The Arab Journal of Urology (known as Arab J Urol) is a peer-reviewed journal that strives to provide a high standard of research and clinical material to the widest possible urological community worldwide. The journal encompasses all aspects of urology including: urological oncology, urological reconstructive surgery, urodynamics, female urology, pediatric urology, endourology, transplantation, erectile dysfunction, and urinary infections and inflammations. The journal provides reviews, original articles, editorials, surgical techniques, cases reports and correspondence. Urologists, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists and scientists are invited to submit their contributions to make the Arab Journal of Urology a viable international forum for the practical, timely and state-of-the-art clinical urology and basic urological research.
The Arboricultural Journal: International Journal of Urban Forestry is the official journal of the Arboricultural Association, the largest professional body of its kind in the world. The journal is aimed at presenting high-quality research on urban and peri-urban trees, woods, and forests. It covers use, planning, design, history, establishment and management as main topics. The publication concentrates on all tree-dominated and urban forest related topics and associated ‘green’ resources in and around urban areas. These include public and private woodlands, urban parks and gardens, urban nature areas, street tree and square plantations, botanical gardens, cemeteries and crematoria, and of course the trees themselves.The journal welcomes fundamental and applied research papers, as well as review papers and short communications. Contributions should focus on one or more of the following aspects as detailed below.Contributions on the following subjects will be considered for publication: Arboriculture and tree care, forestry and horticulture (in an arboricultural context); Arboricultural professional practice and related matters; The urban forest and urban forestry; Tree and woodland ecology, history and related issues; Ancient and veteran trees and their management; Landscape design and evaluation; Tree and forest economics and assessment methodologies; Issues of relevant professional practice; Issues of relevant legal and litigation practice; Recreational and amenity trees; People and trees; History of trees, arboriculture and urban forestry; Trees, woods and environmental change; Urban and urban-fringe trees, urban forestry, urban environments; Community forests and forestry; Highway trees and woods; Issues of biofuel, green infrastructure, and urban greenspace; Other topics deemed by the editor to be relevant and acceptable.Submissions may include original research papers, review or survey articles dealing with progress in a branch of science or another discipline relevant to arboriculture. We welcome notes and comments on matters likely to have an immediate impact on the advancement of arboriculture and urban trees. The papers should be written in a style that is understandable to specialists from other disciplines as well as interested policy-makers and higher-level practitioners.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two expert referees. .
Informative and accessible, this publication analyses and discusses the integration of the main stages within the process of design and construction and multidisciplinary collaborative working between the different professionals involved. Ideal for practitioners and academics alike, Architectural Engineering and Design Management examines specific topics on architectural technology, engineering design, building performance and building design management to highlight the interfaces between them and bridge the gap between architectural abstraction and engineering practice. Coverage includes:183; Integration of architectural and engineering design 183; Integration of building design and construction 183; Building design management; planning and co-ordination, information and knowledge management, vale engineering and value management 183; Collaborative working and collaborative visualisation in building design 183; Architectural technology 183; Sustainable architecture 183; Building thermal, aural, visual and structural performance 183; Education and architectural engineering This journal is a valuable resource for professionals and academics (teachers, researchers and students) involved in building design and construction, including the following disciplines:183; Architecture 183; Building Engineering 183; Building Service Engineering 183; Building Physics 183; Design Management and Design Coordination 183; Facilities Management Published papers will report on both fundamental research dealing with theoretical work and applied research dealing with practical issues and industrial innovations. In this way, readers explore the interaction between technical considerations and management issues.
Founded at the University of Sydney in 1958 by Professor Henry Cowan to promote continued professional development, Architectural Science Review presents a balanced collection of papers on a wide range of topics. From its first issue over 50 years ago the journal documents the profession's interest in environmental issues, covering topics such as thermal comfort, lighting, and sustainable architecture, contributing to this extensive field of knowledge by seeking papers from a broad geographical area.The journal is supported by an international editorial advisory board of the leading international academics and its reputation has increased globally with individual and institutional subscribers and contributors from around the world. As a result, Architectural Science Review continues to be recognised as not only one of the first, but the leading journal devoted to architectural science, technology and the built environment.Architectural Science Review publishes original research papers, shorter research notes, and abstracts of PhD dissertations and theses in all areas of architectural science including:building science and technologyenvironmental sustainabilitystructures and materialsaudio and acousticsilluminationthermal systemsbuilding physicsbuilding servicesbuilding climatologybuilding economicsergonomicshistory and theory of architectural sciencethe social sciences of architectureAll research papers, research notes and review articles are double-blind refereed by a distinguished international Editorial Advisory Board and other experts in the field. ASRE also publishes occasional refereed special issues, invited review papers and editorials, and extensive book reviews.
An established journal, in publication for over thirty years, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science publishes papers over the entire range of agronomy and soil science: plant nutrition fertilizers manure soil tillage soil biotechnology and ecophysiology amelioration irrigation and drainage plant production on arable and grass land agroclimatology landscape formation and environmental management in rural regions management of natural and created wetland ecosystems bio-geochemical processes soil-plant-microbe interactions and rhizosphere processes soil morphology, classification, monitoring, heterogeneity and scales reuse of waste waters and biosolids of agri-industrial origin in soil As well as original contributions the journal also publishes current reviews.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
2009 Impact Factor Up - now 0.900! Five Year Impact Factor Up - now 1.183! 169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174; In February 2009, Thomson Reuters added official Five-Year Impact Factors, Eigenfactors and Article Influence Scores to the 2007 JCR. An explanation of these new metrics can be found at Archives of Animal Nutrition covers the biochemical and physiological basis of animal nutrition with emphasis laid on: protein and acid metabolism, energy transformation, mineral metabolism, vitamin metabolism, nutritional effects and performance criteria. It furthermore deals with recent developments in practical animal feeding, feedstuff theory, mode of action of feed additives, feedstuff preservation and feedstuff processing.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health , originally founded in 1919 as the Journal of Industrial Hygiene, and perhaps most well-known as the Archives of Environmental Health, reports, integrates, and consolidates the latest research, both nationally and internationally, from fields germane to environmental health, including epidemiology, toxicology, exposure assessment, modeling and biostatistics, risk science and biochemistry. Publishing new research based on the most rigorous methods and discussion to put this work in perspective for public health, public policy, and sustainability, the Archives addresses such topics of current concern as health significance of chemical exposure, toxic waste, new and old energy technologies, industrial processes, and the environmental causation of disease such as neurotoxicity, birth defects, cancer, and chronic degenerative diseases. For more than 90 years, this noted journal has provided objective documentation of the effects of environmental agents on human and, in some cases, animal populations and information of practical importance on which decisions are based.To support diverse communication of scholarly material, the following formats are available: Full-Length Manuscripts should not exceed 24 pages of double-spaced draft text (Times font, 12-point type), regardless of the combination of text, illustrations, and references. Brief Communications. Pithy articles of 1,500 words or less and no more than 2 illustrations will receive expeditious handling. Such communications may include critical analyses of current problems and issues. Case Studies. AEOH will publish occasional longer case studies of relevant environmental and occupational issues of 8-12 printed pages in length (approximately 24–36 pages of double-spaced draft text, Times font, 12-point type).
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry: The Journal of Metabolic Diseases is an international peer-reviewed journal which has been relaunched to meet the increasing demand for integrated publication on molecular, biochemical and cellular aspects of metabolic diseases, as well as clinical and therapeutic strategies for their treatment. It publishes full-length original articles, rapid papers, reviews and mini-reviews on selected topics. It is the overall goal of the journal to disseminate novel approaches to an improved understanding of major metabolic disorders. The scope encompasses all topics related to the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of metabolic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, and their associated complications. Clinical studies are considered as an integral part of the Journal and should be related to one of the following topics: the dysregulation of hormone receptors and signal transduction the contribution of gene variants and gene regulatory processes the impairment of intermediary metabolism at the cellular level secretion and metabolism of peptides and other factors that mediate cellular crosstalk therapeutic strategies for managing metabolic diseases Special issues dedicated to topics in the field will be published regularly. Read More:
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection publishes original papers and reviews covering all scientific aspects of modern plant protection. Subjects include phytopathological virology, bacteriology, mycology, herbal studies and applied nematology and entomology as well as strategies and tactics of protecting crop plants and stocks of crop products against diseases.The journal devotes much space to articles dealing with scientific aspects of integrated plant protection within the framework of ecologically sound and economically reasonable land cultivation. Relevant topics include advanced methods of diagnosis, computer-assisted diagnosis, research and new findings in the field of plant and soil hygiene, biological methods of plant protection, selective chemical methods of plant protection, and the effects of plant-protecting agents and their toxicology, methods to induce and utilize crop resistance, techniques of application and economic aspects of plant protection.The journal provides a permanent forum for discussion of questions relating to the influence of plant protection measures on soil, water and air quality and on the fauna and flora, as well as to their interdependence in ecosystems of cultivated and neighbouring areas.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is a quarterly international journal. It publishes original research papers, shorter contributions, resulting correspondence, and book reviews. The subject matter deals with any scientific or cultural aspect of Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine environments and related topics on subarctic, subantarctic, subalpine environments, and paleoenvironments. Papers may be uni- or multidisciplinary but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Special thematic issues and proceedings are published from time to time.
Arid Land Research and Management is a common outlet and a valuable source of information for fundamental and applied research on soils affected by aridity. This journal covers land ecology, including flora and fauna, as well as soil chemistry, biology, physics, and other edaphic aspects. The journal emphasizes recovery of degraded lands and practical, appropriate uses of soils. Reports of biotechnological applications to land use and recovery are included. Full papers and short notes, as well as review articles and book and meeting reviews are published. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed for quality and acceptability before publication. Arid Land Research and Management is a cooperating journal of the International Union of Soil Sciences.
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology covers the frontiers of interdisciplinary research and application, combining artificial cells, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, biotechnology, molecular biology, bioencapsulation, novel carriers, stem cells and tissue engineering. Emphasis is on basic research, applied research, and clinical and industrial applications of the following topics:.
2009 Impact Factor: 0.659Ranking: 35/52 in Rehabilitation2009 5-Year impact Factor: 1.299169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Assistive Technology is an applied, scientific publication in the multi-disciplinary field of technology for people with disabilities. The journal's purpose is to foster communication among individuals working in all aspects of the assistive technology arena including researchers, developers, clinicians, educators and consumers. The journal will consider papers from all assistive technology applications. Only original papers will be accepted. Technical notes describing preliminary techniques, procedures, or findings of original scientific research may also be submitted. Letters to the Editor are welcome. Books for review may be sent to authors or publisher.
To cover the cost of Open Access publishing, Astronomical Review charges an article publishing charge for all accepted articles. The article publishing charge for Astronomical Review is $750.
Subjects Covered
From 2011, Taylor & Francis will begin to publish Atmosphere-Ocean on behalf of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS). Atmosphere-Ocean is the principal scientific journal of the Society. It contains results of original research, survey articles, notes, and comments on published papers in all fields of the atmospheric, oceanographic, and hydrological sciences. Articles may be in either English or French. Contributors need not be members of the Society nor need they be Canadian; foreign contributions are welcomed. Contributions from anyone on the following topics are welcome: Atmospheric sciences: forecasting, climatology, numerical methods, cloudphysics, boundary layer, remote sensing, chemistry, dynamics, hydrology, pollution, aerosols, and so on; Oceanic sciences: dynamics, physics, chemistry, circulation, remote sensing, observation technology, modelling and so on;Air-sea interaction and related environmental topics: waves, ice, energy exchange, and so on.All contributions are subject to a critical review before acceptance. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 192; partir de 2011, Taylor & Francis publiera Atmosphere-Ocean pour la Soci233;t233; canadienne de m233;t233;orologie et d'oc233;anographie.Atmosphere-Ocean est un organe pour la publication de r233;sultats de recherche originale, d'articles sommaires et d'observations sur les document publi233;s, dans les domaines des sciences de l'atmosph232;re et de l'oc233;an ainsi qu'en hydrologie. Les articles peuvent 234;tre en anglais ou en fran231;ais. Les contributions de toute personne sur les sujets suivants sont bienvenues:Sciences atmosph233;riques: pr233;vision, climatologie, m233;thodes num233;riques, physique des nuages, couche limite, t233;l233;d233;tection, chimie, dynamique, hydrologie, a233;rosols, etc.Sciences oc233;aniques: dynamique, physique, chimie, biog233;ochimie, circulation, t233;l233;d233;tection, technologie d'observation, modelage, etc.Interaction air-mer et questions environnementales reli233;es: vagues, glace, 233;changes d'233;nergie, etc.Tout article sera soumis 224; des critiques ind233;pendants avant d'234;tre accept233;.