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AIDS Research and Therapy

eISSN: 1742-6405

AIDS Research and Therapy is an open access, peer reviewed journal publishing basic science and clinically important research articles to help abate the spread of AIDS. The journal is edited by Kailash C. Gupta with the assistance of an expert Editorial Board, including Deputy Editor Greg T. Spear, and Section Editors Edward A. Berger (Basic Science), Genoveffa Franchini (Vaccines), Magnus Gisslen (Neuro-AIDS), Richard Koup (Therapeutics), and John J. Rossi (Novel treatment strategies).

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AIDS Research and Treatment

ISSN: 2090-1240eISSN: 2090-1259

AIDS Research and Treatment is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of AIDS research and treatment.

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AIDS Reviews

ISSN: 1139-6121

AIDS and Behavior

ISSN: 1090-7165eISSN: 1573-3254

AIDS and Behavior provides an international venue for the scientific exchange of research and scholarly work on the contributing factors, prevention, consequences, social impact, and response to HIV/AIDS. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers addressing all areas of AIDS behavioral research including: individual, contextual, social, economic and geographic factors that facilitate HIV transmission; interventions aimed to reduce HIV transmission risks at all levels and in all contexts; mental health aspects of HIV/AIDS; medical and behavioral consequences of HIV infection - including health-related quality of life, coping, treatment and treatment adherence; and the impact of HIV infection on adults children, families, communities and societies. The journal publishes original research articles, brief research reports, and critical literature reviews.

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AIMS Medical Science

eISSN: 2375-1576
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AJOB Empirical Bioethics

ISSN: 2329-4515eISSN: 2329-4523
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AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism

ISSN: 0193-1849eISSN: 1522-1555

Endocrinology and Metabolism publishes original, mechanistic studies on the physiology of endocrine and metabolic systems. Molecular, subcellular, and cellular studies in whole animals or humans will be considered. Specific themes include, but are not limited to, mechanisms of hormone and growth factor action; regulation of metabolism and energy balance; integrative organ cross talk; paracrine and autocrine control of endocrine cell performance; function and activation of hormone receptors; endocrine or metabolic control of channels, transporters and membrane function; differentiation of endocrine and reproductive cell function; temporal analysis of hormone secretion and metabolism; and mathematical/kinetic modeling and analysis of hormone action or metabolism. Novel molecular, immunological, or biophysical studies of hormone action are also welcome.

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ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

ISSN: 1868-596XeISSN: 1868-8551

Aims and Scope: ALTEX, edited by the Swiss Society ALTEX Edition is the official journal of CAAT (Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA), EUSAAT (European Society for Alternatives to Animal testing) and T4 (transatlantic think tank of toxicology, Baltimore, Konstanz, Utrecht). ALTEX, issued by the Swiss society ALTEX Edition, is the official journal of ASCCT, the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology, CAAT, the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA, CAAT-Europe the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Europe at the University of Konstanz, Germany, EUSAAT, the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, t4, the transatlantic think tank of toxicology (Baltimore, Utrecht, Konstanz) and the Doerenkamp chairs in Germany, India, The Netherlands, Switzerland and USA. ALTEX publishes original articles, short communications, reviews, as well as news and comments, meeting reports and book reviews. ALTEX is devoted to the publication of research on the development and promotion of alternatives to animal experiments according to the 3R concept of Russell and Burch: Replace, Reduce, and Refine. Animal experiments are defined as all experimental procedures involving the use of animals in testing, research and education or to obtain tissues, organs, and other animal-derived products which may cause pain or distress to animals. ALTEX further publishes manuscripts on the bioethics of the complex relationship between humans and animals. Articles published in ALTEX must express a basic concern for the dignity of living creatures and the recognition of animals as our partners. All articles are judged according to stringent scientific standards. Manuscripts submitted to , ALTEX are evaluated by two reviewers. The evaluation takes into account the scientific merit of a manuscript and its contribution to animal welfare and the 3R principle. Please visit for further information. Copyright: Society ALTEX Edition, Kuesnacht, Zurich

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AMA Journal of Ethics

eISSN: 2376-6980
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AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment

ISSN: 0044-7447eISSN: 1654-7209

AMBIO addresses the scientific, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence the condition of the human environment. AMBIO particularly encourages multi- or inter-disciplinary submissions with explicit management or policy recommendations. Papers published in AMBIO fall into four main categories:
Report, Review, Perspective, Comment. Regardless of article category, your submission should have a clear link between anthropogenic activities and the environment, or vice versa.For more than 40 years AMBIO has brought international perspective to important developments in environmental research, policy and related activities for an international readership of specialists, generalists, students, decision-makers and interested laymen.  The broad scope of coverage extends to ecology, environmental economics, geology, geochemistry, geophysics, paleontology, hydrology, water resources, oceanography, earth sciences, meteorology, and physical geography.  Authors are advised to check our latest guideline

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ISSN: 1563-3241eISSN: 1563-3241


eISSN: 2667-663X


ISSN: 2518-6973eISSN: 2518-6973
Publisher: AME PUBL CO

ANZ Journal of Surgery

ISSN: 1445-1433eISSN: 1445-2197

The ANZ Journal of Surgery is published by Blackwell Publishing Asia on behalf of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to provide a medium for the publication of peer-reviewed original contributions related to clinical practice and/or research in all fields of surgery and related disciplines. It also provides a programme of continuing education for surgeons. All articles are peer-reviewed in a double blinded process, by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper.

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APMIS: Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

ISSN: 0903-4641eISSN: 1600-0463

The aim of APMIS is to publish original research in the fields of pathology, microbiology and immunology, and from related developing areas of modern biomedicine. APMIS has subscribers worldwide.

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ISSN: 2193-3863eISSN: 2199-885X


ISSN: 2345-2641eISSN: 2008-1081


ISSN: 2538-6247eISSN: 2538-6247

ARYA Atherosclerosis

ISSN: 1735-3955eISSN: 2251-6638
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ASAIO Journal

ISSN: 1058-2916eISSN: 1538-943X

ASAIO Journal is the primary source for timely and authoritative updates in the field of bionic technologies research and development. In the forefront of the field, ASAIO Journal highlights state-of-the-art investigations in biological, tissue, and genetic engineering and other biometric substitutes, laboratory and clinical trials, as well as discussion and opinions from experts around the world. Cardiovascular surgeons, transplant physicians, nephrologists, and biomedical engineers look to the ASAIO Journal for the very latest research and upcoming developments in the field.Published BimonthlyWebsite:

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