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Advanced Materials Technologies

eISSN: 2365-709X

Advanced Materials Technologies Advanced Materials Technologies is the new home for all technology-related materials applications research, with particular focus on advanced device design, fabrication and integration, as well as new technologies based on novel materials. It bridges the gap between fundamental laboratory research and industry.

Topics covered include energy, healthcare, electronics, optics, microfluidics, sensors, food safety, and environmental technologies.

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Advanced Nano Research

eISSN: 2581-5164

Advanced Optical Materials

ISSN: 2195-1071eISSN: 2195-1071

Advanced Optical Materials is an international, interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science which focuses on all aspects of light-matter interactions. Advanced Optical Materials was published as a special focus section integrated in Advanced Materials in 2012 and launched as a journal at the start of 2013. In 2018 Advanced Optical Materials received an Impact Factor of 7.43 which is a 8% increase compared to the 2017 value.

The scope of Advanced Optical Materials is dedicated to breakthrough discoveries and fundamental research in photonics, plasmonics, metamaterials, and more. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the topics covered in Advanced Optical Materials:

  • Photonic crystals
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Optical nanostructures
  • Optoelectronics
  • Optical devices, detectors & sensors
  • Holography
  • Opto-acoustic materials
  • Optical data storage
  • Micro/nano resonators
  • Optical waveguides

Advanced Optical Materials contains an attractive mix of Communications, Full papers, Review Articles and Progress Reports with the same article specifications as Advanced Materials. For more information please see

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Advanced Optical Technologies

ISSN: 2192-8576eISSN: 2192-8584
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Advanced Science

eISSN: 2198-3844

multidisciplinary, materials science, chemistry, physics, life sciences

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Advanced Steel Construction

ISSN: 1816-112X

The International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction provides a platform for the publication and rapid dissemination of original and up-to-date research and technological developments in steel construction, design and analysis. Scope of research papers published in this journal includes but is not limited to theoretical and experimental research on elements, assemblages, systems, material, design philosophy and codification, standards, fabrication, projects of innovative nature and computer techniques. The journal is specifically tailored to channel the exchange of technological know-how between researchers and practitioners. Contributions from all aspects related to the recent developments of advanced steel construction are welcome.

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Advanced Sustainable Systems

eISSN: 2366-7486

Advanced Sustainable Systems is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal publishing outstanding research results on the development and implementation of systems, solutions, technologies and applications that share the focus on the advancement of sustainable living. In alignment with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the journal publishes papers covering one or more of the following topics:

  • Climate action (SDG 13), including carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, responsible use of natural resources, pollution management, extreme weather, energy resources, mitigation
  • Renewable energy (SDG 7), sustainable energy (solar, geothermal, wind, water, hydrogen, biofuels, a.o.), conversion and storage, efficiency, alternative fuel technologies
  • Sustainable food and agriculture (SDGs 2, 3), food security, nutrition gap, food waste management, fork-to-fork, alternative food sources, biodiversity, land use, biofortification, crop breeding technology, precision farming
  • Urban development and sustainable living (SDGs 9, 11), including clean/green technologies and engineering, sustainable infrastructure, green transport, sustainable building/green buildings, waste management/urban mining, urbanization
  • Ecology (SDGs 6, 14, 15), including air/water/soil science, atmospheric science, desalination, environmental biotechnology, environmental risk assessment and management, hydrology, water resources, land management, biodiversity, (bio-)remediation, oceanography
  • Cradle-to-cradle processing (SDG 12), including ecologically sustainable design, supply chain, more efficient and less consumptive technologies, environmentally preferred products, logistics, packaging, recycling, waste streams
  • Social and economic challenges (SDGs 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16), including sustainable economics, life cycle assessment, logistics, gender inequality, taxation, malnutrition, global health
  • Policy and governance (SDGs 16,17), including efficiency and effectiveness, food/energy/environmental policy, dietary guidelines, waste management, SMART (sustainable monitoring & assessment routine), risk assessment
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Advances in Applied Ceramics

ISSN: 1743-6753eISSN: 1743-6761
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research. Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined with traditional values of quality and collaboration.Maney Publishing is an independent publishing company specialising in academic journals in materials science and engineering, the humanities, and health science. Maney is committed to publishing high quality journals in print and electronic formats that are international in scope and peer-reviewed. With offices in Leeds and London in the UK, and in Boston and Philadelphia in North America, Maney publishes extensively for learned societies, universities and professional bodies around the world.

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Advances in Cement Research

ISSN: 0951-7197eISSN: 1751-7605

Our journals represent the highest standards of research and best-practice in civil engineering. ICE Proceedings form a unique interface between the worlds of theory and practice in civil engineering, and our other titles such as Geotechnique and Magazine of Concrete Research are internationally renowned for publishing research of the highest quality. Covering every major civil and structural engineering discipline, our journals are a comprehensive source of expertise for everyone in civil engineering.

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Advances in Concrete Construction

ISSN: 2287-5301eISSN: 2287-531X

Advances in Materials Research (South Korea)

ISSN: 2234-0912eISSN: 2234-179X

Advances in Materials Science

eISSN: 2083-4799
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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-8442

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of materials science and engineering.

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Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

eISSN: 2043-6262

Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ANSN) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including the fundamental physics, optics, photonics, chemistry, biology and technology of nanometer-scale materials and devices, for applications in quantum computation, smart lighting, energy generation and storage, sensors, health-care, agricultural production, environmental protection.

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Advances in Polymer Science

eISSN: 0065-3195

The series Advances in Polymer Science presents critical reviews of the present and future trends in polymer and biopolymer science. It covers all areas of research in polymer and biopolymer science including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, material science. The thematic volumes are addressed to scientists, whether at universities or in industry, who wish to keep abreast of the important advances in the covered topics. Advances in Polymer Science enjoys a longstanding tradition and good reputation in its community. Each volume is dedicated to a current topic, and each review critically surveys one aspect of that topic, to place it within the context of the volume. The volumes typically summarize the significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years and discuss them critically, presenting selected examples, explaining and illustrating the important principles, and bringing together many important references of primary literature. On that basis, future research directions in the area can be discussed. Advances in Polymer Science volumes thus are important references for every polymer scientist, as well as for other scientists interested in polymer science - as an introduction to a neighboring field, or as a compilation of detailed information for the specialist. Review articles for the individual volumes are invited by the volume editors. Single contributions can be specially commissioned. Readership: Polymer scientists, or scientists in related fields interested in polymer and biopolymer science, at universities or in industry, graduate students.

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Advances in Polymer Technology

ISSN: 0730-6679eISSN: 1098-2329

Advances in Polymer Technology , a quarterly peer-reviewed journal edited under the auspices of the Polymer Processing Institute, presents important developments in polymeric materials, production and processing methods, and equipment and product design. In addition to original articles on trends and advances in polymer technology, the editors welcome review articles, technico-economic studies, and patent reviews, as well as short communications on new processing and product technologies for plastics, elastomers, and other polymers. Examples are technologies for reactive processing, multiphase polymer systems, simulation of processing and product design, recycling and degradation, on-line rheological, morphological, and compositional measurements, and specialty polymers for specific applications. Submissions should be directed to the Editor, Dr. Theodore Davidson, Polymer Processing Institute, Suite 3901, Guttenberg Building, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102-1982, or to the Editor - Europe, Dr. Leno Mascia, Loughborough University, Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3TU, UK.

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Advances in Production Engineering and Management

ISSN: 1854-6250eISSN: 1855-6531

Advances in Tribology

ISSN: 1687-5915eISSN: 1687-5923

Advances in Tribology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of tribology.

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Advances in manufacturing

eISSN: 2195-3597

As an innovative, fundamental and scientific journal, Advances in Manufacturing aims to describe the latest regional and global research results and forefront developments in advanced manufacturing field. As such, it serves as an international platform for academic exchange between experts, scholars and researchers in this field.
All articles in Advances in Manufacturing are peer reviewed. Respected scholars from the fields of advanced manufacturing fields will be invited to write some comments. We also encourage and give priority to research papers that have made major breakthroughs or innovations in the fundamental theory. The targeted fields include: manufacturing automation, mechatronics and robotics, precision manufacturing and control, micro-nano-manufacturing, green manufacturing, design in manufacturing, metallic and nonmetallic materials in manufacturing, metallurgical process, etc. The forms of articles include (but not limited to): academic articles, research reports, and general reviews.

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Aerosol Science and Technology

ISSN: 0278-6826eISSN: 1521-7388

2009 Impact Factor: 2.739 Ranking: 14/128 in Engineering, Chemical; 36/181 in Environmental Sciences; 15/63 in Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.218169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Aerosol Science and Technology publishes the results of theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations into aerosol behavior, measurement, and effects. High-quality reports on fundamental and applied topics in this important and rapidly expanding field are suitable. Particularly appropriate subjects are particle motion in laminar or turbulent fluids; light scattering phenomena, visibility, and atmospheric optics; electrical charging and precipitation; coagulation, size distribution, and aerosol dynamics; evaporation and condensation; cohesion and adhesion; diffusion; aerosol formation in flames; nucleation phenomena; impaction; cyclone collectors and centrifuges; electrostatic precipitators; aerosol filtration; aerosol generation methods; sampling of airborne particles; measurement of physical and chemical properties; effects of aerosols on climate and other atmospheric processes; particle deposition in respiratory systems; health effects; radioactive aerosols; aerosol emissions from industrial processes; pollution control; and aerosols in the workplace.The Editors also encourage the submission of critical reviews of recent research and historical reviews of important aerosol topics. Announcements and reports of the American Association for Aerosol Research and other pertinent meetings will be published whenever possible, as will reviews of relevant books and computer software.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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