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Journal of Greek Linguistics

ISSN: 1566-5844eISSN: 1569-9846

The Journal of Greek Linguistics (JGL) is an established peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the descriptive and theoretical study of the Greek language from its roots in Ancient Greek down to present-day dialects and varieties, including those spoken in Asia Minor, Cyprus, Tsakonia, and the Greek diaspora. It aims to offer a focused outlet for publication of first-class research in Greek Linguistics, broadly construed.

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Journal of Insects as Food and Feed

eISSN: 2352-4588
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Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies

ISSN: 1878-1373eISSN: 1878-1527
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Journal of International Peacekeeping

ISSN: 1875-4104eISSN: 1875-4112
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Journal of Islamic Manuscripts

ISSN: 1878-4631eISSN: 1878-464X

The Journal of Islamic Manuscripts explores the crucial importance of the handwritten book in the Muslim world. It is concerned with the written transmission of knowledge, the numerous varieties of Islamic book culture and the materials and techniques of bookmaking, namely codicology. It also considers activities related to the care and management of Islamic manuscript collections, including cataloguing, conservation and digitization. It is the journal’s ambition to provide students and scholars, librarians and collectors – in short, everyone who is interested in Islamic manuscripts – with a professional journal and functional platform of their own. It welcomes contributions in English, French and Arabic on codicology, textual studies, manuscript collections and collection care and management. Papers will be peer-reviewed to maintain a high scholarly level. The Journal of Islamic Manuscripts is published on behalf of the Islamic Manuscript Association Limited, an international non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Islamic manuscripts and supporting those who work with them.

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Journal of Jesuit Studies

ISSN: 2214-1324eISSN: 2214-1332
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Journal of Jewish Languages

ISSN: 2213-4387eISSN: 2213-4638
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Journal of Law, Religion and State

ISSN: 2212-6465eISSN: 2212-4810
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Journal of Micromechatronics

ISSN: 1389-2258eISSN: 1568-5632
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Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography

ISSN: 1947-9956eISSN: 2210-2388
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Journal of Moral Philosophy

ISSN: 1740-4681eISSN: 1745-5243

The Journal of Moral Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal of moral, political and legal philosophy with an international focus. It publishes articles in all areas of normative philosophy, including pure and applied ethics, as well as moral, legal, and political theory. Articles exploring non-Western traditions are also welcome. The Journal seeks to promote lively discussions and debates for established academics and the wider community, by publishing articles that avoid unnecessary jargon without sacrificing academic rigour. It encourages contributions from newer members of the philosophical community. The Journal of Moral Philosophy is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. One issue per year is devoted to a particular theme and each issue will contain articles, discussion pieces, review essays and book reviews.

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Journal of Muslims in Europe

ISSN: 2211-792XeISSN: 2211-7954

The Journal of Muslims in Europe is devoted to publishing articles dealing with contemporary issues on Islam and Muslims in Europe from all disciplines and across the whole region, as well as historical studies of relevance to the present. The focus is on articles offering cross-country comparisons or with significant theoretical or methodological relevance to the field. Case studies with innovative approaches or on under-explored issues, and studies of policy and policy development in the various European institutions, including the European courts, and transnational movements and social and cultural processes are also welcome. The journal also welcomes book reviews.

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Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence

ISSN: 2772-7874

Journal of Pentecostal Theology

ISSN: 0966-7369eISSN: 1745-5251

The Journal of Pentecostal Theology is the first academic serial to publish constructive theological research from a Pentecostal perspective on an international scholarly level. Guest articles from and exchanges with leading scholars from outside the ranks of Pentecostalism (e.g. Jurgen Moltmann, Harvey Cox, Stanley Hauerwas, and Clark Pinnock) are regularly featured, fostering the fruitful ecumenical and theological interchange that continues to expand between global Pentecostalism and the full spectrum of ecclesial and theological traditions.

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Journal of Persianate Studies

ISSN: 1874-7094eISSN: 1874-7167

The Journal of Persianate Studies is a publication of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies. The journal publishes articles on the culture and civilization of the geographical area where Persian has historically been the dominant language or a major cultural force, encompassing Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, as well as the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and parts of the former Ottoman Empire. Its focus on the linguistic, cultural and historical role and influence of Persian culture and Iranian civilization in this area is based on a recognition that knowledge flows from pre-existing facts but is also constructed and thus helps shape the present reality of the Persianate world. Such knowledge can mitigate the leveling effects of globalization as well as counteract the distortions of the area’s common historical memory and civilizational continuity by the divisive forces of modern nationalism and imperialism. .

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Journal of Phenomenological Psychology

ISSN: 0047-2662eISSN: 1569-1624

The peer-reviewed Journal of Phenomenological Psychology publishes articles that advance the discipline of psychology from the perspective of the Continental phenomenology movement. Within that tradition, phenomenology is understood in the broadest possible sense including its transcendental, existential, hermeneutic, and narrative strands and is not meant to convey the thought of any one individual. Articles advance the discipline of psychology by applying phenomenology to enhance the field’s philosophical foundations, critical reflection, theoretical development, research methodologies, empirical research, and applications in such areas as clinical, educational, and organizational psychology. The Journal of Phenomenological Psychology was founded in 1970 and has consistently demonstrated the relevance of phenomenology for psychology in areas involving qualitative research methods, the entire range of psychological subject matters, and theoretical approaches such as the psychoanalytic, cognitive, biological, behavioral, humanistic, and psychometric. The overall aim is to further the psychological understanding of the human person in relation to self, world, others, and time. Because the potential of Continental phenomenology for enhancing psychology is vast and the field is still developing, innovative and creative applications or phenomenological approaches to psychological problems are especially welcome. .

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Journal of Reformed Theology

ISSN: 1872-5163eISSN: 1569-7312

The Journal of Reformed Theology (JRT) is a refereed international journal of systematic, historical, and biblical theology. The JRT is an instrument for the study of living and contextual theology that provides a forum for debate on classical and contemporary theological issues and offers an update on new theological and biblical literature.

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Journal of Religion in Africa

ISSN: 0022-4200eISSN: 1570-0666
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Journal of Religion in Europe

ISSN: 1874-8910eISSN: 1874-8929

The peer-reviewed Journal of Religion in Europe (JRE) provides a forum for multi-disciplinary research into the complex dynamics of religious discourses and practices in Europe, both historical and contemporary. The journal’s underlying idea is that religion in Europe is characterized by a variety of pluralisms. There is a pluralism of religious communities that actively engage with one another. Additionally, there is a pluralism of societal systems, such as nations, law, politics, economy, science, and art, all of which interact with religious systems. There is also a pluralism of scholarly discourses, including religious studies, legal studies, history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and psychology, that are addressing the religious dynamics involved. JRE encourages new research that responds to the changing European dimension of social and cultural studies regarding these pluralisms. .

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Journal of Religion in Japan

ISSN: 2211-8330eISSN: 2211-8349

The peer-reviewed Journal of Religion in Japan (JRJ) constitutes a venue for academic research in the complex and multifaceted field of Japanese religion. The Journal takes into consideration Japanese religious phenomena through their historical developments and contemporary evolution both within and outside of Japan. It explores the interplay between religion and society, religion and culture, religion and media, and religion and education; the dynamics of globalization and secularization related to Japanese religions; and the geography of religions, new sacred spaces, and hybridization of religion. The JRJ is committed to an approach based on religious studies, and is open to contributions coming from different disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, history, Buddhist studies, Japanese studies, art history, and area studies. The Journal of Religion in Japan encourages critical application of ideas and theories about Japanese religions and constitutes a forum for new theoretical developments in the field of religion in Japan. The Journal does not provide a venue for inter-religious dialogue, or philosophical and confessional approaches.

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