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Open Systems and Information Dynamics

ISSN: 1230-1612eISSN: 1793-7191
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PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin

ISSN: 2224-9893eISSN: 2226-1869

Physical Mesomechanics

ISSN: 1029-9599eISSN: 1990-5424

The journal provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies and reviews related in the physical mesomechanics and also solid-state physics, mechanics, materials science, geodynamics, non-destructive testing and in a large number of other fields where the physical mesomechanics may be used extensively. Papers dealing with the processing, characterization, structure and physical properties and computational aspects of the mesomechanics of heterogeneous media, fracture mesomechanics, physical mesomechanics of materials, mesomechanics applications for geodynamics and tectonics, mesomechanics of smart materials and materials for electronics, non-destructive testing are viewed as suitable for publication.

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Polymer Degradation and Stability

ISSN: 0141-3910eISSN: 1873-2321

Polymer Degradation and Stability deals with the degradation reactions and their control which are a major preoccupation of practitioners of the many and diverse aspects of modern polymer technology.Deteriorative reactions occur during processing, when polymers are subjected to heat, oxygen and mechanical stress, and during the useful life of the materials when oxygen and sunlight are the most important degradative agencies. In more specialised applications, degradation may be induced by high energy radiation, ozone, atmospheric pollutants, mechanical stress, biological action, hydrolysis and many other influences. The mechanisms of these reactions and stabilisation processes must be understood if the technology and application of polymers are to continue to advance. The reporting of investigations of this kind is therefore a major function of this journal.However there are also new developments in polymer technology in which degradation processes find positive applications. For example, photodegradable plastics are now available, the recycling of polymeric products will become increasingly important, degradation and combustion studies are involved in the definition of the fire hazards which are associated with polymeric materials and the microelectronics industry is vitally dependent upon polymer degradation in the manufacture of its circuitry. Polymer properties may also be improved by processes like curing and grafting, the chemistry of which can be closely related to that which causes physical deterioration in other circumstances.Radiation of various kinds is used to initiate many of these modern technological processes so that polymer photochemistry has come to a new prominence and finds a major place in this journal.The study of all these processes has made extensive use of modern instrumental analytical methods and the various spectrometric, chromatographic and thermal analysis techniques have been particularly prominent.There is clearly a strong common bond between investigations in various parts of the field. Polymer Degradation and Stability provides a forum for the publication of their work.

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Powder Metallurgy

ISSN: 0032-5899eISSN: 1743-2901
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Powder Metallurgy is an international journal publishing peer reviewed original research on the science and practice of powder metallurgy; and news of technological and commercial developments in the industry and PM community. Coverage is broad, encompassing hard materials, ceramics, and composites in addition to metallic PM materials, and ranging from the production, handling, and characterisation of powders, through compaction and sintering and other consolidation routes, to the properties, secondary processing, and applications of PM components.

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Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics

ISSN: 1068-1302eISSN: 1573-9066

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics covers topics of the theory, manufacturing technology, and properties of powder; technology of forming processes; the technology of sintering, heat treatment, and thermo-chemical treatment; properties of sintered materials; and testing methods. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya.

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Praktische Metallographie

ISSN: 0032-678X

Die Rechte f r die Nutzung von Artikeln f r elektronische Pressespiegel erhalten Sie ber die PMG Presse-Monitor Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. Tel. +49 30 28493-0 oder .

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ISSN: 1522-7898

Progress in Aerospace Sciences

ISSN: 0376-0421eISSN: 1873-1724

Progress in Aerospace Sciences is an international review journal designed to be of broad interest and use to all those concerned with research in aerospace sciences and their applications in research establishments, industry and universities. The journal is devoted primarily to the publication of specially commissioned review articles designed to bring together under one cover current advances in the ever-broadening field of aerospace sciences. No artificial limits are imposed on the length of papers and authors are encouraged to provide specialist readers with an orderly and concise summary of recent work, including sufficient detail for more general aerospace readers to be informed of recent developments in fields other than their own.The coverage of the journal includes timely reviews in aeronautics and astronautics, especially in important aerospace areas such as aero- and gas dynamics, aero-and space structures, flight mechanics of air and space vehicles, materials, vibrations, aeroelasticity, acoustics, aero- and space propulsion, avionics, and occasionally some related areas as well, such as wind engineering and hydrodynamics. "While the emphasis is on reviews of current developments, papers providing historical perspectives on important past developments and their pioneers are also welcome. Occasionally, the journal also publishes reviews of new books on aerospace topics."

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R and D: Research and Development Kobe Steel Engineering Reports

ISSN: 0373-8868
Publisher: Kobe Steel Ltd.

RSC Applied Interfaces

eISSN: 2755-3701

RSC Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary reference journal for cutting-edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces. In addition to the applied focus, work considered for publication in RSC Applied Interfaces is expected to be highly original and of top quality. Research papers should highlight the role of interfaces (morphology and composition) and interfacial processes in determining a material’s properties and functionalities. The journal seeks to report major scientific advances beyond the state of the art, at the cutting edge of this interdisciplinary field. Our RSC Applied journals are dedicated to materials science research with a strong focus on innovation in the application, and sit alongside Journals of Materials Chemistry A, B and C in terms of quality and impact.

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RSC Applied Polymers

eISSN: 2755-371X

RSC Applied Polymers is a leading international journal for the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies on both natural and synthetic systems. The journal is a premier cross-disciplinary publishing home for scientific research that leverages polymeric materials in a range of applications, welcoming high-impact advances made possible with polymers across materials, biology, energy applications, and beyond. Polymer researchers across chemistry, materials science, biology, and engineering, are all welcome to share timely and impactful contributions, connecting fundamental scientific insights to performance-related metrics. The journal welcomes research on the application of polymers in different areas, and the relationship to structure and/or composition, as afforded by synthesis and/or processing. Our RSC Applied journals are dedicated to materials science research with a strong focus on innovation in the application, and sit alongside Journals of Materials Chemistry A, B and C in terms of quality and impact.

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RSC Mechanochemistry

eISSN: 2976-8683

RSC Mechanochemistry focuses on the publication of innovative research that advances the fundamental understanding and application of the use of mechanical force for driving and controlling chemical reactions and materials transformations in the gas, liquid, and solid states. As mechanochemistry is where chemistry and mechanics meet, and involves the interaction of mechanical energy with matter at the molecular, supramolecular, and bulk materials levels, it encompasses not only areas such as sustainable chemical synthesis, but also tribochemistry, chemo/mechanical transduction (e.g. polymer mechanochemistry, mechano-biology, photo-mechanochemistry), and mechanical alloying. Submissions on all aspects related to mechanochemistry and its role in enhancing and broadening sustainable chemistry are welcome.

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Research in Nondestructive Evaluation

ISSN: 0934-9847eISSN: 1432-2110

Research in Nondestructive Evaluation® is the American Society for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation’s archival research journal. RNDE® contains the results of original research in all areas of nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The journal covers experimental and theoretical investigations dealing with the scientific and engineering bases of NDE, its measurement and methodology, and a wide range of applications of materials and structures that relate to the entire life cycle, from manufacture to use and retirement. Illustrative topics include advances in the underlying science of acoustic, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical and ionizing radiation techniques and their applications to NDE problems. These problems include the nondestructive characterization of a wide variety of material properties and their degradation in service, nonintrusive sensors for monitoring manufacturing and materials processes, new techniques and combinations of techniques for detecting and characterizing hidden discontinuities and distributed damage in materials, standardization concepts and quantitative approaches for advanced NDE techniques, and long-term continuous monitoring of structures and assemblies.

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Rivista Italiana della Saldatura

ISSN: 0035-6794

Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration

ISSN: 1584-7284

Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals

ISSN: 1067-8212eISSN: 1934-970X

The main aim of the Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals is to achieve a new knowledge in such topics as extraction metallurgy, hydro- and piro- metallurgy, casting, plastic deformation, metallography and heat treatment, powder metallurgy and composites, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, surface engineering and advanced protected coatings, environments and energy capacity in non-ferrous metallurgy. Coverage includes both theoretical and applied articles. All major nonferrous metals and alloys are treated, and the emphasis throughout is on the development and improvement of cost effective, environmentally safe methods of nonferrous metals production. The journal publishes articles originating from universities, research institutions, Russian Academy of Sciences institutes and industrial research laboratories.

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Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

ISSN: 1061-8309eISSN: 1608-3385

The Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing offers current Russian research on the theory and technology of nondestructive testing of materials and components; describes laboratory and industrial investigations of devices and instrumentation; and provides reviews of new equipment developed for series manufacture. Articles cover all physical methods of nondestructive testing, including magnetic and electrical; ultrasonic; X-ray and y-ray; capillary; liquid; and radio. This is a translation of Defectoskopiya, is a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian volume-year is published in English beginning in July.

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Scripta Materialia

ISSN: 1359-6462

Scripta Materialia is a LETTERS journal of Acta Materialia, providing a forum for the rapid publication of short communications on the relationship between the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. The emphasis is on originality rather than incremental research. Short reports on the development of materials with novel or substantially improved properties are also welcomed. Emphasis is on either the functional or mechanical behavior of metals, ceramics and semiconductors at all length scales.The following aspects are of particular interest:(i) discovery or development of new materials with novel functional or mechanical properties of potential engineering interests;(ii) characterization of the structure and chemistry of materials for understanding the properties;(iii) cutting-edge experiments and theory for understanding structure-property relationships;(iv) novelty in simulation and modeling in the context of understanding properties, preferably combined with experimental verification;(v) elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the synthesis and processing of materials as a route to the elucidation of properties;In addition, Scripta Materialia publishes comments on papers published in Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia. The journal also publishes Viewpoint Sets, which are a collection of invited short articles focused on topics of current interest within the scope of the journal and coordinated by invited guest editors.

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Shock and Vibration

ISSN: 1070-9622eISSN: 1875-9203

The intention of the journal Shock and Vibration is to provide a source for the publication of original, archival articles on shock, vibration, sound, structural dynamics, biodynamics, crashworthiness, earthquake engineering, gun dynamics, vehicle dynamics and dynamics and vibration performance of civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering structures. Among the specific areas to be covered are vibration measurements, testing and control, vibration condition monitoring and structural health monitoring, shock hardening, modal testing technology, shock testing, data acquisition, fluid-structure interaction, isolation, noise generation and control, damping, statistical energy analysis, identification (inverse) problems, impact biodynamics, vehicle dynamics, gun dynamics, crashworthiness and vibration serviceability in civil engineering structures. Contributions can cover computational, analytical, and / or experimental technology related to the general area of shock and vibration.

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