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Global Health Promotion

ISSN: 1757-9759eISSN: 1757-9767

Global Health Promotion, is the official publication of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). It is a multilingual journal, which publishes authoritative peer-reviewed articles and practical information for a world-wide audience of professionals interested in health promotion and health education. Pour information en français, visitez le site web de l`UIPES ( Para obtener información en español, visite la página web de la UIPES (

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Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies

ISSN: 0974-9101eISSN: 0975-2730
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Global Media and China

ISSN: 2059-4364eISSN: 2059-4372
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Global Media and Communication

ISSN: 1742-7665eISSN: 1742-7673

Global Media and Communication is an international, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for research and debate on the continuously changing global media and communication environement. Its scope includes communication and media studies, anthropology, sociology, telecommunications, public policy, migration and diasporic studies, transnational security and international relations.

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Global Pediatric Health

eISSN: 2333-794X

public health, critical care, clinical medicine, healthcare, pediatric

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Global Qualitative Nursing Research

eISSN: 2333-3936

nursing, health, care, qualitative nursing

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Global Social Policy

ISSN: 1468-0181eISSN: 1741-2803

Global Social Policy is a fully peer-reviewed journal that advances the understanding of the transnational dimensions of social policy, social development, and social governance. The Journal publishes scholarly, policy-oriented articles that focus on aspects of social policy and social governance broadly defined in both contemporary and historical contexts.

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Global Spine Journal

ISSN: 2192-5682eISSN: 2192-5690

The Global Spine Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published in cooperation with AOSpine. From 2013 it will be delivered along with its sister publication Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal (EBSJ).

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Global Studies of Childhood

eISSN: 2043-6106
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Global advances in integrative medicine and health

ISSN: 2753-6130

Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment

eISSN: 2284-2403
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Glycobiology Insights

eISSN: 1179-2515
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ISSN: 1522-1628
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Group Analysis

ISSN: 0533-3164eISSN: 1461-717X

Group Analysis is a peer reviewed journal that explores the theory, practice and experience of analytical group psychotherapy. It embraces concepts derived from psychoanalytic psychology, social psychology, group dynamics, sociology and anthropology. The journal is a meeting-point for these varied disciplines, providing an international interdisciplinary forum for dialogue among practitioners, theoreticians and researchers.

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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

ISSN: 1368-4302eISSN: 1461-7188

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations (GPIR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a scientific social psychology journal dedicated to research on social psychological processes within and between groups. It provides a forum for and is aimed at researchers and students in social psychology and related disciples. The journal is edited by Dominic Abrams and Michael A. Hogg.

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Group and Organization Management

ISSN: 1059-6011eISSN: 1552-3993

Group & Organization Management (GOM), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, publishes the work of scholars and professionals who extend management and organization theory and address the implications for practitioners. Innovation, conceptual sophistication, methodological rigor, and cutting-edge scholarship are the driving principles. From individual behavior to organizational strategy and functioning, GOM features both empirical and theoretical articles spanning various levels of analysis in organizations.

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HFES Bulletin

ISSN: 1527-3660
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HIP International

ISSN: 1120-7000eISSN: 1724-6067

Hip International, the Official Journal of the European Hip Society, is issued 6 times per year. The Journal considers the publication of peer-reviewed contributions, dealing with conservative hip surgery, traumatology of the hip, prosthetic surgery, biomechanics, and basic sciences relating to the hip. Original manuscripts, reviews and editorials are welcome, not only from members of the European Hip Society, but also from non-members in Europe and all parts of the world.

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HSS Journal

ISSN: 1556-3316eISSN: 1556-3324

Hospital for Special Surgery is ranked # 1 in Orthopaedics and # 3 in Rheumatology by U.S. News & World Report  The HSS Journal® is the Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery. The aim of the HSS Journal® is to promote cutting edge research, clinical pathways, and state-of-the-art techniques that inform and facilitate the continuing education of the orthopaedic and musculoskeletal communities. HSS Journal® publishes articles that offer contributions to the advancement of the knowledge of musculoskeletal diseases and encourages submission of manuscripts from all musculoskeletal disciplines.
Click on this link to receive the Table of Contents for HSS Journal®:

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ISSN: 1558-9447eISSN: 1558-9455

Hand is the official journal of the American Association for Hand Surgery. The American Association for Hand Surgery is a unique organization of hand surgery and therapy professionals and the focus of the American Association for Hand Surgery is primarily educational. The purpose of Hand is to provide an international peer reviewed journal which combines multidisciplinary expertise from surgical, medical, hand therapy and other health care professional specialties to advance the quality of care and health of patients with hand and upper extremity pathologies. Hand is a quarterly multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal which publishes original clinical and basic science articles, comprehensive critical reviews and unique case reports related to the management of pathologies in the hand and upper extremity. Studies which are published in Hand and involve human subjects must adhere to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, have approval by an institutional ethics review board, and have appropriate patient informed consent. Studies which involve animal models must adhere to the animal care and use guidelines of the National Institutes of Health and/or the appropriate institutional review board.

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