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Israel Journal of Plant Sciences

ISSN: 0792-9978eISSN: 2223-8980

LPPLtd.'s ISRAEL JOURNALS receive contributions from leading scientists worldwide, are fully peer-reviewed and meticulously edited in English.All subscriptions include full internet access. Subscribers to Israel Journal of Chemistry will also receive the journal in print.For print copies of other journals, please contact our office directly.

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Italian Yearbook of International Law Online

ISSN: 0391-5107eISSN: 2211-6133
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Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law

ISSN: 1613-7272eISSN: 1876-0104

As climate change is happening and mankind is likely to increase its burden on the environment, European environmental politics and its legal implementation across an enlarged EU is becoming ever more important. The Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law provides a unique intellectual forum for debating and analysing European environmental policies and law. Its aim is to facilitate an enhanced Community wide common understanding of how European environmental policy and law are regulated, transposed and implemented in different Member States.

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Journal for the Study of Judaism: In the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period

ISSN: 0047-2212eISSN: 1570-0631
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Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus: Jesus in History, Culture and Media

ISSN: 1476-8690eISSN: 1745-5197

The Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus provides an international forum for the academic discussion of Jesus within the context of first-century Palestine. The journal is accessible to all who are interested in how this complex topic has been addressed in the past and how it is approached today. The journal investigates the social, cultural and historical context in which Jesus lived, discusses methodological issues surrounding the reconstruction of the historical Jesus, examines the history of research on Jesus and explores how the life of Jesus has been portrayed in the arts and other media. The Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus presents articles and book reviews discussing the latest developments in academic research in order to shed new light on Jesus and his world.

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Journal of American-East Asian Relations

ISSN: 1058-3947eISSN: 1876-5610
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Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions

ISSN: 1569-2116eISSN: 1569-2124

The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions (JANER) focuses on the religions of the Ancient Near East: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine, and Anatolia, as well as adjacent areas under their cultural influence, from prehistory through the beginning of the common era. JANER defines Ancient Near Eastern civilization broadly as including not only the Biblical, Hellenistic and Roman world but also the impact of Near Eastern religions on the western Mediterranean. JANER is the only peer-refereed journal specifically and exclusively addressing this range of topics, and is intended to provide an international scholarly forum for studies on all aspects of ancient religions. JANER welcomes submissions that introduce new evidence, revise old understandings, and advance debates on ancient Near Eastern ideas and practices of the otherworldly.

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Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition

eISSN: 2049-257X
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Journal of Arabic Literature

ISSN: 0085-2376eISSN: 1570-064X

Since its inception in 1970 the Journal of Arabic Literature has provided an international scholarly forum for the discussion of Arabic literature and has secured its position at the forefront of critical and methodological debate. The journal publishes literary, critical and historical studies, as well as review and bibliographies, on a broad range of Arabic materials n~ classical and modern, written and oral, poetry and prose, literary and colloquial. Studies that seek to integrate Arabic literature into the broader discourses of the humanities and social sciences take their place alongside technical work of a more specialized nature. The journal thus addresses itself to a readership in comparative literature and literary theory and method, in addition to specialists in Arabic and Middle Eastern literatures and Middle East studies generally.

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Journal of Bamboo and Rattan

ISSN: 1569-1586eISSN: 1569-1594
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Journal of Chinese Humanities

ISSN: 2352-1333

Journal of Chinese Military History

ISSN: 2212-7445

The Journal of Chinese Military History is a peer-reviewed semi-annual that publishes research articles and book reviews. It aims to fill the need for a journal devoted specifically to China's martial past and takes the broadest possible view of military history, embracing both the study of battles and campaigns and the broader, social-history oriented approaches that have become known as "the new military history." It aims to publish a balanced mix of articles representing a variety of approaches to both modern and pre-modern Chinese military history. The journal also welcomes comparative and theoretical work as well as studies of the military interactions between China and other states and peoples, including East Asian neighbours such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

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Journal of Chinese Overseas

ISSN: 1793-0391eISSN: 1793-2548

Journal of Chinese Overseas publishes research articles, reports and book reviews dealing with Chinese overseas throughout the world, and the communities from which they trace their origins. Moving across regions and disciplines, the Journal examines Chineseness in its many diverse settings. With a Board of Editors drawn from fields as varied as history, anthropology, sociology, geography, cultural studies and political science, the Journal contributes to transnational studies, as well as the study of Chinese communities in specific national contexts.

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Journal of Chinese Philosophy

ISSN: 0301-8121eISSN: 1540-6253

Since its foundation Journal of Chinese Philosophy has established itself at the forefront of contemporary scholarly understanding of Chinese philosophy, providing an outlet for the dissemination and interpretation of Chinese thought and values. The Journal of Chinese Philosophy is devoted to the scholarly and creative study of Chinese philosophy and Chinese thought in all phases and stages of articulation and development. The journal has three main aims: first, to make available careful English-language translations of important materials in the history of Chinese philosophy; second, to publish interpretations and expositions in Chinese philosophy; third, a commitment to publishing comparative studies within Chinese philosophy or in relation to schools of thought in the Western tradition.

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Journal of Cognition and Culture

ISSN: 1567-7095eISSN: 1568-5373

The Journal of Cognition and Culture provides an interdisciplinary forum for exploring the mental foundations of culture and the cultural foundations of mental life. The primary focus of the journal is on explanations of cultural phenomena in terms of acquisition, representation and transmission involving cognitive capacities without excluding the study of cultural differences. The journal contains articles, commentaries, reports of experiments, and book reviews that emerge out of the inquiries by, and conversations between, scholars in experimental psychology, developmental psychology, social cognition, neuroscience, human evolution, cognitive science of religion, and cognitive anthropology.

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Journal of Early American History: Colonizing the Americas, 1500–1830

ISSN: 1877-0223eISSN: 1877-0703

The editors invite manuscript submissions of between 25-45 pages (approximately 8,000-10,000 words), double-spaced (in English), which relate to topics related to any aspect of early American history, again broadly defined. The Journal of Early American History will also include reviews of recent books.

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Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts

ISSN: 1385-3783eISSN: 1570-0658

The early modern period of world history (ca. 1300-1800) was marked by a rapidly increasing level of global interaction. Between the aftermath of Mongol conquest in the East and the onset of industrialization in the West, a framework was established for new kinds of contacts and collective self-definition across an unprecedented range of human and physical geographies. The Journal of Early Modern History, the official journal of the University of Minnesota Center for Early Modern History, is the first scholarly journal dedicated to the study of early modernity from this world-historical perspective, whether through explicitly comparative studies, or by the grouping of studies around a given thematic, chronological, or geographic frame.

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Journal of East Asian Archaeology

ISSN: 1387-6813eISSN: 1568-5233
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Journal of Egyptian History

ISSN: 1874-1657eISSN: 1874-1665

The Journal of Egyptian History aims to encourage and stimulate a focused debate on writing and interpreting Egyptian history ranging from the Neolithic foundations of Ancient Egypt to its modern reception. It covers all aspects of Ancient Egyptian history (political, social, economic, and intellectual) and of modern historiography about Ancient Egypt (methodologies, hermeneutics, interplay between historiography and other disciplines, and history of modern Egyptological historiography).

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Journal of Empirical Theology

ISSN: 0922-2936eISSN: 1570-9256

The Journal of Empirical Theology (JET) publishes theological articles and book reviews directly or indirectly based upon empirical research and empirical methodology. It aims to broaden and advance empirical-theological knowledge and thought at an international level in order to contribute to a deeper understanding of religion in modern times in relation to the Christian tradition.

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