The Journal of Rural Health, a quarterly journal published by the NRHA, offers a variety of original research relevant and important to rural health. Some examples include evaluations, case studies, and analyses related to health status and behavior, as well as to health work force, policy and access issues. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies are welcome. Highest priority is given to manuscripts that reflect scholarly quality, demonstrate methodological rigor, and emphasize practical implications. The journal also publishes articles with an international rural health perspective, commentaries, book reviews and letters.
Journal of School Health is published 12 times a year on behalf of the American School Health Association. It addresses practice, theory, and research related to the health and well-being of school-aged youth. The journal is a top-tiered resource for professionals who work toward providing students with the programs, services, and environment they need for good health and academic success.
The journal aims to cover transport and health issues in all countries. Three particular aims of the journal are: to promote dialogue between the two research communities it serves; to improve the quality of data and the appropriate use of data; and to encourage transfer of research into practice.
Transport and Health Study Group (THSG)
JTH is formally affiliated with the Transport and Health Study Group (THSG). However, JTH is a scientific journal, and manuscripts submitted to JTH will therefore be considered on two factors - their scientific quality and the relevance of their content - and not on whether the study's findings conflict with current THSG policy. As the THSG prides itself on promoting evidence-based policies, there will be occasions when such policy needs to be reviewed because of emerging evidence.
The Journal of Travel Medicine publishes up-to-date research and original, peer-reviewed articles in the challenging field of travel medicine, including: prevention and treatment of disease; clinic management; patient and staff education; immunizations; impact of travel on host countries; military medicine; problems of refugees; diseases such as malaria, travelers' diarrhea, hepatitis, TB, STDs and AIDS, jet lag, altitude sickness, trauma, special hosts, and more.
The Journal of Urban Health is a bimonthly peer-reviewed publication which focuses on the emerging fields of urban health and epidemiology. The Journal addresses health issues such as substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, HIV, tuberculosis, and violence from both clinical and policy perspectives, filling a neglected niche in medical and health literature. In addition to original articles, the Journal publishes urban health data, book reviews, selected reports and proceedings from Academy symposia, and classic papers that are important to the knowledge base of the field. 5 Year Impact Factor: 2.791 (2008)Section 'Public, Environmental & Occupational Health': Rank 30 out of 105Section 'Medicine, General & Internal': Rank 26 out of 107
Journal of Water and Health is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal devoted to the dissemination of information on the health implications and control of waterborne microorganisms and chemical substances in the broadest sense for developing and developed countries worldwide. This includes microbial toxins, chemical quality and the aesthetic qualities of water.
The Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of high-quality information on the science, policy and practice of drinking-water supply, sanitation and hygiene at local, national and international levels. The journal publishes original contributions including research, analysis, review and commentary. It emphasizes issues of concern in developing and middle-income countries and in disadvantaged communities world-wide, such as: Water supply: intermittent supply, community and utility water supplies, water treatment, distribution, storage and use, water access and quality Sanitation: collection, transport, treatment, use, discharge, on-site and off-site sanitation, resources recovery Hygiene: behaviours, education, change Technical and managerial issues: characteristics of and constraints to conventional and innovative approaches, technical options and boundaries of technical application, emerging issues, emergencies and disasters, impacts on health, poverty and development, sustainability, demand, marketing, organizing supply chains Institutional development: roles of public and private sector, capacity building, governance, education and training Financing and economic analysis: including cost-effectiveness and cost-benefits, role and impact of subsidies, user fees, financial instruments, innovations in financing Policy: examining all aspects and developments in the role of national policy on service provision, human rights and rights-based approaches policy, developing appropriate and scaleable legal and regulatory approaches, norms and standards International policy: aid and aid effectiveness; international targets, conventions and agreements, UN and international policy
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Journal of Physiological Anthropology, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the physiological functions of modern mankind, with an emphasis on the bio-cultural effects on human adaptability to current environment.
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health (JPC), published quarterly, offers peer-reviewed evidence about the practice, impact and outcomes of primary care services and community health programs. Evidence in the form of hypothesis-testing studies is presented, either in the form of pilot projects or larger intervention projects. This facilitates exchange of new information and approaches to assessing performance, and bridges the gap between medicine and public health at the grass-roots level.
The Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) is a peer-reviewed and Open Access journal for the generation and dissemination of evidence from a wide range of disciplines: basic and biomedical sciences; behavioural sciences; epidemiology; clinical sciences; health economics and health policy; operations research and implementation sciences; and social sciences and humanities. Submission of HIV research carried out in low- and middle-income countries is strongly encouraged.
Kontakt is a platform for publishing contributions on the complexity of interactions between clinical and social actions in the context of health improvement.
It is the official journal of the
Kontakt accepts for publication original research, review articles, letters to editor and interesting case reports, on all aspects of nursing, health and social problems related to health and illness. By its broad scope, the journal is aimed at all public health practitioners and researchers as well as public health nurses, policy makers and healthcare managers.
Articles are published in two sections:
1. Nursing aims to promote excellence in the field of nursing through dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed information. The section serves as a platform to exchange knowledge related to education of nurses, practice concepts, innovations policy, legal and ethical issues, nurses' opinions regarding patient safety, work in multicultural environment, advancements in best nursing practice, analysis of clinical practice guidelines which explore the meaning, impact, prevention, treatment and outcomes of health problems relevant to nursing.
2. Social Sciences in Health welcomes contributions relevant to any aspect of health, from broadly understood social sciences perspective, including impact of medicine on society, ethical challenges in healthcare, risk management, and ending with impact and influence of political and economic conditions in health. Articles are to develop understanding and to provide practical application of quantitative and qualitative research methods related to conducting, commissioning or using research in the social and healthcare arenas.
All articles are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review procedure is reciprocally anonymous.
All issues published before 2014 are available at