The purpose of Traffic Injury Prevention is to bridge the disciplines of medicine, engineering, public health and traffic safety in order to foster the science of traffic injury prevention. The archival journal focuses on research, interventions and evaluations within the areas of traffic safety, crash causation, injury prevention and treatment.General topics within the journal's scope are driving safety, crash and injury epidemiology, role of alcohol and drugs, impact injury biomechanics, vehicle crashworthiness, occupant restraints, and emergency and clinical care with specific application to traffic injury prevention, evaluation of interventions and economic consequences. The journal includes full length papers, review articles, case studies, brief technical notes and commentaries.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is an Official Journal of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene publishes original, peer-reviewed articles, and invited reviews across a broad range of topics relevant to the Society's goals, including: - clinical tropical medicine - infectious diseases - parasitology and entomology - microbiology and virology - epidemiology - chemotherapy - immunology - public health, including social science A key objective is to present the results of research that are broadly intelligible to workers from a range of disciplines. We welcome articles on translational research that may impact directly on clinical and public health practice in developing countries and those describing the application of new technologies in tropical medicine. Non-communicable diseases are of increasing importance in developing countries and we are keen to receive high quality papers in this field. We will invite regular reviews on important, topical or neglected topics and welcome updates on progress with major global partnership programmes. We will also publish peer-reviewed supplements from leading groups of experts. These supplements provide an opportunity for an in-depth review of available knowledge within a particular field and we are particulary suited to the detailed review of field trials of new vaccines and therapies or the progress of major disease control programmes. We publish articles from Fellows of the Society and non-Fellows alike and will continue to fulfil an important role as a vehicle for publication of original scientific papers presented at Society meetings. We also wish to encourage debate through letters to the Editor.
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Trauma und Berufskrankheit bietet aktuelle Fortbildung aus den Bereichen Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Berufserkrankungen, Arbeitsmedizin sowie Begutachtung. Die interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift richtet sich an Unfallchirurgen, Chirurgen und Orthopäden in Fachpraxen, Unfall- und Rehakliniken, Mitarbeiter der Berufsgenossenschaften und Arbeitsmediziner. Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten greifen ausgewählte Themen auf und bieten dem Leser eine Zusammenstellung aktueller Erkenntnisse. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit - der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen. Standards in der Unfallchirurgie werden für den Leser praxisnah zusammengefasst. Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch. , .
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse (TVA), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is devoted to organizing, synthesizing, and expanding knowledge on all forms of trauma, abuse, and violence. TVA is practitioner oriented, dedicated to professionals and advanced students in clinical training who work with any form of trauma, abuse, and violence, and is intended to compile knowledge that clearly affects practice, policy, and research.
Traumatology: An International Journal (TMT) is a primary online-only reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly traumatic events, such as terrorist bombings, war, fires, accidents, criminal and familial abuse, hospitalization, major illness, abandonment, and sudden unemployment. Whichever helping profession you belong to, TMT will help you better understand how to work with disaster victims and their families.
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease publishes original papers, reviews and consensus papers on all aspects of travel medicine and infectious disease.Focus areas include epidemiology and surveillance of travel-related illness, vaccine-preventable disease, malaria prevention and treatment, travellers' diarrhoea, migrant health, wilderness and expedition medicine, sports, aviation and maritime medicine, environmental and psychological hazards of travel, global policy/regulations for disease prevention and control, travel safety and security and practical clinical issues for travel and tropical medicine practitioners. The journal also covers areas of controversy and debate in travel medicine particularly where this may inform guidelines and policy pertinent to travel medicine and the prevention of infectious disease.Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease aims to publish cutting edge papers and offers a fast peer-review process with early on-line publication of accepted manuscripts.
Trials in Vaccinology is a new peer-reviewed online-only journal that will guarantee direct public access to the results of vaccine trials in humans and target animals, especially those of whose scientific novelty is not exceptional, and thus increase the transparency of current supportive scientific research in the field of vaccines. It will also provide opportunities for those engaged in these trials to gain recognition for their work and for those who use or comment on the value of vaccines to gain additional evidence to further hone their understandings.The objective of this journal is to be inclusive and supportive, and not to select only those trials that make innovative contributions to the field of vaccinology; these latter papers will find their home in the journal "Vaccine" in Vaccinology will provide a facility that will enable both vaccinologists and those interested in the use of vaccines to gain insights and understandings of the breadth and depth of evidence that is available for the appreciation of the properties of a vaccine and its place in the healthcare and animal husbandry systems that are used in different countries and with particular cohorts of vaccinees.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines is an open access journal that considers basic, translational and applied research, as well as reviews and commentary, related to the prevention and management of healthcare and diseases in international travelers. Given the changes in demographic trends of travelers globally, as well as the epidemiological transitions which many countries are experiencing, the journal considers non-infectious problems including chronic disease among target populations of interest as well as infectious diseases.
Doctors working in developing countries are often isolated from medical colleagues and the latest developments in medicine and healthcare. This peer-reviewed journal provides an ideal forum for sharing experiences and establishing best practice, aiding communication between medical professionals in different environments. Readers of Tropical Doctor benefit from medical expertise and practical advice on how to apply current medical knowledge to the special circumstances of developing countries. Most importantly, readers receive crucial information on the prevention, management and treatment of prevalent diseases in tropical and developing countries.
Tropical Medicine and Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and reviews on all aspects of tropical medicine and global health. The journal welcomes clinical, epidemiological, laboratory and policy research.
Tropical Medicine & International Health is a monthly peer-reviewed journal. We publish internationally significant work on: *infectious and non-infectious disease; *parasitology; *clinical diseases and medicine of the tropics; *epidemiological theory and fieldwork; *tropical medical microbiology; *medical entomology; *tropical public health and community medicine; *international health policy; *health economics.We do not publish: *case reports or small case series; *book reviews; *studies of a purely qualitative and/or descriptive nature, without quantifiable impact on human health; *studies that involve fieldwork, personnel and infrastructure abroad, but fail to involve local authors; *studies that are only locally relevant.Tropical Medicine & International Health is the successor to, and combines and integrates the Annales de la Societé Belge de Médecine Tropicale, the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical and Geographical Medicine (incorporating Acta Leidensia) and Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.
Vaccine is the journal for those interested in vaccines and vaccination. Submissions to the following categories are welcomed: Human Vaccines - infectious diseases; Human Vaccines - non-infectious diseases; Veterinary Vaccines; Immunology and Animal Models; Vectors, Adjuvants and Delivery Systems; Production, manufacturing; Vaccine Safety; Regulatory, Societal and Legislation Aspects; History of Vaccinology.
Value in Health contains original research articles for pharmacoeconomics, health economics, and outcomes research (clinical, economic, and patient-reported outcomes/preference-based research), as well as conceptual and health policy articles that provide valuable information for health care decision-makers as well as the research community. As the official journal of ISPOR, Value in Health provides a forum for researchers, as well as health care decision-makers to translate outcomes research into health care decisions.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Vojnomedicinski pregled (VSP) is the leading professional journal of doctors and pharmacists of the Serbian Army. Is published 12 times a year. Papers published in the CAP index known biomedical journals index (database): Science Citation Index Expended, Index Medicus (MEDLINE database), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), EBSCO (full-text database) and Biomedicine Serbica. The contents of each issue published Giornale Militare di Medicina and Revista de Medicina Militara. Displays of original works and excerpts from published content Revue Internationale de Services de Sante des Forces Armees. First Edition Military Medical Review was published in September the 1944th year. Journal continues the tradition of military-medical bulletin which was published from 1930. to 1941. year.
WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation is an interdisciplinary, international journal which publishes high quality peer-reviewed manuscripts covering the entire scope of the occupation of work. The journal's subtitle has been deliberately laid out: The first goal is the prevention of illness, injury, and disability. When this goal is not achievable, the attention focuses on assessment to design client-centered intervention, rehabilitation, treatment, or controls that use scientific evidence to support best practice. WORK occasionally publishes thematic issues, but in general, issues cover a wide range of topics such as ergonomic considerations with children, youth and students, the challenges facing an aging workforce, workplace violence, injury management, performing artists, ergonomic product evaluations, and the awareness of the political, cultural, and environmental determinants of health related to work.Dr. Karen Jacobs, the founding editor, and her editorial board especially encourage the publication of research studies, clinical practice, case study reports, as well as personal narratives and critical reflections of lived work experiences (autoethnographic/autobiographic scholarship), Sounding Board commentaries and Speaking of Research articles which provide the foundation for better understanding research to facilitate knowledge dissemination. Narrative Reflections on Occupational Transitions, a new column, is for persons who have successfully transitioned into, between, or out of occupations to tell their stories in a narrative form. With an internationally renowned editorial board, WORK maintains high standards in the evaluation and publication of manuscripts. All manuscripts are reviewed expeditiously and published in a timely manner.WORK prides itself on being an author-friendly journal.
Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, the official journal of the Wilderness Medical Society, is the leading journal for physicians practicing medicine in austere environments. This quarterly journal features articles on all aspects of wilderness medicine, including high altitude and climbing, cold- and heat-related phenomena, natural environmental disasters, immersion and near-drowning, diving, and barotrauma, hazardous plants/animals/insects/marine animals, animal attacks, search and rescue, ethical and legal issues, aeromedial transport, survival physiology, medicine in remote environments, travel medicine, operational medicine, and wilderness trauma management. It presents original research and clinical reports from scientists and practitioners around the globe. WEM invites submissions from authors who want to take advantage of our established publication's unique scope, wide readership, and international recognition in the field of wilderness medicine. Its readership is a diverse group of medical and outdoor professionals who choose WEM as their primary wilderness medical resource.
Women's Health Issues (WHI) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly, multidisciplinary journal that publishes research and review manuscripts related to women's health care and policy. As the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, it is dedicated to improving the health and health care of all women throughout the lifespan and in diverse communities. The journal seeks to inform health services researchers, health care and public health professionals, social scientists, policymakers, and others concerned with women's health.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: