Obesity Reviews is a monthly reviews journal publishing reviews from all disciplines related to obesity. It should, therefore, appeal to all professionals with an interest in obesity, most particularly to endocrinologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, obstetricians but also rheumatologists, as well as health professionals working in general medicine and surgery. Furthermore, the journal will contribute to education and inter-professional developments by planning pro et con reviews on current controversies. Editorial policy is to minimize the period between submission and publication of reviews, while retaining high quality peer review. Obesity Reviews is the official reviews journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.
Occupational Medicine is an international peer-reviewed journal which provides vital information for the promotion of workplace health and safety.Topics covered include work-related injury and illness, accident and illness prevention, health promotion, occupational disease, health education, the establishment and implementation of health and safety standards, monitoring of the work environment, and the management of recognized hazards. Contributions are welcomed from practising occupational health physicians and research workers in related fields.
An essential journal for all OTs in mental health fields, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health provides professionals with a forum in which to discuss today's challenges8211;identifying the philosophical and conceptual foundations of the practice; sharing innovative evaluation and treatment techniques; learning about and assimilating new methodologies developing in related professions; and communicating information about new practice settings and special problem areas particular to psychiatric occupational therapy.Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) is an international peer reviewed journal covering occupational and environmental health. We aim to be the definitive source for current information on occupational and environmental health worldwide.OEM welcomes original research submissions which relate to the full range of chemical, physical, ergonomic, biological and psychosocial hazards in the workplace and to environmental contaminants and their health effects. Research aimed at improving the evidence-based practice of occupational medicine and research on the development and application of novel methods, including biological and statistical techniques, is also of interest. In addition, we publish systematic reviews, editorials, commentaries and letters to the editor, which provide a forum for debate.
Submissions to the following categories are welcome:
The journal is part of a larger, community-wide initiative which includes the
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases is devoted to the pathology, epidemiology, treatment, control, and prevention of the NTDs, as well as public policy relevant to this group of diseases.The NTDs are defined as a group of poverty-promoting chronic infectious diseases, which primarily occur in rural areas and poor urban areas of low-income and middle-income countries. They are poverty-promoting because of their impact on child health and development, pregnancy, and worker productivity, as well as their stigmatizing features.To see which diseases are included in the journal, please read the detailed scope.
Pathogens and Global Health is a journal of infectious disease and public health that focuses on the translation of molecular, immunological, genomics and epidemiological knowledge into control measures for global health threat. The journal publishes original innovative research papers, reviews articles and interviews policy makers and opinion leaders on health subjects of international relevance. It provides a forum for scientific, ethical and political discussion of new innovative solutions for controlling and eradicating infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on those diseases affecting the poorest regions of the world.
Performance Enhancement & Health is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being. The journal is multi-disciplinary, examining the implications of performance enhancement on the human condition. Performance enhancement may be linked to productivity, identity, social capital or pleasure, while health is envisaged broadly as absence of disease, optimal functioning, and (personal or community) well-being.Manuscripts are submitted online via http://ees.elsevier.com/peh
Perspectives in Public Health is an indexed bi-monthly, multidisciplinary public health journal with a truly international scope. Indexed in PubMed and ISI, Perspectives in Public Health publishes original peer-reviewed articles, literature reviews and research papers, and opinion pieces on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice of health promotion and public health, as well as news and features.
Policy and Practice in Health and Safety is designed as a forum for academic and policy discourse on health and safety. It is aimed at those who practise, tutor, research or study health and safety regulation and management.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.
This authoritative peer-reviewed journal, Population Health Management, reflects the expanding scope of health care management and quality. The Journal delivers a comprehensive, integrated approach to the field of population health and provides information designed to improve the systems and policies that affect healthcare quality, access, and outcomes, thereby improving the health of an entire population.
Population Health Metrics is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the measurement of health at the population level.
This journal publishes scientific content in the field of public health in general as well as related disciplines, with the aim to promote the discussion and development of knowledge at a national and international level. One special topic issue per year concentrates on a topic of general health interest such as primary care, health economics, new models in health management, or occupational health. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, editorials, and opinion articles.