The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (JBHS&R) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles on the organization, financing, delivery, and outcomes of behavioral health services, including mental health, alcohol, and substance abuse. JBHS&R provides practical and empirical contributions and explains the implications of each research article. Each issue includes an overview of contemporary concerns and recent developments in behavioral health policy and management through research articles, policy perspectives, commentaries, brief reports, and book reviews.This journal is the official publication of the National Council for Behavioral Health. 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.309 (2007)
Section 'Health Policy & Services': Rank 27 out of 40
Section 'Public, Environmental & Occupational Health': Rank 39 out of 701.309 (2007)
Section 'Health Policy & Services': Rank 27 out of 40
Section 'Public, Environmental & Occupational Health': Rank 39 out of 70
This journal presents research that aims to improve current cancer education techniques and solve current problems that exist in educating patients, and strengthening existing programs. The Journal of Cancer Education serves as the ideal source to educate physicians, dentists, nurses, students, social workers as well as other allied health professionals, patients, and the general public in various aspects of cancer education techniques and current problems. International in scope, the journal features a varied editorial board made up of MDs and PhDs working in the field, who see the importance of disseminating information about improving cancer education worldwide.
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of cancer epidemiology.
The Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse addresses the treatment of substance abuse in all ages of children. With the growing magnitude of the problem of substance abuse among children and youth, this is an essential forum for the dissemination of descriptive or investigative efforts with this population. The journal serves as a vehicle for communication and dissemination of information to the many practitioners and researchers working with these young people. With this singular mission in mind, the Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse provides subscribers with one source for obtaining current, useful information regarding state-of-the-art approaches to the strategies and issues in the assessment, prevention, and treatment of adolescent substance abuse. Also, clinical case reports and descriptions of new and innovative evaluation and treatment methods are encouraged. This enables the journal to provide a unique combination of clinical problems, solutions, and research findings to its readers. The journal is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of information on clinical and investigative efforts concerning the assessment, prevention, and treatment of child and adolescent substance abuse. The primary focus is on the empirical study of child and adolescent substance abuse utilizing group comparisons, or single-case experimental strategies. The journal publishes clinical and research reports from a broad range of disciplines: * clinical and counseling psychology * psychiatry * family therapy * sociology * public health * rehabilitation * social work Case studies that are of special clinical relevance or that describe innovative evaluation and intervention techniques, reviews, and theoretical discussions that contribute substantially to our understanding of child and adolescent substance abuse are also published. Peer Review Policy: All manuscripts that are submitted to this journal to be considered for publication have undergone initial screening by the Editor. Almost exclusively, these manuscripts have been reviewed by up to three anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Community Genetics is an international forum for research in the ever-expanding field of community genetics, the art and science of applying medical genetics to human communities for the benefit of their individuals. Community genetics comprises all activities which identify persons at increased genetic risk and has an interest in assessing this risk, in order to enable those at risk to make informed decisions. Community genetics services thus encompass such activities as genetic screening, registration of genetic conditions in the population, routine preconceptional and prenatal genetic consultations, public education on genetic issues, and public debate on related ethical issues. The Journal of Community Genetics has a multidisciplinary scope. It covers medical genetics, epidemiology, genetics in primary care, public health aspects of genetics, and ethical, legal, social and economic issues. Its intention is to serve as a forum for community genetics worldwide, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. The journal features original research papers, reviews, short communications, case and country reports, commentaries, news, and correspondence. Case reports describe illustrative projects in the field of community genetics, e.g., design and progress of an educational program or the protocol and achievement of a genebank. Case reports describing individual patients are not accepted.
The Journal of Community Health, a peer-reviewed publication, offers original articles on the practice, teaching, and research of community health. Coverage includes preventive medicine, new forms of health manpower, analysis of environmental factors, delivery of health care services, and the study of health maintenance and health insurance programs. Serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas and clarification, the journal features articles on projects that make a significant impact on the education of health personnel. 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.491 (2008)Section 'Public, Environmental & Occupational Health': Rank 44 out of 76Section 'Health Policy & Services': Rank 25 out of 41
This innovative publication focuses on health care issues relevant to all aspects of community practice -- schools, homes, visiting nursing services, clinics, hospices, education, and public health administration. Well-researched articles provide practical and up-to-date information to aid the nurse who must frequently make decisions and solve problems without the back-up support systems available in the hospital. The journal is a forum for community health professionals to share their experience and expertise with others in the field. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and anonymous peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Journal of Correctional Health Care (JCHC) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal featuring original research, case studies, and best practices on issues important to correctional health care professionals. JCHC covers clinical health care, health services and support, personnel and staffing, ethical issues, clinical services, medical records, continuous quality improvement, risk management, and medical-legal issues.
Authoritative, peer-refereed publication affording a wide-ranging coverage of important trends and developments in the drug field. Whatever your area of special interest, the Journal of Drug Education brings timely, helpful information, insights and methodologies that can be adapted to various situations. Look to this Quarterly for critical analyses, innovative approaches, scholarly standards, and clear, concise reports on theoretical, research and programmatic issues.
The Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) was incorporated as a nonprofit entity in the State of Florida in 1971. In 1996, JDI was transferred to the Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and the Richard L. Rachin Endowment was established to support its continued publication. Since its inception, JDI has been dedicated to providing a professional and scholarly forum centered on the national and international problems associated with drugs, especially illicit drugs. It is a refereed publication with international contributors and subscribers. As a leader in its field, JDI is an instrument widely used by research scholars, public policy analysts, and those involved in the day-to-day struggle against the problem of drug abuse.
The journal publishes papers covering all areas of environmental sciences, environmental pollution and related disciplines. Other areas are toxicology in relation to plants, animals and men including general toxicology, reproduction toxicology, metabolism and mechanism of action, safety assessment, clinical and veterinary toxicology, ecophusiology, biodiversity, risk assessment, risk management, cleaner technology, behavioral toxicology, experimental toxicology of pharmaceutical, surgical, food, agricultural and industrial products, impact assessment of pollution, responses to toxic agents and community.
Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering is a peer-reviewed journal presenting timely research on all aspects of environmental health science, engineering and management.
A broad outline of the journal's scope includes:
Journal of Environmental and Public Health is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of environmental and public health.
The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health is a truly international journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology and public health. It publishes original research, opinions and materials concerned with the study and improvement of communities worldwide.
The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice aims to promote the evaluation and development of clinical practice across medicine, nursing and the allied health professions. All aspects of health services research and public health policy analysis and debate are of interest to the Journal whether studied from a population-based or individual patient-centred perspective. Of particular interest to the Journal are submissions on all aspects of clinical effectiveness and efficiency including evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guidelines, clinical decision making, clinical services organisation, implementation and delivery, health economic evaluation, health process and outcome measurement and new or improved methods (conceptual and statistical) for systematic inquiry into clinical practice. Papers may take a classical quantitative or qualitative approach to investigation (or may utilise both techniques) or may take the form of learned essays, structured/systematic reviews and critiques.
The Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness (JESF), formerly the Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and SportsScience, is the official, peer-reviewed journal of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology andFitness (SCSEPF), the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China (HKPFA), and the Hong Kong Associationof Sports Medicine and Sports Science (HKASMSS). It is published biannually by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. TheEnglish-language publication features original investigations, comprehensive reviews and case studies on currenttopics in exercise science, physical fitness and physical education.The JESF is currently indexed/abstracted in SCI Expanded, CAB ABSTRACTS, CINAHL Information Systems(Glendale, USA), EMBASE, FMSHK (Journal Abstracts), GLOBAL HEALTH, Physical Education Index (CambridgeScientific Abstracts, USA), ScienceDirect, SCOPUS, SIIC Data Bases, and SPORTDiscus (SIRC, Canada).
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE), a peer-reviewed publication, is published six times a year. The journal publishes research important to exposure assessment for toxic substances, environmental epidemiology that includes a strong exposure analysis component and related disciplines that advance the exposure assessment process. JESEE also publishes original research presenting significant advances in exposure analysis such as measurements, modeling, instrumentation, and questionnaires; mechanisms of exposure via pathways that lead to routes of exposure; development of molecular biomarkers of exposure, health effects, and susceptibility; genomic, proteomic, and metabonomics approaches and studies that assess exposure in the context of health effects; studies on chemical, biological, and physical principles required to analyze human exposure from single and multiple media and routes; occupational exposure studies that enhance the understanding of environmental exposure; and, population-based studies of exposure to toxic substances.Types of work considered are original research; feature articles on emerging issues significant to exposure analysis and assessment; and, reviews on subjects of importance to exposure assessment.