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Contemporary voice of Dalit

ISSN: 2455-328X

Contributions to Indian Sociology

ISSN: 0069-9667eISSN: 0973-0648

Contributions to Indian Sociology (CIS) is a peer-reviewed journal which has encouraged and fostered cutting-edge scholarship on South Asian societies and cultures over the last fifty years. Its regular features include research articles, a discussion section on the sociology of India, short comments, and book reviews. The journal also publishes special issues to highlight new and significant themes in the discipline.CIS invites articles on all countries of South Asia, the South Asian diaspora as well as on comparative studies related to the region. The journal favours articles in which theory and data are mutually related. It welcomes a diversity of theoretical approaches and methods.

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ISSN: 1354-8565eISSN: 1748-7382
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Cooperation and Conflict

ISSN: 0010-8367eISSN: 1460-3691

Published for over 40 years, Cooperation and Conflict is a peer reviewed journal that aims to promote research on and understanding of international relations. It believes in the deeds of academic pluralism and thus does not represent any specific methodology, approach, tradition or school. The mission of the journal is to meet the demands of the scholarly community having an interest in international studies.

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Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

ISSN: 1938-9655eISSN: 1938-9663

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (CQ), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, focuses on publishing scholarly research that provides timely and actionable prescription for hospitality management practice and research. Written by academics as well as industry leaders, the articles help readers keep up-to-date on the latest research findings and insights in order to improve business practices and to stay informed about successful business strategies.

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Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology

ISSN: 1478-422XeISSN: 1743-2782
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology (CEST) provides broad international coverage of research and practice in corrosion processes and corrosion control. Peer-reviewed contributions address all aspects of corrosion engineering and corrosion science; there is strong emphasis on effective design and materials selection to combat corrosion and the journal carries failure case studies to further knowledge in these areas. The scope encompasses all metallic and non-metallic materials and composites.

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Craniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation

eISSN: 2752-8464
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Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction

ISSN: 1943-3875eISSN: 1943-3883

This quarterly journal publishes primary and review articles covering all aspects of surgery of the head, face and jaw. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction will be of interest to specialists working in ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, dentistry, facial plastic surgery and trauma surgery.

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Creative Nursing: A Journal of Values, Issues, Experience, and Collaboration

ISSN: 1078-4535eISSN: 1946-1895
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Crime and Delinquency

ISSN: 0011-1287eISSN: 1552-387X

Crime & Delinquency (CAD), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a policy-oriented journal offering a wide range of research and analysis for the scholar and professional in criminology and criminal justice. CAD focuses on issues and concerns that impact the criminal justice system, including the social, political and economic contexts of criminal justice, as well as the victims, criminals, courts and sanctions.

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Crime, Media, Culture

ISSN: 1741-6590eISSN: 1741-6604

Crime, Media, Culture is a peer reviewed, international journal providing a vehicle for scholars working at the intersections of criminological and cultural inquiry. It promotes a broad cross-disciplinary understanding of the relationship between crime, criminal justice, media and culture. The journal explores a range of media forms (including traditional media, new and alternative media, and surveillance technologies) and has a special focus on cultural criminology and its concerns with image, representation, meaning and style. While CMC embraces submissions across a range of research perspectives and methodological orientations, CMC encourages especially work that develops cultural, critical, and qualitative understandings of the crime, media, culture nexus.

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Criminal Justice Policy Review

ISSN: 0887-4034eISSN: 1552-3586

Criminal Justice Policy Review (CJPR), published quarterly, is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal committed to the study of criminal justice policy through quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methodological approaches. CJPR serves as a bridge between academics, policymakers, and practitioners by publishing sound research that addresses important issues in crime and justice and examines the implementation and effectiveness of criminal justice policies, programs, and practices.

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Criminal Justice Review

ISSN: 0734-0168eISSN: 1556-3839

Criminal Justice Review (CJR), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is a scholarly journal dedicated to presenting a broad perspective on criminal justice issues within the domestic United States. CJR provides a forum for social scientists to report research findings for informed policy making with respect to crime and justice through innovative and advanced methodologies and can feature local, state, or national concerns.

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Criminal Justice and Behavior

ISSN: 0093-8548eISSN: 1552-3594

Criminal Justice and Behavior (CJB), peer-reviewed and published monthly, promotes scholarly evaluations of assessment, classification, prevention, intervention, and treatment programs to help the correctional professional develop successful programs based on sound and informative theoretical and research foundations.

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Criminology and Criminal Justice

ISSN: 1748-8958eISSN: 1748-8966
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Critical Research on Religion

ISSN: 2050-3032eISSN: 2050-3040
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Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine

ISSN: 1045-4411

Critical Social Policy

ISSN: 0261-0183eISSN: 1461-703X

Critical Social Policy is a highly ranked, peer reviewed journal that provides an international forum for advocacy, analysis and debate on social policy issues. Published quarterly, it aims to develop an understanding of welfare from socialist, feminist, anti-racist and radical perspectives.

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Critical Sociology

ISSN: 0896-9205eISSN: 1569-1632

Critical Sociology seeks to engage and promote critical thinking by publishing articles from all perspectives broadly defined as falling within the boundaries of critical or radical social science. The journal is a platform for scholars whose work explores the relationship between race, gender and class in their quest for a deeper understanding of society writ large. It will continue in this fashion in order to preserve its position as one of a select few "alternative" journals having widespread recognition and respect within the world of social science scholarship.

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Critical Studies in Television

ISSN: 1749-6020eISSN: 1749-6039
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