History of Science is devoted to the history of science, medicine and technology from earliest times to the present day. Articles discussing methodology, and reviews of the current state of knowledge and possibilities for future research, are especially welcome.
History of the Human Sciences aims to expand our understanding of the human world through a broad interdisciplinary approach. The journal will bring you critical articles from sociology, psychology, anthropology and politics, and link their interests with those of philosophy, literary criticism, art history, linguistics, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and law.
The Holocene is a high impact, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fundamental scientific research at the interface between the long Quaternary record and the natural and human-induced environmental processes operating at the Earth's surface today. The Holocene emphasizes environmental change over the last ca 11 500 years.
Home Health Care Management & Practice (HHCMP) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal for clinicians, case managers, administrators, and educators providing health care in the home and other community-based venues, such as hospices, adult day centers, correctional facilities, wellness centers, durable medical equipment suppliers, primary care outreach clinics and other settings.
Homicide Studies (HS), published quarterly, bridges the gap between academic and practitioner with high quality, multidisciplinary articles devoted to the dissemination of information concerning research, public policy, and applied knowledge related to the study of homicide. HS brings you the latest thinking and discussion in homicide studies aiding more effective public policies to help reduce and possibly prevent future homicides.
The Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy is an official publication of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA). The Journal promotes the development of theory and practice in occupational therapy, and facilitates documentation and communication among educators, researchers and practitioners in the profession.
Human Relations is an international peer reviewed journal, which publishes the highest quality original research to advance our understanding of social relationships at and around work through theoretical development and empirical investigation. Human Relations seeks high quality research papers that extend our knowledge of social relationships at work and organizational forms, practices and processes that affect the nature, structure and conditions of work and work organizations. The journal welcomes manuscripts that seek to cross disciplinary boundaries in order to develop new perspectives and insights into social relationships and relationships between people and organizations.
Unofficial 2009 Impact Factor: 1.754**The Unofficial 2009 Impact Factor for Human & Experimental Toxicology has been calculated by dividing the number of times original papers, reviews and other citeable items published in 2008 were cited in 2009, by the number of such articles published in 2008 (based on SCOPUS data).
ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition (ICAN) is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal on the nutritional care of children from birth through adolescence, providing practical information derived from research and practice. ICAN publishes articles translating original basic and clinical nutrition research for clinicians, evidence-based practice innovations, research reviews, commentaries on pediatric nutrition and eating behavior, case reports, and more.
ICU Director (ICUD) is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal for critical care unit directors, intensivists, and ICU managers, offering practical information regarding clinical management and unit operations. ICUD addresses effective practice assurance, enhancing leadership and team-building, policy development and implementing change, finances and planning, staffing and retention, quality improvement and safety, education and regulatory compliance.
IFLA Journal is an international journal which publishes original peer reviewed articles, a selection of peer reviewed IFLA conference papers, and news of current IFLA activities. Content is selected to reflect the variety of the international information profession, ranging from freedom of access to information, knowledge management, services to the visually impaired and intellectual property.
health policy, public policy, financing, organization, health care management, health services research