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Cancer Innovation

eISSN: 2770-9183
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Cancer Medicine

eISSN: 2045-7634

Cancer Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal providing rapid publication of research from global biomedical researchers across the cancer sciences, in the areas of, but not limited to, cancer biology, clinical cancer research, and cancer prevention.

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Cancer Nexus

ISSN: 2998-3517eISSN: 2998-0623

Cancer Nexus is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes high-quality, innovative research in the field of cancer research from clinicians, biomedical scientists, and bioinformatics engineers around the world. The journal focuses on the cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment and mechanism research in the clinical, basic and translational directions of oncology, and focuses on the cross-application of artificial intelligence in cancer clinical and basic research, aiming to establish a bridge of communication between clinical, laboratory and artificial intelligence. The journal is also interested in novel anti-tumor drugs, especially the rational design, screening and efficacy evaluation of AI-assisted anti-tumor drugs.

Cancer Nexus publishes Original Articles, Viewpoint, Case report, Review and Editorial. The journal will consider manuscripts in various fields of cancer and specific areas of interest, including but not limited to clinical trials of novel anti-cancer therapies, clinical epidemiology of cancer based on big data, AI-assisted translational cancer research, minimally invasive and non-invasive integrated diagnosis and treatment technology, cancer bioinformatics, cancer immunology and tumor vaccine development, tumor gene therapy, tumor targeted therapy, cancer omics research, mechanism research on tumor development, development and metastasis.

Cancer Reports

ISSN: 2573-8348
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Cancer Science

ISSN: 1347-9032eISSN: 1349-7006

Cancer Science (formerly Japanese Journal of Cancer Research) aims to present research that has a significant clinical impact on oncologists or that may alter the disease concept of a tumor. The Journal publishes original articles and editorials, letters to the editor, review articles and reports describing original research in the fields of basic, translational and clinical cancer.   Subject categories include:

  • Basic and Clinical Immunology
  • Carcinogenesis
  • Cell, Molecular, and Stem Cell Biology
  • Clinical Research
  • Drug Discovery and Delivery
  • Epidemiology and Prevention
  • Genetics, Genomics, and Proteomics
  • Inflammation and Virology
  • Pathology
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Carbon Energy

eISSN: 2637-9368
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Carbon Neutralization

ISSN: 2769-3333eISSN: 2769-3325
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Cell Biology International Reports

eISSN: 2041-5346
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eISSN: 2751-4765
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Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine

ISSN: 2095-882XeISSN: 2589-0514
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Clinical & Translational Immunology

eISSN: 2050-0068

Clinical & Translational Immunology (CTI) is an open access, fully peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing cutting-edge advances in biomedical research for scientists and physicians. Brought to you by the editorial team of Immunology & Cell Biology, CTI covers fields including cancer biology, cardiovascular research, gene therapy, immunology, vaccine development and disease pathogenesis and therapy at the earliest phases of investigation.

Now Indexed in PubMed Central.

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Clinical Case Reports

eISSN: 2050-0904

Clinical Case Reports is different to other case report journals. Our aim is to directly improve global health outcomes and share clinical knowledge using case reports to convey important best practice messages. We welcome case reports, clinical images, and procedural videos from all areas of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science.

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Clinical and Experimental Dental Research

eISSN: 2057-4347

Good Reasons to Publish in Clinical and Experimental Dental Research

 Ranked #84/114 journals in general dentistry by Scopus

• Readership in over 130 countries globally, with high readership in the United States, India and Japan 

 Open Access: your article published immediately online following acceptance 

• Growing readership with 22,360 article downloads in 2017 

 Unique format: as many figures and tables as necessary, plus additional items can be included as supporting information 

 Supporting Information: ancillary information mentioned in the article text and published online in its original format along with the article.  It must be relevant but not integral to the paper. May comprise additional tables, data sets, figures, movie files, audio clips, 3D structures, and other related nonessential multimedia files.

• Include animated models via supporting information 

• Early-career authors welcome and supported

• Articles published in Clinical and Experimental Dental Research are now fully searchable in PubMedCentral!

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Clinical and Translational Allergy

ISSN: 2045-7022

Clinical and Translational Allergy is a peer reviewed open access journal aiming to provide a platform to publish original research and reviews in the field of allergy. Such papers can be based on clinical, translational or basic research. Clinical and Translational Allergy is one of several journals in the portfolio of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

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Clinical and Translational Discovery

eISSN: 2768-0622
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Clinical and Translational Medicine

eISSN: 2001-1326

Clinical and Translational Medicine (CTM) is a peer-review open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen and aims to play an important and recognized role in reporting knowledge that contributes towards the understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease. CTM also aims to foster a predictive, preventive, personalized and practical approach towards precision medicine, leading to improved patient prognosis. The journal provides a forum for exchange of ideas between basic and clinical scientists on molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease and potential therapies.Clinical and Translational Medicine is a truly international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal devoted to the publication of articles on scientific and clinical investigations which will promote and accelerate the translation of preclinical research to a clinical application and the communication between basic and clinical scientists. CTM emphasizes clinical potential and application of new biotechnologies, biomaterials, bioengineering, disease-specific biomarkers, cellular and molecular medicine, omics science, bioinformatics, applied immunology, molecular imaging, drug discovery and development, and regulation and health policy. CTM will specially focus on the bench to bedside approach, favouring studies and clinical observations which generate hypotheses and questions relevant to the patient and disease and guide the investigations of cellular and molecular medicine. CTM welcomes submissions from companies, clinicians, scientists and policy makers. 

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Clinical and Translational Science

ISSN: 1752-8054eISSN: 1752-8062

CTS: Clinical and Translational Science is your source for the most current and thought provoking original research across the broad spectrum of clinical specialties and basic science. CTS highlights investigative work bridging the gap between laboratory discovery and practice. As a reader, you will have immediate access to original research, didactic reviews, expert analysis, commentary and educational reviews. This peer-reviewed journal helps you understand the rich and complex world that is such a part of translational medicine. Bonus features of the journal include: Community New, Views and Commentary including Up-Dates from the NIH, Insights into Regulatory Concerns, Contrasting Views and Expert Opinions that help you understand how to use the research in your practice. Types of articles featured in CTS include: Original Research Articles consist of comprehensive evaluations of a novel and important clinical or translational research hypothesis. Communications: Review and Shorter Research Articles.

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Computational and Systems Oncology

eISSN: 2689-9655
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Conservation Letters

eISSN: 1755-263X

CONSERVATION LETTERS IS NO LONGER FREE ONLINE. RECOMMEND THE JOURNAL TO YOUR LIBRARY TODAY IN ORDER TO VIEW THE LATEST URGENT CONTENT.Conservation Letters is a scientific journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. The journal welcomes submissions across the biological and social sciences - especially interdisciplinary submissions – that advance pragmatic conservation goals as well as scientific understanding. Manuscripts will be published on a rapid communications schedule and therefore should be current and topical. Research articles should clearly articulate the significance of their findings for conservation policy and practice.Three types of article are published in Conservation Letters:Letters: novel findings with high relevance for practice or policyMini-Reviews: overviews of emerging subjects that merit urgent coverage or succinct syntheses of important topics that are rarely encountered in the mainstream literaturePolicy Perspectives: brief essays for a general audience on issues related to conservation and societyConservation Letters welcomes manuscripts in all biomes (marine, terrestrial, and freshwater), ecosystems, and cultural settings, and will strive for balanced coverage of each.

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Conservation Science and Practice

eISSN: 2578-4854
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