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Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice

eISSN: 2405-4526

Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, a quarterly online-only journal, provides innovative ideas for interprofessional educators and practitioners through peer-reviewed articles and reports. Each issue examines current issues and trends in interprofessional healthcare topics, offering progressive solutions to the challenges facing the profession. The Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice (JIEP) is affiliated with University of Nebraska Medical Center and the official journal of National Academies of Practice (NAP) and supports its mission to serve the public and the health profession by advancing education, policy, practice & research.

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Journal of Jewish Education

ISSN: 1524-4113eISSN: 1554-611X

The Journal of Jewish Education, the journal of the Network for Research in Jewish Education, is published four times per year.The journal provides a unique interdisciplinary forum for considering the diverse research and scholarly issues in Jewish education including curriculum and instruction, teacher preparation, Jewish identity development, history and philosophy of Jewish education, and the linkage between Jewish and general education. The journal's scope ranges from early childhood through adult education, in any setting in which Jewish education occurs.Contributions to the journal address issues unique to Jewish education, as well as the application of research and thought from general education. Further, a variety of methodological approaches and formats are represented. These include qualitative and quantitative empirical research studies, reflections on Jewish education past and present, and discussion of theoretical aspects of Jewish education. The Journal of Jewish Education has been the premier journal in the field of Jewish education for over 70 years. The mission of the Journal of Jewish Education is:To offer a standard of excellence for research and practice in Jewish education;To provide an outlet and an archival location for scholarship reflecting multiple ideological perspectives, multiple educational settings, and multiple disciplines;To grow the field of research in Jewish education through the dissemination of scholarship;To serve as a source of reflection and stimulus for rich and complex views of Jewish education in order to better understand it, to improve its practice, and to contribute to a vibrant Jewish future. Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous review by two referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of LGBT Youth

ISSN: 1936-1653eISSN: 1936-1661

The Journal of LGBT Youth is the interdisciplinary forum dedicated to improving the quality of life for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. This quarterly journal presents peer-reviewed scholarly articles, practitioner-based essays, policy analyses, and revealing narratives from young people. This invaluable resource is committed to advancing knowledge about, and support of, LGBT youth. The wide-ranging topics include formal and non-formal education; family; peer culture; the media, arts, and entertainment industry; religious institutions and youth organizations; health care; and the workplace. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Language and Social Psychology

ISSN: 0261-927XeISSN: 1552-6526

The Journal of Language and Social Psychology (JLS) is the only major journal worldwide devoted to the social psychology of language. It attracts an international authorship, with data frequently derived from languages other than English. The journal provides complete and balanced coverage of the latest research and theory at the cross-roads of language, mind, and society.

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Journal of Language, Identity and Education

ISSN: 1534-8458eISSN: 1532-7701

The Journal of Language, Identity, and Education is an international forum for interdisciplinary research that is grounded in theory and of interest to scholars and policymakers. This journal seeks cutting-edge interdisciplinary research from around the world, reflecting diverse theoretical and methodological frameworks and topical areas, including but not limited to: educational policies and approaches that explicitly address various dimensions of diversity and linguistic rights in educational contexts; the formation and consequences of identities in educational and other social contexts; critical studies of literacy policies, national literacy and biliteracy demographics, the socio-economic and political significance of literacy, and societal expectations regarding literacy; research on the relationship between home/local linguistic and cultural socialization and schooling; critical and comparative analyses of official and legal frameworks for educational policies and practices in diverse settings; research on educational practices that promote educational equity for diverse student populations; and the role of ideologies in educational language and cultural policies. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Latinos and Education

ISSN: 1534-8431eISSN: 1532-771X

The Journal of Latinos and Education (JLE) provides a cross-, multi-, and interdisciplinary forum for scholars and writers from diverse disciplines who share a common interest in the analysis, discussion, critique, and dissemination of educational issues that impact Latinos. There are four broad arenas which encompass most issues of relevance: (1) Policy, (2) Research, (3) Practice, and (4) Creative & Literary Works.JLE encourages novel ways of thinking about the ongoing and emerging questions around the unifying thread of Latinos and education. The journal supports dialogical exchange--for researchers, practitioners, authors, and other stakeholders who are working to advance understanding at all levels and aspects--be it theoretical, conceptual, empirical, clinical, historical, methodological, and/or other in scope. A range of formats for articles is encouraged, including research articles, essay reviews and interviews, practitioner and community perspectives, book and media reviews, and other forms of creative critical writing.Related Book: Handbook of Latinos and EducationPeer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Leadership Studies

ISSN: 1935-2611eISSN: 1935-262X
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Journal of Learning Disabilities

ISSN: 0022-2194eISSN: 1538-4780

Journal of Learning Disabilities (LDX) provides specials series (in-depth coverage of topics in the field, such as mathematics, sciences and the learning disabilities field as discursive practice), feature articles (extensive literature reviews, theoretical papers, and position papers), research articles (reports of qualitative and quantitative empirical research), and intervention articles (overviews of successful interventions).

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Journal of Legal Education

ISSN: 0022-2208

Journal of Literacy Research

ISSN: 1086-296XeISSN: 1554-8430

The Journal of Literacy Research (JLR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes research related to literacy, language, and literacy and language education from preschool through adulthood. JLR publishes research and scholarly papers, including original research, critical reviews of research, conceptual analyses, and theoretical essays. Article abstracts are made available in 7 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese).

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Journal of Management Education

ISSN: 1052-5629eISSN: 1552-6658

Journal of Management Education (JME), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a leading voice in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in management. JME welcomes contributions from all management educators who seek to reflect on their professional practice and to engage readers in an exploration of what or how to teach in order for students to learn and practice effective management.

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Journal of Marketing Education

ISSN: 0273-4753eISSN: 1552-6550

Journal of Marketing Education (JMD) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and experiences related to educating students of marketing and advertising. JMD is the leading peer-reviewed, international scholarly journal publishing articles on the latest techniques in marketing education, emphasizing new course content and effective teaching methods. It also addresses professional issues, including development of the curriculum, career development, and the state of the profession.

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Journal of Marketing for Higher Education

ISSN: 0884-1241eISSN: 1540-7144

The Journal of Marketing for Higher Education is a well-established, double-blind peer reviewed, international journal that publishes original research and review articles. It has been publishing articles on higher education marketing since 1988 and is international in outlook with a readership and papers from across the world. The Journal of Marketing for Higher Education is a multi-disciplinary journal and welcomes papers from all the major disciplines that connect with the marketing of higher education. The journal aims to publish:Challenging articles on higher education marketing, marketing ethics, services marketing, consumer behaviour, economic and policy dilemmas from across the world that make a contribution to critical theory and empirical research which stimulates debate and develops knowledge in the field.Papers on key aspects of the interface between markets and higher education which aim to provide a critical forum for the appraisal of theory, practice and ethics where marketing has a role to play in higher education, nationally and internationally.Papers which critically engage with theoretical and empirical issues drawn from as wide a range of perspectives as possible in the context of markets, marketisation, ethics and higher education.The objectives of the journal are as follows:To bridge the disciplines of marketing and higher education and to address the emerging issues, debates, and research findings concerning the role that marketing has to play in policy making and the management of universities world-wide. To explore, evaluate and critically analyze the overall management of the marketing function within higher education institutions with a particular focus on issues of concern to policy makers and senior managers in higher education institutions. To publish rigorous, empirical research results related to all aspects of higher education marketing.To publish discursive papers on critical theory, conceptual developments, and critiques of higher education marketing and to encourage responses and discussion on articles.To provide a vehicle for the advancement of knowledge and debate in the field of higher education marketing and to stimulate further research in this area.To debate and theorize about the role of marketing as an orientation of management in higher education institutions worldwide.Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.

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Journal of Mathematical Behavior

ISSN: 0732-3123eISSN: 1873-8028

The Journal of Mathematical Behavior solicits original research on the learning and teaching of mathematics. We are interested especially in basic research, research that aims to clarify, in detail and depth, how mathematical ideas develop in learners. As our founding editor, Robert B. Davis, wrote in 1980:Scientific study is supposed to be a no-holds-barred attempt to identify key phenomena, and by building conceptual structures and collecting data, to explain and understand these phenomena.1Over three decades, our experience confirms a founding premise of this journal: that mathematical thinking, hence mathematics learning as a social enterprise, is special. It is special because mathematics is special, both logically and psychologically. Logically, through the way that mathematical ideas and methods have been built, refined and organized for centuries across a range of cultures; and psychologically, through the variety of ways people today, in many walks of life, make sense of mathematics, develop it, make it their own. Historically, this journal has sought and welcomed papers that develop detailed, fundamental understanding of how people, in realistic settings, build, retain, communicate, apply and understand important mathematical ideas.Our intended audience includes researchers who concentrate on the learning of mathematics and science, psychologists, mathematicians, cognitive scientists, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, parents, administrators, and policy makers.On this basis, we especially encourage basic studies that might indicate a range of possibilities not commonly recognized. Such studies might clarify potential obstacles to student understanding of mathematics; describe and analyze relevant efforts to improve curriculum or pedagogy in mathematics, at any level, from early childhood through adulthood; offer analyses of appropriate goals for mathematics curricula for diverse student populations; and critically discuss what might be changed in curricula or in learning experiences.In addition to more formal studies, the editors welcome dialogue, discussion, and debate. We encourage authors to submit short papers that continue, extend, modify, or challenge work that has appeared in JMB.Our hope is to facilitate important progress. In Davis' words:Manuscripts are accepted primarily because they report something important, and because they will prove valuable to many readers.21 Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 2112 Ibid., p. vi.

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Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

ISSN: 1386-4416eISSN: 1573-1820

The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE) is devoted to research into the education of mathematics teachers and development of teaching that promotes students' successful learning of mathematics. JMTE focuses on all stages of professional development of mathematics teachers and teacher-educators and serves as a forum for considering institutional, societal and cultural influences that impact on teachers' learning, and ultimately that of their students. Critical analyses of particular programmes, development initiatives, technology, assessment, teaching diverse populations and policy matters, as these topics relate to the main focuses of the journal, are welcome. All papers are rigorously refereed.Papers may be submitted to one of three sections of JMTE as follows: Research papers: these papers should reflect the main focuses of the journal identified above and should be of more than local or national interest.Mathematics Teacher Education Around the World: these papers focus on programmes and issues of national significance that could be of wider interest or influence.Reader Commentary: these are short contributions: for example, offering a response to a paper published in JMTE or developing a theoretical idea. Authors should state clearly the section to which they are submitting a paper. As general guidance, papers should not normally exceed the following word lengths: (1) 10,000 words: (2) 5,000 words: (3) 3,000 words. Maximum word lengths exclude references, figures, appendices, etc.Critiques of reports or books that relate to the main focuses of JMTE appear as appropriate.

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Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development

eISSN: 2382-1205
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Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities

ISSN: 1931-5864eISSN: 1931-5872

The Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, the official research journal of NADD, is an interdisciplinary research journal with the purpose of reporting original scientific and scholarly contributions to advance knowledge about mental health issues among persons with intellectual disabilities. The journal will address issues related to the full range of psychopathology among persons with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation), neuro-developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorders, including severe behavior problems, criminality, substance abuse, and genetic phenotypes across the life span. The journal seeks to publish contributions with an emphasis on empirically based research and will include research on characteristics of persons with intellectual and mental health problems; risk and protective factors related to the development and/or prevention of mental health problems in persons with intellectual disabilities; development of screening and diagnostic instruments; effectiveness of behavioral, psychosocial and pharmacological treatment procedures (including group and single subject designs); critical or comparative literature reviews, including quantitative meta-analyses. Occasional conceptual reviews that provide for new understanding of theory or theoretical constructs will also be considered. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

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Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice

ISSN: 1755-6228eISSN: 2042-8707

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice (JMHTEP) highlights critical issues in educating and developing a skilled, healthy and committed mental health workforce.

Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education

ISSN: 1935-7877eISSN: 1935-7885

As ASM’s first open-access education journal, the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) offers original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching and provide readily adoptable resources in biology education at the undergraduate, graduate, professional (e.g., medical school), K-12 outreach, and informal education level. JMBE is edited by informed science educators who are active in the pursuit of scholarly teaching and biology education reform.

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Journal of Mixed Methods Research

ISSN: 1558-6898eISSN: 1558-6901

The Journal of Mixed Methods Research (MMR) is an innovative, quarterly, interdisciplinary, international publication that focuses on empirical, methodological, and theoretical articles about mixed methods research across the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences. The journal's scope includes delineating where mixed methods research may be used most effectively, illuminating design and procedure issues, and determining the logistics of conducting mixed methods research.

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