CT, MRI, PET, malignant tumours, multimodal imaging, imaging biomarkers
Cancer & Metabolism welcomes studies on all aspects of the relationship between cancer and metabolism, including:Molecular biology and genetics of cancer metabolismWhole-body metabolism, including diabetes and obesity, in relation to cancerMetabolomics in relation to cancerMetabolism-based imagingPreclinical and clinical studies of metabolism-related cancer therapies
canine genetics, canine health and disease, epidemiology, breed diversity, canine evolution, domestic and wild canids
Carbon Balance and Management is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the global carbon cycle.
Cardiovascular Diabetology is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the diabetes/cardiovascular interrelationship and the dysmetabolic syndrome: this includes genetic, experimental, clinical, pharmacological, epidemiological, molecular biology and laboratory research.
Cardiovascular Diabetology - Endocrinology Reports, an official companion journal to Cardiovascular Diabetology, is an open access journal publishing on clinical, translational and basic science aspects of endocrinology. The journal welcomes original research, reviews, commentaries and case reports on diabetes and all types of endocrine disorders including, but not limited to, metabolic syndrome, thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, pituitary disorders, bone disorders, obesity, reproductive disorders and neuroendocrine disorders.
The audience includes physicians, researchers, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, podiatrists, psychologists, epidemiologists, exercise physiologists and health care researchers.
Cardiovascular Ultrasound is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of ultrasound in cardiovascular physiology and disease.
Cell & Bioscience, the official journal of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all areas of life science research.
Cell Communication and Signaling, the official journal of the Signal Transduction Society, encompasses all basic and translational aspects of cellular communications. This includes but is not limited to the identification and functional analysis of ligands, receptors, signal transducers and other biomolecules participating in cellular signaling pathways in normal and pathological conditions.
Cell Division is ready to receive manuscripts concerning all aspects of cell cycle control in eukaryotes.
Cell Regeneration is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes novel research articles as well as in depth reviews in modern biology, especially in the field of stem cell and regenerative biology, and regenerative medicine. The journal is supported by the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors upon acceptance of their article.
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters focuses on research at the interface of cellular and molecular biology, and also on the fields of biochemistry, biophysics and biotechnology. The range of coverage includes cellular compartments, the cell cycle and its regulation, cell differentiation, stem cells, cell traffic, signaling, motility, adhesion and division, the cellular membranes, the cytoskeleton, nuclear architecture, gene expression, and molecular biotechnology. Since its founding in 1996, at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters has served as an international journal: a vehicle for the publication of research and review articles on achievements in cell and molecular biology, and related disciplines. The journal offers research articles and short communications, as well as mini-reviews and review articles on recent advances of interest to its readership.
ataxiology, neurological disorders, cerebellar research, behavioural and cognitive tasks, neurosurgery
Chemistry Central Journal covers research in all areas of chemistry, including analytical, biological, environmental, industrial, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry as well as materials science, and is divided into over fifty subject areas.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health is an international platform for rapid and comprehensive scientific communication on child and adolescent mental health across different cultural backgrounds.
Chinese Medicine, the official journal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine, is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of research on Chinese medicine, provided the material, methods, results, and conclusions are evidence-based, scientifically justified, and ethical.