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Journal of Patient Safety

ISSN: 1549-8417eISSN: 1549-8425

Journal of Patient Safety is dedicated to presenting research advances and field applications in every area of patient safety. While Journal of Patient Safety has a research emphasis, it also publishes articles describing near-miss opportunities, system modifications that are barriers to error, and the impact of regulatory changes on healthcare delivery. This mix of research and real-world findings makes Journal of Patient Safety a valuable resource across the breadth of health professions and from bench to bedside.

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Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities

ISSN: 1741-1122eISSN: 1741-1130

If you've been searching for a forum for description of evidence-based policy and practice related to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, this is it. The Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities (JPPID) features content related to:

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Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene

ISSN: 1121-2233

Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health

ISSN: 0254-5985

Journal of Primary Health Care

ISSN: 1172-6164eISSN: 1172-6156
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Journal of Primary Prevention

ISSN: 0278-095XeISSN: 1573-6547


- Social Sciences Citation Index®
- Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
- Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences

- Social Sciences Citation Index®
- Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
- Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences

The journal is dedicated to a better understanding of primary prevention theory, practice, and research. Primary prevention involves preventing predictable and interrelated problems, protecting existing states of health and healthy functioning, and promoting psychosocial wellness for identified populations of people. The journal publishes along the spectrum of prevention research including research on determinants, intervention development, intervention evaluation, methodology, dissemination, policy-to-practice, and meta-analyses. JPP particularly welcomes manuscripts on behaviors that may be established during childhood and adolescence that can lead to the major causes of

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Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 1741-3842eISSN: 1741-3850

The Journal of Public Health invites submission of papers on any aspect of public health research and practice.We welcome papers on the theory and practice of the whole spectrum of public health across the domains of health improvement, health protection and service improvement, with a particular focus on the translation of science into action.Papers on the role of public health ethics and law are welcome. We aim to promote the highest standards of public health practice internationally through the timely communication of current, best scientific evidence.Our main criteria for grading manuscripts are scientific originality and impact, as well as relevance to public health practice.

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Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 0943-1853eISSN: 1613-2238

The Journal of Public Health is an interdisciplinary publication for the discussion and debate of international public health issues, with a focus on European affairs. It describes the social and individual factors determining the basic conditions of public health, analyzing causal interrelations, and offering a scientifically sound rationale for personal, social and political measures of intervention. Coverage includes contributions from epidemiology, health economics, environmental health, management, social sciences, ethics, and law.

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Journal of Public Health Dentistry

ISSN: 0022-4006eISSN: 1752-7325

The Journal of Public Health Dentistry is devoted to the advancement of public health dentistry through the exploration of related research, practice, and policy developments. Three main types of articles are published: original research articles that provide a significant contribution to knowledge in the breadth of dental public health, including oral epidemiology, dental health services, the behavioral sciences, and the public health practice areas of assessment, policy development, and assurance; methods articles that report the development and testing of new approaches to research design, data collection and analysis, or the delivery of public health services; and review articles that synthesize previous research in the discipline and provide guidance to others conducting research as well as to policy makers, managers, and other dental public health practitioners.

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Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

ISSN: 1078-4659eISSN: 1550-5022

The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice provides practical information applicable to the design and implementation of public health programs. It is peer-reviewed and written by leading public health researchers and practitioners from local, state, and federal public health agencies. With the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, you'll explore the everyday challenges of public health and you'll get hands-on, step-by-step solutions public health professionals across the country are using. Topics include: Immunizations, Bioterrorism Preparedness, Mass Media Smoking Prevention Strategies, Public Health Performance Standards, and Public Health Finance.JPHMP is offered to members of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) at a reduced rate.

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Journal of Public Health Policy

ISSN: 0197-5897eISSN: 1745-655X

The Journal of Public Health Policy (JPHP) will continue its 25 year tradition: an accessible source of scholarly articles on the epidemiologic and social foundations of public health policy, rigorously edited, and progressive.JPHP aims to create a more inclusive public health policy dialogue, within nations and among them. It broadens public health policy debates beyond the 'health system' to examine all forces and environments that impinge on the health of populations. It provides an exciting platform for airing controversy and framing policy debates - honing policies to solve new problems and unresolved old ones.JPHP welcomes unsolicited original scientific and policy contributions on all public health topics. New authors are particularly encouraged to enter debates about how to improve the health of populations and reduce health disparities.

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Journal of Public Health Research

eISSN: 2279-9036
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Journal of Public Health in Africa

eISSN: 2038-9930
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Journal of Public Mental Health

ISSN: 1746-5729eISSN: 2042-8731

Journal of Public Mental Health (JPMH) focuses on the research, policy and practice that put mental well-being at the heart of the public health agenda.

Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

ISSN: 2197-3792eISSN: 2196-8837
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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

ISSN: 0236-5731eISSN: 1588-2780

The Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC) publishes original papers, letters, review papers and short communications on nuclear chemistry. Coverage embraces a wide range of topics, including nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, radiobiological chemistry, environmental radiochemistry, production and control of radioisotopes and labeled compounds, nuclear power plant chemistry, nuclear fuel chemistry, radioanalytical chemistry, radiation detection and measurement, nuclear instrumentation and automation, and more.

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Journal of Radiological Protection

ISSN: 0952-4746eISSN: 1361-6498

Journal of Radiological Protection publishes articles (in English) on all aspects of radiological protection, including non-ionising as well as ionising radiations. Fields of interest range from research, development and theory to operational matters, education and training. The very wide spectrum of its topics includes: dosimetry, instrument development, specialized measuring techniques, epidemiology, biological effects (in vivo and in vitro) and risk and environmental impact assessments.

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Journal of Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0022-4154

Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought

ISSN: 1542-6432eISSN: 1542-6440

In the Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, scholars, researchers, and practitioners examine issues of social justice and religion as they relate to the development of policy and delivery of social services. In addition to timely literature reviews, the journal presents up-to-date, in-depth, expert information on: sectarian and nonsectarian approaches to spirituality and ethics; justice and peace; philosophically oriented aspects of religion in the social services; conceptual frameworks; the philosophy of social work; and a great deal more.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous refereesPublication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Research in Health Sciences

ISSN: 2228-7795eISSN: 2228-7809