue

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Canadian Public Administration

ISSN: 0008-4840eISSN: 1754-7121

Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada is the refereed scholarly publication of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). It covers executive, legislative, judicial and quasi-judicial functions at all three levels of Canadian government. Published quarterly, the journal focuses mainly on Canadian issues but also welcomes manuscripts which compare Canadian public sector institutions and practices with those in other countries or examine issues in other countries or international organizations which are of interest to the public administration community in Canada.

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Canadian Review of Sociology

ISSN: 1755-6171eISSN: 1755-618X

The Canadian Review of Sociology/ Revue canadienne de sociologie is the journal of the Canadian Sociological Association/La Societe canadienne de sociologie. The CRS/RCS is committed to the dissemination of innovative ideas and research findings that are at the core of the discipline. The CRS/RCS publishes both theoretical and empirical work that reflects a wide range of methodological approaches. It is essential reading for those interested in sociological research in Canada and abroad.

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Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions

ISSN: 1522-1946eISSN: 1522-726X

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions is an international journal covering the broad field of cardiovascular diseases. Subject material includes basic and clinical information that is derived from or related to invasive and interventional coronary or peripheral vascular techniques. The journal focuses on material that will be of immediate practical value to physicians providing patient care in the clinical laboratory setting. To accomplish this, the journal publishes Preliminary Reports and Work In Progress articles that complement the traditional Original Studies, Case Reports, and Comprehensive Reviews. Perspective and insight concerning controversial subjects and evolving technologies are provided regularly through Editorial Commentaries furnished by members of the Editorial Board and other experts. Articles are subject to double-blind peer review and complete editorial evaluation prior to any decision regarding acceptability.

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Cell Biochemistry & Function

ISSN: 0263-6484eISSN: 1099-0844

Cell Biochemistry and Function is a print and online journal that publishes original research articles and reviews on the mechanisms whereby molecular and biochemical processes control cellular activity with a particular emphasis on the integration of molecular and cell biology, biochemistry and physiology in the regulation of tissue function in health and disease. The primary remit of the journal is on mammalian biology both in vivo and in vitro but studies of cells in situ are especially encouraged. Observational and pathological studies will be considered providing they include a rational discussion of the possible molecular and biochemical mechanisms behind them and the immediate impact of these observations to our understanding of mammalian biology. Areas of particular interest include:

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Cell Biology International

ISSN: 1065-6995eISSN: 1095-8355
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