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Anthropology Today

ISSN: 0268-540XeISSN: 1467-8322

Anthropology Today is a bimonthly publication which aims to provide a forum for the application of anthropological analysis to public and topical issues, while reflecting the breadth of interests within the discipline of anthropology. It is also committed to promoting debate at the interface between anthropology and areas of applied knowledge such as education, medicine, development etc. as well as that between anthropology and other academic disciplines. Anthropology Today encourages submissions on a wide range of topics, consistent with these aims. Anthropology Today is an international journal both in the scope of issues it covers and in the sources it draws from.

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Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography

ISSN: 0066-4812eISSN: 1467-8330

For over 40 years Antipode has published dissenting scholarship that explores and utilizes key geographical ideas like space, scale, place, borders and landscape. It aims to challenge dominant and orthodox views of the world through debate, scholarship and politically-committed research, creating new spaces and envisioning new futures. Antipode welcomes the infusion of new ideas and the shaking up of old positions, without being committed to just one view of radical analysis or politics.

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Applied Cognitive Psychology

ISSN: 0888-4080eISSN: 1099-0720

Applied Cognitive Psychology seeks to publish the best papers dealing with psychological analyses of memory, learning, thinking, problem solving, language, and consciousness as they occur in real world contexts. Applied Cognitive Psychology focuses on studies of human performance and basic cognitive skills in everyday environments. Particular emphases include studies of autobiographical memory, lifespan memory development, detecting truth and deception, eyewitness memory and memory reliability, as well as cognitive perspectives on consumer behaviour, health and education. Articles will normally combine rigorous investigations of real world events with appropriate theoretical analyses and proper appraisal of practical implications. While empirical research remains the primary focus of the journal, Applied Cognitive Psychology also publishes theoretical articles and reviews. We encourage authors to submit via our online submission system:

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Applied Organometallic Chemistry

ISSN: 0268-2605eISSN: 1099-0739

Applied Organometallic Chemistry publishes Full Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews and Communications of scientific research in all areas of organometallic and metal-organic chemistry involving main group metals, transition metals, lanthanides and actinides. All contributions should contain an explicit application of novel compounds, for instance in materials science, nano science, catalysis, chemical vapour deposition, metal-mediated organic synthesis, polymers, bio-organometallics, metallo-therapy, metallo-diagnostics and medicine. Reviews of books covering aspects of the fields of focus are also published. All new compounds should be satisfactorily identified and proof of their structure given according to generally accepted standards. Structural reports, such as papers exclusively dealing with synthesis and characterization, analytical techniques, or X-ray diffraction studies of metal-organic or organometallic compounds will not be considered. The editors reserve the right to refuse without peer review any manuscript that does not comply with the aims and scope of the journal.

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Applied Psychology

ISSN: 0269-994XeISSN: 1464-0597

Applied Psychology: An International Review is the official journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), the oldest worldwide association of scholars and practitioners of the discipline of psychology (founded in 1920). Applied Psychology: An International Review is a peer-reviewed, truly international outlet for the scholarly dissemination of findings in applied psychology. Articles are encouraged from all areas of applied psychology including, but not limited to, organizational, cross-cultural, educational, health, counseling, sport and environmental psychology. Particularly invited are articles that advance understanding of psychological processes across a range of applied phenomena and studies that examine the effects of different national and cultural contexts. For example, topics such as personality traits and processes, self-regulation, self-efficacy, goals, emotions, values, attitudes, social identity, judgments and decisions, leadership, learning, or instructional design examined within applied domains or cross-culturally. Review papers that stimulate debate and discussion are also encouraged. Three types of freely submitted articles appear in Applied Psychology: Journal Articles describe important research or theoretical developments for specific issues; Lead Articles review and extend a body of research at a critical juncture and are supplemented with peer commentaries to create an international scientific discussion; and International Replication Notes provide replications of known phenomena in new cultural contexts. Special Issues are also published, with guest editors and invited contributions with a particular thematic focus.To subscribe to Applied Psychology: An International Review pleaseclick here. (Personal and Institutional subscriptions available). The Journal is also available to members of the International Assocation of Applied Psychology. For details of how to join the Association, please clickhere.

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Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

ISSN: 1758-0846eISSN: 1758-0854
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Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

ISSN: 1524-1904eISSN: 1526-4025

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (formerly Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis ) was first published in 1985, publishing contributions in the interface between stochastic modelling, data analysis and their applications in business, finance, insurance, management and production. The main objective is to publish papers, both technical and practical, presenting new results which solve real-life problems or have great potential in doing so. A second objective is to present new methods for solving such problems, i.e. optimization, data base management, knowledge acquisition, expert systems, computer-aided decision supports and neural computing. The scope of the journal is now broadened both in supporting topics and in appropriate methodology. Topics to be added include managerial processes, reliability, quality control, data analysis and data mining. New methodologies include wavelets, Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods and spatial statistics.

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Applied Vegetation Science

eISSN: 1654-109X

Applied Vegetation Science is administratively linked to the Journal of Vegetation Science. It accepts original papers (including shorter ones), reviews, forum contributions and reports. It commissions reviews of selected books. Applied fields covered by the journal include human impact on vegetation, particularly eutrophication and global change, nature conservation, nature management, restoration of plant communities and habitats of threatened plant species, and the planning of semi-natural and urban landscapes. In addition it publishes book reviews and notices of scientific meetings.

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Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

ISSN: 1052-7613eISSN: 1099-0755

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems is an international journal dedicated to publishing original papers that relate specifically to freshwater, brackish or marine habitats and encouraging work that spans these ecosystems. This journal provides a forum in which all aspects of the conservation of aquatic biological resources can be presented and discussed, enabling greater cooperation and efficiency in solving problems in aquatic resource conservation. The publication of both practical studies in conservation as well as theoretical considerations of the underlying principles is encouraged. Contributions are accepted from as wide a geographical range as possible to ensure a broad representation of conservation issues in both developed and developing countries. The journal also publishes short communications, review articles and discussions. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems serves as a focus for scientists in research institutes, universities, industry, nature conservation organizations and all levels of government as well as aquatic habitat and fishery managers and policy makers concerned with these issues.

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Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy

ISSN: 0905-7196eISSN: 1600-0471

In recent years the Arabian peninsula has emerged as one of the major new frontiers of archaeological research in the Old World. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy is a forum for the publication of studies in the archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, and early history of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Both original articles and short communications in English, French, and German are published, ranging in time from prehistory to the Islamic era. In addition, studies touching on different parts of the region and their relations with neighbouring areas such as Africa, the Levant, Mesopotamia, Iran, and the Indus Valley are invited. Studies pertaining more directly to these areas, however, will only be considered if the link to the Arabian peninsula is clear and of central importance. Contributions concerned with inscriptions from the Arabian peninsula, whether recorded in the field or housed in public and private collections around the world, will also be welcomed. Review articles will appear periodically. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy is essential reading for all archaeologists, historians, philologists, and numismatists concerned with the ancient Near East. It is of interest to students of classical antiquity, Egyptology, and south Asian archaeology. We hope that the articles published in this journal will enrich our understanding of Arabia from the period of its earliest human occupation to the Middle Ages, and that existence of a forum for studies on the Arabian peninsula will give added impetus to research in this field.

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Archaeological Prospection

ISSN: 1075-2196eISSN: 1099-0763

Archaeological Prospection is an interdisciplinary journal, intended to:*Inform archaeologists, environmental scientists, site developers, local authorities and regional environmental agencies about the wide range of scientific techniques available for the study of the near-surface environment.* Promote international collaboration amongst practitioners of prospection techniques.*Encourage discussion of field procedures, data presentation and interpretation of a wide range of survey methods and promote multi-technique comparisons, thus enhancing scientific collaboration.*Promote procedures and investigations for the safeguard of the historical and environmental cultural heritage.*Disseminate information about new (or newly applied) prospecting techniques.*Provide reviews of relevant techniques and applications.*Provide a forum for the discussion of best practice in shallow depth investigation of archaeological and environmental landscapes.* Encourage risk analysis studies to evaluate the economics of archaeological and environmental investigations.Scope of the Journal*The scope of the Journal will be international, covering urban, rural and marine environments and the full range of underlying geology.*The Journal will contain articles relating to the use of a wide range of propecting techniques, including remote sensing (airborne and satellite), geophysical (e.g. resistivity, magnetometry) and geochemical (e.g. organic markers, soil phosphate). Reports and field evaluations of new techniques will be welcomed.*Contributions will be encouraged on the application of relevant software, including G.I.S. analysis, to the data derived from prospection techniques and cartographic analysis of early maps.*Reports on integrated site evaluations and follow-up site investigations will be particularly encouraged.*The Journal will welcome contributions, in the form of short (field) reports, on the application of prospection techniques in support of comprehensive land-use studies.*The Journal will, as appropriate, contain book reviews, conference and meeting reviews, and software evaluation.*All papers will be subjected to peer review.

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Archaeology in Oceania

ISSN: 0728-4896eISSN: 1834-4453
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ISSN: 0003-813XeISSN: 1475-4754

Archaeometry is an international research journal covering the application of the physical and biological sciences to archaeology and the history of art. The topics covered include dating methods, artifact studies, mathematical methods, remote sensing techniques, conservation science, environmental reconstruction, biological anthropology and archaeological theory. Papers are expected to have a clear archaeological or art historical context, be of the highest scientific standards, and to present data of international relevance. The journal is published on behalf of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford University, in association with the Gesellschaft fur Naturwissenschaftliche Archaologie ARCHAEOMETRIE and Society for Archaeological Sciences.

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Architectural Design

ISSN: 0003-8504eISSN: 1554-2769

Provocative and inspirational, AD inspires theoretical, creative and technological advances. It questions the outcome of technical innovations as well as the far-reaching social, cultural and environmental challenges that present themselves today.

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Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology

ISSN: 0739-4462eISSN: 1520-6327

Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology is an international journal that publishes articles in English that are of interest to insect biochemists and physiologists. Generally these articles will be in, or related to, one of the following subject areas: Endocrinology, Development, Neurobiology, Behavior, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Enzymes, Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, Molecular Biology, Toxicology. ARCHIVES will publish only original articles. Articles that are confirmatory in nature or deal with analytical methods previously described will not be accepted.

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Art History

ISSN: 0141-6790eISSN: 1467-8365

Founded in 1978, Art History, the peer-reviewed journal of the Association of Art Historians, provides an international forum for original research to all aspects of the historical and theoretical study of painting, sculpture, architecture, design and other areas of visual culture. The journal is committed to the publication of innovative work which extends understanding of the visual within a well-developed interdisciplinary framework and raises significant issues of interest with those working both within the history of art and in related fields.

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Arthritis & Rheumatology

ISSN: 2326-5191eISSN: 2326-5205
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Arthritis Care & Research

ISSN: 2151-464XeISSN: 2151-4658

Arthritis Care & Research , the Official Journal of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals, is a peer-reviewed publication for health professionals interested in the rheumatic disorders. AC&R publishes original articles concerning clinical problems and research relevant to the care of rheumatic disorders as well as articles analyzing economic, educational, and social issues.

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Artificial Organs

ISSN: 0160-564XeISSN: 1525-1594

Artificial Organs is the official peer reviewed journal of the International Federation for Artificial Organs, the International Faculty for Artificial Organs, and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps. Artificial Organs publishes original research articles dealing with research, developments, and clinical applications of artificial organs including organ replacement, recovery, and regeneration. Membership in the organizations listed above is not a prerequisite for publication. Articles are published without charge to the author except in certain circumstances such as color figures.

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Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

eISSN: 1744-7941

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources is an applied, peer-reviewed journal which aims to communicate the development and practice of the field of human resources within the Asia Pacific region. The journal publishes the results of research, theoretical and conceptual developments, and examples of current practice.

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