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Molecular Systems Design & Engineering

eISSN: 2058-9689

Molecular engineering employs experimental, theoretical and computational approaches to establish new understanding of molecular properties and behaviours and uses this understanding to design and assemble better materials, systems, and processes to achieve specific functions. MSDE provides a hub for research into new understanding of molecular systems and the use of this understanding in applications of technological significance that help address global challenges.

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Naihuo Cailiao/Refractories

ISSN: 1001-1935


eISSN: 2040-3372

Nanoscale is a high-impact international journal, publishing high-quality research across nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscale publishes a full mix of research articles and reviews on experimental and theoretical work and is highly interdisciplinary, covering nanoscience, nanotechnology, quantum materials, quantum technology, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, materials, energy/environment, information technology, detection science, healthcare, drug discovery, and electronics. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology and bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment.

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Nanoscale Advances

eISSN: 2516-0230

Nanoscale Advances is an international gold open access journal, publishing high-quality research across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The journal accepts experimental and theoretical work in the form of communications, full papers and reviews, building on and complementing the nano content already published across the Royal Society of Chemistry journal portfolio. Topics include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; layered quantum materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, molecular nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; Nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology/bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment

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Nanoscale Horizons

eISSN: 2055-6764

Nanoscale Horizons is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high-quality, innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology. The journal places an emphasis on original nano research that demonstrates a new concept or a new way of thinking (a conceptual advance), rather than primarily reporting technological improvements. However, outstanding articles featuring truly breakthrough developments such as record performance alone may also be published in the journal. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology and bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment.

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Nature Reviews Materials

eISSN: 2058-8437

Nature Reviews Materials is an international monthly multi-disciplinary review journal, which aims to provide timely, authoritative Reviews and Perspectives that are of broad interest and of exceptional quality.

Materials science is a diverse and fast-growing discipline, which has moved from a largely engineering focus to a position where it has an increasing impact on other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology. Materials science encompasses both fundamental and applied studies. No other journal in materials science offers the scientific breadth and vast number of Reviews that Nature Reviews Materials provides.

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New Journal of Chemistry

eISSN: 1369-9261

Obogashchenie Rud

ISSN: 0202-3776

Open Chemistry

eISSN: 2391-5420
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Organic Electronics

ISSN: 1566-1199

Organic ElectronicsMaterials, Physics, Chemistry and ApplicationsOrganic Electronics is a journal whose primary interdisciplinary focus is on materials and phenomena related to organic devices such as light emitting diodes, thin film transistors, photovoltaic cells, sensors, memories, etc.Papers suitable for publication in this journal cover such topics as photoconductive and electronic properties of organic materials, thin film structures and characterization in the context of organic devices, charge and exciton transport, organic electronic and optoelectronic devices.Organic Electronics provides the forum for applied, fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions spanning the wide range of electronic properties and applications of organic materials. A Letters section is included for rapid publication of short articles announcing significant and highly original results.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

ISSN: 1463-9076eISSN: 1463-9084

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is an international journal co-owned by 19 physical chemistry and physics societies from around the world. This journal publishes original, cutting-edge research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. To be suitable for publication in PCCP, articles must include significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry; this is the most important criterion that reviewers and Editors will judge against when evaluating submissions. The journal has a broad scope and welcomes contributions spanning experiment, theory, computation and data science. Articles are welcomed if they demonstrate significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry. Joined experimental/theoretical studies are particularly appreciated when complementary and based on up-to-date approaches. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry

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Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B

ISSN: 1753-3562eISSN: 1753-3570

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids

ISSN: 0031-9104eISSN: 1029-0451

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids publishes experimental and theoretical papers aimed at furthering the understanding of the liquid state. The coverage embraces the whole spectrum of liquids, from simple monatomic liquids and their mixtures, through charged liquids (e.g. ionic metals, liquid metals and their alloys, ions in aqueous solution, and metal-electrolyte systems) to molecular liquids of all kinds. It also covers quantum fluids and superfluids, such as Fermi and non-Fermi liquids, superconductors, Bose-Einstein condensates, correlated electron or spin assemblies. An important aim of the journal is to provide a medium for the publication of interdisciplinary papers on liquids.All papers submitted to Physics and Chemistry of Liquids are subjected to peer review.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Physics of Metals and Metallography

ISSN: 0031-918XeISSN: 1555-6190

The Physics of Metals and Metallography (Fizika metallov i metallovedenie) was founded in 1955 by the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its scientific profile covers the theory of metals and metal alloys, their electrical and magnetic properties, as well as their structure, phase transformations, and principal mechanical properties. The journal publishes scientific reviews and papers written by experts involved in fundamental, application, and technological studies. The annual volume of publications amounts to 250 papers submitted from 100 leading national scientific institutions.

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Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420eISSN: 1758-6941

A specialist journal covering all areas relating to recent trends and developments in colorants, polymers and colour applications aimed at researchers and practitioners

Plastics Engineering

ISSN: 0091-9578

Plastics Technology

ISSN: 0032-1257

Plastics, Rubber and Composites

ISSN: 1465-8011eISSN: 1743-2898
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

he majority of Maney journals are published online via the ingentaconnect platform, with one exception published online via HighWire.Access to the full text of each volume is available free of charge to subscribers with a paid-up subscription to that volume. (Some exceptions apply.) Subscribers are also given access in perpetuity to all previous volumes to which they held a paid-up subscription.For non-subscribers, there is a standard price for all articles and issues available online within each journal. All articles and issues from our archives that are more than 10 years old have a significantly reduced rate – special rates also apply in some instances for special issues and supplements.All prices are indicated next to the article or issue hosted online.

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ISSN: 0032-2725

Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

ISSN: 1040-6638eISSN: 1563-5333

The purpose of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds is to provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for all aspects of research related to polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC). Topics range from fundamental research in chemistry (including synthetic and theoretical chemistry) and physics (including astrophysics), as well as thermodynamics, spectroscopy, analytical methods, and biology to applied studies in environmental science, biochemistry, toxicology, and industry. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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