Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics (ISSN 1473-7175) provides expert reviews on the use of drugs and medicines in clinical neurology and neuropsychiatry. Coverage includes disease management, new medicines and drugs in neurology, therapeutic indications, diagnostics, medical treatment guidelines and neurological diseases such as stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.Comprehensive coverage in each review is complemented by the unique Expert Review format and includes the following sections:
Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development publishes original research and review articles covering the development and clinical application of medicine to be used in a personalized therapy setting. In an era where medicine is recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach is not always appropriate, it has become necessary to identify patients responsive to treatments and treat patient populations using a tailored approach. Areas covered include:
Expert Review of Proteomics (ISSN 1478-9450) seeks to collect together technologies, methods and discoveries from the field of proteomics to advance scientific understanding of the many varied roles protein expression plays in human health and disease.The journal adopts the unique Expert Review article format, offering a complete overview of current thinking in a key technology area, research or clinical practice, augmented by the following sections:Expert commentary - a personal commentary on the most effective or promising strategiesFive-year view - a clear perspective of future prospects within a realistic timescaleKey issues - an executive summary cutting to the author's most critical points.
Expert Review of Vaccines (ISSN 1476-0584) provides expert reviews on the clinical effectiveness of new vaccines. Coverage includes vaccine technology, vaccine adjuvants, prophylactic vaccines, therapeutic vaccines, AIDS vaccines and vaccines in bioterrorism. All articles are subject to rigorous peer-review.
Feminist Art Practices and Research: Cosmos offers a unique intellectual forum to cultivate new knowledge and exchange ideas that critically engage with art practices grounded in feminist politics. Cosmos Invites interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, transnational and intranational contributions that engage new materialist, planetary and more-than-human discourses. Cosmos aims to expand the feminist art publishing landscape through incorporating a broad spectrum of contributions in varied formats.
The editor invites original papers and short communications on the theory, fabrication, properties, and applications of ferroelectrics and related materials. In addition to research papers, Ferroelectrics publishes appropriate and timely review articles. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Ferroelectrics Letters permits the rapid publication of important, quality, short original papers on the theory, synthesis, properties and applications of ferroelectrics and related materials.
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology is an established bimonthly international journal that publishes data on diseases of the developing embryo, newborns, children, and adolescents. The journal publishes original and review articles and reportable case reports.The expanded scope of the journal encompasses molecular basis of genetic disorders; molecular basis of diseases that lead to implantation failures; molecular basis of abnormal placentation; placentology and molecular basis of habitual abortion; intrauterine development and molecular basis of embryonic death; pathogenisis and etiologic factors involved in sudden infant death syndrome; the underlying molecular basis, and pathogenesis of diseases that lead to morbidity and mortality in newborns; prenatal, perinatal, and pediatric diseases and molecular basis of diseases of childhood including solid tumors and tumors of the hematopoietic system; and experimental and molecular pathology.Read More:
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Fly is the first international peer-reviewed journal to focus exclusively on Drosophila research.Fly publishes broadly three general types of papers: original research, methods and technical advances and reviews and meeting reports.Topics in Drosophila research include: cell biology, development, gene regulation, chromosome dynamics, behavior, evolution, population biology, neurobiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, genomics and anything else that we might have left out or might come along.We will distinguish Fly from other journals in two important ways:First, we plan to have regular features of specific interest to the Drosophila community. For example: What's new on Flybase? How do I get my hands on all of those new stocks for doing that new cool technique? Who are the new researchers in the Drosophila field and what are they doing? What really great Drosophila papers were published recently? What's happening in those fields of Drosophila research outside my own? Is it possible to get a grant to do Drosophila research these days?Second, we want the journal to be highly interactive. We plan to develop a lively Letters to the Editor section, where issues of interest to the Drosophila community can be discussed, and where researchers can ask questions (and get answers!) about new resources and about how to obtain materials, comment on recent papers, make suggestions for new features in Fly.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B publishes surveillance data indicating the presence and levels of occurrence of designated food additives, residues and contaminants in foods and animal feed. Data using validated methods must meet stipulated quality standards to be acceptable and must be presented in a prescribed format for subsequent data-handling. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B has a restricted scope in terms of classes of food additives, residues and contaminants that are included, being based on a goal of covering those areas where there is a need to record surveillance data for the purposes of exposure and risk assessment. The scope is initially restricted to: 1. Additives - food colours, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives; 2. Residues - veterinary drug and pesticide residues; 3. Contaminants - metals, mycotoxins, phycotoxins, plant toxins, nitrate/nitrite, PCDDs/PCFDs, PCBs, PAHs, acrylamide, 3-MPCD and contaminants derived from food packaging. Papers reporting surveillance data in areas other than the above should be submitted to Part A. The scope of Part B will be expanded from time-to-time to ensure inclusion of new areas of concern. Readership The readership includes scientists involved in all aspects of food safety and quality and particularly those involved in monitoring human exposure to chemicals from the diet. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Other areas of strong interest are fermentation to improve foods, food ingredients, functional foods, and food waste remediation. In addition, articles addressing the topics of modern molecular and biochemical approaches to improving food safety are also published. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Food Reviews International presents state-of-the-art reviews concerned with food production, processing, acceptability, and nutritional values--examining the relationship of food and nutrition to health, as well as the differing problems affecting both affluent and developing nations. Offering technical solutions to critical global food dilemmas and shortages, Food Reviews International contains articles of interest for: * food scientists and technologists * food and cereal chemists * chemical engineers * agriculturists * microbiologists * toxicologists * nutritionists Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.