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American Journal of Psychotherapy

ISSN: 0002-9564eISSN: 2575-6559
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American Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 0090-0036eISSN: 1541-0048

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) is dedicated to publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health. The Journal also regularly publishes editorials and commentaries and serves as a forum for health policy analysis. The mission of the Journal is to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education. Each month, national and international public health professionals turn to AJPH for the most current, authoritative, in-depth information in the field.

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American Journal of Reproductive Immunology

ISSN: 1046-7408eISSN: 1600-0897

The American Journal of Reproductive Immunology is an international journal devoted to the presentation of current information in all areas relating to Reproductive Immunology. The journal is directed toward both the basic scientist and the clinician, covering the whole process of reproduction as affected by immunological processes. The journal covers a variety of subspecialty topics, including fertility immunology, pregnancy immunology, immunogenetics, mucosal immunology, immunocontraception, endometriosis, abortion, tumor immunology of the reproductive tract, autoantibodies, infectious disease of the reproductive tract, and technical news.

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American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

ISSN: 1044-1549eISSN: 1535-4989

ATS CME Mission Statement*CME Purpose: The purpose of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) CME Program is to support the ATS mission of: decreasing morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders on both national and international levels, providing a high quality CME program that addresses the professional practice gaps of our learners and by facilitating change in learner competence and performance. As stated in our motto, “We help the world breathe.”*Content Areas: The content of the ATS CME program focuses on research, clinical, and administrative aspects of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.*Target Audience: The target audience consists of researchers, clinicians, and other health professionals practicing in Pulmonary, Critical Care or Sleep Medicine. The ATS believes that optimal patient care is achieved through an interdisciplinary team approach.*Types of Activities: The ATS coordinates live courses, manuscript review, enduring materials (e g. internet, print), journal CME and activities separately and jointly-sponsored with our Thoracic Society Chapters and other national organizations with missions congruent with our own.*Expected Results: The ATS CME program is expected to lead to improvement in learner competence or performance. Results are measured with self-report and objective assessments.

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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

ISSN: 1073-449XeISSN: 1535-4970

The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine focuses on human biology and disease, as well as animal studies that contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system and critically ill patients. Papers that are solely or predominantly based in cell and molecular biology are published in the companion journal, the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. The Journal also seeks to publish outstanding review articles on areas of interest in several forms. The State-of-the-Art review is a treatise usually covering a broad field that brings bench research to the bedside. Shorter reviews are published as Clinical Commentaries or Pulmonary Perspectives. These are generally focused in a more limited area and advance a concerted opinion about care for a specific process. Case Reports of exceptional merit are also published in the Journal.A recent trend and future direction of the journal has been to include debates of a topical nature on issues of importance in pulmonary and critical care medicine and to the membership of the American Thoracic Society. Other recent changes have included encompassing works from the field of critical care medicine and the extension of the editorial governing of journal policy to colleagues outside of the United States of America. The focus and direction of the Journal is to establish an international forum for state-of-the-art respiratory and critical care medicine.

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American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

ISSN: 1945-8924eISSN: 1945-8932

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

ISSN: 1058-0360eISSN: 1558-9110
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American Journal of Sports Medicine

ISSN: 0363-5465eISSN: 1552-3365

Orthopaedic Surgeons and Specialists Sports Medicine Physicians Physiatrists Athletic Trainers Team Physicians And Physical Therapists ACL – injury & reconstruction Arthroscopic techniques Basic science relevant to clinical sports medicine, including the subjects of anatomy, biomechanics, and cell biology Children & adolescents Degenerative Joint Disease Epidemiology of sports injuries Female athletes Imaging studies Surgical techniques for the knee, shoulder, elbow, and ankle Specific injuries including shoulder, knee and meniscus subjects Rehabilitation & training Sport specific subjects such as soccer, baseball and football issues Treatment techniques The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)As a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication and fellowship, The AOSSM is a national organization of orthopaedic surgeons specializing in sports medicine, including national and international sports medicine leaders. The AOSSM works closely with many other sports medicine specialists and clinicians, including family physicians, emergency physicians, pediatricians, athletic trainers and physical therapists, to improve the identification, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries.Formed in 1972 primarily as a forum for education and research, the AOSSM has grown from its modest initial membership of fewer than 100 to close to 2,000. There are 57 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education approved Fellowships in orthopaedic sports medicine in the United States and Canada.Through research and advances in surgical and rehabilitation techniques, orthopaedic sports medicine specialists have been able to treat and rehabilitate athletes whose injuries were once career-ending and put them back in the game. Members must demonstrate continuing active research and educational activities in the field of sports medicine. Such activities may include service as a team physician at any level of competition, educating persons involved with the health of athletes, service to local, regional, national and international competitions, and the presentation of scientific research papers at sports medicine meetings.The unifying interest of the membership is their concern with the effects of exercise and the monitoring of its impact on active individuals of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness. .

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American Journal of Surgical Pathology: Reviews and Reports

ISSN: 2381-5949eISSN: 2381-652X

Pathology Case Reviews chronicles the significant advances and premier techniques available to today's pathologists. It delivers the kind of practical continuing education in diagnostic pathology previously found only at seminars, workshops, or short courses. Each issue examines one timely theme8212;with case reports that cover both histopathologic and cytopathologic cases8212;and editorials and reviews of the newest, most relevant developments in the field. Each case is invited and peer-reviewed, and includes a full work-up, analysis, diagnosis, and resolution of significant case experiences. Each issue of Pathology Case Reviews offers a complete perspective that includes a thorough discussion of potential diagnostic pitfalls, medicolegal cases, differential diagnosis hints, application of new technologies, and reviews of new techniques. The journal is fully illustrated with surgical, autopsy, and forensic specimens, many in full color.For more information, visit

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American Journal of Therapeutics

ISSN: 1075-2765eISSN: 1536-3686

The American Journal of Therapeutics is an indispensable resource for all prescribing physicians who want to access pharmacological developments in cardiology, infectious disease, oncology, anesthesiology, nephrology, toxicology and psychotropics without having to sift through stacks of medical journals. AJT features original articles on the latest therapeutic approaches as well as critical articles on the drug approval process, therapeutic reviews covering pharmacokinetics, regulatory affairs, pediatric clinical pharmacology, hypertension, metabolism, and drug delivery systems. Plus, clinical pharmacology and clinical therapeutics conferences update physicians and physicians-in-training on treating disease.

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American Journal of Translational Research

eISSN: 1943-8141
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American Journal of Transplantation

ISSN: 1600-6135eISSN: 1600-6143

The aim of the American Journal of Transplantation is the rapid publication of new high quality data in organ and tissue transplantation and the related sciences.

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American Journal of Veterinary Research

ISSN: 0002-9645eISSN: 1943-5681

The International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (IJCRE) publishes significant research and scholarship in the broad fields of theoretical and applied reactor engineering. The mandate of the journal is to assemble high quality papers from the broad research spectrum covered by modern reactor engineering. The range of topics includes single-phase and multi-phase reactor design, operation and control, new chemical reactor concepts, fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, catalysis, low and high pressure and temperature operation, environmental and economical implications, as well as topics drawn from the substantial areas of overlap between reaction and reactor engineering.

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American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

ISSN: 1944-7515eISSN: 1944-7558

According to the most recent ranking of impact factors (from June 2010) in Journal Citation Reports, the American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (formerly the American Journal on Mental Retardation) is ranked No. 2 in “Special Education” and No. 2 in “Rehabilitation.” The premier journal in its field for more than 115 years, AJIDD publishes expert contributions on the treatment and prevention of intellectual disabilities. The Journal is an essential reference for researchers in the biological and health sciences, and a crucial addition to human services libraries.

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American Orthoptic Journal

ISSN: 0065-955XeISSN: 1553-4448

The American Orthoptic Journal enables those in the orthoptic and ophthalmologic communities to keep abreast of current clinical practice and research in ocular motility. The Journal serves as a forum for the presentation of new material in the fields of pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, amblyopia and strabismus. Materials contained in the journal include freely submitted peer reviewed articles, the Richard G. Scobee Memorial Lecture, the John Pratt Johnson Lecture, and the proceedings of the combined AOC/AACO/AAO symposium held at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Abstracts of the English, French, German, and Spanish literature on the subjects of amblyopia and strabismus as well as book reviews are also included. American Orthoptic Journal is indexed in MEDLINE.

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American Psychologist

ISSN: 0003-066XeISSN: 1935-990X

American Psychologist® is the official journal of the American Psychological Association. As such, the journal contains archival documents and articles covering current issues in psychology, the science and practice of psychology, and psychology's contribution to public policy.Archival and Association documents include, but are not limited to the Annual Report of the Association Council minutes the Presidential Address editorials other reports of the Association ethics information surveys of the membership employment data obituaries calendars of events announcements selected award addresses.

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American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book / ASCO. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Meeting

ISSN: 1548-8756

American Surgeon

ISSN: 0003-1348

American journal of disaster medicine

ISSN: 1932-149X

American journal of pharmaceutical education

ISSN: 0002-9459eISSN: 1553-6467

The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE) is the official publication of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Its purpose is to document and advance pharmaceutical education in the United States and Internationally. The Journal considers material in all areas related to pharmaceutical education. Through open-access Internet publication the Journal intends to take full advantage of the electronic medium; this includes the publication of articles with multimedia features, encompassing 3D graphics, video, interactive figures and databases, and sound. The Journal Editor is Joseph T. DiPiro, Professor and Executive Dean at the South Carolina Colege of Pharmacy.The electronic Journal will be issued quarterly. In addition, a year-end print volume will be made available to AACP member institutions and to others upon request for a nominal fee. Access to the electronic Journal will not be restricted by password.

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