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Stahl und Eisen

ISSN: 0340-4803

Steel Research International

ISSN: 1611-3683eISSN: 1869-344X

Steel Research International is a journal providing a forum for the publication of high-quality manuscripts in areas ranging from process metallurgy and metal forming to materials engineering as well as process control and testing. The emphasis is on steel and related metals and on materials involved in the processing, such as refractories and slags. Examples are given as follows:.

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Steel Times International

ISSN: 0143-7798

Superconductor Science and Technology

ISSN: 0953-2048eISSN: 1361-6668

Superconductor Science and Technology™ is an international multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of applied superconductivity. The coverage includes theories of superconductivity, the basic physics of superconductors, the relation of microstructure and growth to superconducting properties, the theory of novel devices, and the fabrication, properties and applications of thin films and devices. It also encompasses the manufacture and properties of conductors, and their application in the construction of magnets and heavy current machines, together with enabling technology. Please note Superconductor Science and Technology does not consider purely theoretical papers; theoretical papers must be clearly linked to experiments reported either in the paper itself or in the current literature.

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Surface Engineering

ISSN: 0267-0844eISSN: 1743-2944
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Surface Engineering provides a forum for the publication of international, peer reviewed material on this important enabling technology. The journal embraces science, technology, engineering and design aspects of the use of surface engineering to produce cost-effective substrate-surface systems having functional, mechanical, tribological and/or chemical properties that cannot be achieved from the individual components alone. Coverage includes, inter alia, design, surface modification technologies and process control, and the characterisation and properties of the system or component, including quality control and non-destructive examination.Types of contribution include* original papers reporting research and practice (up to 4000 words plus figures and illustrations)* short communications, providing a rapid publication route for preliminary announcements or short accounts of new techniques (typically 1000-1500 words with, at most, four figures and/or tables) * state of the art reviews, providing critical assessments of important areas of the discipline (typically 5000-6000 words plus figures and tables)* validated industrial case studies and technology updates (typically 500-1000 words plus three or four illustrations).

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Surface Innovations

ISSN: 2050-6252eISSN: 2050-6260

Surface Review and Letters

ISSN: 0218-625XeISSN: 1793-6667

This international journal is devoted to the elucidation of properties and processes that occur at the boundaries of materials. The scope of the journal covers a broad range of topics in experimental and theoretical studies of surfaces and interfaces. Both the physical and chemical properties are covered. The journal also places emphasis on emerging areas of cross-disciplinary research where new phenomena occur due to the presence of a surface or an interface. Representative areas include surface and interface structures; their electronic, magnetic and optical properties; dynamics and energetics; chemical reactions at surfaces; phase transitions, reconstruction, roughening and melting; defects, nucleation and growth; and new surface and interface characterization techniques.

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Surface Science

ISSN: 0039-6028eISSN: 1879-2758

Surface Science is devoted to elucidating the fundamental aspects of chemistry and physics occurring at a wide range of surfaces and interfaces and to disseminating this knowledge fast.The journal welcomes a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:• model systems (e.g. in Ultra High Vacuum) under well-controlled reactive conditions • nanoscale science and engineering, including manipulation of matter at the atomic/molecular scale and assembly phenomena• reactivity of surfaces as related to various applied areas including heterogeneous catalysis, chemistry at electrified interfaces, and semiconductors functionalization• phenomena at interfaces relevant to energy storage and conversion, and fuels production and utilization• surface reactivity for environmental protection and pollution remediation• interactions at surfaces of soft matter, including polymers and biomaterials.Both experimental and theoretical work, including modeling, is within the scope of the journal. Work published in Surface Science reaches a wide readership, from chemistry and physics to biology and materials science and engineering, providing an excellent forum for cross-fertilization of ideas and broad dissemination of scientific discoveries.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Surface Science Reports

ISSN: 0167-5729eISSN: 1879-274X

Surface Science Reports contains invited review papers on experimental and theoretical studies in the physics, chemistry and pioneering applications of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures. It covers topics which contribute to a better understanding of basic phenomena occurring on surfaces and interfaces, but also the application of this knowledge to the development of materials, processes and devices. "Surfaces" is defined in this journal to include all interfaces between solids, liquids, polymers, biomaterials, nanostructures, soft matter, gases and/or vacuum. The journal also contains reviews of experimental techniques and methods used to characterize surfaces and surface processes, e.g. those based upon the interactions of photons, electrons and ions with surfaces.

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Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties

eISSN: 2051-672X

An international forum for academics, industrialists and engineers to publish the latest research in surface topography measurement and characterisation, instrumentation development and the properties of surfaces.

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Surface and Coatings Technology

ISSN: 0257-8972eISSN: 1879-3347

Surface and Coatings Technology is an international archival journal publishing scientific papers on surface and interface engineering to modify and improve the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments, or for enhanced functional performance. Contributions range from original scientific articles concerned with applied research or direct applications of coatings, to invited reviews of current technology in specific areas. Papers submitted to this journal are expected to be in line with the following aspects in processes, and properties/performance:A. Processes: Physical and chemical vapour deposition techniques, thermal and plasma spraying, surface modification by directed energy techniques such as ion, electron and laser beams, thermo-chemical treatment, wet chemical and electrochemical processes such as plating, sol-gel coating, anodization, plasma electrolytic oxidation, etc., but excluding painting.B. Properties/performance: friction performance, wear resistance (e.g., abrasion, erosion, fretting, etc), corrosion and oxidation resistance, thermal protection, diffusion resistance, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, and properties relevant to enhanced functional performance for environmental, energy and medical applications, but excluding device aspects.Articles must go beyond the technical recipe format and gain new understanding and insight based on detailed characterization of coatings and processes. Experimental papers should provide complete information on the process parameters and an appropriate microstructural characterization. Also, papers which include test data should provide full details of the test equipment and parameters. Such papers should report on the synthesis-characterization-properties-performance relationships.Manuscripts must be written in good English and contain a balanced and up-to-date reference list formatted according to the guide-for-authors.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Surface and Interface Analysis

ISSN: 0142-2421eISSN: 1096-9918

Surface and Interface Analysis is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the development and application of techniques for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. Papers dealing with standardization and quantification are particularly welcome, and also those which deal with the application of these techniques to industrial problems. Papers dealing with the purely theoretical aspects of the technique will also be considered. Review articles will be published; prior consultation with one of the Editors is advised in these cases. Papers must clearly be of scientific value in the field and will be submitted to two independent referees. Contributions must be in English and must not have been published elsewhere, and authors must agree not to communicate the same material for publication to any other journal. Authors are invited to submit their papers for publication to John Watts (UK only), Jose Sanz (Rest of Europe), John T. Grant (all non-European countries, except Japan) or R. Shimizu (Japan only).

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Sustainable Energy & Fuels

eISSN: 2398-4902

Sustainable Energy & Fuels publishes high quality scientific research that will drive the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on innovative concepts and approaches. The journal is an essential resource for energy researchers and cuts across chemistry and its interfaces with materials science, physics and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as the following: • Solar energy conversion including photovoltaics and artificial photosynthesis • Energy storage including batteries, flow batteries and supercapacitors • Catalysis for energy technologies, including the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals, and molecular/bioinspired catalysis • Electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and thermal catalysis • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production, storage and distribution • Carbon dioxide utilisation, including fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide • Biorefining and Biofuels • Capacitive desalination and desalination batteries • Other sustainable energy conversion technologies including thermochemical, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials and devices Energy science and technologies that avoid the use of critical raw elements or detrimental environmental effects during preparation, manufacture and end-of-life are particularly encouraged.

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Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering

ISSN: 1007-2012

Synthetic Metals

ISSN: 0379-6779eISSN: 1879-3290

This journal is an international medium for the rapid publication of original research papers, short communications and subject reviews dealing with research on and applications of electronic polymers and electronic molecular materials including novel carbon architectures. These functional materials have the properties of metals, semiconductors or magnets and are distinguishable from elemental and alloy/binary metals, semiconductors and magnets.Materials considered to be within the purview of this journal include:• low-dimensional conductors and superconductors such as organic charge-transfer compounds and metal chain compounds• conducting and semiconducting polymers and molecular materials• fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and related novel carbon architectures• supramolecular conjugated architectures• nanoscale electronic molecular and electronic polymer materials• molecule- and polymer-based magnets.Experimental, theoretical and application papers on the chemistry, physics and engineering of these materials are encouraged for submission. Original manuscripts on their chemical, electrochemical, electrical, photonic and magnetic properties will be considered for publication. Papers on electronic, electroluminescent, lasing, solar cell, anticorrosion, sensor, actuator, biological and other potential device applications of these materials are encouraged.

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Te Zhong Zhu Zao Ji You Se He Jin/Journal of Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys

ISSN: 1001-2249

Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

ISSN: 0021-1575

The Chemical Record

ISSN: 1527-8999eISSN: 1528-0691

Aims and Scope Download Flyer The Chemical Record (TCR) is a “highlights” journal publishing timely and critical overviews of new developments at the cutting edge of chemistry of interest to a wide audience of chemists (2009 journal impact factor: 3.862). The scope of published reviews includes all areas related to physical chemistry. analytical chemistry. inorganic chemistry. organic chemistry. polymer chemistry. materials chemistry. bioorganic chemistry. biochemistry. biotechnology and medicinal chemistry as well as interdisciplinary fields. TCR provides carefully selected highlight papers by leading researchers that introduce the author’s own experimental and theoretical results in a framework designed to establish perspectives with earlier and contemporary work and provide a critical review of the present state of the subject. The articles are intended to present concise evaluations of current trends in chemistry research to help chemists gain useful insights into fields outside their specialization and provide experts with summaries of recent key developments. Authors are encouraged to give perspectives on their own personal thinking and the historical development that led to significant breakthroughs in research.New developments from industrial laboratories will be featured in a separate section covering corporate research. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Manuscripts are generally solicited by the editors. however. voluntary contributions are also welcome. In the latter case potential authors are asked to contact the Editorial Office with an outline before beginning to write in order to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure suitability of the topic and the level of coverage.

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The Journal of Adhesion

ISSN: 0021-8464eISSN: 1545-5823

This journal is of very broad interest to the large technical community concerned with the development of an understanding of the phenomenon of adhesion and its practical applications. The art of adhesion is maturing into a science which requires a broad, coordinated interdisciplinary effort to provide an understanding of its complex nature and numerous manifestations. The Journal of Adhesion provides a forum for discussion of the basic and applied problems in adhesion. Papers are considered relevant if they contribute to the understanding of the response of systems of joined materials to mechanical or other disruptive influences. Experimental papers are required to incorporate theoretical background and theoretical papers must relate to practice. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Thin Solid Films

ISSN: 0040-6090eISSN: 1879-2731

Thin Solid Films is an international journal which serves scientists and engineers working in the fields of thin-film synthesis, characterization, and applications. The field of thin films, which can be defined as the confluence of materials science, surface science, and applied physics, has become an identifiable unified discipline of scientific endeavor. The scope of Thin Solid Films is indicated by, but not limited to, the following topical subheadings:• A. Synthesis and Characterization• B. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Colloidal Behaviour• C. Metallurgical, Protective, and Hard Layers• D. Mechanics and Nanomechanics of Thin Layers• E. Electronics, Optics, and Opto-electronics• F. Magnetics and Magneto-optics• G. Superconductivity• H. Langmuir—Blodgett, Biological, and Related Films• I. Thin Film Devices, Sensors, and Actuators• J. Condensed Matter Film Behaviour.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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