The Journal mainly publishes original academic papers which represent the latest research achievements in such fields as materials science and engineering, metallurgical science and engineering, mineral processing, geology and mining, chemical engineering, and mechanical, electronic and information engineering.
The Journal of Cultural Economics is published in cooperation with The Association for Cultural Economics. It applies economic analysis to all of the creative and performing arts and the heritage and cultural industries, whether publicly or privately funded. Furthermore, the journal explores the economic organization of the cultural sector and the behavior of producers, consumers, and governments within the cultural sector.
Readers will find original papers dealing with the theoretical development of cultural economics as a subject, the application of economic analysis and econometrics to the field of culture, and the economic aspects of cultural policy. In addition to full-length papers, the journal offers short papers and book reviews.
Officially cited as: J Cult Econ
The Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (JGER) publishes peer-reviewed original articles on Entrepreneurship in a global perspective. JGER aims to address theoretical and empirical research issues that impact the development of entrepreneurship as a scientific discipline and promote its efficacy on the economic, social and cultural contexts, both domestically and globally. The journal also attempts to contribute to achievement of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) goals and development of GEM paradigms.
Journal of Inequalities and Applications is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. The aim of this journal is to provide a multi-disciplinary forum of discussion in mathematics and its applications in which the essentiality of inequalities is highlighted. This Journal accepts high quality articles containing original research results and survey articles of exceptional merit. Subject matters should be strongly related to inequalities, such as, but not restricted to, the following: inequalities in analysis, inequalities in approximation theory, inequalities in combinatorics, inequalities in economics, inequalities in geometry, inequalities in mechanics, inequalities in optimization, inequalities in stochastic analysis and applications.
The Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease is proud to announce its key performance indicators:Impact Factor: 4.070 (2012)Usage: 18,148 downloads per month (on average) Time to first decision: 33.6 daysTime from acceptance to online publication:Â 28.8 days
The Journal of Modern Transportation (JMT) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. It provides a platform for scholars to publish their works in the general area of transportation, concerned with analysis, planning, design, operations, technologies, and economics of modern transportation and traffic systems with focus on high-speed railway technological and theoretical achievements across the world, especially in China. Specific topics cover • rail transit systems
• rolling stock design theory and structural reliability
• vehicle-track coupling system dynamics, simulation and control
• wheel-rail contact mechanics and wear
• new detecting and experimental technologies of high-speed railway system
• traction power supply, transmission and control
• rail transit electrification and automation technologies
• high-speed railway route selection
• superconductivity and levitation technology
• magnetic suspension and evacuated tube transport
• transportation infrastructure systems
• roads, bridges, tunnels, and underground engineering
• subgrade and pavement maintenance and performance
• light rail transit and metro technologies
• urban transit systems
• traffic information engineering & control
• intelligent transportation system (ITS) and information technology
• environmental impacts of transportation
• pedestrian studies
• traffic flow theory
• traffic planning, control and management
• traffic and transport safety
• traffic polices and economics
• air transportation
• interdisciplinary transportation research
• other topics of interest JMT mainly publishes original articles, invited reviews, case reports, short communications, and scientific letters within the journal’s scope. Case studies are published only if they contain some original theoretical, content. Papers submitted for publication in JMT should not have been published in their present or any essentially similar form.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that integrates current, cutting-edge research across a number of disciplines, including neurobiology, genetics, cognitive neuroscience and psychology. The primary focus is on the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism, Fragile X Syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turner Syndrome, 22q Deletion Syndrome, Prader-Willi Angelman Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Lysosomal Storage Diseases, dyslexia, specific language impairment and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
The Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, founded by Francesco Pipino in the year 2000, is an official journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. The journal publishes original papers reporting basic research or clinical applications in the field of orthopaedic and traumatologic surgery, as well as technical notes, rapid communications, case reports, comments and letters to the Editor. Although the journal is managed by the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, contributions from authors working in other countries are welcome.The Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology aims to be a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas concerning the various aspects of orthopaedics and traumatology. Furthermore, the journal aims to promote Italian medical research within an international context through the careful selection of papers and the choice of English as an official language. The journal’s visibility in the scientific community is further enhanced by its electronic edition available via the publisher’s SpringerLink Information Service at Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement to the effect that all human studies have been reviewed by the appropriate ethics committee and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in an appropriate version of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. It should also be stated clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under study should be omitted.Reports of animal experiments must state that the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care (NIH publication no. 86-23 revised 1985) were followed, as were applicable national laws (e.g. the current version of the German Law on the Protection of Animals). The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do, not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The journal is open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings. Conditions can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief or the publisher.
Journal of Physiological Anthropology, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the physiological functions of modern mankind, with an emphasis on the bio-cultural effects on human adaptability to current environment.
JBCS is a formal quarterly publication of the Brazilian Computer Society. It is a peer-reviewed international journal which aims to serve as a forum to disseminate innovative research in all fields of computer science and related subjects. Theoretical, practical and experimental papers reporting original research contributions are welcome, as well as high quality survey papers. The journal is open to contributions in all computer science topics, computer systems development or in formal and theoretical aspects of computing, as the list of topics below is not exhaustive. Contributions will be considered for publication in JBCS if they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Topics of interest for paper submissions include, but are not restricted to: computer architecture high-performance computing database management and information retrieval computational biology computer graphics data visualization image and video processing VLSI design, software-hardware codesign embedded systems software engineering geoinformatics human computer interaction artificial intelligence games, entertainment and virtual reality programming languages algorithms and theory of computing natural language processing computer networks and distributed systems robotics collaborative systems multimedia and hypermedia systems secure and fault-tolerant systems mobile and ubiquitous computin, g computers and applications (e.g. health, education, agriculture and music)
MATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.Energy is the single most valuable resource for human activity and the basis for all human progress. Materials play a key role in enabling technologies that can offer promising solutions to achieve renewable and sustainable energy pathways for the future.MATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY has been established as an Open Access journal to be the world's foremost interdisciplinary forum for publication of research on all aspects of the study of materials for the deployment of renewable and sustainable energy technologies. MATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY covers experimental and theoretical aspects of materials and prototype devices for sustainable energy conversion, storage, and saving, together with materials needed for renewable fuel production. Topics include:MATERIALS for renewable energy storage and conversion
Fuel cells
Hydrogen storage
Photovoltaics and solar cellsMATERIALS for renewable and sustainable fuel production
Hydrogen production and fuel generation from renewables (catalysis)
Solar-driven reactions to hydrogen and fuels from renewables (photocatalysis)
Carbon dioxide sequestration and conversionMATERIALS for energy saving
Novel illumination sources for efficient lighting
Energy saving in buildingsMATERIALS modeling and theoretical aspectsAdvanced characterization techniques of MATERIALSMATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY publishes reviews, original research articles, rapid communications, and perspectives. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed for scientific quality.MATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY is an Open Access journal supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (MFML) is a forum for the publication of highest-quality peer-reviewed papers on the broad mathematical foundations of machine learning.