nternational Journal of Oral Science (IJOS) provides comprehensive coverage on the foremost findings of basic investigations and clinical researches relating to oral science. IJOS seeks to publish original, high quality, peer-reviewed papers including research articles and reviews as well as short communications and case reports. Submission would be encouraged on all aspects and subspecialties of oral science. Studies on dental assistance and hygiene, education and training, practice management and marketing would also be considered for publication in IJOS.
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is one of the leading journals in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the world. The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope on work in oral and maxillofacial surgery and supporting specialties.The Journal is divided into sections, ensuring every aspect of oral and maxillofacial surgery is covered fully through a range of invited review articles, leading clinical and research articles, technical notes, abstracts, case reports and others. The sections include:• Congenital and craniofacial deformities• Orthognathic Surgery/Aesthetic facial surgery• Trauma• TMJ disorders• Head and neck oncology• Reconstructive surgery• Implantology/Dentoalveolar surgery• Clinical Pathology• Oral Medicine• Research and emerging technologiesSpeedy reviewing and electronic processing means that articles are published as rapidly as possible. Accepted articles are published rapidly online first, and the web site,www.ijoms.com is an important resource for the field.
The International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry was formed in 1991 by the merger of the Journals of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry and the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry and is published bi-monthly. It has true international scope and aims to promote the highest standard of education, practice and research in paediatric dentistry world-wide. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry publishes papers on all aspects of paediatric dentistry including: growth and development, behaviour management, prevention, restorative treatment and issue relating to medically compromised children or those with disabilities. This peer-reviewed journal features scientific articles, reviews, case reports, clinical techniques, short communications and abstracts of current paediatric dental research. Analytical studies with a scientific novelty value are preferred to descriptive studies. Case reports illustrating unusual conditions and clinically relevant observations are acceptable but must be of sufficiently high quality to be considered for publication; particularly the illustrative material must be of the highest quality.
Une revue de référence dans le domaine de l'orthodontie et des disciplines frontièresYour reference in dentofacial orthopedicsInternational Orthodontics s'adresse aux orthodontistes, aux dentistes, aux stomatologistes, aux chirurgiens maxillo-faciaux et aux plasticiens de la face, ainsi qu'à leurs assistant(e)s.International Orthodonticsis addressed to orthodontists, dentists, stomatologists, maxillofacial surgeons and facial plastic surgeons, as well as their assistants.Une revue internationale bilingue français/anglaisA bilingual journal in French and EnglishInternational Orthodontics publie des articles rédigés et expertisés par des équipes internationales reconnues. Leur contenu est disponible en anglais et en français.International Orthodonticspublishes articles written and reviewed by recognized international research teams, available in French and English.Des informations riches et variéesA full-scope journalInternational Orthodontics propose des travaux originaux, des éditoriaux, des notes techniques, des rapports de conférence. Les articles sont soutenus par de nombreuses illustrations en couleur pour une grande clarté didactique.It also offers original research, editorials, technical notes, and conference reports. The articles are supported by numerous color illustrations for greater didactic clarity.
Japan Journal of Research (ISSN 2690-8077) is an open access, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary natural science journal. The journal aims to provide a significant platform for publication of research findings in variety of research areas and disseminate knowledge across the globe. This journal will be resourceful for researchers, students and everyone with keen interest in keeping a track of original research and development work in their respective fields.
Journal accepts articles from the following fields:
Health Sciences: Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Toxicology, Veterinary Science, Psychology, etc.
Life Sciences: Biology, Agriculture, Microbiology, Virology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Genetics, etc.
Physical Sciences & Engineering: Chemistry, Engineering, Environmental science, Physics, Computer science, Energy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Material Science, Industrial Research, etc.
Social Sciences: Arts & Humanity, Economics, Business, etc.
The journal accepts all types of articles such as research, reviews, mini-reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, and commentaries, reports, etc. providing a single forum for discussion. The journal follows strict double blind peer review process to provide unbiased recognition of the work. All the articles will be freely available online immediately after acceptance.
The Japanese Dental Science Review is published by the Japanese Association for Dental Science aiming to introduce the modern aspects of the dental sciences from Japan more comprehensively and comparatively in the tide of the world dentistry and contribute to the development of dental basic and clinical sciences in the world, and to share and discuss the update information with foreign researchers and dentists for further development of dentistry.The Japanese Dental Science Review is unique journal devoted Review paper - many of which are invited, but unsolicited submissions are welcome and will be given full consideration. All submitted papers are subject to the peer- refereeing process..
To publish the scientific and technologic advancements achieved by the dental and speech-language pathology and audiology communities, following the quality indicators and peer reviewed material, with the objective of assuring its acceptability at the local, regional, national and international levels.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology was founded by the British, Dutch, French, German, Scandinavian, and Swiss Societies of Periodontology. The aim of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology is to provide the platform for exchange of scientific and clinical progress in the field of Periodontology and allied disciplines, and to do so at the highest possible level. The Journal also aims to facilitate the application of new scientific knowledge to the daily practice of the concerned disciplines and addresses both practicing clinicians and academics. The Journal is the official publication of the European Federation of Periodontology but wishes to retain its international scope. The Journal publishes original contributions of high scientific merit in the fields of periodontology and implant dentistry. Its scope encompasses the physiology and pathology of the periodontium, the tissue integration of dental implants, the biology and the modulation of periodontal and alveolar bone healing and regeneration, diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention and therapy of periodontal disease, the clinical aspects of tooth replacement with dental implants, and the comprehensive rehabilitation of the periodontal patient. Review articles by experts on new developments in basic and applied periodontal science and associated dental disciplines, advances in periodontal or implant techniques and procedures, and case reports which illustrate important new information are also welcome.
• Distraction osteogenesis
• Synthetic bone substitutes
• Fibroblast growth factors
• Fetal wound healing
• Skull base surgery
• Computer-assisted surgery
• Vascularized bone grafts
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The Journal of Dental Education (JDE) is a distinguished monthly journal published by the American Dental Education Association. Since 1936, the JDE has provided coverage of the wide variety of scientific and educational research involved in dental and allied dental education. It is particularly influential and respected and recognized as the premier publication for academic dentistry, covering topics ranging from the impact on oral health research of recent findings in such areas as genetics and the brain, to innovative testing methodologies, to curriculum reform, to systematic reviews of clinical trials regarding oral, dental, and craniofacial diseases and disorders. The JDE is one of only a few scholarly journals that are publishing the most important work being done in dental education and research today.
he Journal of Dental Research (JDR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge and information on all sciences relevant to dentistry and to the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease.JDR is published monthly, allowing for frequent dissemination of its leading content. Rapid publication from acceptance to print provides timely communication of the latest research to the oral and dental community.