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Acta Biotheoretica

ISSN: 0001-5342eISSN: 1572-8358

Data Science for Transportation publishes high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics related to Data Science for Transportation. This includes classical approaches when data sources are used to unravel underlying physical mechanisms leading to general laws and new modelling frameworks. It also includes new data-driven approaches when AI plays a central role.

The goal of the journal is to showcase the latest methodological advances and applications of data science methods in transportation and appropriate implications for policy making. The journal is also interested in the significant impact that these fields are beginning to have on other scientific disciplines as well as many aspects of society and industry. There are countless opportunities where big data intelligence can augment other methods in transportation systems planning, operations, freight, safety analysis, transit, safe and sustainable cities and emergency management. There are many emerging questions of relevance on ethical, social and privacy, that are also relevant in this domain. The focus is primarily on analytical data driven methods. High quality application based studies will also be considered.

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Acta Cardiologica

ISSN: 0001-5385eISSN: 0373-7934
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Acta Cardiologica Sinica

ISSN: 1011-6842

Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca

ISSN: 0001-5415eISSN: 2570-981X
Publisher: Galen s.r.o.

Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae

ISSN: 0001-5423eISSN: 1805-4404

Acta Chirurgica Belgica

ISSN: 0001-5458

2014 Impact Factor: 0.408
5-year Impact Factor: 0.402
Ranking: 182/197 (Surgery)
©Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports® 2014


Acta Chirurgica Belgica (ACB) is the official journal of the Royal Belgian Society for Surgery (RBSS) and its affiliated societies. It publishes Editorials, Review papers, Original Research, and Technique related manuscripts in the broad field of Clinical Surgery. Experimental studies are considered when the results have a clear translational clinical value. Topical correspondence on the published content is welcome.


This journal subscribes to the recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals put forward by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

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Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira

ISSN: 0102-8650eISSN: 1678-2674

To publish original papers on basic and applied research in surgery, and biomedical sciences, new surgical techniques, reviews related to investigations in biomedicine, articles on teaching, advances in biomedicine and scientific communication.

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Acta Clinica Belgica

ISSN: 1784-3286eISSN: 2295-3337

Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine primarily publishes papers on clinical medicine, clinical chemistry, pathology and molecular biology, provided they describe results which contribute to our understanding of clinical problems or describe new methods applicable to clinical investigation. Readership includes physicians, pathologists, pharmacists and physicians working in non-academic and academic hospitals, practicing internal medicine and its subspecialties.

Acta Clinica Belgica is the official journal of the following societies, which make the journal available to their members:
•Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
•Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine

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Acta Clinica Croatica

ISSN: 0353-9466eISSN: 1333-9451
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Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo

Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo is the official publication of the Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo (Colombian Association of Critical Medicine and Intensive Care), and as such it publishes articles associated with these specialties. It is published every 3 months in March, June, September and December.

La revista Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo es el órgano oficial de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo y como tal publica artículos relacionados con la especialidad. Se publica cada 3 meses en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre.

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Acta Colombiana de Psicología

ISSN: 0123-9155eISSN: 1909-9711
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Acta Cytologica

ISSN: 0001-5547eISSN: 1938-2650

With articles offering an excellent balance between clinical cytology and cytopathology, Acta Cytologica fosters the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms behind cytomorphology and thus facilitates the translation of frontline research into clinical practice. As the official journal of the International Academy of Cytology and affiliated to over 50 national cytology societies around the world, Acta Cytologica evaluates new and existing diagnostic applications of scientific advances as well as their clinical correlations. Original papers, review articles, meta-analyses, novel insights from clinical practice, and letters to the editor cover topics from diagnostic cytopathology, gynecologic, and nongynecologic cytopathology to fine needle aspiration, molecular techniques, and their diagnostic applications. As the perfect reference for practical use, Acta Cytologica addresses a multidisciplinary audience practicing clinical cytopathology, cell biology, oncology, interventional radio

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Acta Dermato-Venereologica

ISSN: 0001-5555eISSN: 1651-2057

Acta Dermato-Venereologica publishes high-quality manuscripts in English dealing with new observations on basic dermatological and venereological research. as well as clinical investigations. Each volume also features a number of Review articles in special areas. as well as short Letters to the Editor to stimulate debate. New books are also reviewed. Acta Dermato-Venereologica has rapid publication times and is amply illustrated with an increased number of colour photographs to enhance understanding. Acta Dermato-Venereologica covers: Atopic dermatitis and contact allergySkin immunology and lymphomaPsoriasis and genodermatosesSkin barrier and epidermal differentiationSexually transmitted diseasesSkin cancer and pigmentationClinical case reports Extensive papers. proceedings from congresses and symposia are printed as supplements to the journal. Announcements concerning pertinent dermatological meetings and books received are also published. Readership: Doctors and scientists interested in dermatology. skin biology and venerology. Information about Acta Dermato-Venereologica: ISIImpact Factor 2009: 3.007.

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Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica

ISSN: 1330-027X

Acta Diabetologica

ISSN: 0940-5429eISSN: 1432-5233

Acta Diabetologica is a journal that publishes reports of experimental and clinical research on diabetes mellitus and related metabolic diseases. Original contributions on biochemical, physiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of research on diabetes and metabolic diseases are welcome. Reports are published in the form of original articles, short communications and letters to the editor. Invited reviews and editorials are also published. A Methodology forum, which publishes contributions on methodological aspects of diabetes in vivo and in vitro, is also available. The Editor-in-chief will be pleased to consider articles describing new techniques (e.g., new transplantation methods, metabolic models), of innovative importance in the field of diabetes/metabolism. Finally, workshop reports are also welcome in Acta Diabetologica.The journal is also open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings. Condition can be obtained from the Editor-in Chief or the publish

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Acta Endoscopica

ISSN: 0240-642XeISSN: 1958-5454

Revue officielle de la Société française d'endoscopie digestive (SFED), Acta Endoscopica publie des articles de formation continue regroupés le plus souvent dans un dossier thématique. L'endoscopie tant sur le plan diagnostique que thérapeutique est étudiée à travers des articles originaux et des cas cliniques. Ses applications médicales et chirurgicales sont largement exposées. Une place est faite aux études expérimentales sur de nouveaux matériels endoscopiques.La revue propose également des sujets propres à l'anatomopathologie, à l'imagerie en général ou encore à la biologie. Enfin, les lecteurs consulteront avec intérêt les revues de la littérature ou les analyses de livres. La revue publie également des dossiers spéciaux consacrés aux manifestations suivantes : La journée de réflexion de la SFED (Société française d’endoscopie digestive) Le Vidéo-Digest (congrès annuel de la SFED) et le Séminaire de formation de la SNFGE (Société nationale française de gastroentér

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Acta Haematologica

ISSN: 0001-5792eISSN: 1421-9662

Acta Haematologica is a well-established and internationally recognized clinically oriented journal featuring balanced, wide-ranging coverage of current hematology research. A wealth of information on such problems as anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, hereditary disorders, blood coagulation, growth factors, hematopoiesis, and differentiation is contained in first-rate basic and clinical research papers – some of which are accompanied by editorial comments by eminent experts. These are supplemented by short state-of-the-art communications, reviews, and correspondence as well as occasional special issues devoted to “hot topics” in hematology. Cutting-edge clinical information, along translational research relevant to clinical daily life, will keep the practicing hematologist well informed of the new developments in the field.

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Acta Haematologica Polonica

ISSN: 0001-5814

Acta Haematologica Polonica jest oficjalnym czasopismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów oraz Instytutu Hematologii i Transfuzjologii zwiazanym z polska hematologia i transfuzjologia od 1970 roku. Pismo publikuje zarówno prace oryginalne doswiadczalne, opisy przypadków jak równiez prace pogladowe i edukacyjne. Tematyka prac publikowanych w Acta Haematologica Polonica obejmuje zagadnienia fizjologii oraz patologii w hematologii i transfuzjologii miedzy innymi dotyczace leukocytów, erytrocytów, plytek krwi, ukladu odpornosciowego, mechanizmów hemostazy oraz aspektów klinicznych rozrostowych chorób hematologicznych.

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Acta Hepatologica Japonica

ISSN: 0451-4203

Acta Histochemica: Research and Methods in Cell and Tissue Biology

ISSN: 0065-1281

Acta histochemica, a journal of structural biochemistry of cells and tissues, publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews, letters to the editor, meeting reports and abstracts of meetings. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for the cytochemical and histochemical research community in the life sciences, including cell biology, biotechnology, neurobiology, immunobiology, pathology, pharmacology, botany, zoology and environmental and toxicological research. The journal focuses on new developments in cytochemistry and histochemistry and their applications. Manuscripts reporting on studies of living cells and tissues are particularly welcome. Understanding the complexity of cells and tissues, i.e. their biocomplexity and biodiversity, is a major goal of the journal and reports on this topic are especially encouraged. Original research articles, short communications and reviews that report on new developments in cytochemistry and histochemistry are welcomed, especially when molecular biology is combined with the use of advanced microscopical techniques including image analysis and cytometry. Letters to the editor should comment or interpret previously published articles in the journal to trigger scientific discussions. Meeting reports are considered to be very important publications in the journal because they are excellent opportunities to present state-of-the-art overviews of fields in research where the developments are fast and hard to follow. Authors of meeting reports should consult the editors before writing a report. The editorial policy of the editors and the editorial board is rapid publication. Once a manuscript is received by one of the editors, an editorial decision about acceptance, revision or rejection will be taken within a month. It is the aim of the publishers to have a manuscript published within three months after the manuscript has been accepted.

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