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Expert Systems

ISSN: 0266-4720eISSN: 1468-0394

Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering publishes papers dealing with all aspects of knowledge engineering, including individual methods and techniques in knowledge acquisition and representation, their application and evaluation, and the construction of systems - including expert systems - based thereon. As well as traditional application areas, such as Software and Requirements Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence, we are aiming at the new and growing markets for these technologies, such as Business, Economy, Market Research, and Medical and Health Care. The shift towards this new focus will be marked by a series of special issues covering hot and emergent topics.

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Expert Systems with Applications

ISSN: 0957-4174eISSN: 1873-6793

Expert Systems With Applications is a refereed international journal whose focus is on exchanging information relating to expert and intelligent systems applied in industry, government, and universities worldwide. The thrust of the journal is to publish papers dealing with the design, development, testing, implementation, and/or management of expert and intelligent systems, and also to provide practical guidelines in the development and management of these systems. The journal will publish papers in expert and intelligent systems technology and application in the areas of, but not limited to: finance, accounting, engineering, marketing, auditing, law, procurement and contracting, project management, risk assessment, information management, information retrieval, crisis management, stock trading, strategic management, network management, telecommunications, space education, intelligent front ends, intelligent database management systems, medicine, chemistry, human resources management, human capital, business, production management, archaeology, economics, energy, and defense. Papers in multi-agent systems, knowledge management, neural networks, knowledge discovery, data and text mining, multimedia mining, and genetic algorithms will also be published in the journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 2325-1107eISSN: 2325-1131

Faraday Discussions

ISSN: 1359-6640eISSN: 1364-5498

Faraday Discussions covers a variety of topics in rapidly developing areas of the physical sciences, with a focus on physical chemistry and its interfaces with other scientific disciplines. The journal publishes the papers presented and a record of the questions, discussion and debate that took place at the corresponding Faraday Discussions meeting; and provides an important record of current international knowledge and opinions in the relevant field. Each Faraday Discussion covers a topic in a rapidly developing area of chemistry, and will be of interest to academic and industrial chemists across all areas of the chemical sciences. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry

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Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

ISSN: 0168-874XeISSN: 1872-6925
The aim of this journal is to provide ideas and information involving the use of the finite element method and its variants, both in scientific inquiry and in professional practice. The scope is intentionally broad, encompassing use of the finite element method in engineering as well as the pure and applied sciences. The emphasis of the journal will be the development and use of numerical procedures to solve practical problems, although contributions relating to the mathematical and theoretical foundations and computer implementation of numerical methods are likewise welcomed. Review articles presenting unbiased and comprehensive reviews of state-of-the-art topics will also be accommodated.

All to FINEL will be peer reviewed, and must have archival value to be suitable for publication. Reflecting the aforementioned emphasis on solution of practical problems, numerical demonstration of proposed methodologies will generally be considered a necessary ingredient for papers appearing in FINEL. Conversely, applications of existing finite element techniques to widely studied problems will typically not be favorably considered for publication, except where such presentations are particularly novel or enlightening, either with respect to the results obtained or the method of application used.

The journal encompasses any field where numerical solution procedures for initial/boundary value problems are needed to meet design and analysis needs. Although the following list is not exhaustive, contributions are sought in structural mechanics, geomechanics, mechanical engineering, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, thermal sciences, hydrology, chemical engineering, biomechanics, electrical engineering, aero/astro engineering, and environmental engineering and science. In addition to contributions focused directly on numerical methodologies, submissions dealing with computer-aided engineering methods, parallel computing, optimal design strategies, mesh generation and post processing, code validation, experimental verification, and visualization are also solicited.

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We are pleased to announce that a new electronic submission and handling system, EES, has been implemented for Finite Elements in Analylsis and Design. EES (the Elsevier Editorial System) is a web-based system with full online submission, review and status update capabilities. EES allows you to upload files directly from your computer. This is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the efficiency and accuracy of our editorial procedures, and the quality and timeliness of the manuscripts published. We strongly encourage all authors to use EES at the following URL when submitting papers to FINEL. The Elsevier Editorial System can be accessed at (First time users will need to register.)

Related Conferences will be found via the links on the right menu bar under 'Related websites'.

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First Monday

ISSN: 1396-0466eISSN: 1995-2022
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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

ISSN: 0955-5986eISSN: 1873-6998

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation is dedicated to disseminating the latest research results on all aspects of flow measurement, in both closed conduits and open channels. The design of flow measurement systems involves a wide variety of multidisciplinary activities including modelling the flow sensor, the fluid flow and the sensor/fluid interactions through the use of computation techniques; the development of advanced transducer systems and their associated signal processing and the laboratory and field assessment of the overall system under ideal and disturbed conditions.FMI is the essential forum for critical information exchange, and contributions are particularly encouraged in the following areas of interest:Modelling: the application of mathematical and computational modelling to the interaction of fluid dynamics with flowmeters, including flowmeter behaviour, improved flowmeter design and installation problems. Application of CAD/CAE techniques to flowmeter modelling are eligible.Design and development: the detailed design of the flowmeter head and/or signal processing aspects of novel flowmeters. Emphasis is given to papers identifying new sensor configurations, multisensor flow measurement systems, non-intrusive flow metering techniques and the application of microelectronic techniques in smart or intelligent systems.Calibration techniques: including descriptions of new or existing calibration facilities and techniques, calibration data from different flowmeter types, and calibration intercomparison data from different laboratories.Installation effect data: dealing with the effects of non-ideal flow conditions on flowmeters. Papers combining a theoretical understanding of flowmeter behaviour with experimental work are particularly welcome.Multiphase behaviour: whether purpose-designed, or adapted from single-phase operation, coverage of systems for single-phase liquid and gas flows, multiphase flows having solid, liquid and gas phases, and slurries and pastes is equally welcome.Associated measurements and secondary instrumentation: for example, density, viscosity and secondary instrumentation effects.All contributions are subject to peer review, and additional features include:Review articlesCase studiesLetters to the editorPatent surveysBook reviewsCalendar of events and conference reportsFlow Measurement and Instrumentation is essential reading for instrumentation engineers in the oil, gas, power, chemical, food, water and waste treatment industries, manufacturers of flowmeters, and academics involved in research in this area.

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Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation

eISSN: 2666-2817
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Formal Aspects of Computing

ISSN: 0934-5043eISSN: 1433-299X

This journal aims to publish contributions at the junction of theory and practice.  The objective is to disseminate applicable research.  Thus new theoretical contributions are welcome where they are motivated by potential application; applications of existing formalisms are of interest if they show something novel about the approach or application.

The term 'formal methods' has been applied to a range of notations, theories and tools.  There is no doubt that some of these have already had a significant impact on practical applications of computing.  Indeed, it is interesting to note that once something is adopted into practical use it is no longer thought of as a formal method.  Apart from widely used notations such as those for syntax and state machines, there have been significant applications of specification notations, development methods and tools both for proving general results and for searching for specific conditions.  However, the most profound and lasting influence of the formal app

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Formal Methods in System Design

ISSN: 0925-9856eISSN: 1572-8102

Formal Methods in System Design reports on the latest formal methods for designing, implementing, and validating the correctness of hardware (VLSI) and software systems. Readers will find high quality, original papers describing all aspects of research and development. Contributions to the journal serve its goal of developing an important and highly useful collection of commonly applicable formal methods that will strongly influence future design environments and design methods.

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Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory

ISSN: 1567-2190eISSN: 1567-2328
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Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision

ISSN: 1572-2740eISSN: 1572-2759
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Foundations and Trends in Databases

ISSN: 1931-7883eISSN: 1931-7891
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Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation

ISSN: 1551-3939eISSN: 1551-3947
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Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction

ISSN: 1551-3955eISSN: 1551-3963
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Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval

ISSN: 1554-0669eISSN: 1554-0677

The growth in all aspects of research in the last decade has led to a multitude of new publications and an exponential increase in published research. Finding a way through the excellent existing literature and keeping up to date has become a major time-consuming problem. Electronic publishing has given researchers instant access to more articles than ever before. But which articles are the essential ones that should be read to understand and keep abreast with developments of any topic? To address this problem Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval - FnTIR publishes high-quality survey and tutorial monographs of the field using modern techniques to enable both instant linking to the primary research in its electronic form and affordable paper copies, finally delivering on the promise to authors of multiple channel publishing from a single source. Each issue of Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval - FnT IR comprises a 50-100 page monograph written by research leaders in the field. Monographs that give tutorial coverage of subjects, research retrospectives as well as survey papers that offer state-of-the-art reviews fall within the scope of the journal. Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval will publish survey and tutorial articles on the following topics: Applications of IR Architectures for IR Collaborative filtering and recommender systems Cross-lingual and multilingual IR Distributed IR and federated search Evaluation issues and test collections for IR Formal models and language models for IR IR on mobile platforms Indexing and retrieval of structured documents Information categorization and clustering Information extraction Information filtering and routing Metasearch, rank aggregation and data fusion Natural language processing for IR Performance issues for IR systems, including algorithms, data structures, optimization techniques, and scalability Question answering Summarization of single documents, multiple documents, and corpora Text mining Topic detection and tracking Usability, interactivity, and visualization issues in IR User modelling and user studies for IR Web search

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Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning

ISSN: 1935-8237eISSN: 1935-8245
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Foundations and Trends in Networking

ISSN: 1554-057XeISSN: 1554-0588
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Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing

ISSN: 1932-8346eISSN: 1932-8354
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Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science

ISSN: 1551-305XeISSN: 1551-3068
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