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International Journal of Photoenergy

ISSN: 1110-662XeISSN: 1687-529X

Hindawi publishes more than 300 Open Access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. All articles published in Hindawi journals are open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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International Journal of Physical Sciences

ISSN: 1992-1950

International Journal of Physical Sciences (IJPS) (ISSN 1992-1950) publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all Physics and chemistry including artificial intelligence, neural processing, nuclear and particle physics, geophysics, physics in medicine and biology, plasma physics, semiconductor science and technology, wireless and optical communications, materials science, energy and fuels, environmental science and technology, combinatorial chemistry, natural products, molecular therapeutics, geochemistry, cement and concrete research, metallurgy, crystallography and computer-aided materials design. All articles published in IJPS will be peer-reviewed. The International Journal of Physical Sciences will be published monthly (one volume per year) by Academic Journals.

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International Journal of Plasticity

ISSN: 0749-6419eISSN: 1879-2154

The purpose of the journal is to report original research on all aspects of plastic deformation, damage and fracture behaviour of isotropic as well as anisotropic solids, including the thermodynamics of plasticity and fracture, continuum theory, and macroscopic as well as microscopic phenomena.The topics of interest include plastic behaviour of single crystals and polycrystalline metals, ceramics, rocks and soils, composites, nanocrystalline and microelectronics materials, shape memory alloys, ferroelectric ceramics, thin films and polymers, as well as plasticity aspects of failure and fracture mechanics. Significant experimental, numerical or theoretical contributions advancing the understanding of plastic behaviour of solids are of special interest, together with studies relating macroscopic to the microscopic behaviour of solids. Papers on modeling of finite nonlinear elastic deformation, with similarities to modeling of plastic deformation, are also welcome.The Journal will contain research papers, review articles, research notes, letters to the editor, and academic advertisements (books, journals, conferences, and symposia). Strain-rate dependent and strain-rate independent constitutive models to predict observed phemonena during quasi-static, dynamic or cyclic thermo-mechanical loading, behaviour of granular or porous solids under high confining pressures and at high temperatures, multiscale modeling of various deformation mechanisms (dislocation, twinning, and phase transformation), and models with capability for predicting the behaviour of composite materials based onknown plastic behaviour of matrix and fibers in such materials, are some examples of the main themes of this journal. Revealing applications of the new models of plasticity, including modelling of the observed phenomena in metal forming processes are also of interest.

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International Journal of Plastics Technology

ISSN: 0972-656XeISSN: 0975-072X

The International Journal of Plastics Technology aims to disseminate research advancements in the areas of Polymer/Plastics Engineering & Technology. The Journal covers research and developments in the areas of polymeric materials, blends & alloys, composites, nanocomposites, plastics processing, mould & product design, recycling and application development.

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International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization

ISSN: 1023-666XeISSN: 1563-5341

The scope of the journal is to publish original contributions and reviews on studies, methodologies, instrumentation, and applications involving the analysis and characterization of polymers and polymeric-based materials, including synthetic polymers, blends, composites, fibers, coatings, supramolecular structures, polysaccharides, and biopolymers. The Journal will accept papers and review articles on the following topics and research areas involving fundamental and applied studies of polymer analysis and characterization: * Characterization and analysis of new and existing polymers and polymeric-based materials. * Design and evaluation of analytical instrumentation and physical testing equipment. * Determination of molecular weight, size, conformation, branching, cross-linking, chemical structure, and sequence distribution. * Using separation, spectroscopic, and scattering techniques. * Surface characterization of polymeric materials. * Measurement of solution and bulk properties and behavior of polymers. * Studies involving structure-property-processing relationships, and polymer aging. * Analysis of oligomeric materials. * Analysis of polymer additives and decomposition products. New BOOKS reviews not exceeding 1 printed page will be published in the nearest issue of the IJPAC.

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International Journal of Polymer Science

ISSN: 1687-9422eISSN: 1687-9430

International Journal of Polymer Science is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of polymer science.

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International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials

ISSN: 0091-4037eISSN: 1563-535X

Dr. Munmaya K. Mishra The international journal Polymeric Materials provides a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles such as reviews, full-length papers, and short communications on all aspects of polymeric materials and techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties and the understanding of, applied polymer science. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature and plans to include extensive contributions in the area of Biomaterials, Energy Related Polymers, and Polymers for Environmental Applications to address the innovation needs on such current areas. Some examples of the topics under applied polymer science covered (but not limited to) are specialty polymers, biomaterials (polymers for drug delivery systems & controlling cell functions, advances in protein drugs and gene delivery, advanced materials and biomaterials, biodegradable materials and biopolymers, biologically enabled and bio-inspired polymers, polymers for noninvasive delivery & diagnostics, etc.), advances in adhesion science, fluorophores & applications, polymer-inorganic hybrid nanoparticles, polymer surfaces and interfaces, fire and polymers, new concepts in polymeric materials, polymers for energy and environmental applications, block copolymers and nanoscale materials, electroactive and photoresponsive polymers, nanotechnology applications in coatings, advanced photovoltaics, polymers for nanopatterning, assembly of polymers and nanoparticles, green polymer chemistry, advances in organometallic polymers, scattering from polymers, polymers for optical and electronic Materials, degradable polymers, micro & nano-fibers, multi-phase polymer materials, supramolecular polymers, actuator & stimuli responsive polymeric materials & composites, soft materials, porous polymers, polymers for microencapsulation, etc.

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International Journal of Powder Metallurgy (Princeton, New Jersey)

ISSN: 0888-7462

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology

ISSN: 2288-6206eISSN: 2198-0810

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

ISSN: 0308-0161eISSN: 1879-3541

Pressure vessel engineering technology is of importance in many branches of industry. This journal publishes the latest research results and related information on all its associated aspects, with particular emphasis on the structural integrity assessment, maintenance and life extension of pressurised process engineering plants.The anticipated coverage of the International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping ranges from simple mass-produced pressure vessels to large custom-built vessels and tanks. Pressure vessels technology is a developing field, and contributions on the following topics will therefore be welcome:• Pressure vessel engineering• Structural integrity assessment• Design methods• Codes and standards• Fabrication and welding• Materials properties requirements• Inspection and quality management• Maintenance and life extension• Ageing and environmental effects• Life managementOf particular importance are papers covering aspects of significant practical application which could lead to major improvements in economy, reliability and useful life. While most accepted papers represent the results of original applied research, critical reviews of topical interest by world-leading experts will also appear from time to time.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping is indispensable reading for engineering professionals involved in the energy, petrochemicals, process plant, transport, aerospace and related industries; for manufacturers of pressure vessels and ancillary equipment; and for academics pursuing research in these areas.

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International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials

ISSN: 0263-4368

This international journal publishes original articles concerned with all aspects of refractory metals and hard materials.

The refractory metals comprise selected metals with melting points around 2000°C and higher, with similar powder metallurgical production and application. This includes the following metals and their alloys: Tungsten, Molybdenum, Chromium, Tantalum, Niobium and Rhenium.

Advances in hard materials continue and the journal will continue to deal with the production, uses and properties of the carbides, nitrides and borides of these metals and those of titanium as well as tools of ceramics, the superhard boron nitrides and diamond, and related compounds.

Papers are also published on the technologies of powder production (including their precursor materials), milling, granulation, cold and hot compaction, sintering, hot isostatic pressing, pulsed and other assisted consolidation, additive manufacturing, injection molding, as well as coatings on refractory metals, hard metals and hard materials. However, this does not include intermetallics and coatings on steel substrates. The characterization, testing, quality assurance and applications are also covered.

The International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials by bridging the gap between pure research and the more practical aspects of production and properties, will continue to provide a unifying medium for material scientists, technologists, engineers, designers and manufacturers.

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International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

ISSN: 1061-3862eISSN: 1934-788X

This is an international journal embracing a wide scope of topics concerned with self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), the process for the production of advanced materials based on solid-state combustion utilizing internally generated chemical energy. Subjects range from the fundamentals of SHS processes, chemistry and technology of SHS products and advanced materials to problems concerned with related fields, such as the kinetics and thermodynamics of high-temperature chemical reactions, combustion theory, macroscopic kinetics of nonisothermic processes, etc. The journal is intended to provide a wide-ranging exchange of research results and a better understanding of developmental and innovative trends in SHS science and applications.

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International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials

ISSN: 1947-5411eISSN: 1947-542X

In the last decade, a wide range of smart materials and structures have been developed for aerospace, transportation, and civil engineering applications. Furthermore, there is an increased tendency to integrate smart materials with nanotechnology to develop novel materials or structures for the applications in sensors, actuators, biomaterials, multifunctional materials, structural health monitoring, etc. The combination of smart materials and nanotechnology provides many advantages, realizes novel designs that could not be achieved in traditional engineering, and also offers greater opportunities as well as challenges.The central aim of International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials is to publish original results, critical reviews, technical discussion and book reviews related to this compelling research field: smart and nano materials, and their applications. We believe that the papers published in this journal will provide cutting edge information and instructive research guidance, encouraging more scientists to make their contribution to this dynamic research field. The topics of this journal cover the application of smart and nanomaterials in the following fields:1) Smart materials and structures 2) Nano and multifunctional materials 3) Autonomous materials4) Nanocomposites5) Bio-inspired materials and structures6) Sensors and actuators 7) Structural health monitoring8) Energy harvesting9) Self-healing and self-assembly.

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International Journal of Solids and Structures

ISSN: 0020-7683eISSN: 1879-2146

The International Journal of Solids and Structures has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research in Mechanics of Solids and Structures as a field of Applied Science and Engineering. It fosters thus the exchange of ideas among workers in different parts of the world and also among workers who emphasize different aspects of the foundations and applications of the field.Standing as it does at the cross-roads of Materials Science, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Design, the Mechanics of Solids and Structures is experiencing considerable growth as a result of recent technological advances. The Journal, by providing an international medium of communication, is encouraging this growth and is encompassing all aspects of the field from the more classical problems of structural analysis to mechanics of solids continually interacting with other media and including fracture, flow, wave propagation, heat transfer, thermal effects in solids, optimum design methods, model analysis, structural topology and numerical techniques. Interest extends to both inorganic and organic solids and structures.The emphasis is placed on contributions, analytical, experimental and numerical, which appear to be of permanent interest to research workers and engineers in the field. If furthering knowledge in the area of principal concern of the Journal, papers of primary interest to the constitutive disciplines of Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Design may be published. Papers which are merely illustrations of established principles and procedures, even though possibly containing new numerical or experimental data, will generally not be published.When outstanding advances are made in existing areas or when new areas have been developed to a definitive stage, special review articles will be considered by the Editors.No length limitations for contributions are set, but only concisely written papers are published. Brief articles are considered on the basis of technical merit. Discussions of previously published papers are welcome.

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International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1749-785XeISSN: 1749-7868

JSurfSE publishes refereed quality papers in the broad field of surface science and engineering including tribology, but with a special emphasis on the research and development in friction, wear, coatings and surface modification processes such as surface treatment, cladding, machining, polishing and grinding, across multiple scales from nanoscopic to macroscopic dimensions. High-integrity and high-performance surfaces of components have become a central research area in the professional community whose aim is to develop highly reliable ultra-precision devices.

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International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources

ISSN: 1347-9725

International Materials Reviews

ISSN: 0950-6608eISSN: 1743-2804
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

The majority of Maney journals are published online via the ingentaconnect platform, with one exception published online via HighWire.Access to the full text of each volume is available free of charge to subscribers with a paid-up subscription to that volume. (Some exceptions apply.) Subscribers are also given access in perpetuity to all previous volumes to which they held a paid-up subscription.For non-subscribers, there is a standard price for all articles and issues available online within each journal. All articles and issues from our archives that are more than 10 years old have a significantly reduced rate – special rates also apply in some instances for special issues and supplements.All prices are indicated next to the article or issue hosted online.

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International Paper Board Industry

ISSN: 0020-8191

International Paperworld IPW

ISSN: 1615-1720

International Polymer Processing: The Journal of the Polymer Processing Society

ISSN: 0930-777XeISSN: 2195-8602

International Polymer Processing, the journal of the Polymer Processing Society, is a discussion forum for the world-wide community of engineers and scientists in the broad and innovative field of polymer processing.International Polymer Processing covers research and industrial application in the very specific areas of designing polymer products, processes, processing machinery and equipment. The journal publishes original innovative articles by international experts.

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