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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ISSN: 0743-4618eISSN: 1477-3848

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the official journal of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC). AAC publishes scientific articles related to the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) that report research concerning assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and education of people who use or have the potential to use AAC systems; or discuss theory, technology, and systems development relevant to AAC.The broad range of topics included in the Journal reflects the development of this field internationally. AAC publishes research and synthesis articles; forum notes; case studies; research, technical, and intervention notes; book reviews; and articles related to ISAAC governance. Read More:

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Australasian Journal of Engineering Education

ISSN: 2205-4952eISSN: 1325-4340

The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is published under the auspices of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AaeE), a technical society of Engineers Australia. The journal is offered as a means of exchanging current work and ideas, predominately from Australian engineering education faculties and as a resource for Continuing Professional Development for our community. The journal is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia.

It is the policy of the AJEE to publish a variety of contributions on the scholarship and practice of engineering education. Major fields of interest include


  • teaching and learning styles, methods, practices and philosophies in engineering
  • assessment
  • ethics
  • inclusivity
  • sustainability
  • student issues
  • online and laboratory learning
  • professional practice.
AJEE is currently published as an online journal only. This means that papers are uploaded and able to be accessed as soon as the review and formatting processes are completed. We do, however, have a one off publication of several papers in April each year of the best of the conference papers presented at the Annual Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, which is held in the December of the previous year.


We are also endeavouring to produce special themed sets of papers each year. The editors and editorial panel would be pleased to accept suggestions for these themes.

Publication categories:

AJEE aims to publish reviewed technical papers on all aspects of engineering education. Papers that are submitted follow an autonomous peer review process, with two independent reviewers as required by the DEST review guidelines. The following paper categories are accepted for review:


  • Research paper – a paper making an original contribution to engineering education knowledge.
  • Special interest paper/project report – report on significant aspects of a major or notable project.
  • Review paper for specialists – an overview of a relevant area intended for specialists in the field covered.
  • Review paper for non-specialists – an overview of a relevant area suitable for a reader with a relevant engineering education background.


The following submission categories are accepted on the editor's discretion:


  • Tutorial paper – a paper which explains an important subject or clarifies the approach to an area of design or investigation.
  • Technical note – a technical note or a letter to the editor, which is not sufficiently developed or extensive in scope to constitute a full paper.
  • The expected length of acceptable contributions will vary considerably, but 5000 to 6000 words or equivalent for papers would be the norm. Technical notes should not exceed 1500 words.


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Australasian Journal of Environmental Management

ISSN: 1448-6563eISSN: 2159-5356

The Australasian Journal of Environmental Management is published four times a year (March, June, September and December) and addresses general issues of policy and practice in resource and environmental management. The focus is on Australian and New Zealand practice, but articles covering relevant international perspectives are welcome. One of the four regular issues may be devoted to a specific theme, for example a particular management problem or resource sector investigation. Emphasis will be on topicality. The journal aims to enhance communication and understanding across many areas of resource and environmental management, and so contribute to improving environmental practice.

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Australasian Journal of Water Resource

ISSN: 1324-1583eISSN: 2204-227X

The Australian Journal of Water Resources (AJWR) aims to support innovative water resources planning and management and the advancement of related professional practice in Australia and its surrounding region by publishing fully refereed technical papers and a range of articles of interest to the profession.All papers to be published in the journal must be of relevance to water resources planning/management and related professional practice.

Papers submitted for publication in AJWR are first subjected to an initial review by the Editorial Panel and, if they pass this successfully, will be submitted for independent peer review by at least two reviewers with relevant expertise.

While it is difficult to clearly define a boundary around the topics covered by the intended scope of AJWR, the Editorial Panel will generally reject a paper if:

  • the topic of water resources plays only a very marginal role in the paper
  • the paper deals with such a highly specialised area of application and is of such a highly theoretical nature that it would be of interest to only a very small number of readers
  • the paper deals with a topic which is more appropriately covered by another Australian journal.

Relevance to target region

The primary target area of AJWR is Australia and its surrounding region, and papers to be published in AJWR should be of direct relevance to this target region. A paper that clearly focuses on issues and applications in countries outside this region will only be accepted for publication if it:


  • deals with the issues in a generic fashion and contains significant innovative aspects, thus making the material of the paper relevant to the target region
  • draws clear links to important issues or applications in the target region.


Innovative element

All papers must have an innovative element, either in terms of new scientific knowledge, new methods/models/data sources or novel ways of applying established methods. The presence and significance of an innovative element may be difficult to assess in the initial review - unless the lack of an innovative element can be clearly established, the paper will go on to detailed review.

Category of Publication

The AJWR Editorial Policy distinguishes between the following categories of publications:

Fully refereed papers (preferred)


  • Formal Professional and Scientific Papers – reporting on research, development of new methods or innovative applications of existing methods
  • Review Papers – on topics of significant current interest
  • Technical Notes – providing practical guidance on application


Other articles and communications (occasional)


  • Conference Papers – reprinted keynote papers or orations from Engineers Australia sponsored conferences
  • Position Papers – prepared by the National Committee on Water Engineering
  • Discussion Papers – exposing issues for feedback by the profession
  • Practice Notes – updates to current guidelines (after completed peer review)
  • Discussions of published papers
  • Occasional Communications – notices of general interest to the profession.


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Australian Forestry

ISSN: 0004-9158

Established in 1935, the Institute of Foresters of Australia is a professional body with over 1350 members engaged in all branches of forest management and conservation in Australia. The Institute is strongly committed to the principles of sustainable forest management and the processes and practices which translate these principles into outcomes.

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Australian Journal of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1448-8353eISSN: 2204-2245
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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences

ISSN: 0812-0099eISSN: 1440-0952

2009 Impact Factor - 1.109! Five Year Impact Factor - 1.422! 169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Invitation for SubmissionsAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences publishes peer-reviewed research papers as well as significant review articles of general interest to geoscientists. The Journal covers the whole field of earth science including basin studies, regional geophysical studies and metallogeny. There is usually a thematic issue each year featuring a selection of papers on a particular area of earth science. Shorter papers are encouraged and are given priority in publication. Critical discussion of recently published papers is also encouraged. All published papers in this journal have undergone rigorous review by at least two referees and are also peer-reviewed before submission. DisclaimerThe Geological Society of Australia and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 1448-837XeISSN: 2205-362X

It is the policy of the Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) to publish a variety of contributions to the science and practice of electrical engineering. Major fields of interest include electronics and communications, electric energy, instrumentation and control, and automation.

The AJEEE aims to publish reviewed technical papers in these major fields of interest, as well as in allied fields. Papers should be related to the relevant fields and will usually fall into one of the following categories:

  • Research Paper - a paper making an original contribution to engineering knowledge.
  • Special Interest Paper – a report on significant aspects of a major or notable project.
  • Review Paper for specialists – an overview of a relevant area intended for specialists in the field covered.
  • Review Paper for non-specialists – an overview of a relevant area suitable for a reader with an electrical/electronics background.
  • Tutorial Paper – a paper that explains an important subject or clarifies the approach to an area of design or investigation.
  • Technical Note – a technical note or letter to the Editors that is not sufficiently developed or extensive in scope to constitute a full paper.
  • Discussion – a contribution to discuss a published paper to which the original author's response will be sought.

From time to time, invitations are presented to particular authors to write papers for the AJEEE. This most usually occurs when it is decided to collect a number of papers relating to one subject for a given issue, often with a guest editor.

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Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences

ISSN: 0045-0618eISSN: 1834-562X

The Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences is the official publication of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences and helps the Academy meet its Objects.The Academy invites submission of review articles, research papers, commentaries, book reviews and correspondence relevant to Objects of the Academy. The Editorial policy is to attempt to represent the law, medicine and science and to promote active discussions of the relevant issues of the time as they affect the professional practice of the forensic sciences. The Journal is not restricted to contributions only from Australian authors but it will attempt to represent issues of particular relevance to Australia and its region.The meetings of the Academy normally include a plenary presentation and the Journal will seek to publish these presentations where appropriate. Plenaries, commentaries and review articles will normally be subject to a single review. Research papers will normally be subject to a double blind review.The Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, (founded in 1967 by the late Dr Oscar R Schmalzbach OBE, aims to bring together learned individuals from the broad areas of the law, medicine and science who are interested in the forensic application of their disciplines.The Objects of the Academy are:*to encourage the study, improve the practice, and advance the knowledge of the forensic sciences;*to establish and maintain an Education and Research Fund for the purposes of the Objects;*to hold meetings;*to publish such material as is calculated to further the Objects; and*to generally do all things as may be calculated to widen, improve and develop the education and knowledge both of these actively concerned in the pursuit of the forensic sciences and the public.DisclaimerThe Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 1448-4846eISSN: 2204-2253

The Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering is the peer-reviewed technical journal of Mechanical College of Engineers Australia. The journal aspires to be one of the top-ranking premier source of research and innovation in the science and practice of mechanical and mechatronic engineering in Australasia and around the world, and seeks to disseminate high impact publications that will advance the practice of engineering.  

The editorial team aims to publish high quality and highly applied research and innovation that has the potential to be widely disseminated, taking into consideration the potential economic and social impacts that it could generate. Of note, the journal is keen to disseminate highly disruptive discoveries and technologies, and new and emerging sub-disciplines of mechanical engineering.

The scope of the journal is segmented into the following industries, but not limited to:

·         Automotive, Freight and Transport

·         Aerospace and Aeronautical

·         Agriculture Technologies and Machines

·         Biomedical Devices and Assistive Technologies

·         Construction, Building and Infrastructure Services

·         Marine Structures and Machines

·         Mining and Mineral Processing

·         Oil and Gas Technologies and Processing

·         Railway Technologies and Machines

·         Traditional and Renewable Energy

·         Consumer Products and Services

Within the relevant industry sector, the journal is seeking original and innovative work from sub-disciplines such as, but not limited to:

·         Acoustics and Vibration

·         Dynamics and Mechanics

·         Thermo-fluids and Heat Transfer

·         Engines, Energy and Combustion

·         Mechanical Failures, Fracture and Fatigue

·         Manufacturing and Industrial Processes

·         Manual and Bulk Handling

·         Mechanical and Machine Design and Controls

·         Applied Robotics and Mechatronics

·         Biomechanical Design and Technology

·         Pipes, Pumps and Hydraulics

·         Materials Science and Technology

·         Nano, Smart and Bio-Materials

·         Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

·         Condition and Performance Monitoring


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Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering

ISSN: 1448-8388eISSN: 2204-2180

The Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering aims to provide a publishing channel for refereed papers describing applied, research and professional practice of engineering in which multiple scientific, technological and engineering concepts, principles and experience are involved within a context of human safety, efficiency and sustainability.

Scope of topics:

  • Safety and risk management in engineering projects
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of design, construction, operation, sustainment and decommissioning in engineering projects
  • Human – systems integration and optimisation, automation
  • Engineering leadership and management
  • Systems engineering theory and practice
  • Engineering business models

Peer review policy 
All published papers in this journal have undergone rigorous review by at least two referees and are also peer-reviewed before submission.

Engineers Australia and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.


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Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

ISSN: 1328-7982eISSN: 2204-2261

The  Australian Journal of Structural Engineering ( AJSE) is published under the auspices of the Structural College Board of Engineers Australia. It fulfils part of the Board's mission for Continuing Professional Development. The journal also offers a means for exchange and interaction of scientific and professional issues and technical developments. The journal is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia.

Original papers on research and development (Technical Papers) and professional matters and achievements (Professional Papers) in all areas relevant to the science, art and practice of structural engineering are considered for possible publication. All papers and technical notes are peer-reviewed. The fundamental criterion for acceptance for publication is the intellectual and professional value of the contribution.

Occasionally, papers previously published in essentially the same form elsewhere may be considered for publication. In this case acknowledgement to prior publication must be included in a footnote on page one of the manuscript. These papers are peer-reviewed as new submissions.

The length of acceptable contributions typically should not exceed 4000 to 5000 word equivalents. Longer manuscripts may be considered at the discretion of the Editor. Technical Notes typically should not exceed about 1000 word equivalents.

Discussions on a Paper or Note published in the AJSE are welcomed. Discussions must address significant matters related to the content of a Paper or Technical Note and may include supplementary and critical comments and questions regarding content.

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ISSN: 0891-6934eISSN: 1607-842X

Current understanding of autoimmune disease is being increasingly underpinned by the new molecular sciences. Progress in this area has been little short of spectacular, and all clinical specialities now recognise autoimmunity as a major component of the diseases with which they are involved. Autoimmunity is an international, peer reviewed journal that publishes articles of clinical and basic science on the pathogenesis, immunology, genetics, molecular biology, and treatment of autoimmune diseases. In addition to the basic mechanisms and elements of the immune system, the journal focuses on the autoimmune processes associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. The journal is not restricted to any disease type or clinical speciality, but reflects the areas where scientific progress is most rapid and clinical applications significant and widespread. The journal is valuable to clinicians and researchers in immunology and molecular biology. Read More:

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ISSN: 0005-1144eISSN: 1848-3380
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ISSN: 1554-8627eISSN: 1554-8635

Autophagy, is a unique peer-reviewed journal with an international audience that covers the following topics: macroautophagy, microautophagy, specific organelle degradation (e.g., pexophagy) and additional autophagic processes including chaperone-mediated autophagy; the molecular mechanism of autophagy including the characterization of structural proteins and structure/function relationships; signaling and autophagic regulation; the role of autophagy in diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration and myopathies; developmental roles of autophagy and its connection with aging; autophagy in microbial invasion and the immune response; and autophagy in cell death.Autophagy publishes several types of papers including: Original research (both basic science and translational), reviews (both comprehensive overviews and short puncta), technical papers (toolbox, protocol and resource), commentaries, and articles on science and art. Reviews, puncta and commentaries will generally be invited. We cover a wide range of topics in all experimental systems. We also anticipate special issues that are devoted to particular areas of research. Suggestions for appropriate specialized topics are welcome.Autophagy has several goals:*To provide a journal devoted to this research topic that publishes top quality papers on all aspects of autophagic research, and promotes the field.*To define and build a worldwide community of scientists interested in autophagy, and to facilitate communication among them.*To provide resources that enhance the effort of laboratories devoted to autophagy research.

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Autophagy Reports

eISSN: 2769-4127
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Avian Pathology

ISSN: 0307-9457eISSN: 1465-3338

2009 Impact Factor: 1.654; Ranked 24/141 (Veterinary Sciences)Increased 2000 Five-Year Impact Factor: 2.217; Ranked 13/141 (Veterinary Sciences) 2009 Article Influence8482; Score: 0.609; Ranked 8/141 (Veterinary Sciences)169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation ReportsIn February 2009, Thomson Reuters added official Five-Year Impact Factors, Eigenfactors and Article Influence Scores to the 2007 JCR. An explanation of these new metrics can be found at ANNOUNCEMENT: Avian Pathology is ranked number 12 in the top 20 journals most cited within the Thomson Scientific (ISI) Essential Science Indicators Special Topic on Avian Influenza, and the highest ranked journal in the avian sciences!Avian Pathology will consider original material relevant to the entire field of infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry and all other birds, including infections that may be of zoonotic/food-borne importance. Subject areas include pathology; diagnosis; detection and characterisation of pathogens; gene sequences; epidemiology; immune responses; vaccines; genetics in relation to disease; and physiological and biochemical changes that are in response to disease. Manuscripts reporting cases of naturally occurring disease must describe either new diseases or give significant new information about previously known diseases. The information should significantly enhance knowledge and understanding of the disease or pathogen.Papers on food-borne microorganisms acquired during or after processing are not appropriate. Manuscripts describing the occurrence or morphology of unicellular eukaryotes and multicellular organisms, or which are essentially catalogues of micro-organisms detected, are unlikely to be considered for publication unless they have a clear relationship to disease. First and subsequent reports of occurrence within a country of diseases well-recognized elsewhere will not be accepted unless they also include significant new information about the disease or pathogen. Manuscripts should report novel findings that are of interest to an international readership. DisclaimerThe Houghton Trust Ltd and Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Houghton Trust Ltd and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Trust and Taylor & Francis.

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BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics

ISSN: 1749-8430eISSN: 1749-8341

BSHM Bulletin is the journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), whose aims are to promote research into the history of mathematics and to encourage its use at all levels of mathematics education. BSHM Bulletin publishes articles, reports, and book reviews on a range of historical topics. Articles on local mathematical history, the use of history of mathematics in education, and those reflecting individual interests and research are particularly encouraged.DisclaimerThe British Society for the History of Mathematics and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 2159-7073eISSN: 2159-7081

Aims & Scope:  Bacteriophage is the first international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to all aspects of bacteriophage research, ranging from basic phage biology and taxonomy to advanced bacteriophage-host cell interactions and various practical applications of bacteriophages. The journal publishes reviews of various bacteriophage-relevant topics, and provides a peer-reviewed venue for researchers to present the results of their phage research or other important phage-related topics in the following nine general categories: 

• Reviews (mostly invited)
• Original Research Papers
• Clinical Research Papers
• Brief Reports (Notes)
• Novel Phage Reports
• Methods and Protocols
• Article Addenda
• Life-in-Science
• Commentaries and Views/Letters to the Editor

The journal also maintains the list of all major bacteriophage-related conferences worldwide, in its “Upcoming Conferences” section.

Topics and Fields we will cover in Bacteriophage
• Basic phage biology
• Bacteriophage classification/taxonomy
• Phage genomics and evolution
• Molecular mechanisms of phage infection, including but not limited to:
- Host recognition and adsorption
- Phage regulation and host bacterial cell interaction
- Phage replication, recombination and repair
- Phage structural biology and morphogenesis
- Phage lysins and lysis systems
- Phage and eukaryotic organisms (persistence, multiplication, immunogenicity, etc.)
• Phage and bacterial virulence
• Phage ecology including environmental prevalence and impact on microbiota
• Practical applications, including but not limited to:
- Diagnostics, reporter systems
- Indicators of water quality
- Targeted delivery
- Lytic enzymes
- Impact on biofilms
- Agricultural (including food safety) applications
- Veterinary applications
- In vivo animal studies
- Human clinical trials
- Phages as probiotics /tools for modulating microbiome
- Regulatory issues
• Working with phages: new methods and improved methodological approaches (e.g., methods for obtaining and characterizing phages, including but not limited to methods for:
- Phage titration and determining burst size
- Phage nucleotide sequencing and genome analysis
- Characterizing phage gene expression
- Characterizing the impact of phage infections on physiology/metabolic pathways of their host cells
- Studying phage communities in complex environments
- Characterizing the interactions between phages and biofilms
- Electron microscopic analysis of phages
- Determining optimal phage propagation and purification
- Stabilizing viable phage preparations

Submission is online at All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Associate Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. The editorial board will consider manuscripts and accompanying reviewer reports from established journals in the field for fast tracked decisions. If there are any questions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
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Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings

eISSN: 0899-8280
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