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Earth Science Informatics

ISSN: 1865-0473eISSN: 1865-0481

Aims and ScopeThe Earth Science Informatics [ESIN] journal aims at rapid  publication of high-quality, current, cutting-edge, and provocative scientific work in the area of Earth Science Informatics as it relates to Earth systems science and space science. This includes articles on the application of formal and computational methods, computational Earth science, spatial and temporal analyses, and all aspects of computer applications to the acquisition, storage, processing, interchange, and visualization of data and information about the materials, properties, processes, features, and phenomena that occur at all scales and locations in the Earth system’s five components (atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere) and in space (see 'About this journal' for more detail). The quarterly journal publishes research, methodology, and software articles, as well as editorials, comments, and book and software reviews. Review articles of relevant findings, topics, and methodologies are also considered.

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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

ISSN: 1729-3774eISSN: 1729-4061

Ecological Informatics

ISSN: 1574-9541eISSN: 1878-0512

The journal Ecological Informatics is devoted to the publication of high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of ecoinformatics, computational ecology and systems ecology. The scope of the journal takes into account the data-intensive nature of ecology and the precious information content of ecological data in view of global environmental and climate change. The nature of the journal is interdisciplinary at the crossover between ecology and informatics. It focuses on recent developments in sensor-based data acquisition, internet-based data archiving and sharing, data assimilation, inductive reasoning and forecasting of ecological data.The journal invites papers on: •novel concepts and tools for the acquisition, management, analysis and synthesis of ecological data including genomic and paleoecological data, •understanding ecosystem functioning and evolution, and •informing decisions on environmental issues like sustainability, climate change and biodiversity.

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Ecological Psychology

ISSN: 1040-7413eISSN: 1532-6969

This unique journal publishes original articles that contribute to the understanding of psychological and behavioral processes as they occur within the ecological constraints of animal-environment systems. It focuses on problems of perception, action, cognition, communication, learning, development, and evolution in all species, to the extent that those problems derive from a consideration of whole animal-environment systems, rather than animals or their environments in isolation from each other. Significant contributions may come from such diverse fields as human experimental psychology, developmental/social psychology, animal behavior, human factors, fine arts, communication, computer science, philosophy, physical education and therapy, speech and hearing, and vision research. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research

ISSN: 0424-267X

Education for Information: Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies

ISSN: 0167-8329eISSN: 1875-8649
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Egyptian Informatics Journal

ISSN: 1110-8665eISSN: 2090-4754

The Egyptian Informatics Journal is published by the Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University. This Journal provides a forum for the state-of-the-art research and development in the fields of computing, including computer sciences, information technologies, information systems, operations research and decision support. Innovative and not-previously-published work in subjects covered by the Journal is encouraged to be submitted, whether from academic, research or commercial sources.

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Electronic Commerce Research

ISSN: 1389-5753eISSN: 1572-9362

Electronic Commerce Research serves as a catalyst for new research and a forum for disseminating the latest findings in all facets of electronic commerce. The journal’s broad scope encompasses core enabling technologies as well as the implications of these technologies for societies, economies, businesses, and individuals. Readers will find a host of important theoretical and empirical research findings that are leading the way to a better understanding of electronic commerce and its impact. A sampling of topics as they relate to the internet and electronic commerce include intelligent agents technologies and their impact; economics of electronic commerce; virtual electronic commerce systems; service creation and provisioning; supply chain management through the internet; collaborative learning, gaming, and work; and workflow for electronic commerce applications. In addition to its regular issues, the journal publishes periodic issues devoted to a single subject area.Officially cited as: Electron Commer Res

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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

ISSN: 1567-4223eISSN: 1873-7846

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications aims to create and disseminate enduring knowledge for the fast-changing e-commerce environment. A major dilemma in e-commerce research is how to achieve a balance between the currency and the life span of knowledge.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications will contribute to the establishment of a research community to create the knowledge, technology, theory, and applications for the development of electronic commerce. This is targeted at the intersection of technological potential and business aims.E-commerce is a multi-disciplinary area, which should be developed in co-operation with existing fields such as Information Systems and Technology; Marketing, Finance and Supply Chain Management; Business Strategy and Management; Public Policy; Computer Science and Telecommunications; and Legal Studies. We will solicit papers on current technologies from these areas, as well as publish papers on completely new topics. We also seek proposals for special issues on new topics in e-commerce that will create new directions for research.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications is inviting submission of articles in the following fields:Agent-based commerce; electronic auctions; e-business models; B2C and B2B EC; consumer behaviour; customer relationship management and data mining; pricing and marketing; digital economy; e-government, public policy and digital divide issues; electronic payment systems; IT and e-services; exchanges and electronic marketplaces; e-commerce in supply chain and inventory management; legal issues in e-commerce; industry studies and case analysis; economic and management science modelling; organizational and theory-building research; empirical studies of e-commerce problems; behavioral studies of e-commerce issues; recommender systems; protocols, technology and process standards for e-commerce; transformation of industries; security and trust; credit card and smart card applications; mobile-commerce and ubiquitous computing; inter-organizational systems in e-commerce; emerging technologies and technological innovation.We also encourage Methodological studies: these should be complete and ready for implementation, rather than papers that propose new frameworks.

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Electronic Communications of the EASST

ISSN: 1863-2122eISSN: 1863-2122

Electronic Government

ISSN: 1740-7494eISSN: 1740-7508
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Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

eISSN: 1077-8926

nternational Press of Boston, Inc. is an academic publishing company founded in 1992. After eighteen years of growth, International Press now publishes fifteen journals in various fields of academic mathematics research, including a prestigious journal of statistics. International Press also publishes high-level mathematics and mathematical physics book titles, including monographs, textbooks, and more.International Press enjoys a productive partnership with the American Mathematical Society, with whom we have co-published the AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics book series since 1997.Having close ties to the Chinese mathematics community, International Press has also developed a close partnership with Higher Education Press of Beijing—the leading Chinese curriculum planner, and publisher and distributor of academic books—as well as with the Chinese publishers Tsinghua University Press, Hunan Science and Technology Press, and others.

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Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction

ISSN: 1400-6529eISSN: 1403-6835

Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

eISSN: 1577-5097
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Electronic Markets

ISSN: 1019-6781eISSN: 1422-8890

Electronic Markets - The International Journal is a leading scientific journal for advancing the understanding and practice of electronic markets. Started in 1991, Electronic Markets was the first journal to report on developments and the latest trends related to the exciting and rapidly evolving research field of electronic markets and related issues and thus has been a pioneer in the field of scientific e-commerce research publication. Electronic Markets is a multidisciplinary journal whose audience includes: Scientists / scholars from various disciplines with an interest in the relationships between advances in information and communication technology, new forms of value creation, and social change Policy and decision-makers in government, industry and education Managers concerned with the effects of the electronic commerce revolution, organizations and society Electronic Markets embraces a rich array of electronic markets and networked business issues. Examples are market mechanisms, market laws, value chains, web services, portals, standardization, social aspects and legal issues, methods, business models, and information / communication technology. Electronic Markets is a methodologically pluralistic journal. Quantitative and qualitative research methods are both welcome, as long as the studies are methodologically sound. Conceptual and theory-development papers, empirical hypothesis testing, and case-based studies are all welcome.

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eISSN: 2079-9292

Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science of electronics and its applications. It publishes reviews, research articles, short communications and letters. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal: manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure - if unable to be published in a normal way - can be deposited as supplementary material

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Electronics and Communications in Japan

ISSN: 1942-9533eISSN: 1942-9541

This journal is a translation of papers from the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. The journal publishes original research findings in power generation, transmission and conversion, electrical machinery, control theory and industrial controls, robotics, electrical transportation equipment (including magnetic levitation devices), insulation, solar energy, high-power semiconductors, as well as economic and environmental aspects of energy production and distribution.

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Empirical Software Engineering

ISSN: 1382-3256eISSN: 1573-7616

Empirical Software Engineering provides a forum for applied software engineering research with a strong empirical component, and a venue for publishing empirical results relevant to both researchers and practitioners. Empirical studies presented here usually involve the collection and analysis of data and experience that can be used to characterize, evaluate and reveal relationships between software development deliverables, practices, and technologies. Over time, it is expected that such empirical results will form a body of knowledge leading to widely accepted and well-formed theories. The journal also offers industrial experience reports detailing the application of software technologies - processes, methods, or tools - and their effectiveness in industrial settings. Empirical Software Engineering promotes the publication of industry-relevant research, to address the significant gap between research and practice.

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eISSN: 1996-1073

Energies is an open access journal of related scientific research, technology development and policy and management studies. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

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Energy & Environmental Science

eISSN: 1754-5706

Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.

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