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Annals of General Psychiatry

eISSN: 1744-859X

Annals of General Psychiatry is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of psychiatry. Both basic and clinical neuroscience contributions are encouraged.

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Annals of Global Health

eISSN: 2214-9996

ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH, published formerly as The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, is an open-access, peer-reviewed Journal focused on global health. The Journal’s mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge of global health, promote research and foster the prevention and treatment of disease worldwide by supporting open dissemination and lively discourse about a wide range of the most important topics in global health and medicine.

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Annals of Hematology

ISSN: 0939-5555eISSN: 1432-0584

Annals of Hematology covers the whole spectrum of clinical and experimental hematology, hemostaseology, blood transfusion, and related aspects of medical oncology, including diagnosis and treatment of leukemias, lymphatic neoplasias and solid tumors, and transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Coverage includes general aspects of oncology, molecular biology and immunology as pertinent to problems of human blood disease. The journal is associated with the German Society for Hematology and Oncology, and the Austrian Society for Hematology and Oncology. The Editor-in-Chief is Arnold Ganser, Department of Hematology, Hemostasis and Oncology, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover.

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Annals of Hepatology

ISSN: 1665-2681eISSN: 2659-5982

Annals of Human Biology

ISSN: 0301-4460eISSN: 1464-5033
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Annals of Human Genetics

ISSN: 0003-4800eISSN: 1469-1809

The Annals of Human Genetics is an international journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research. The principal aim of the Annals is to increase understanding of the biology of human variation, both in disease and in health. In recent years it has become apparent that the study of population genetics is extremely relevant to molecular pathology. The interaction of these fields can greatly increase our understanding of the generation and maintenance of variation in the human genome. The major topics covered in the Annals include:- Human genome variation - its evolution and implications for human biology. Interpretations of the current or future state of the human genome sequence are also welcomed. Human population genetics - including studies which elucidate human history, our understanding of chromosome evolution, and the geographic distribution of particular diseases, worldwide. The journal will also consider studies on primate populations. Statistical genetics - the application and improvement of mathematical approaches for analysis of genetic data, including linkage and association mapping of genes and QTLs. The journal also welcomes papers focussing on more general bioinformatic approaches. Genetics of common multifactorial diseases and other complex traits and QTLs - in general we expect these to be human but relevant animal models will also be considered. Mendelian disorders and their molecular pathology - the emphasis will again be on human disease but animal models or in vitro work may also be considered. In each of these areas we welcome high quality articles providing original data and/or analysis, and also methodological papers, preferably including application to real data. Large datasets and additional material can be stored and made easily available through the journal web site. An absolute requirement of all papers will be that a general reader of the journal can understand from the summary of the paper what problem the authors are trying to solve. Most articles published will be full-length research papers, and in each issue we aim to have at least one review article. Reviews are generally invited, but suggestions are very welcome and preliminary enquiries should be directed to the Reviews Editor, Steve Humphries. Short communications will also be considered if of sufficient interest.

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Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology

ISSN: 0972-2327eISSN: 1998-3549

The Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology-AIAN (ISSN 0972-2327) is the official journal of the Indian Academy of Neurology. Our aim is to serve as a medium for dissemination of information and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in neurosciences. The journal is published Quarterly. We accept for publication, manuscripts that were not published earlier or are under simultaneous consideration by another journal. The publication of the material as an abstract of conference proceedings is exempted. We follow the broad guidelines for good publications practice brought out by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) and recommendations of World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The Editorial Board shall scrutinize each article submitted to the journal and shall submit it to peer review.

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Annals of Intensive Care

eISSN: 2110-5820

Annals of Intensive Care is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is aimed at publishing high-quality review articles and original research papers on intensive care medicine. The journal is intended for all critical care providers (attending physicians, fellows, residents, nurses, and physiotherapists) seeking to update their own knowledge to ensure they provide the best care for their patients.

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Annals of Internal Medicine

ISSN: 0003-4819eISSN: 1539-3704

Annals of Internal Medicine CME is a convenient way to fulfill your CME requirements. Up to three articles from each issue are designated for credit, and companion CME quizzes are provided online. Earn credits by reading the article and successfully completing the quiz.Links to quizzes are provided on the Annals of Internal Medicine home page, tables of contents, and on the CME-designated articles themselves.

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Annals of King Edward Medical University

ISSN: 2079-7192eISSN: 2079-0694
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Annals of Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 2234-3806eISSN: 2234-3814

Annals of Medicine

ISSN: 0785-3890eISSN: 1365-2060
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Annals of Medicine and Surgery

eISSN: 2049-0801

Now published by Elsevier, Annals of Medicine and Surgery is an online-only, peer-reviewed open access journal with a global outlook and focus on those training in medicine and surgery (postgraduate and undergraduate). AMS contains a mix of original clinical and basic science research, reviews, editorials, commentary, perspectives, debate, opinion, case reports and journal club reports.

The journal crosses the whole disease spectrum of medicine and surgery but does also have a special focus on the following areas:

  • Patient safety
  • Human factors, teamwork, communication and professionalism
  • Quality improvement science and practice
  • Evidence based medicine
  • Implementation science – clinical evidence into practice
  • Leadership and management
  • Medical education, teaching, and training
  • Public and global health
  • Healthcare policy, delivery, commissioning, and resource management
  • Use of technology and health informatics
  • Clinical ethics and medical law
  • Research and innovation – bedside to bench and back again – including applications like personalised medicine

The journal uses an author-pays model and charges a fee per article accepted for publication. Following payment of this fee, the article is made universally available to all on and

PubMed Central: Annals of Medicine and Surgery has been selected for inclusion in PubMed Central. All articles dating to Volume 1, Number 1 will be included in PubMed Central.

Annals of Medicine and Surgery is indexed in:

  • AcademicPub
  • The British Library
  • Cancerlit
  • Google Scholar
  • Medline/PubMed
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Scisearch
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Annals of Neurology

eISSN: 1531-8249

Annals of Neurology publishes articles of broad interest with potential for high impact in understanding the mechanisms and treatment of diseases of the human nervous system. All areas of clinical and basic neuroscience, including new technologies, cellular and molecular neurobiology, population sciences, and studies of behavior, addiction, and psychiatric diseases are of interest to the journal. Topics covered include: • ALS • Ataxia • Atrophy • Autism • Basic Neuroscience • Brain Development and Child Neurology • Demyelinating Diseases • Epilepsy • Genetics • Lysosomal Storage Disease • Mitochondrial Dysfunction • Molecular Medicine • Movement Disorders • Multiple Sclerosis • Myopathy • Neurodegenerative Diseases (including Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Motor Neuron Disease, and Dementia) • Neuroimmunology • Pain • Sleep Disorders • Seizures • Stroke • Translational Research, and more… Three new sections, NerveCenter, Discoveries in Neuroscience, and Open Forum and one new feature, Medical Hypotheses debuted in Annals of Neurology in 2006. NerveCenter is a lively and topical forum covering a wide variety of timely and important issues in the clinical neurosciences of interest to the clinical and academic audiences of Annals. Topics featured include: • NIH or government news • Changes in academic neurology around the country • New medically important discoveries • Biographies • Interviews • Coverage of educational issues Discoveries in Neuroscience highlights recent and important discoveries in basic neuroscience, and the implications of these findings for the Annals readership. The section will provide a brief synopsis of important publications selected by the editors from the general neuroscience literature. Advances in the understanding of genes, molecules, pathways, and systems that control fundamental nervous system functions will be highlighted, with an emphasis on those that are particularly significant, novel, or relevant to human disease. Open Forum provides a home for letters that respond to published articles in Annals (or elsewhere). Medical Hypotheses, the new feature, provides a forum for novel hypotheses. The editors encourage authors who wish to submit reviews or hypotheses to contact the editorial office in advance of submission. Reviews, currently published as Neurological Progress, have been extremely well received by the readership in the past. The editors plan to increase the number of Neurological Progress articles by striving for at least one overview article of this type each month.

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Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology

ISSN: 1082-720XeISSN: 1542-474X

The ANNALS OF NONINVASIVE ELECTROCARDIOLOGY (A.N.E) is an online only journal that incorporates ongoing advances in the clinical application and technology of traditional and new ECG-based techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac patients.ANE is the first journal in an evolving subspecialty that incorporates ongoing advances in the clinical application and technology of traditional and new ECG-based techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac patients. The publication includes topics related to 12-lead, exercise and high-resolution electrocardiography, arrhythmias, ischemia, repolarization phenomena, heart rate variability, circadian rhythms, bioengineering technology, signal-averaged ECGs, T-wave alternans and automatic external defibrillation.ANE publishes peer-reviewed articles of interest to clinicians and researchers in the field of noninvasive electrocardiology. Original research, clinical studies, state-of-the-art reviews, case reports, technical notes, and letters to the editors will be published to meet future demands in this field.

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Annals of Nuclear Medicine

ISSN: 0914-7187eISSN: 1864-6433

Annals of Nuclear Medicine is an official journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine. It develops the appropriate application of radioactive substances and stable nuclides in the field of medicine. The journal promotes the exchange of ideas and information and research in nuclear medicine and includes the medical application of radionuclides and related subjects. It presents original articles, case reports, short communications, technical notes, and reviews, letters to the editor.

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Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism

ISSN: 0250-6807eISSN: 1421-9697

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism is a leading international peer-reviewed journal for sharing information on human nutrition, metabolism, and related fields, covering the broad and multidisciplinary nature of science in nutrition and metabolism. The journal focuses on human nutrition and metabolism, and related areas, including experimental studies and basic science that can inform human nutrition science. We welcome manuscripts describing observational and intervention studies as well as basic science reports on the topics of foods, diets and dietary supplements, nutrigenomics and genetics related to metabolism, on energy metabolism, macro- and micronutrients including vitamins and minerals, biofunctional compounds, dietetics, obesity, clinical nutrition, social sciences and health economy as related to nutrition and metabolism, and nutrition policy. Laboratory-based science may include descriptions of relevant experimental models. In addition to original papers, the journal will publish review articles on topical subjects, systematic reviews, short commentaries and viewpoint articles that may address current controversies, short meeting reports, letters to the editor, and announcements/society news. The journal will also publish supplements with proceedings from internationally relevant conferences on nutrition and metabolism.

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Annals of Occupational Hygiene

ISSN: 0003-4878eISSN: 1475-3162

The Annals of Occupational Hygiene is one of the world's top research journals on hazards and risks to health resulting from work. The journal is particularly interested in recognition, quantification, management, communication, and control of risk. It includes papers on basic mechanisms, human aspects and technology, and on environmental risks to humans when these are linked to risks at work.Topics covered include: * chemical, physical and biological agents * measurement and control * process design * ergonomics * protection * occupational toxicology * epidemiology * assessment and management of risk * education and training There is heavy pressure on space in the journal. We do not normally consider the following types of paper: reports of health effects without corresponding information on causative agents and exposure, unless the effects are unexpected and likely to be of wide interest, or papers on infection control unless the problems are primarily occupational.The journal has a very wide geographical spread, with about 60% of our papers coming from continental Europe or North America. The median time to conduct peer review and give the authors a first decision is less than 7 weeks. Papers are usually published on-line less than 6 weeks after acceptance.The Annals of Occupational Hygiene is published by Oxford University Press for the British Occupational Hygiene Society.

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Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

eISSN: 2052-4374

Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AOEM) considers original contributions relevant to occupational and environmental medicine and related fields in the form of original articles, review articles, short letters and case reports. Authors based in the Republic of Korea can apply for a discounted article processing charge (APC) of €840 by mentioning the discount code KORAU on the payment page during submission. AOEM is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that considers original research related to the field of occupational and environmental medicine. AOEM is aimed at clinicians and researchers in the wide-ranging discipline of occupational and environmental medicine. The topics include but not limited to the interactions between work and health, that is, subjects like occupational and environmental epidemiology, toxicology, hygiene, diagnosis & treatment of diseases, management, organization and policy.

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Annals of Oncology

ISSN: 0923-7534eISSN: 1569-8041

Annals of Oncology is devoted to the rapid publication of editorials, reviews, original articles and letters related to oncology, particularly medical oncology. Its character, however, is multidisciplinary, and contributions on clinically-oriented laboratory research, surgery and radiotherapy are assured by the presence of representatives of these disciplines among the Associate Editors and Editorial Board.Annals of Oncology is the official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. Since 2008 the Journal is also affiliated with the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology. For more information on this collaboration please click here for the original announcement.Annals of Oncology covers the following areas: * Breast cancer * Gastrointestinal tumours * Lung cancer * Urogenital tumours * Hematologic malignancies * Head and neck cancer * Sarcomas * Gynecologic cancer * Quality of life and supportive care * Phase I studies * Phase II studies * Phase III studies * Translational science.

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