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International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking

ISSN: 1740-0562eISSN: 1740-0570
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International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture

ISSN: 1751-6528eISSN: 1751-6536
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International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems

ISSN: 0129-1564eISSN: 1793-6438

Launched in 1990, the International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (IJHSES) has served graduate students and those in R&D, managerial and marketing positions by giving state-of-the-art data, and the latest research trends. Its main charter is to promote engineering education by advancing interdisciplinary science between electronics and systems and to explore high speed technology in photonics and electronics. IJHSES, a quarterly journal, continues to feature a broad coverage of topics relating to high speed or high performance devices, circuits and systems. Papers published will cover:

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International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals

ISSN: 1947-3478eISSN: 1947-3486
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International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

ISSN: 1044-7318eISSN: 1532-7590

The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction addresses the cognitive, social, health, and ergonomic aspects of interactive computing. It emphasizes the human element in relation to the systems in which humans function, operate, network, and communicate, including software, hardware, and their various contexts of use. The journal publishes original articles including reviews and reappraisals of the literature, empirical studies, and quantitative and qualitative contributions to the theories of HCI. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

ISSN: 1071-5819
The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization, which is relevant to the design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative interactive systems. Papers at the boundaries of these disciplines are especially welcome, as it is our view that interdisciplinary approaches are needed for producing theoretical insights in this complex area and for effective deployment of innovative technologies in concrete user communities.

Research areas relevant to the journal include, but are not limited to:

• Innovative interaction techniques
• Multimodal interaction
• Speech interaction
• Graphic interaction
• Natural language interaction
• Interaction in mobile and embedded systems
• Interface design and evaluation methodologies
• Design and evaluation of innovative interactive systems
• User interface prototyping and management systems
• Ubiquitous computing
• Wearable computers
• Pervasive computing
• Affective computing
• Empirical studies of user behaviour
• Empirical studies of programming and software engineering
• Computer supported cooperative work
• Computer mediated communication
• Virtual reality
• Mixed and augmented Reality
• Intelligent user interfaces
• Presence
• Intelligent tutoring, coaching and debugging systems
• Interactive decision support systems
• Agent-based computing, agent models, co-ordination and communication
• Human language technologies and machine learning in interactive systems
• Knowledge acquisition, discovery, modelling and management
• Peer to peer communication between intelligent systems
• Ontologies, knowledge technologies, semantic web systems
• Human-Computer Interaction theory - e.g. user models, cognitive systems

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International Journal of Humanoid Robotics

ISSN: 0219-8436eISSN: 1793-6942

The International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR) covers all subjects on the mind and body of humanoid robots. It is dedicated to advancing new theories, new techniques, and new implementations contributing to the successful achievement of future robots which not only imitate human beings, but also serve human beings. While IJHR encourages the contribution of original papers which are solidly grounded on proven theories or experimental procedures, the journal also encourages the contribution of innovative papers which venture into the new, frontier areas in robotics. Such papers need not necessarily demonstrate, in the early stages of research and development, the full potential of new findings on a physical or virtual robot.

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International Journal of Image and Data Fusion

ISSN: 1947-9832eISSN: 1947-9824

Free online access: Inaugural issue Taylor & Francis to launch International Journal of Image and Data Fusion from January 2010 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion provides a single source of information for all aspects of image and data fusion methodologies, developments, techniques and applications. Image and data fusion techniques are important for combining the many sources of satellite, airborne and ground based imaging systems, and integrating these with other related data sets for enhanced information extraction and decision making.Image and data fusion aims at the integration of multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-platform image data, together with geospatial data, GIS, in-situ, and other statistical data sets for improved information extraction, as well as to increase the reliability of the information. This leads to more accurate information that provides for robust operational performance, i.e. increased confidence, reduced ambiguity and improved classification enabling evidence based management.This journal focuses on the theory, methodology and applications of image and data fusion, and encourages submission on a broad range of topics such as concept studies, new fusion techniques at different processing level, image and data fusion architectures, algorithms, and novel applications. Papers addressing fusion needs for data from new or planned platforms and sensors are specifically invited.The journal welcomes original research papers, review papers, shorter letters and technical articles in all areas of image and data fusion including, but not limited to, the following aspects and topics: Automatic registration/geometric aspects of fusing images with different spatial, spectral, temporal resolutions; phase information; or acquired in different modes;Pixel, feature and decision level fusion algorithms and methodologiesData Assimilation: fusing data with modelsMulti-source classification and information extractionIntegration of satellite, airborne and terrestrial sensor systemsFusing temporal data sets for change detection studies (e.g. for Global Change studies)Data fusion applications in fields such as mapping, natural hazard monitoring, environmental security, etc. Image and data mining from multi-platform, multi-source, multi-scale, multi-temporal data sets (e.g. geometric information, topological information, statistical information, etc.) All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Image and Graphics

ISSN: 0219-4678eISSN: 1793-6756
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International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

ISSN: 0899-9457eISSN: 1098-1098

Announcement Starting in 2010, the International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology will be focusing on the field of Neuroscience in a broad sense, including relevant algorithmic research and hardware and software development. Accordingly, the title will be changed to International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology -Neuroimaging and Brain Mapping.

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International Journal of Information Management

ISSN: 0268-4012eISSN: 1873-4707

The International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal which aims to bring its readers the very best analysis and discussion in the developing field of information management.The journal:• Keeps the reader briefed with major papers, reports and reviews• Is topical: Viewpoint articles and other regular features including Research Notes, Case Studies and a Reviews section help keep the reader up to date with current issues.• Focusses on high quality papers that address contemporary issues for all those involved in information management and which make a contribution to advancing information management theory and practice.Information is critical for the survival and growth of organisations and people. The challenge for Information management is now less about managing activities that collect, store and disseminate information. Rather, there is greater focus on managing activities that make changes in patterns of behaviour of customers, people, and organizations, and information that leads to changes in the way people use information to engage in knowledge focussed activities.Information management covers a wide field and we encourage submissions from diverse areas of practice and settings including business, health, education and government.Topics covered include:Aspects of information management in learning organisations, health care (patients as well health workers and managers), business intelligence, security in organizations, social interactions and community development, knowledge management, information design and delivery, information for health care, Information for knowledge creation, legal and regulatory issues, IS-enabled innovations in information, content and knowledge management, philosophical and methodological approaches to information management research, new and emerging agendas for information research and reflective accounts of professional practice.In 2002, Elsevier launched Library Connect, a new initiative bringing together many of Elsevier's library-focused efforts. For more information about this initiative and to read or subscribe to the complimentary Library Connect Newsletter, please visit Library Connect

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International Journal of Information Quality

ISSN: 1751-0457eISSN: 1751-0465
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International Journal of Information Retrieval Research

ISSN: 2155-6377eISSN: 2155-6385
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International Journal of Information Security

ISSN: 1615-5262eISSN: 1615-5270

The International Journal of Information Security is an English language periodical on research in information security which offers prompt publication of important technical work, whether theoretical, applicable, or related to implementation. Coverage includes system security: intrusion detection, secure end systems, secure operating systems, database security, security infrastructures, security evaluation; network security: Internet security, firewalls, mobile security, security agents, protocols, anti-virus and anti-hacker measures; content protection: software protection, tamper resistant software; applications: electronic commerce, government, health, telecommunications, mobility; and foundations: privacy, access control, authentication, identification, applied cryptography, and formal methods in information security.

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International Journal of Information Security and Privacy

ISSN: 1930-1650eISSN: 1930-1669
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International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design

ISSN: 1947-8186eISSN: 1947-8194
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International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management

ISSN: 1935-5726eISSN: 1935-5734
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International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector

ISSN: 1935-5688eISSN: 1935-5696

International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach

ISSN: 1935-570XeISSN: 1935-5718
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International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making

ISSN: 0219-6220eISSN: 1793-6845

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies which bridge the latest information technology and various decision-making techniques. It promotes how information technology improves decision techniques as well as how the development of decision-making tools affects the information technology era. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes both high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in the broad ranges of information technology related topics including, but not limited to the following: * Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making * Bio-informatics and Medical Decision Making * Cluster Computing and Performance * Data Mining and Web Mining * Data Warehouse and Applications * Database Performance Evaluation * Decision Making and Distributed Systems * Decision Making and Electronic Transaction and Payment * Decision Making of Internet Companies * Decision Making on Information Security * Decision Models for Electronic Commerce * Decision Models for Internet Based on Companies * Decision Support Systems * Decision Technologies in Information System Design * Digital Library Designs * Economic Decisions and Information Systems * Enterprise Computing and Evaluation * Fuzzy Logic and Internet * Group Decision Making and Software * Habitual Domain and Information Technology * Human Computer Interaction * Information Ethics and Legal Evaluations * Information Overload * Information Policy Making * Information Retrieval Systems * Information Technology and Organizational Behavior * Intelligent Agents Technologies * Intelligent and Fuzzy Information Processing * Internet Service and Training * Knowledge Representation Models * Making Decision through Internet * Multimedia and Decision Making * Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Information Technology * Network and Decision Making * Neural Networks and Performance * Online Business and Decision Making * Optimization and Information Technology * Organizational Information Systems * Pattern Recognition Models * Performance of Parallel Computing * Reasoning under Uncertainty * Social Decisions on Internet * Software Performance and Evaluation * Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation * Visualization and Decision Making * Web based Language Development * Web Search and Decision Making * Website Design and Development * Wireless Technology and Performance.

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