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Journal of Supercomputing

ISSN: 0920-8542eISSN: 1573-0484

The Journal of Supercomputing pubishes papers on the technology, architecture and systems, algorithms, languages and programs, performance measures and methods, and applications of all aspects of Supercomputing. Tutorial and survey papers are intended for workers and students in the fields associated with and employing advanced computer systems. The journal also publishes letters to the editor, especially in areas relating to policy, succinct statements of paradoxes, intuitively puzzling results, partial results and real needs.Published theoretical and practical papers are advanced, in-depth treatments describing new developments and new ideas. Each includes an introduction summarizing prior, directly pertinent work that is useful for the reader to understand, in order to appreciate the advances being described. 

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Journal of Systems and Software

ISSN: 0164-1212eISSN: 1873-1228

The Journal of Systems and Software publishes papers covering all aspects of software engineering and related hardware-software-systems issues. All articles should include a validation of the idea presented, e.g. through case studies, experiments, or systematic comparisons with other approaches already in practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:• Methods and tools for, and empirical studies on, software requirements, design, architecture, verification and validation, maintenance and evolution• Agile, model-driven, service-oriented, open source and global software development• Approaches for mobile, multiprocessing, real-time, distributed, cloud-based, dependable and virtualized systems• Human factors and management concerns of software development• Data management and big data issues of software systems• Metrics and evaluation, data mining of software development resources• Business and economic aspects of software development processesThe journal welcomes state-of-the-art surveys and reports of practical experience for all of these topics.Controversy cornerThe goal of the Controversy corner is both to present information and to stimulate thought and discussion. Topics chosen for this coverage are not just traditional formal discussions of research work; they also contain ideas at the fringes of the field's "conventional wisdom".Articles in this category will succeed only to the extent that they stimulate not just thought, but action.

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Journal of computer virology and hacking techniques

eISSN: 2263-8733
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Journal of the ACM

ISSN: 0004-5411eISSN: 1557-735X

The Journal of the ACM (JACM) provides coverage of the most significant work going on in computer science, broadly construed. It is a peer-reviewed journal, published six times a year by ACM.We publish original research papers of lasting value in computer science. To be accepted, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field and to be of interest to a wide audience. We are particularly interested in work at the boundaries, both the boundaries of subdisciplines of computer science and the boundaries between computer science and other fields.

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Knowledge and Information Systems

ISSN: 0219-1377eISSN: 0219-3116

Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) provides an international forum for researchers and professionals to share their knowledge and report new advances on all topics related to knowledge systems and advanced information systems. This bi-monthly peer-reviewed archival journal publishes state-of-the-art research reports on emerging topics in KAIS, reviews of important techniques in related areas, and application papers of interest to a general readership. The journal focuses on knowledge systems and advanced information systems, including their theoretical foundations, infrastructure and enabling technologies. We solicit submissions of original research, and experience and vision papers that address this theme. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Knowledge and information processing: theory, techniques and systems knowledge and data engineering decision support active and dynamic systems data sharing and warehousing temporal and spatial database processing intelligent information retrieval learning and adaptation knowledge discovery and data mining artificial life modelling and object orientation software re-engineering co-operativeness, interoperability and software re-usability human-computer interaction hypertext, hypermedia and multimedia data and knowledge visualization Underlying computational techniques soft computing (including neural nets, fuzzy logic, probabilistic reasoning, and rough set theory) evolutionary computing hybrid computing uncertainty management agent architectures and systems (including multi-agent scenarios) Platforms high performance comp, uting systems distributed intelligent systems mobile systems Application to specific problem domains biomedical systems geographical systems software information systems emerging applications (such as Internet technologies and digital libraries) We publish critical review papers to discuss the state of the art in particular areas, as well as state-of-the-art research reports. Accepted papers are grouped for publication so that individual issues focus on a small number of theme areas. In addition to archival papers, the journal also publishes significant on-going research in the form of Short Papers (limited to 3000 words), and very short papers on 'visions and directions' (no more than 1000 words, excluding bibliography). We conduct reviews in a timely fashion and inform authors of decisions with a target turnaround time of 3 months. Selected papers from relevant conferences are welcome. Good papers with high quality reviews can be accepted after the expansion and revision is verified by an Associate Editor of the Editorial Board. Conference organizers are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief for further information.

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Machine Vision and Applications

ISSN: 0932-8092eISSN: 1432-1769

Sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition, this journal publishes high-quality, technical contributions in machine vision research and development. Machine Vision and Applications features coverage of all applications and engineering aspects of image-related computing, including original contributions dealing with scientific, commercial, industrial, military, and biomedical applications of machine vision. The journal places particular emphasis on the engineering and technology aspects of image processing and computer vision. It includes coverage of the following aspects of machine vision applications: algorithms, architectures, VLSI implementations, AI techniques and expert systems for machine vision, front-END sensing, multidimensional and multisensor machine vision, real-time techniques, image databases, virtual reality and visualization.

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Microprocessors and Microsystems

ISSN: 0141-9331eISSN: 1872-9436

Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO) is a journal covering all design and architectural aspects related to embedded systems hardware. It includes different embedded system hardware platforms ranging from custom hardware via reconfigurable systems and application specific processors to general purpose embedded processors. Special emphasis is put on novel complex embedded architectures, such as systems on chip (SoC), systems on a programmable/reconfigurable chip (SoPC) and multi-processors on a chip (MPoC) as well as their communication methods, such as network-on-chip (NoC).Design automation of such systems including methodologies, techniques and tools for their design as well as novel designs of hardware components fall within the scope of this journal. Novel applications that use embedded systems are also central in this journal. While software is not a part of this journal hardware/software co-design methods that consider interplay between software and hardware components with emphasis on hardware are also relevant here.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Microsystem Technologies

ISSN: 0946-7076eISSN: 1432-1858

Featuring rapid publication of important results, Microsystem Technologies examines electromechanical, materials, design, and manufacturing issues of microsystems and their components. It integrates the knowledge, experience, and capabilities of academic and industrial specialists in many fields. Moreover, it contributes to the economically and ecologically sound production of reliable, high performance MEMS and information storage and processing systems.                  The journal’s coverage of MEMS/NEMS addresses sensors, actuators, and other micro/nanosystems as well as micromechatronic systems integration. Coverage of information storage systems includes magnetic recording, optical recording, and other recording devices. Lastly, under the category of processing systems, the journal explores copiers, printers, scanners, and digital cameras. All contributions meet international archival quality standards.

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Mobile Networks and Applications

ISSN: 1383-469XeISSN: 1572-8153

The journal Mobile Networks and Applications reflects the emerging symbiosis of portable computers and wireless networks, addressing the convergence of mobility, computing and information organization, access and management. In its special issues, the journal places an equal emphasis on various areas of nomadic computing, data management, related software and hardware technologies, and mobile user services, alongside more ‘classical’ topics in wireless and mobile networking. The journal documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution.

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Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

ISSN: 0923-6082eISSN: 1573-0824

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing publishes research and selective surveys papers ranging from the fundamentals to important new findings. The journal responds to and provides a solution to the widely scattered nature of publications in this area, offering unity of theme, reduced duplication of effort, and greatly enhanced communication among researchers and practitioners in the field.A partial list of topics addressed in the journal includes multidimensional control systems design and implementation;  multidimensional stability and realization theory; prediction and filtering of multidimensional processes; Spatial-temporal signal processing; multidimensional filters and filter-banks; array signal processing; and applications of multidimensional systems and signal processing to areas such as healthcare and 3-D imaging techniques.

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Multimedia Systems

ISSN: 0942-4962eISSN: 1432-1882

This journal details innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. It features theoretical, experimental, and survey articles. Coverage in Multimedia Systems includes: - Integration of digital video and audio capabilities in computer systems - Multimedia information encoding and data interchange formats - Operating system mechanisms for digital multimedia - Digital video and audio networking and communication - Storage models and structures - Methodologies, paradigms, tools, and software architectures for supporting multimedia applications - Multimedia applications and application program interfaces, and multimedia endsystem architectures.

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Multimedia Tools and Applications

ISSN: 1380-7501eISSN: 1573-7721

Multimedia Tools and Applications publishes original research articles on multimedia development and system support tools as well as case studies of multimedia applications. It also features experimental and survey articles. The journal is intended for academics, practitioners, scientists and engineers who are involved in multimedia system research, design and applications. All papers are peer reviewed.Specific areas of interest include: - Multimedia Tools: - Multimedia Applications: - Prototype multimedia systems and platforms - Home - Education and Training - Operations - Public - Business Office - Visual Information Systems

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NEC Technical Journal

ISSN: 1880-5884


ISSN: 0028-3045eISSN: 1097-0037

Network problems are pervasive in our modern technological society, as witnessed by our reliance on physical networks that provide power, communication, and transportation. As well, a number of processes can be modeled using logical networks, as in the scheduling of interdependent tasks, the dating of archaeological artifacts, or the compilation of subroutines comprising a large computer program. Networks provide a common framework for posing and studying problems that often have wider applicability than their originating context. The goal of this journal is to provide a central forum for the distribution of timely information about network problems, their design and mathematical analysis, as well as efficient algorithms for carrying out optimization on networks. The nonstandard modeling of diverse processes using networks and network concepts is also of interest. Consequently, the disciplines that are useful in studying networks are varied, including applied mathematics, operations research, computer science, discrete mathematics, and economics. Networks publishes material on the modeling of problems using networks, the analysis of network problems, the design of computationally efficient network algorithms, and innovative case studies of successful network applications. Since the audience for this journal is then necessarily broad, articles that impact multiple application areas or that creatively use new or existing methodologies are especially appropriate. We seek to publish original, well-written research papers that make a substantive contribution to the knowledge base. In addition, tutorial and survey articles are welcomed. All manuscripts are carefully refereed.

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Neural Network World

ISSN: 1210-0552eISSN: 2336-4335

New Generation Computing

ISSN: 0288-3635eISSN: 1882-7055

This journal supports the development of new computational paradigms stemming from the cross-fertilization of various research fields, such as programming (logic, constraint, functional, object-oriented), distributed/parallel computing, knowledge-based systems and agent-oriented systems. It presents theoretical and practical papers that cover all types of learning, knowledge discovery, evolutionary mechanisms, and emergent systems that can lead to key technologies that enable the building of more complex and intelligent systems. Major fields covered in New Generation Computing, include: Computing Paradigms Programming and Architecture Network Computing Intelligent Systems Learning Evolutionary Systems.

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Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications

ISSN: 0167-8191

Parallel Computing is an international journal presenting the practical use of parallel computer systems, including high performance architecture, system software, programming systems and tools, and applications. Within this context the journal covers all aspects of high-end parallel computing.Parallel Computing features original research work, tutorial and review articles as well as novel or illustrative accounts of application experience with (and techniques for) the use of parallel computers. Contributions can cover:• System software for parallel computer systems including programming languages (new languages as well as compilation techniques), operating systems (including middleware), and resource management (scheduling and load-balancing).• Enabling software including debuggers, performance tools, and system and numeric libraries.• General hardware (architecture) concepts, new technologies enabling the realization of such new concepts, and details of commercially available systems• Software engineering and productivity as it relates to parallel computing• Application or tool case studies demonstrating novel ways to achieve parallelism• Performance measurement results on state-of-the-art systems• Approaches to effectively utilize large-scale parallel computing including new algorithms or algorithm analysis with demonstrated relevance to real applications using existing or next generation parallel computer architectures.• Parallel I/O systems both hardware and software• Networking technology for support of high-speed computing demonstrating the impact of high-speed computation on parallel applicationsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Parallel Processing Letters

ISSN: 0129-6264eISSN: 1793-642X

Parallel Processing Letters (PPL) aims to rapidly disseminate results on a worldwide basis in the field of parallel processing in the form of short papers. It fills the need for an information vehicle which can convey recent achievements and further the exchange of scientific information in the field. This journal has a wide scope and topics covered include:

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Performance Evaluation

ISSN: 0166-5316eISSN: 1872-745X

Performance Evaluation functions as a leading journal in the area of modeling, measurement, and evaluation of performance aspects of computing and communication systems. As such, it aims to present a balanced and complete view of the entire Performance Evaluation profession. Hence, the journal is interested in papers that focus on one or more of the following dimensions:Define new performance evaluation tools, including measurement and monitoring tools as well as modeling and analytic techniquesProvide new insights into the performance of computing and communication systemsIntroduce new application areas where performance evaluation tools can play an important role and creative new uses for performance evaluation tools.More specifically, common application areas of interest include the performance of:Resource allocation and control methods and algorithms (e.g. routing and flow control in networks, bandwidth allocation, processor scheduling, memory management)System architecture, design and implementationCognitive radioVANETsSocial networks and mediaEnergy efficient ICTEnergy harvestingData centersData centric networksSystem reliabilitySystem tuning and capacity planningWireless and sensor networksAutonomic and self-organizing systemsEmbedded systemsNetwork scienceFurther, common performance evaluation tools of interest include:queueing theoryscheduling theorysimulation methodsdata analysismeasurement techniques (e.g. software and hardware monitors) and workload characterizationstochastic geometrylarge deviationsmean-field theorygame theory and equilibrium analysisNote that the above lists are not all inclusive or restrictive and submissions with creative applications of performance evaluation tools outside of those above and/or applications outside of those above are also welcome.A variety of types of submissions are possible, including: original work, tutorials & surveys, news items and short communications.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

ISSN: 1617-4909eISSN: 1617-4917

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing publishes peer-reviewed international research on handheld, wearable and mobile information devices and the pervasive communications infrastructure that supports them to enable the seamless integration of technology and people in their everyday lives. The journal carries compellingly-written, timely and accessible contributions that illuminate the technological, social and design challenges of personal and ubiquitous computing technologies. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing is an essential resource for researchers and educators who wish to understand the implications of ubiquitous computing.

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