Health Education & Behavior (HEB) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal that provides empirical research, case studies, program evaluations, literature reviews, and discussions of theories of health behavior and health status, as well as strategies to improve social and behavioral health. HEB also examines the processes of planning, implementing, managing, and assessing health education and social-behavioral interventions.
Health Education Journal is a leading peer reviewed journal established in 1943. The journal publishes peer reviewed authoritative papers on health promotion and health education and incudes book reviews and health event listings. Published quarterly Health Education Journal carries original papers on health promotion and health education research, policy development and good practice.
Publishing original, refereed papers, Health Education Research deals with all the vital issues involved in health education and promotion worldwide - providing a valuable link between the health education research and practice communities.Abstracting and Indexing Services Health Education Research is covered by the following major indexing services:Abstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts on Hygiene and Communicable DiseasesAddiction AbstractsApplied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)British Education IndexBritish Nursing IndexBritish Nursing IndexCAB AbstractsCINAHLContents Page in EducationCurrent Contents® /Social and Behavioral SciencesDairy Science AbstractsEducation Research AbstractsEducational Management AbstractsEducational Technology AbstractsEMBASEEnvironmental Science and Pollution ManagementE-psycheExcerpta Medica Abstract JournalsGlobal HealthHealth & Safety Science AbstractsHelminthology AbstractsIndex VeterinariusJournal Citation Reports /Social Sciences EditionLeisure, Recreation and Tourism AbstractsMulticultural Education AbstractsNutrition Abstracts and ReviewsPeriodicals Index Online (PIO)Physical Education IndexPROQUEST DATABASE : MEDLINE with Full TextPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000 InternationalPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest CentralPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health & Medical CompletePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health ManagementPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Medical LibraryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health SourcePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Pharma CollectionPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Psychology JournalsPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Wilson DatabasesPROQUEST DATABASE : PsycINFO Database with Full TextPubMedPsychlitResearch into Higher Education AbstractsReview of Medical and Veterinary MycologyRural Development AbstractsSocial Sciences Citation Index®Social Scisearch®Sociology of EducationSpecial Education Needs AbstractsStudies on Women and Gender Abstracts (SWA)The Standard Periodical DirectoryTropical Diseases BulletinVocational Education & Training AbstractsWilson OmniFile Full Text Mega EditionWorld Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts .
Health Expectations promotes critical thinking and informed debate about all aspects of public participation in health care and health policy, including:
Patient-centred care and quality improvement
Patients' participation in treatment decisions
Public perceptions of health services
Citizen involvement health care policy making and priority-setting
Methods for monitoring and evaluating participation
Empowerment and consumerism
Patients' role in safety and quality
Health Expectations is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research, review articles and critical commentaries. It includes papers which clarify concepts, develop theories, and critically analyse and evaluate specific policies and practices. The Journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international forum in which researchers from a variety of backgrounds can present their work to other researchers, policy makers, health care professionals, managers and consumer advocates.
Keywords: Health Expectations promotes critical thinking and informed debate about all aspects of public participation in health care and health policy, including:
Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria, resulta idónea para estar al día sobre los originales y revisiones más destacados en este ámbito profesional. Su prestigio la ha llevado a ser incluida en los principales ?ndices internacionales.6 NÚMEROS AL AÑO + 3 SUPLEMENTOSPara más información, consulte
Health Promotion International responds to the move for a new public health throughout the world and supports the development of action outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. It is the official journal of the IUHPE, and is published in association with the WHO.Health Promotion International contains refereed original articles, reviews, and debate articles on major themes and innovations from various sectors including education, health services, employment, government, the media, industry, environmental agencies, and community networks. The journal provides a unique focal point for articles of high quality that describe not only theories and concepts, research projects and policy formulation, but also planned and spontaneous activities, organizational change, social and environmental development.The articles contained in this journal reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editor, Editorial Board, Oxford University Press or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Adaptation and use of the Health Promotion International logo for the cover design kindly granted by the World Health Organization.
Health Promotion Practice (HPP) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal devoted to the practical application of health promotion and education. HPP focuses on critical and strategic information for professionals engaged in the practice of developing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and disease prevention programs.
The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of health services and outcomes research. It addresses the needs of multiple, interlocking communities, including methodologists in statistics, econometrics, social and behavioral sciences: designers and analysts of health policy and health services research projects: and health care providers and policy makers who need to properly understand and evaluate the results of published research. The journal will strive to enhance the level of methodologic rigor in health services and outcomes research and will contribute to the development of methodologic standards in the field. In pursuing its main objective, the journal will also provide a meeting ground for researchers from a number of traditional disciplines and will foster the development of new quantitative methodology by statisticians, econometricians, and methodologists in other fields.
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology publishes: Research papers on quantitative methods: Case Studies setting out substantial applications of quantitative methodology in health services and outcomes research: Review Articles, synthesizing and popularizing methodologic developments: Tutorials: Articles on computational issues and software reviews: Book reviews and notices. Special issues will be devoted to papers presented in important workshops and conferences.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes is a highly ranked journal focusing on the development and clinical application of patient reported outcomes.
Health and Social Care in the Community is an international peer-reviewed journal with a multidisciplinary audience including social workers, health care professionals with a community or public health focus e.g. public health practitioners, GP's, Community Nurses and Social Care researchers and educators. The Journal promotes critical thinking and informed debate about all aspects of health and social care. Original papers are sought that reflect the broad range of policy, practice and theoretical issues underpinning the provision of care in the community. Health and Social Care in the Community publishes systematic and narrative reviews, policy analysis and empirical qualitative or quantitative papers including papers that focus on professional or patient education.
Health Risk & Society is an international scholarly journal devoted to a theoretical and empirical understanding of the social processes which influence the ways in which health risks are taken, communicated, assessed and managed.Public awareness of risk is associated with the development of high profile media debates about specific risks. Although risk issues arise in a variety of areas, such as technological usage and the environment, they are particularly evident in health. Not only is health a major issue of personal and collective concern, but failure to effectively assess and manage risk is likely to result in health problems.Health, Risk & Society aims to stimulate wider study of the issues by providing a focus for study and publication by academics and practitioners on the relationship between health, risk and society.Health, Risk & Society is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral journal. Contributions are welcomed from a variety of social sciences disciplines, including economics, sociology, psychology and management. The journal particularly encourages the submission of articles exploring the ways in which risk was handled at a variety of levels, e.g. in the community, within various organisations and at national and supranational levels. Articles should be accessible to a variety of audiences, including practitioners and policy-makers.ReadershipHealth, Risk & Society aims to bring together social scientists, practitioners and policy makers who have an interest in risk issues relating to health. These disciplines include; sociology, social policy, management, economics, political science, social and clinical psychology, anthropology, education, social and public health medicine, nursing, social work, law and psychiatry.Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the Content ) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The first peer-reviewed journal dedicated exclusively to the latest advances in high altitude life sciences. The journal features the latest findings on the effects on lung and heart disease, appetite and weight loss, pulmonary and cerebral edema, hypertension, dehydration, infertility, and other diseases. Covers the full spectrum of high altitude life sciences, including physiology, pharmacology, comparative and evolutionary biology, anthropology, human and animal ecology, pathology, and pathogenesis.The Official Journal of the International Society for Mountain Medicine. Members of the society can access the e-journal via the "Members Only" section of the society website.
Home Health Care Management & Practice (HHCMP) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal for clinicians, case managers, administrators, and educators providing health care in the home and other community-based venues, such as hospices, adult day centers, correctional facilities, wellness centers, durable medical equipment suppliers, primary care outreach clinics and other settings.
Home Health Care Services Quarterly continues to publish important research on the cutting edge of home care and alternatives to long-term institutional care for the elderly, disabled, and other population groups that use in-home health care and other community services. The journal is aimed toward service providers and health care specialists involved with health care financing, evaluation of services, organization of services, and public policy issues.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Human Resources for Health is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of planning, producing and managing human resources for health.