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American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease

eISSN: 2160-200X
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American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs

ISSN: 1175-3277eISSN: 1179-187X

Promoting rational therapy within the discipline of cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs covers all aspects of the management of cardiovascular disorders, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established agents.The journal includes current opinion on contentious issues and emerging areas, and definitive reviews on a broad range of topics relating to the optimum management of cardiovascular disorders.

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American Journal of Case Reports

ISSN: 1941-5923

American Journal of Chinese Medicine

ISSN: 0192-415XeISSN: 1793-6853

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is defined in its broadest sense possible, publishes original articles and essays relating to traditional or ethnomedicine of all cultures. Areas of particular interest include:*Basic scientific and clinical research in indigenous medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical theories and concepts;*Multidisciplinary study of medical practice and health care, especially from historical, cultural, public health, and socioeconomic perspectives;*International policy implications of comparative studies of medicine in all cultures, including such issues as health in developing countries, affordability and transferability of health-care techniques and concepts;*Translating scholarly ancient texts or modern publications on ethnomedicine.The American Journal of Chinese Medicine will consider for publication a broad range of scholarly contributions, including original scientific research papers, review articles, editorial comments, social policy statements, brief news items, bibliographies, research guides, letters to the editors, book reviews, and selected reprints.The Journal does not condone or support any form of research that makes use of endangered species or otherwise conducts experiments using animals in an inappropriate or unethical manner. The Journal will consider for publications only those papers which follow the guidelines presented in the WHO Helsinki Declaration and the "Guiding Principles and Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital on Human Studies, 1970." For more detailed specifications for material submitted for publication, see "Note to Authors" in the inside back cover.All articles published in this journal, including editorials, book reviews, news and comments, are signed and reflect the views of the authors. They are not official points of view held by the American Journal of Chinese Medicine or by the institutions with which the authors are affiliated.

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American Journal of Clinical Dermatology

ISSN: 1175-0561eISSN: 1179-1888

An invaluable journal specifically designed as a forum for discussing, evaluating and disseminating the latest information about dermatological disorders.The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology provides healthcare practitioners with objective, peer-reviewed information covering all aspects of the management of dermatological conditions, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established agents and procedures.

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American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

ISSN: 0002-9157

The American Journal of Clinical Hysnosis (AJCH) is the official publication of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). The Journal publishes original scientific articles and clinical case reports on hypnosis, as well as books reviews and abstracts of the current hypnosis literature. The purview of AJCH articles includes multiple and single case studies, empirical research studies, models of treatment, theories of hypnosis, letters to the editor, and occasional special articles pertaining to hypnosis. The membership of ASCH and readership of AJCH includes licensed health care professionals and university faculty in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, clinical social work, clinical psychology, dentistry, counseling, and graduate students in these disciplines. AJCH is unique among other hypnosis journals because its primary emphasis on professional applications of hypnosis. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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American Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN: 0277-3732eISSN: 1537-453X

The American Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal for cancer surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, and pediatric oncologists. Under the leadership of David E. Wazer, MD, the journal focuses on combined modality multidisciplinary loco-regional management of cancer. The journal also gives emphasis to translational research, outcome studies, and cost utility analyses, and includes opinion pieces and review articles. Published BimonthlyWebsite:

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American Journal of Clinical Pathology

ISSN: 1943-7722eISSN: 0002-9173

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Detection Using In Situ Hybridization in Histologic Samples: Correlations With Cytologic Changes and Polymerase Chain Reaction HPV Detection.

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American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology

eISSN: 2164-7712
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American Journal of Community Psychology

ISSN: 0091-0562eISSN: 1573-2770

The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research; theoretical papers; empirical reviews; reports of innovative community programs or policies; and first person accounts of stakeholders involved in research, programs, or policy. The journal encourages submissions of innovative multi-level research and interventions, and encourages international submissions. The journal also encourages the submission of manuscripts concerned with underrepresented populations and issues of human diversity. The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes research, theory, and descriptions of innovative interventions on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: individual, family, peer, and community mental health, physical health, and substance use; risk and protective factors for health and well being; educational, legal, and work environment processes, policies, and opportunities; social ecological approaches, including the interplay of in

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American Journal of Critical Care

ISSN: 1062-3264eISSN: 1937-710X

The American Journal of Critical Care is the premier source for evidence-based critical care practice. The journal's mission is to provide its readers with clinically relevant content in every issue and to serve as a vehicle for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses to achieve its mission of improving the care of critically ill patients and their families. Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts describing investigations, advances, or observations from all specialties related to the care of critically ill patients. The American Journal of Critical Care publishes clinical studies, basic research studies, preliminary/short communications, case reports, reports on new apparatuses and techniques, clinical/basic science reviews, guest editorials, and letters to the editors. Papers promoting collaborative practice and research are encouraged.

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American Journal of Dance Therapy

ISSN: 0146-3721eISSN: 1573-3262

American Journal of Dance Therapy informs the international mental health community on the latest findings in dance/movement therapy theory, research, and clinical practice by presenting original contributions, case material, reviews, and studies by leading practitioners and educators in the field. The journal, reflecting the dramatic expansion of the profession over the last half-century, publishes timely articles on working with new populations, changing goals, innovative techniques, and new methods of training. Current professional issues, outcome research, and assessment tools are also examined and evaluated. This biannual forum encourages dance/movement therapists and allied mental health professionals to test their theoretical premises and share their ideas. It is a valuable resource for administrators, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and creative arts therapists in the disciplines of music, art, and drama.

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American Journal of Dentistry

ISSN: 0894-8275

American Journal of Epidemiology

ISSN: 0002-9262eISSN: 1476-6256

The American Journal of Epidemiology is the premier epidemiological journal devoted to the publication of empirical research findings, methodological developments in the field of epidemiological research, and opinion pieces.It is aimed at both fellow epidemiologists and those who use epidemiological data, including public health workers and clinicians.

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American Journal of Forensic Psychology

ISSN: 0733-1290

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

ISSN: 1064-7481eISSN: 1545-7214

Aims and ScopeThe American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry is the authoritative source of information for the rapidly developing field of geriatric psychiatry. The Journal contains peer-reviewed articles on the diagnosis and classification of psychiatric disorders of later life, epidemiological and biological correlates of mental health of older adults, and psychopharmacology and other somatic treatments. The Journal is published twelve times a year.

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American Journal of Health Economics

ISSN: 2332-3493eISSN: 2332-3507

The American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE) provides a forum for the in-depth analysis of institutional health care systems and individual health behaviors. Read the first issue for free.

The articles appearing in AJHE are authored by scholars from universities, private research organizations, government, and industry. Subjects of interest include competition between private health insurance providers, the impact of the Affordable Care Act, pharmaceutical regulation, medical device supply, the rise of obesity, the influence and growth of aging populations, and much more.

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American Journal of Health Education

ISSN: 1932-5037eISSN: 2168-3751

The mission of the American Journal of Health Education (AJHE) is to publish research manuscripts that focus on Health Education and Health Promotion interventions designed to prevent or delay the onset of the major chronic diseases and illnesses that impact populations of interest today (CVD, cancer, diabetes, COPD, cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s/dementia, etc.). In addition, AJHE is actively seeking manuscripts that inform the discussion on the role of lifestyle behaviors (nutrition/diet, physical activity, weight management, tobacco use prevention, stress control, self-management of chronic disease, emotional and social functioning, alcohol and other drugs abuse, etc.) in chronic disease management. Manuscript reporting on research conducted in community, medical care, worksite and school/university settings are acceptable. AJHE is particularly interested in manuscripts that focus on interventions related to the primary prevention of chronic disease from a social ecological perspective that conceptualized the role of individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy factors on lifestyle behaviors.
American Journal of Health Education is an official journal of SHAPE America – the Society of Health and Physical Educators, which provides its members with a comprehensive and coordinated array of resources, support, and programs to help health and physical educators improve their skills to further the health and well-being of the American public. To learn more, visit:  

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

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American Journal of Health Promotion

ISSN: 0890-1171eISSN: 2168-6602

Established in 1986, the American Journal of Health Promotion was the first peer-reviewed publication devoted exclusively to health promotion. More than 25 years later it remains true to its original goals.Provide a Forum for the many diverse disciplines that contribute to health promotionReduce the gap between health promotion research and practice by delivering the most current and relevant research in the field while addressing its practical application.

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American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy

ISSN: 1079-2082eISSN: 1535-2900

The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) is the official publication of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). It publishes peer reviewed scientific papers on contemporary drug therapy and pharmacy practice innovations in hospitals and health systems. With a circulation of nearly 40,000, AJHP is the most widely recognized and respected clinical pharmacy journal in the world.Articles in AJHP are abstracted and indexed in PubMed and many other scientific databases. The views expressed by authors of contributions in AJHP do not necessarily reflect the policy of ASHP or the institution with which the author is affiliated, unless this is clearly specified. Policy statements and official positions of ASHP are clearly labeled as such. Authors, reviewers, editorial board members, contributing editors, and AJHP editors are required to declare potential conflicts of interest regarding manuscripts submitted for publication.

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