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ISSN: 0954-0121eISSN: 1360-0451

2008 Impact Factor: 1.466 Ranking: 23/41 (Health Policy & Services), 36/76 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), 31/101 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary), 8/29 (Social Sciences, Biomedical)169; 2009 Thomson Reuters, 2008 Journal Citation Reports174;iOpenAccess Option now availableRelated Title - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies - an essential new peer-reviewed journal analyzing psychological, sociological, health, cultural, economic, and educational aspects of children and adolescents in developed and developing countries.Click here to visit the journal's websiteAIDS Care provides a forum for publishing in one authoritative source research and reports from the many complementary disciplines involved in the AIDS/HIV field. These include, among others: psychology, sociology, epidemiology, social work and anthropology, social aspects of medicine, nursing, education, health education, law, administration, counselling (including various approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, family therapy etc).AIDS and HIV infection, the planning of services, prevention and psychosocial aspects of care and treatment affect many echelons of society ranging from individuals, couples and families through to institutions and communities. A particular aim is to publish work emanating from many centres and in so doing address the global impact of AIDS.ReadershipReaders of AIDS Care include Psychologists, Sociologists, Epidemiologists, Social Workers, Anthropologists, Medical Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Nurses, Health Education Teachers, Public Health Specialists, Counsellors (including various approaches such as Behavior Therapists, Psychotherapists and Family Therapists).Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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AJOB Empirical Bioethics

ISSN: 2329-4515eISSN: 2329-4523
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AJOB Neuroscience

ISSN: 2150-7740eISSN: 2150-7759

AJOB Neuroscience and provide a comprehensive resource for scholars, practitioners, and others interested in ethics and the brain sciences. We interpret the scope of the field broadly, and seek wide-ranging contributions exploring the ethical, social and legal dimensions of neuroscience.Our goal is to inspire and inform research and writing across disciplines through target articles, peer commentary, book reviews, qualitative research, and other innovative formats. As a primary resource in the field, publishes announcements, career opportunities, and the latest news and developments in the discipline.

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AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics

ISSN: 0972-8600eISSN: 2543-3474

AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics is devoted to publication of standard original research papers in Combinatorial Mathematics and related areas. The fields covered by the journal include graphs and hypergraphs, network theory, combinatorial optimization, coding theory, block designs, combinatorial geometry, matroid theory, logic, computing, neural networks and any related topics. Each volume will consist of two issues to be published in the months of June and December every year. Contribution presented to the journal can be Full-length article, Review article, Short communication and about a conference. The journal will also publish proceedings of conferences. These proceedings will be fully refereed and adhere to the normal standard of the journal.

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Accounting and Business Research

ISSN: 0001-4788eISSN: 2159-4260

Accounting and Business Research publishes papers containing a substantial and original contribution to knowledge. Papers may cover any area of accounting, broadly defined and including corporate governance, auditing and taxation. Authors may take a theoretical or an empirical approach, using either quantitative or qualitative methods. They may aim to contribute to developing and understanding the role of accounting in business.Papers should be rigorous but also written in a way that makes them intelligible to a wide range of academics and, where appropriate, practitioners.Presentation should be as elegant and economical as possible, avoiding unnecessary words, numbers or symbols.

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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science

ISSN: 0906-4702eISSN: 1651-1972

2009 Impact Factor - 0.393.Five Year Impact Factor - 0.704.169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Acta Agricultur230; Scandinavica, Section A 8211; Animal Science publishes results of original research in animal science and their applications related to the following topics:Animal breeding and geneticsMolecular geneticsAnimal physiology and reproductionNutrition and feedingAnimal behaviour and welfareGeneral animal husbandry and systems of production, including economic and technical aspectsHygiene and quality of animal products In addition to original articles, covering basic as well as applied subjects, the journal features review articles and short communications.Acta Agricultur230; Scandinavica, Section A 8211; Animal Science forms part of a trilogy of titles published on behalf of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF). The series also includes Section B - Soil & Plant Science and the recently launched Section C - Food Economics.Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A, B and C are available to purchase as a combined subscription. This provides access to all three journals in the series, and is available to institutional subscribers only. For full pricing information, please view the Taylor & Francis Journals Price List here. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science

eISSN: 1651-1913

2009 Impact Factor Up 13% - now 0.460!Five Year Impact Factor Up 22% - now 0.624!169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Acta Agricultur230; Scandinavica Section B publishes original research in soil and plant science with special attention given to applied questions related to biological production. Topics of relevance include:Environmental considerationsQuality assessmentCrop production systemsPlant fitnessLand and water managementPlant breeding Acta Agricultur230; Scandinavica, Section B 8211; Soil & Plant Science forms part of a trilogy of titles published on behalf of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF). The series also includes Section A - Animal Science and the recently launched Section C - Food Economics.Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A, B and C are available to purchase as a combined subscription. This provides access to all three journals in the series, and is available to institutional subscribers only. For full pricing information, please view the Taylor & Francis Journals Price List here. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica

ISSN: 2333-7931eISSN: 2333-7931

Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica is a new Open Access, online only journal. The journal provides rapid publication of high-quality dental research in the areas of oral biomaterials science. The editorial policy of Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica ’s is to welcome international submissions from researchers throughout the world. The scope of the journal includes basic and clinical aspects of oral biomaterials science in dentistry.   

Original research papers, review articles and short communications, will be considered for publication. In general, analytical studies are preferred to descriptive studies. Articles reporting novel research showing cause and effect relationships for experimental studies and explanatory / associative relationships for those of an observational nature are favored. Hypothesis driven research is encouraged since simple descriptive reports tend to have relatively low scientific priority for publication.

Short communications should not be longer than two pages, and should contain new and important information. Short communications should follow the usual division into Material and Methods, Results and Discussion. Case Reports will not be published.
By making Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica an open access journal, our ambition is to suit the needs of both the academic community and as well practitioners by offering an open space for all to share experiences and ideas.

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Acta Cardiologica

ISSN: 0001-5385eISSN: 0373-7934
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Acta Chirurgica Belgica

ISSN: 0001-5458

2014 Impact Factor: 0.408
5-year Impact Factor: 0.402
Ranking: 182/197 (Surgery)
©Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports® 2014


Acta Chirurgica Belgica (ACB) is the official journal of the Royal Belgian Society for Surgery (RBSS) and its affiliated societies. It publishes Editorials, Review papers, Original Research, and Technique related manuscripts in the broad field of Clinical Surgery. Experimental studies are considered when the results have a clear translational clinical value. Topical correspondence on the published content is welcome.


This journal subscribes to the recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals put forward by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

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Acta Clinica Belgica

ISSN: 1784-3286eISSN: 2295-3337

Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine primarily publishes papers on clinical medicine, clinical chemistry, pathology and molecular biology, provided they describe results which contribute to our understanding of clinical problems or describe new methods applicable to clinical investigation. Readership includes physicians, pathologists, pharmacists and physicians working in non-academic and academic hospitals, practicing internal medicine and its subspecialties.

Acta Clinica Belgica is the official journal of the following societies, which make the journal available to their members:
•Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
•Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine

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Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports

eISSN: 2377-2484

Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is a new and independent peer reviewed open access journal, derived from Acta Oto-Laryngologica. The new journal will serve as an international forum for case reports from all fields of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports will include case reports reflecting remarkable experiences with one or more patients with unexpected symptoms or clinical course. The objective of the case reports is to shed light on unconventional clinical situations that could benefit future patients. The journal has short publication times in order to bring this to the scientific community without delay.

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Acta Oto-laryngologica

ISSN: 0001-6489eISSN: 1651-2251

Acta Oto-Laryngologica is a truly international journal for translational otolaryngology and head & neck surgery. The journal presents cutting-edge papers on clinical practice, clinical research and basic sciences and also bridges the gap between clinical and basic research.Features include: * Inner and Middle Ear * Otoneurology * Audiology * Central Labyrinthine Pathways * Nose/Sinus * Mouth/Pharynx * Larynx * Salivary Glands * Oncology * Facial Nerve The international board represents 30 countries and plays an important interactive role to maintain and increase the standards of the journal. Acta Oto-Laryngologica is published on a non-profit basis.

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Acute Cardiac Care

ISSN: 1748-2941eISSN: 1748-295X

Acute Cardiac Care, formerly International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions (Print ISSN: 1462-8848, Electronic ISSN: 1471-1796) and now endorsed by the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Acute Cardiac Care, will combine forces to deal with the rapidly developing concepts in management of acute cardiac patients.

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Addiction Research & Theory

ISSN: 1606-6359eISSN: 1476-7392

Since being founded in 1993, Addiction Research and Theory has been the leading outlet for research and theoretical contributions that view addictive behaviour as arising from psychological processes within the individual and the social context in which the behaviour takes place as much as from the biological effects of the psychoactive substance or activity involved.This cross-disciplinary journal examines addictive behaviours from a variety of perspectives and methods of inquiry. Disciplines represented in the journal include Anthropology, Economics, Epidemiology, Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and History, but high quality contributions from other relevant areas will also be considered. The journal publishes articles on all aspects of addiction, placing particular value on contributions that explore creatively new avenues of inquiry. Submissions to Addiction Research and Theory are peer reviewed and published if they are both good of their kind and are within the journal’s focus. Articles include theoretical, philosophical and political essays, research papers, state-of-the-science reviews, and descriptions of how to apply research on addictive behaviours to evidence-based clinical practice.Read More:

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ISSN: 2162-3945eISSN: 2162-397X

Aims & Scope: Adipocyte recognizes that the adipose tissue is the largest endocrine organ in the body, and explores the link between dysfunctional adipose tissue and the growing number of chronic diseases including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Historically, the primary function of the adipose tissue was limited to energy storage and thermoregulation. However, a plethora of research over the past 3 decades has recognized the dynamic role of the adipose tissue and its contribution to a variety of physiological processes including reproduction, angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, blood pressure, coagulation, fibrinolysis, immunity and general metabolic homeostasis. The field of Adipose Tissue research has grown tremendously, and Adipocyte is the first international peer-reviewed journal of its kind providing a multi-disciplinary forum for research focusing exclusively on all aspects of adipose tissue physiology and pathophysiology. Adipocyte accepts high-profile submissions in basic, translational and clinical research. 
Adipocyte focuses on the following topics:
• Adipose tissue structure and development
• Adipogenesis, adipose stem cells
• Adipose inflammation, immune cells
• Insulin resistance and diabetes
• Metabolism and energy balance
• Mitochondrial dysfunction
• Adipose hypoxia, apoptosis
• Adipokines
• Angiogenesis
• Cardiovascular disease and vascular homeostasis
• Hypertension
• Lipids, fatty acids
• Brown/beige fat
• Reproduction
• Obesity and cancer
• Pharmacology
Currently, we publish quarterly, increasing the frequency in increments to 12 issues over several years. Each issue appears in print and online. Submissions and peer-review are rapid and handled online. We encourage direct submission of manuscripts rejected elsewhere with reviewer's comments included for quick assessment and potential rapid acceptance. Authors may submit to the journal online at
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Advanced Composite Materials

ISSN: 0924-3046eISSN: 1568-5519

© Nicolas Brodu. 2003 The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer for solving problemsrelating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sky.Historians credit the invention of the astrolabe to classical Greece.Brass astrolabes were highly developed in the Islamic world of the 8thcentury and later. chiefly as an aid to navigation and as a way offinding the direction of Mecca. In the Middle Ages it found its wayback to Europe and became the chief navigational instrument until theinvention of the sextant in the 18th century.

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Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science

eISSN: 2055-0359
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Advanced Robotics

ISSN: 0169-1864eISSN: 1568-5535

© Nicolas Brodu. 2003 The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer for solving problemsrelating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sky.Historians credit the invention of the astrolabe to classical Greece.Brass astrolabes were highly developed in the Islamic world of the 8thcentury and later. chiefly as an aid to navigation and as a way offinding the direction of Mecca. In the Middle Ages it found its wayback to Europe and became the chief navigational instrument until theinvention of the sextant in the 18th century.

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Advances in Building Energy Research

ISSN: 1751-2549eISSN: 1756-2201

Advances in Building Energy Research (ABER) aims to provide expert and authoritative reviews and analyses of the most important developments across the rapidly expanding fields of energy efficiency and environmental performance of buildings. It also provides a unique forum by bringing together invited contributions from the foremost international experts, to examine new technologies and methodologies with the latest research on systems, simulations and standards.Annually published and peer-reviewed, it delivers an invaluable resource for architects, building engineers, environmental engineers, industry professionals, students, teachers and researchers in building science. Topics covered by ABER include: 183; invaluable thermal comfort in the built environment 183; advanced materials to improve energy efficiency of buildings 183; indoor air quality 183; energy efficient lighting and daylight 183; visual comfort in the built environment 183; thermal and air flow studies in the urban environment 183; passive solar heating of buildings and passive cooling in buildings 183; energy efficient HVAC systems for buildings 183; urban energy systems 183; design and retrofitting of energy efficient buildings 183; use of renewable energies in the built environment 183; natural , mechanical and hybrid ventilation 183; monitoring and measurement techniques in buildings 183; energy rating and classification of buildings 183; intelligent control of buildings 183; building physics 183; environmental impact and sustainability in the building sector 183; legislative and educational aspects for energy efficient buildings.

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