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Hand Therapy

ISSN: 1758-9983eISSN: 1758-9991
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Hand and Microsurgery

ISSN: 2458-7834
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Handbook of Practice Management

ISSN: 0962-144XeISSN: 2047-718X

Health Education & Behavior

ISSN: 1090-1981eISSN: 1552-6127

Health Education & Behavior (HEB) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal that provides empirical research, case studies, program evaluations, literature reviews, and discussions of theories of health behavior and health status, as well as strategies to improve social and behavioral health. HEB also examines the processes of planning, implementing, managing, and assessing health education and social-behavioral interventions.

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Health Education Journal

ISSN: 0017-8969eISSN: 1748-8176

Health Education Journal is a leading peer reviewed journal established in 1943. The journal publishes peer reviewed authoritative papers on health promotion and health education and incudes book reviews and health event listings. Published quarterly Health Education Journal carries original papers on health promotion and health education research, policy development and good practice.

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Health Environments Research & Design Journal

ISSN: 1937-5867eISSN: 2167-5112
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Health Informatics Journal

ISSN: 1460-4582eISSN: 1741-2811

Information and communication technology are integral to all areas of health care, from organisational management to the delivery of patient care and health promotion. In this fast-moving arena, Health Informatics Journal provides an international forum for the exchange of practice, innovation and research. Representing the interdisciplinary nature of health informatics, the journal publishes peer reviewed contributions from the fields of informatics and telematics, the health professions, computer science, engineering and management.A free subscription to Health Informatics Journal is included as part of the membership to The British Medical Informatics Society. For further details about the society and how to become a member go to Editor is keen to discuss papers on any subject relevant to healthcare informatics, but especially welcomes contributions on e-health, electronic patient records, e-learning in healthcare, web-based information services; support for clinical decision-making, knowledge management, quality control, evidence-based practice, modeling of healthcare service usage; healthcare applications of mobile and pervasive technologies, assistive technology; evaluation and use of healthcare IT, design and development methodologies for healthcare IT, security and confidentiality; future developments in technologies and applications.For more information on contributing to Health Informatics Journal, please email the Editor, Rob Procter:

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Health Promotion Practice

ISSN: 1524-8399eISSN: 1552-6372

Health Promotion Practice (HPP) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal devoted to the practical application of health promotion and education. HPP focuses on critical and strategic information for professionals engaged in the practice of developing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and disease prevention programs.

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Health Psychology Open

eISSN: 2055-1029

public health, community health, health psychology

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Health Services Insights

eISSN: 1178-6329
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Health Services Management Research

ISSN: 0951-4848eISSN: 1758-1044
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Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology

eISSN: 2333-3928

health, health services, public health, managerial epidemiology, epidemiology

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Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine

ISSN: 1363-4593eISSN: 1461-7196

Health: is a broad ranging, interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal related to health and the social sciences. Focusing on the changing place of health matters in modern society, the journal continues to provide an international forum for original articles and review essays from around the world. It offers the breadth of outlook required by sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and cultural theorists who are addressing problems that cross disciplinary boundaries.

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Healthcare Management Forum

ISSN: 0840-4704eISSN: 2352-3883

Healthcare Management Forum - Aims and ScopeHealthcare Management Forum is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Canadian College of Health Leaders. It is published four times a year and is circulated to approximately 3,000 health leaders who work in a variety of environments including (but not limited to) medical companies, health authorities, multi-level care facilities, hospitals, public and private health agencies, health charities, the Canadian military and all levels of the Canadian government. It is also available in universities and libraries throughout Canada, the United States and overseas. The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management. This includes recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders' perspectives.For more information on the College's membership, go to Gestion des soins de santé est la revue officielle évaluée par des pairs du Collège canadien des leaders en services de santé. Publiée quatre fois l'an, la revue est diffusée à environ 3 000 leaders en santé qui travaillent dans divers milieux, y compris, sans s'y limiter, les sociétés médicales, les autorités sanitaires, les établissements de soins multiniveaux, les hópitaux, les organismes de santé publics et privés, les organismes de bienfaisance dans le domaine de la santé, les services militaires canadiens et tous les échelons du gouvernement canadien. Elle est également offerte dans les universités et les bibliothèques du Canada, des états-Unis et de l'étranger. La revue contient des articles sur les pratiques de pointe liées au leadership en santé, ce qui inclut des recherches récentes, des nouvelles technologies et des pratiques professionnelles selon la perspective de leaders en santé.Pour obtenir plus de renseignements en vue de devenir membre du Collège, consultez le site

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Healthy Aging and Clinical Care in the Elderly

eISSN: 1179-0601
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High Performance Polymers

ISSN: 0954-0083eISSN: 1361-6412

"I consider High Performance Polymers to be a valued publication: one that I consult regularly to keep me abreast of research developments in the chemistry and technology of performance polymers and composites." Ian Hamerton, University of Surrey, UKThe Journal of High Performance Polymers is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research in high performance polymer science and technology.With a principal focus on molecular structure/processability/property relationships of high performance polymers such as liquid crystalline polymers, aromatic polymers, aramids, hetercyclic polymers, epoxy resin, fluoropolymers, siloxanes, functionalized polymers and inorganic polymers.Electronic access:High Performance Polymers is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

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Higher education for the future

ISSN: 2347-6311

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

ISSN: 0739-9863eISSN: 1552-6364

The Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (HJB) publishes empirical articles, multiple case study reports, critical reviews of literature, conceptual articles, reports of new instruments, and scholarly notes of theoretical or methodological interest to Hispanic populations. Distinguished multidisciplinary experts offer scholarly articles on the latest behavioral research, including cultural assimilation, communication barriers, intergroup relations, employment discrimination, substance abuse, family dynamics, and poverty.

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History and Sociology of South Asia

ISSN: 2230-8075eISSN: 2249-5312
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History of Psychiatry

ISSN: 0957-154XeISSN: 1740-2360

History of Psychiatry is the leading peer reviewed journal publishing research articles, analysis and information across the entire field of the history of mental illness and the forms of medicine, psychiatry, cultural response and social policy, which have evolved to understand and treat it. It covers all periods of history up to the present day, and all nations and cultures.

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