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Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)

eISSN: 2303-4521

Petroleum Refinery Engineering

ISSN: 1002-106X

Petroleum Science and Technology

ISSN: 1091-6466eISSN: 1532-2459

The journal covers the character, properties, science, and processing aspectsof heavy oil, tar sand bitumen, and residua. Articles also address the environmental aspects of petroleum recovery, refining, and use. Petroleum Science and Technology also publishes selected proceedings from a conference or a collection of papers dealing with a single relevant topic. The journal is of particular interest to the analytical chemist, petroleum chemist, and the chemical and process engineer. Petroleum Science and Technology is changing its print and online frequency. Institutional subscribers will now receive 12 free online and 6 print issues while personal subscribers will continue to receive 6 print issues containing all of the monthly online articles. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

ISSN: 1463-9076eISSN: 1463-9084

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is an international journal co-owned by 19 physical chemistry and physics societies from around the world. This journal publishes original, cutting-edge research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. To be suitable for publication in PCCP, articles must include significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry; this is the most important criterion that reviewers and Editors will judge against when evaluating submissions. The journal has a broad scope and welcomes contributions spanning experiment, theory, computation and data science. Articles are welcomed if they demonstrate significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry. Joined experimental/theoretical studies are particularly appreciated when complementary and based on up-to-date approaches. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry

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Physical Review Fluids

eISSN: 2469-990X

Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids) is dedicated to publishing innovative research that will significantly advance the fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics. PRFluids embraces both traditional fluid dynamics topics and newer areas, such as bio-related fluid dynamics, micro- and nanoscale flows, fluid mechanics of complex fluids and soft materials, and geophysical and environmental flows.

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Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing

ISSN: 0272-4324eISSN: 1572-8986

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing is an international journal that provides a forum for the publication of original papers on fundamental research and new developments in plasma chemistry and plasma processing. The journal encompasses all types of industrial processing plasmas, ranging from nonthermal plasmas to thermal plasmas, and publishes fundamental plasma studies as well as studies of specific plasma applications. Application contexts of interest include plasma etching in microelectronics and other fields, deposition of thin films and coatings, powder synthesis, environmental processing, lighting, surface modification and others. Includes studies of chemical kinetics in plasmas, and the interactions of plasmas with surfaces.

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Plastics Engineering

ISSN: 0091-9578

Plastics, Rubber and Composites

ISSN: 1465-8011eISSN: 1743-2898
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

he majority of Maney journals are published online via the ingentaconnect platform, with one exception published online via HighWire.Access to the full text of each volume is available free of charge to subscribers with a paid-up subscription to that volume. (Some exceptions apply.) Subscribers are also given access in perpetuity to all previous volumes to which they held a paid-up subscription.For non-subscribers, there is a standard price for all articles and issues available online within each journal. All articles and issues from our archives that are more than 10 years old have a significantly reduced rate – special rates also apply in some instances for special issues and supplements.All prices are indicated next to the article or issue hosted online.

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ISSN: 0032-2725

Polymer Chemistry

eISSN: 1759-9962

The journal for the most innovative and exciting polymer chemistry, with an emphasis on the synthesis and applications of polymers. Polymer Chemistry welcomes submissions in all areas of polymer science that have a strong focus on macromolecular chemistry. Manuscripts may cover a broad range of fields, yet no direct application focus is required.

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Polymer Korea

ISSN: 0379-153X

Polymer Science, Series D

ISSN: 1995-4212eISSN: 1995-4220

The Journal publishes virtually useful engineering developments, which are related to the preparation and application of glues, compounds, sealing materials, and binding agents. The Journal publishes both theoretical and applied articles. The papers on the adhesion theory, ways of prediction of the strength of adhesive joints, methods of controlling their properties, synthesis, and methods of structural of calculations of glued joints and constructions are published in the Journal.Journal published mainly papers of the applied character. In addition, the Journal publishes original articles with the new scientific results, analytical reviews of the modern state of the field. Polymer Science, Series D includes papers from Russian journal Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii published since 2004.

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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering

ISSN: 0360-2559eISSN: 1525-6111

The journal Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering will provide a forum for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles such as state-of-the-art reviews, full research papers, reports, notes/communications, and letters on all aspects of polymer and plastics technology that are industrial, semi-commercial, and/or research oriented. Some examples of the topics covered are specialty polymers (functional polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, conducting polymers, thermally stable polymers, and photoactive polymers), engineering polymers (polymer composites, polymer blends, fiber forming polymers, polymer membranes, preceramics, and reactive processing), biomaterials (bio-polymers, biodegradable polymers, biomedical plastics), applications of polymers (construction plastics materials, electronics and communications, leather and allied areas, surface coatings, packaging, and automobile), and other areas (non-solution based polymerization processes, biodegradable plastics, environmentally friendly polymers, recycling of plastics, advanced materials, polymer plastics degradation and stabilization, natural, synthetic and graft polymers/copolymers, macromolecular metal complexes, catalysts for producing ultranattormolecular weight distribution polymers, structure property relations, reactor design and catalyst technology for compositional control of polymers, advanced manufacturing techniques and equipment, plastics processing, testing and characterization, analytical tools for characterizing molecular properties and other timely subjects). The journal will also accept contributions in the area of polymer reaction engineering such as reactor design and modeling, process optimization, and process control, advanced manufacturing techniques and equipment, plastics processing, testing and characterization, analytical tools for characterizing molecular properties, experimental and mathematical description of polymerization reactions and post-polymerization chemical modifications, kinetics, simulations, etc. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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ISSN: 0104-1428eISSN: 1678-5169

To publish articles and advances on science, technology and marketing in the polymer area.

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Powder Technology

ISSN: 0032-5910eISSN: 1873-328X

Powder Technology is an International Journal on the Science and Technology of Wet and Dry Particulate Systems. Powder Technology publishes papers on all aspects of the formation of particles and their characterisation and on the study of systems containing particulate solids. No limitation is imposed on the size of the particles, which may range from nanometre scale, as in pigments or aerosols, to that of mined or quarried materials. The following list of topics is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to indicate typical subjects which fall within the scope of the journal's interests:Formation and synthesis of particles by precipitation and other methods.Modification of particles by agglomeration, coating, comminution and attrition.Characterisation of the size, shape, surface area, pore structure and strength of particles and agglomerates (including the origins and effects of inter particle forces).Packing, failure, flow and permeability of assemblies of particles.Particle-particle interactions and suspension rheology.Handling and processing operations such as slurry flow, fluidization, pneumatic conveying.Interactions between particles and their environment, including delivery of particulate products to the body.Applications of particle technology in production of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, foods, pigments, structural, and functional materials and in environmental and energy related matters.Contact and other information: Please feel free to contact us for any comments, questions or feedback. In addition, we are always interested in any publication proposals for books, electronic products, new journals and co-operation for existing journals. It is now possible to submit your paper online and benefit from the considerably shorter time required to reach an editorial decision about publication. For all further information, please go directly to

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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

ISSN: 1540-7489eISSN: 1873-2704

The Proceedings of the Combustion Institute contains forefront contributions in fundamentals and applications of combustion science. For more than 50 years, the Combustion Institute has served as the peak international society for dissemination of scientific and technical research in the combustion field. In addition to author submissions, the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute includes the Institute's prestigious invited strategic and topical reviews that represent indispensible resources for emergent research in the field. All papers are subjected to rigorous peer review.Research papers and invited topical reviews; Reaction Kinetics; Soot, PAH, and other large molecules; Diagnostics; Laminar Flames; Turbulent Flames; Heterogeneous Combustion; Spray and Droplet Combustion; Detonations, Explosions & Supersonic Combustion; Fire Research; Stationary Combustion Systems; IC Engine and Gas Turbine Combustion; New Technology ConceptsThe electronic version of Proceedings of the Combustion Institute contains supplemental material such as reaction mechanisms, illustrating movies, and other data.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Process Biochemistry

ISSN: 1359-5113eISSN: 1873-3298

Process Biochemistry is an application-orientated research journal devoted to reporting advances with originality and novelty, in the science and technology of the processes involving bioactive molecules and living organisms. These processes concern the production of useful metabolites or materials, or the removal of toxic compounds using tools and methods of current biology and engineering. Its main areas of interest include novel bioprocesses and enabling technologies (such as nanobiotechnology, tissue engineering, directed evolution, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and synthetic biology) applicable in food (nutraceutical), healthcare (medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic), energy (biofuels), environmental, and biorefinery industries and their underlying biological and engineering principles.Main topics covered include, with most of possible aspects and domains of application:• Fermentation, biochemical and bioreactor engineering• Biotechnology processes and their life science aspects• Biocatalysis, enzyme engineering and biotransformation• Downstream processing• Modeling, optimization and control techniques.Particular aspects related to the processes, raw materials and products, also include:• Quantitative microbial physiology, stress response, signal transduction• Genetic engineering and metabolic engineering• Proteomics, functional genomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics• Chiral compounds production, cell free protein system, high-throughput screening, in-vivo/in-vitro evolution, enzyme immobilization, enzyme reaction in non-aqueous media• Mass transfer, mixing, scale-up and scale-down, bioprocess monitoring, bio-manufacturing• Cell, tissue and antibody engineering: animal and plant cells/tissues, algae, micro-algae, extremophile, antibody screening and production• Environmental biotechnology: biodegradation, bioremediation, wastewater treatment, biosorption and bioaccumulation• Bio-commodity engineering: biomass, bio-refinery, bio-energy• Bioseparation, purification, protein refolding.• Other new bioprocess and bioreactor related topics especially on application to healthcare sectors

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Process Safety Progress

ISSN: 1066-8527eISSN: 1547-5913

Process Safety Progress covers process safety for engineering professionals. It addresses such topics as incident investigations/case histories, hazardous chemicals management, hazardous leaks prevention, risk assessment, process hazards evaluation, industrial hygiene, fire and explosion analysis, preventive maintenance, vapor cloud dispersion, and regulatory compliance, training, education, and other areas in process safety and loss prevention, including emerging concerns like plant and/or process security. Papers from the annual Loss Prevention Symposium and other AIChE safety conferences are automatically considered for publication, but unsolicited papers, particularly those addressing process safety issues in emerging technologies and industries are encouraged and evaluated equally.

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection

ISSN: 0957-5820

PSEP aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering concerned with the safety of industrial processes and the protection of the environment.Papers showing how research results can be used in process engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in safety or environmental aspects of plant or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged. The journal is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of traditional engineering.Core topic areas:Safety• Technical Safety and Loss Prevention• Hazardous Areas• Fire and Gas detection• Firewater systems• Safety critical systems• Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)• Reliability• Layer of Protection (LOPA) and Bowtie Analysis• Emergency response• HAZard IDentification (HAZID) (and Inherent Safety) workshop.• HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) Study (and SIL) workshop.Modelling• Liquid release• Gaseous release• 2-phase release• heavy gas dispersion• Computational Fluid Dynamics• Accident investigation and modelling.Chemical Safety and Occupational Health• Chemical toxicity and exposure• Toxic release and consequence modelling• Process plant health issues.Pipelines, Storage and Security• Security and terrorism• Pipeline leak detection/measurement and corrosion assessment.Fire and Explosion• Fires and combustion• Explosions (including dust explosions)• Fire and blast protection and survivability• Fire fighting• Runaway reactions• Consequence modelling• Oil and gas production safety.Human Factors in Design and Management• Process safety /environmental performance measurement including leading and lagging indicators• Human and organizational factors in safety cases• Characterisation and quantification of human performance in hazard identification and risk analysis• Human performance optimisation by design• SIMOPS (simultaneous operations)• Situational Awareness• Communications and risk control systems• Management systems and processes• Resilience Engineering, normal accidents, high reliability organisations• Ageing assets• Technical Assurance• Integrity Management • Training.Inherent Safety and Inherently Safer Design• Design and development of new processes • Design and development of new equipment • Methodologies for ranking inherent safety • Retrofitting inherently safer solutions: upgrading existing plant for improved safety• Examples of IS Design.Nuclear Safety• Waste disposal • Design for decommissioning • Passively safe reactor designs • Nuclear reactor protective system reliability and risk monitoring.Reaction Hazards• Chemical thermal stability • Thermal reaction hazards • Influence of impurities on reaction hazards • Development of reactivity hazard index ranking tool • Runaway reactions (detection and mitigation) • Compatibility/reactivity of chemicals involved in a chemical process.Risk and Risk Management• Major Accident Hazards• Quantified risk assessment • Uncertainty in quantified risk assessment • Risk-based design, ALARP and cost-benefit analysis• Risk-based decision-making • Safety cases• Integrated risk management.Environment• Energy and Alternative Energy Sources• Renewable and non-renewable energy sources and storage• Chemical and biochemical conversion of fossil fuels, biomass and waste• Life-cycle assessment • Energy infrastructure • Capture and storage of carbon dioxide • Nuclear energy • Energy and sustainable development • Process integration and intensification of energy processes.Sustainable Economy• Policy development and the industrial response• Sustainability concepts and assessment: social, environmental and economic criteria; decision processes; stakeholder identification and engagement; metrics• Environmental taxes, permits and emission trading• Energy futures• Renewable resources• Low carbon technologies.Environmental and Resource Management Systems• Environmental, social and economic performance of processes and products• Life cycle assessment and management• Material flow accounting• Industrial ecology and symbiosis• Labelling: embodied carbon; virtual water; ecolabelling; etc.• Renewable energy and sustainable energy systems.Clean Technology• Process and product design• Novel reactions, catalysts, solvents, etc.• Process intensification• Minimisation and avoidance of process waste and emissions• Emission treatment: scrubbing, venting, flaring, etc.Resource Management• Recovery, recycling and closed-loop use of materials and products• Waste management: systems and processes for energy and material recovery and waste treatment; disposal• Landfill and waste repository design, operation and management• Land remediation and recovery.Water• Industrial, pure and ultrapure water production• Municipal and industrial effluent treatment• Potable water treatment• Sludge processing, energy recovery and disposal• Mitigation of water environment, pollution incidents.

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eISSN: 2227-9717

Processes (ISSN 2227-9717) provides an advanced forum for process related research in chemistry, biology and allied engineering fields. The journal publishes regular research papers, communications, letters, short notes and reviews. Our aim is to encourage researchers to publish their experimental, theoretical and computational results in as much detail as necessary. There is no restriction on paper length or number of figures and tables.

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