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ISSN: 0277-5387eISSN: 1873-3719

Polyhedron publishes original, fundamental, experimental and theoretical work of the highest quality in all the major areas of inorganic chemistry. This includes synthetic chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and solid-state and materials chemistry. Papers should be significant pieces of work, and all new compounds must be appropriately characterized. The inclusion of single-crystal X-ray structural data is strongly encouraged, but papers reporting only the X-ray structure determination of a single compound will usually not be considered. Papers on solid-state or materials chemistry will be expected to have a significant molecular chemistry component, such as the synthesis and characterization of the molecular precursors and/or a systematic study of the use of different precursors or reaction conditions.Polyhedron publishes full papers, specially commissioned review articles (Polyhedron Reports) and themed issues of the journal (Polyhedron Symposia-in-Print). Polyhedron does not publish communications or notes.

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ISSN: 0032-3861

Polymer publishes original research from all areas of polymer science and technology with emphasis on molecular or meso-scale interpretation of data. Papers from new emerging areas of the field are particularly welcome. In addition to regular articles and communications, the journal also publishes review articles - usually invited by the Editors.Frequency: every 2 weeks, 26 times per year.Index bound in last issue of calendar year.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Polymer Bulletin

ISSN: 0170-0839eISSN: 1436-2449

Polymer Bulletin publishes significant advances in polymer science, including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and material science. It aims to provide a meeting ground for researchers who daily encounter problems related to polymers and who welcome opportunities to share their discoveries in a most expeditious manner.Polymer Bulletin considers Original Papers (8 pages), Reviews (16 pages) and Featured Articles (12 pages) for publication.

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Polymer Composites

ISSN: 0272-8397eISSN: 1548-0569

Polymer Composites is the engineering and scientific journal serving the fields of reinforced plastics and polymer composites including research, production, processing, and applications. PC brings you the details of developments in this rapidly expanding area of technology long before they are commercial realities.

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Polymer Degradation and Stability

ISSN: 0141-3910eISSN: 1873-2321

Polymer Degradation and Stability deals with the degradation reactions and their control which are a major preoccupation of practitioners of the many and diverse aspects of modern polymer technology.Deteriorative reactions occur during processing, when polymers are subjected to heat, oxygen and mechanical stress, and during the useful life of the materials when oxygen and sunlight are the most important degradative agencies. In more specialised applications, degradation may be induced by high energy radiation, ozone, atmospheric pollutants, mechanical stress, biological action, hydrolysis and many other influences. The mechanisms of these reactions and stabilisation processes must be understood if the technology and application of polymers are to continue to advance. The reporting of investigations of this kind is therefore a major function of this journal.However there are also new developments in polymer technology in which degradation processes find positive applications. For example, photodegradable plastics are now available, the recycling of polymeric products will become increasingly important, degradation and combustion studies are involved in the definition of the fire hazards which are associated with polymeric materials and the microelectronics industry is vitally dependent upon polymer degradation in the manufacture of its circuitry. Polymer properties may also be improved by processes like curing and grafting, the chemistry of which can be closely related to that which causes physical deterioration in other circumstances.Radiation of various kinds is used to initiate many of these modern technological processes so that polymer photochemistry has come to a new prominence and finds a major place in this journal.The study of all these processes has made extensive use of modern instrumental analytical methods and the various spectrometric, chromatographic and thermal analysis techniques have been particularly prominent.There is clearly a strong common bond between investigations in various parts of the field. Polymer Degradation and Stability provides a forum for the publication of their work.

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Polymer Engineering and Science

ISSN: 0032-3888eISSN: 1548-2634

For more than 30 years, Polymer Engineering & Science has been one of the most highly regarded journals in the field, serving as a forum for authors of treatises on the cutting edge of polymer science and technology. The importance of PE&S is underscored by the frequent rate at which its articles are cited, especially by other publications - literally thousand of times a year. Engineers, researchers, technicians, and academicians worldwide are looking to PE&S for the valuable information they need. There are special issues compiled by distinguished guest editors. These contain proceedings of symposia on such diverse topics as polyblends, mechanics of plastics and polymer welding.

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Polymer International

ISSN: 0959-8103eISSN: 1097-0126

Polymer International publishes on new developments in all branches of macromolecular science and technology. The journal covers original research on biopolymers, polymer chemistry, polymer physics and industrial polymer science.

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Polymer Journal

ISSN: 0032-3896

<<Message from The Society of Polymer Science. Japan>>Please access it about the article after 2006.

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Polymer Korea

ISSN: 0379-153X

Polymer Reviews

ISSN: 1558-3724eISSN: 1558-3716

Polymer Reviews publishes topical issues, consisting of invited high quality reviews on topics of current interest in all areas of macromolecular science and engineering. Areas of particular interest are biomedical applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanostructures, micro- and nano-fabrication, biological molecules (DNA, proteins, carbohydrates), polymers for renewable energy and the environment, and polymers at the interfaces with other disciplines. Articles may either provide a complete, broad review of a topic, or may concentrate on the author's own work, placing that work in the context of the broader field. Please note that Polymer Reviews only publishes invited articles. Unsolicited articles will not be accepted, and will be returned to the author without review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Polymer Science, Series A. Polymer Physics

ISSN: 0965-545XeISSN: 1555-6107

Polymer Science is published since 1959 under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal (Series A, B, C) presents original papers and reviews covering all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science. Contributions should be of marked novelty and interest for a broad readership. Articles may be written in English or Russian regardless of country and nationality of authors. Articles in Russian are published simultaneously in the Russian version and as a translation in the English version. All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Series A includes experimental and theoretical papers and reviews devoted to physicochemical studies of the structure and properties of polymers (12 issues a year).

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Polymer Science, Series B. Polymer Chemistry

ISSN: 0507-5475eISSN: 1555-6123
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Polymer Science, Series C. Selected Topics

ISSN: 1811-2382eISSN: 1555-614X

Polymer Science is published since 1959 under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal (Series A, B, C) presents original papers and reviews covering all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science.Contributions should be of marked novelty and interest for a broad readership. Articles may be written in English or Russian regardless of country and nationality of authors. Articles in Russian are published simultaneously in the Russian version and as a translation in the English version. All manuscripts are peer reviewed.Series C (Selected Topics) includes experimental and theoretical papers and reviews on the selected actual topics of macromolecular science chosen by the Editorial Board. Submission is possible by invitation only.

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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering

ISSN: 0360-2559eISSN: 1525-6111

The journal Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering will provide a forum for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles such as state-of-the-art reviews, full research papers, reports, notes/communications, and letters on all aspects of polymer and plastics technology that are industrial, semi-commercial, and/or research oriented. Some examples of the topics covered are specialty polymers (functional polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, conducting polymers, thermally stable polymers, and photoactive polymers), engineering polymers (polymer composites, polymer blends, fiber forming polymers, polymer membranes, preceramics, and reactive processing), biomaterials (bio-polymers, biodegradable polymers, biomedical plastics), applications of polymers (construction plastics materials, electronics and communications, leather and allied areas, surface coatings, packaging, and automobile), and other areas (non-solution based polymerization processes, biodegradable plastics, environmentally friendly polymers, recycling of plastics, advanced materials, polymer plastics degradation and stabilization, natural, synthetic and graft polymers/copolymers, macromolecular metal complexes, catalysts for producing ultranattormolecular weight distribution polymers, structure property relations, reactor design and catalyst technology for compositional control of polymers, advanced manufacturing techniques and equipment, plastics processing, testing and characterization, analytical tools for characterizing molecular properties and other timely subjects). The journal will also accept contributions in the area of polymer reaction engineering such as reactor design and modeling, process optimization, and process control, advanced manufacturing techniques and equipment, plastics processing, testing and characterization, analytical tools for characterizing molecular properties, experimental and mathematical description of polymerization reactions and post-polymerization chemical modifications, kinetics, simulations, etc. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Polymers Paint Colour Journal

ISSN: 1357-731X

Polymers and Polymer Composites

ISSN: 0967-3911eISSN: 1478-2391
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Powder Metallurgy

ISSN: 0032-5899eISSN: 1743-2901
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Powder Metallurgy is an international journal publishing peer reviewed original research on the science and practice of powder metallurgy; and news of technological and commercial developments in the industry and PM community. Coverage is broad, encompassing hard materials, ceramics, and composites in addition to metallic PM materials, and ranging from the production, handling, and characterisation of powders, through compaction and sintering and other consolidation routes, to the properties, secondary processing, and applications of PM components.

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Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics

ISSN: 1068-1302eISSN: 1573-9066

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics covers topics of the theory, manufacturing technology, and properties of powder; technology of forming processes; the technology of sintering, heat treatment, and thermo-chemical treatment; properties of sintered materials; and testing methods. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya.

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Progress in Organic Coatings

ISSN: 0300-9440eISSN: 1873-331X
The aim of this international journal is to analyse and publicise the progress and current state of knowledge in the field of organic coatings and related materials. The Editors and the Board members will solicit both review and research papers from academic and industrial scientists who are actively engaged in research and development or, in the case of review papers, have extensive experience in the subject to be reviewed. Unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted if they meet the journal's requirements. The journal publishes papers dealing with such subjects as:

• Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials

• Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials

• Performance, testing and analysis.

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Progress in Polymer Science

ISSN: 0079-6700
Progress in Polymer Science publishes state-of-the-art overview articles by internationally recognized authorities in polymer science and engineering, one of the fastest growing disciplines. The journal provides a link between original articles, innovations published in patents, and the up-to-date knowledge of technology. It publishes review articles on subjects not only within the traditional fields of polymer science and technology - chemistry, physics and engineering involving polymers - but also within interdisciplinary developing fields such as functional and speciality polymers, biomaterials, polymers and drug delivery, polymers in electronic applications, composites, conducting polymers, liquid crystalline materials and the interphases between polymers and ceramics, and new fabrication techniques, where significant contributions are being made. Contributors are usually invited by the Editor; however, authors wishing to submit to the journal are encouraged to submit an abstract of their article to the

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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