The International Journal of Art & Design Education provides an international forum for the dissemination of ideas, practical developments, and research findings in art and design education. The Journal (published under the auspices of the National Society for Education in Art and Design) is a primary source for independently refereed articles about art and design education at all levels.
Aims and Scope TheInternational Journal of Cancer(official journal of the Union for International Cancer Control - UICC) appears 24 times per year.International Journal of Cancerinvites submissions under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research and publishes original research articles. mini reviews. short reports. and letters to the editor. The article categories within the journal are: carcinogenesis. cancer cell biology. cancer genetics. infectious causes of cancer. tumor immunology. early detection and diagnosis. epidemiology. and cancer therapy. 2009 Impact Factor:4.
As the leading archival journal devoted exclusively to chemical kinetics, the International Journal of Chemical Kinetics publishes original research in gas phase, condensed phase, and polymer reaction kinetics, as well as biochemical and surface kinetics. The Journal seeks to be the primary archive for careful experimental measurements of reaction kinetics, in both simple and complex systems. The Journal also presents new developments in applied theoretical kinetics and publishes large kinetic models, and the algorithms and estimates used in these models. These include methods for handling the large reaction networks important in biochemistry, catalysis, and free radical chemistry. In addition, the Journal explores such topics as the quantitative relationships between molecular structure and chemical reactivity, organic/inorganic chemistry and reaction mechanisms, and the reactive chemistry at interfaces.
Today, the discipline of Circuit Theory has extended far beyond its traditional boundaries, while the application of circuit theoretic ideas has made notable contributions to many diverse fields of science and engineering. The International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications is devoted to the publication of original work on both the theory and its applications. The essential feature of the material published is that the ideas or techniques of Circuit Theory should have played a prominent part in the solution or elucidation of the problem. The bringing together of papers describing advances in the theory and in the application of circuit theoretic concepts is intended to be of interest both in stimulating the wider use of such concepts and in posing new challenges for the circuit theorist. The Editorial Board which presides over the Journal is drawn from many countries in order to maintain contact with the subject area on the widest possible basis. The Board also plays an essential part in the refereeing of papers to the highest international standards. The scope of the Journal comprises all aspects of the theory and design of analog and digital circuits together with the application of the ideas and techniques of circuit theory in other fields of science and engineering. Examples of the areas covered include: Fundamental Circuit Theory together with its mathematical and computational aspects; Circuit modeling of devices; Synthesis and design of filters and active circuits; Neural networks; Nonlinear and chaotic circuits; Signal processing and VLSI; Distributed, switched and digital circuits; Power electronics; Solid state devices. Contributions to CAD and simulation are welcome. Contributions may consist of Papers or Letters to the Editor. Papers (each limited to about 7500 words) may be of a research or tutorial nature and the requirements for publication may be briefly stated as originality and significance. Letters to the Editor (each limited to about 2500 words) must also be original but generally comprise a more restricted coverage of a topic, or present some preliminary results. A Letter to the Editor may also comment on published results; pose some new problem; draw attention to some application or otherwise be of technical interest. From time-to-time Special Issues of the Journal are published. These are devoted to some topic of current importance and are edited by invited Guest Editors. Such Special Issues are announced through a Call-for-Papers in the Journal and the Guest Editors are responsible for the selection of papers to be published.
The International Journal of Communication Systems provides a forum for R&D, open to researchers from all types of institutions and organisations worldwide, aimed at the increasingly important area of communication technology. The Journal's emphasis is particularly on the issues impacting behaviour at the system, service and management levels. Published twelve times a year, it provides coverage of advances that have a significant potential to impact the immense technical and commercial opportunities in the communications sector. The International Journal of Communication Systems strives to select a balance of contributions that promotes technical innovation allied to practical relevance across the range of system types and issues. The Journal addresses both public communication systems (Telecommunication, mobile, Internet, and Cable TV) and private systems (Intranets, enterprise networks, LANs, MANs, WANs). The following key areas and issues are regularly covered:
The International Journal of Consumer Studies provides an international forum for academic and research papers with a focus on how consumers can enhance their security and well being. It publishes articles of interest to an international audience and at the leading edge of consumer research throughout the world. The scope of the Journal includes:
The Journal publishes original refereed papers, review papers and correspondence in the fields of skin and cosmetic research. It is read by practising cosmetic scientists and dermatologists, as well as specialists in more diverse disciplines that are developing new products which contact the skin. The aim of the Journal is to present current scientific research, both pure and applied, in: cosmetics, toiletries, perfumery and allied fields. Areas that are of particular interest include: human safety testing of skin, hair and oral products, physical chemistry and technology of emulsion and dispersed systems, theory and application of surfactants, new developments in olfactive research, aerosol technology and selected aspects of analytical chemistry.
The International Journal of Dairy Technology, the IJDT is published on behalf of the Society of Dairy Technology. It ranks highly among the leading Dairy Journals published worldwide, and is the flagship of the Society. Published quarterly, it peer-reviews original research papers on Dairy Science and Technology, submitted from all over the world. The Journal also contains non-research papers of a technical/commercial nature presented at the Society's Symposia and Conferences, and includes news about Society events, such as meetings and reports on the activities of the Sections. The contents of this prestigious journal are abstracted by the leading international databases. Topics addressed include:
The aim of the International Journal of Dental Hygiene is to provide a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge in the field of oral health and dental hygiene. A further aim is to support and facilitate the application of new knowledge into clinical practice. The journal welcomes original research, reviews and case reports as well as clinical, professional, educational and legislative news to the profession world-wide.
Published monthly, the International Journal of Dermatology is specifically designed to provide dermatologists around the world with a regular, up-to-date source of information on all aspects of the diagnosis and management of skin diseases. Accepted articles regularly cover clinical trials; education; morphology; pharmacology and therapeutics; case reports, and reviews. Additional features include tropical medical reports, news, correspondence, proceedings and transactions, and education. The International Journal of Dermatology is guided by a distinguished, international editorial board and emphasizes a global approach to continuing medical education for physicians and other providers of health care with a specific interest in problems relating to the skin.
The journal publishes results of original research on both basic and clinical aspects of the developing nervous system, ranging from simpler invertebrate systems and in vitro neural models to models of regeneration, chronic neurological diseases and aging. Papers concerned with both in vitro and in vivo studies are invited for editorial consideration.The journal will also publish original articles, editorials, reviews and communications from the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience covering all the latest developments in the field. Its main aims will be to facilitate the transfer of basic information to clinical applications and to promote an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of neural growth, development and pathology.Those interested in joining the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience should write to Professor Stefano Stifani, Secretary-General of the ISDN, at email: For further information on the ISDN, please visit
The Journal publishes basic research, clinical, and theoretical articles of scholarly substance on a variety of aspects of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity and other atypical patterns of eating behavior and body weight regulation in clinical and normal populations. Full-length articles, reviews, brief reports, case reports, research and clinical forums addressing psychological, biological, psychodynamic, socio-cultural, epidemiological, or therapeutic correlates of these clinical phenomena are welcome. Manuscripts submitted should represent a significant addition to our knowledge, or a significant review and synthesis of existing literature.
The International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET) publishes original articles for international audiences in all fields of economic theory. It also publishes empirical and experimental analyses and mathematical techniques where there is strong relevance to economic theory. Specifically it covers:
Experimental Pathology encompasses the use of multidisciplinary scientific techniques to investigate the pathogenesis and progression of pathologic processes. The International Journal of Experimental Pathology - IJEP - publishes papers which afford new and imaginative insights into the basic mechanisms underlying human disease. IJEP publishes papers on in vitro work, animal models, and clinical research. The key objective is to report on work that addresses the common theme of mechanism at a cellular and molecular level. IJEP publishes both original experimental investigations and review articles. Recent themes for review series have covered topics as diverse as 'Viruses and Cancer', 'Granulomatous Diseases', 'Stem cells' and 'Cardiovascular Pathology'. Current status reviews have considered 'Joint cavity formation', Adhesion molecules in liver and gut' and 'New informative animal models'. Experimental Pathology as a discipline will include research into a wide variety of fields of interest. Thus, IJEP has provided a forum for the reporting of studies into:
The International Journal of Finance and Economics aims to publish articles of high quality dealing with issues in international finance which impact on national and global economies. While maintaining the high standards of a fully refereed academic journal, with technical, empirical and theoretical material, IJFE articles will also be accessible to non-specialists, policy-makers and practitioners. Each paper will be prefaced by a non-technical summary of up to 500 words and, on an occasional basis, IJFE will publish a feature article on a major issue in international finance, written at a non-technical, but academically rigorous, level. IJFE will concern itself with issues such as exchange rates, balance of payments, financial institutions, risk analysis, international banking and portfolio management, financial market regulation, Third World debt, European monetary union, the financial aspects of transition economies, financial instruments and international financial policy co-ordination. IJFE is aimed at practitioners, researchers and graduate students in:* international economics*international finance*financial economics*international political economy*financial analysis and treasury management*policy making.
The International Journal of Food Science & Technology (IJFST) is published for the Institute of Food Science and Technology, the IFST. This authoritative and well-established journal publishes in a wide range of subjects, ranging from pure research in the various sciences associated with food to practical experiments designed to improve technical processes. Subjects covered range from raw material composition to consumer acceptance, from physical properties to food engineering practices, and from quality assurance and safety to storage, distribution, marketing and use. While the main aim of the Journal is to provide a forum for papers describing the results of original research, review articles are also welcomed.
The rapidly increasing world population of aged people has led to a growing need to focus attention on the problems of mental disorder in late life. The aim of the Journal is to communicate the results of original research in the causes, treatment and care of all forms of mental disorder which affect the elderly. The Journal is of interest to psychiatrists, psychologists, social scientists, nurses and others engaged in therapeutic professions, together with general neurobiological researchers. The Journal provides an international perspective on the important issue of geriatric psychiatry, and contributions are published from countries throughout the world. Topics covered include epidemiology of mental disorders in old age, clinical aetiological research, post-mortem pathological and neurochemical studies, treatment trials and evaluation of geriatric psychiatry services. 2009 Impact Factor: 1.981 ((C) Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2010).