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Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

ISSN: 1548-6869eISSN: 1049-2089

The journal has as its goal the dissemination of information on the health of, and health care for, low income and other medically underserved communities to health care practitioners, policy makers, and community leaders who are in a position to effect meaningful change. Issues dealt with include access to, quality of, and cost of health care.

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Journal of Health Communication

ISSN: 1081-0730eISSN: 1087-0415

Peer Review Policy: All articles in the journal have undergone rigorous screening, based on both editorial and double-blind peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Health Economics

ISSN: 0167-6296eISSN: 1879-1646

This journal seeks articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Its scope will include the following topics:Production of health and health services;Demand and utilization of health services;Financing of health services;Measurement of health;Behavioral models of demanders, suppliers and other health care agencies;Health behaviors and policy interventions;Efficiency and distributional aspects of health policy;and such other topics as the Editors may deem appropriate. Applications to problems in both developed and less-developed countries are welcomed.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Health Research

ISSN: 0857-4421eISSN: 2586-940X

Peer-reviewed, open-access journal on different areas of public health from health system to environmental health. Published in association with College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University.

Journal of Health Services Research & Policy

ISSN: 1355-8196eISSN: 1758-1060

Journal of Health Services Research & Policy publishes scientifi c research on health services from a wide variety of disciplines and rigorous health care policy analysis. The Journal also engages in, and responds to, current scientifi c, methodological and policy debates in health care. We aim both to refl ect current concerns and to contribute to setting the agenda.

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Journal of Health and Social Behavior

ISSN: 0022-1465eISSN: 2150-6000

Journal of Health & Social Behavior (JHSB), published quarterly, is a medical sociology journal that publishes empirical and theoretical articles that apply sociological concepts and methods to the understanding of health and illness and the organization of medicine and health care. Its editorial policy favors manuscripts that are grounded in important theoretical issues in medical sociology or the sociology of mental health and that advance theoretical understanding of the processes by which social factors and human health are inter-related.

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership

eISSN: 1179-3201
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Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition

ISSN: 1932-0248eISSN: 1932-0256

The Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition is the premier peer-reviewed journal among professionals interested in nutrition, food and water security, health, agriculture and the environment. The Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition: provides a distinguished venue for the publication of original articles prepared by scholars and practitioners in the field and reviewed by qualified peers publishes manuscripts that advance knowledge across the range of research and practice issues in nutrition, food and water security, health, agriculture and the environment supports the professional growth of researchers and practitioners in these areas. The Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition studies the growing connection and interdependence between the environment, food, nutrition, and health. It comprehensively examines local, national and international hunger and environmental nutrition issues specifically food access, food security, food production, agriculture, and the interconnectedness on nutrition and health. The journal is designed to provide current research and application information on public policy, legislation, and regulation related to sustainable ecosystems and the link with maintaining optimal nutrition and well-being for all people.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

ISSN: 1557-1912eISSN: 1557-1920

SELECTED FOR COVERAGE IN: Social Sciences Citation Index® Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences The Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original research pertaining to immigrant health. The contributors are expert in diverse fields including public health, epidemiology, medicine and nursing, anthropology, sociology, population research, immigration law, and ethics. The journal also publishes review articles, short communications, letters to the editor, and notes from the field.

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Journal of Infection Prevention

ISSN: 1757-1774eISSN: 1757-1782

Journal of Infection Prevention is the professional publication of the Infection Prevention Society. The aim of the journal is to advance the evidence base in infection prevention and control, and to provide a publishing platform for all health professionals interested in this field of practice. The journal is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication containing a wide range of articles: Original primary research studies, Qualitative and quantitative studies, Reviews of the evidence on various topics, Practice development project reports, Guidelines for practice, Case studies, Overviews of infectious diseases and their causative organisms, Audit and surveillance studies/projects and Outbreak reports.

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Journal of Infection and Public Health

ISSN: 1876-0341

The Journal of Infection and Public Health, first official journal of the Saudi Arabian National Guard Health Affairs , King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and the Saudi Association for Public Health, aims to be the foremost scientific, peer-reviewed journal encompassing infection prevention and control, microbiology, infectious diseases, public health and the application of healthcare epidemiology to the evaluation of health outcomes. The point of view of the journal is that infection and public health are closely intertwined and that advances in one area will have positive consequences on the other.The Journal will be useful to all health professionals who are partners in the management of patients with communicable diseases, keeping them up to date. The journal is proud to have an international and diverse editorial board that will assist and facilitate the publication of articles that reflect a global view on infection control and public health, as well as emphasizing our focus on supporting the needs of public health practitioners.It is our aim to improve healthcare by reducing risk of infection and related adverse outcomes by critical review, selection, and dissemination of new and relevant information in the field of infection control, public health and infectious diseases in all healthcare settings and the community.The Journal of Infection and Public Health will allow us to seek opportunities to work with others who share our aim, to enhance our work through partnership, and to uphold the standards of our profession and contribute to its advancement.

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Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences

ISSN: 1943-815XeISSN: 1943-8168

Editors' NoteWe are pleased to announce our new title for 2009: Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. We hope that by emphasising 'integrative' we will strengthen our now well-established aims and scope, by further highlighting that the journal goes beyond looking at environmental issues from a pure science perspective. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences is interdisciplinary, relevant and comprehensive.Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences (JIES) aims to provide a stimulating, informative and critical forum for intellectual debate on significant environmental issues. It brings together perspectives from a wide range of disciplines and methodologies in both the social and natural sciences in the effort to develop integrative knowledge about the processes responsible for environmental change. The Journal is especially concerned with the relationships between science, society and policy and a key aim is to advance understanding of the theory and practice of sustainable development.The subject matter, authorship and readership are international in scope and cover issues from across a range of scales, from the global to the local. Key themes include: interdisciplinary assessment methodologies; governance and regulation; technology and innovation; science, society and policy; knowledge, perceptions and discourse. The journal publishes work on a wide range of issues, including: energy climate change pollution, waste urban sustainability biodiversity conservation environment and development environmental management systems Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences is keen to publish original material including theoretical developments, new empirical data, innovative methods and policy analysis. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, essays, research notes and book reviews. The journal also publishes occasional Special Issues covering interdisciplinary research and policy perspectives on specific environmental issues. Published papers are accessible to a wide audience consisting of natural and social scientists, professionals and policy makers.All published papers in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Science

ISSN: 1025-9848eISSN: 2071-9736
Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary and interprofessional scholarly journal that aims to promote communication, collaboration and teamwork between professions and disciplines within the health sciences to address problems that cross and affect disciplinary boundaries.

Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences publishes original articles on issues related to public health, including implications for practical applications and service delivery that are of concern and relevance to Africa and other developing countries. It facilitates the gathering and critical testing of insights and viewpoints on knowledge from different disciplines involved in health service delivery.

The journal offers the breadth of outlook required to promote health science education, research and professional practice.

Unique features distinguishing this journal:

Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences explores issues and posits solutions to current challenges existing in health care from an interdisciplinary perspective within Africa and other developing countries, including but not limited to:

• improvement of health safety and service delivery
• management and measurement of health services
• evaluation and assessment of health care needs
• prevention of ill health and health-affecting behaviours
• promotion of healthy lifestyles
• health security, economics, policy and regulations.

The journal has a strong regional focus (South Africa) with abstracts published in English. It offers a nurturing environment for young and novice researchers to showcase their work whilst upholding the standards of health science education, research and professional practice.

Health SA Gesondheid with its interdisciplinary scope attracts interest from a wide audience of scientists and health professionals working in the areas of health care management, health care economics, policy making, nursing, psychology, sociology, ethics and education.

After publication in Health SA Gesondheid, the complete text of each article is deposited immediately and permanently archived in major bibliographic databases:

• Sabinet
• African Journals Online
• African Index Medicus
• Open J-Gate
• GALE, CENGAGE Learning
• ProQuest
• Google Scholar
• Elsevier SJR Scopus
• Directory of Open Access Journals
• EBSCO Host
• ScienceDirect

Submissions in English (full article) will be accepted.

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Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

ISSN: 1225-9594eISSN: 2288-4203

Journal of Medical Screening

ISSN: 0969-1413eISSN: 1475-5793

Journal of Medical Screening is concerned with all aspects of medical screening, particularly the publication of research that advances screening theory and practice. The journal aims to increase awareness of the principles of screening (quantitative and statistical aspects), screening techniques and procedures and methodologies from all specialties. An essential subscription for physicians, clinicians and academics with an interest in screening, epidemiology and public health.

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Journal of Nutrition and Health

ISSN: 2288-3886eISSN: 2288-3959

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

ISSN: 1076-8998eISSN: 1939-1307

The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology® publishes research, theory, and public policy articles in occupational health psychology, an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations. Occupational health psychology concerns the application of psychology to improving the quality of work life and to protecting and promoting the safety, health, and well-being of workers. The Journal has a threefold focus on the work environment, the individual, and the work–family interface. The Journal seeks scholarly articles, from both researchers and practitioners, concerning psychological factors in relationship to all aspects of occupational health and safety. Included in this broad domain of interest are articles in which work-related psychological factors play a role in the etiology of health problems articles examining the psychological and associated health consequences of work articles concerned with the use of psychological approaches to prevent or mitigate occupational health problems Special attention is given to articles with a prevention emphasis. Authors should consider the financial costs of identified problems and/or economic benefits of interventions they evaluate. Manuscripts dealing with issues of contemporary relevance to the workplace, especially with regard to minority, cultural, or occupationally underrepresented groups, or topics at the interface of the family and the workplace, are encouraged.

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Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology

ISSN: 1745-6673eISSN: 1745-6673

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of occupational diseases, injuries and disability.

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

ISSN: 1545-9624eISSN: 1545-9632

Published monthly, the JOEH provides a written medium for the communication of ideas, methods, processes, and research in the areas of occupational, industrial, and environmental hygiene; exposure assessment; engineering controls; occupational and environmental epidemiology, medicine, and toxicology; ergonomics; and other related disciplines. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

ISSN: 1076-2752eISSN: 1536-5948

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is an indispensable guide to good health in the workplace. In-depth, clinically oriented research articles and technical reports keep occupational and environmental medicine physicians up to date on new medical developments in the prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of environmentally induced conditions and work-related injuries and illnesses. Featuring an attractive, neatly illustrated and readable format, the journal is an excellent source for new ideas, concepts, techniques, and procedures that can be readily applied in the industrial or commercial employment setting. In addition, readers can earn CME credit. For more information, visit

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